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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5455311 No.5455311 [Reply] [Original]

>Why did you buy kosher salt, this table salt only costs 39 cents?
>That olive oil sure is pricey, why not get this vegetable oil instead?
>Fresh parsley? This dried parsley is on sale for a dollar whats the difference?
>mfw shopping with roomate

>> No.5455318

Some people are poor and need to live inside a budget. Or they would rather spend money they could use for food on other things.

>> No.5455329

You won't get much sympathy here on ck. Nice things are a placebo hipster scam.

>> No.5455331

But that's the point, there's rarely not that much to save, on salt for example, but the benefits of spending that extra 50cent are huge.

>> No.5455347

>having a roommate

>> No.5455352

Olive is a vegetable, so there could be some olive oil in there, who knows

>> No.5455356

Olives are considered fruits, not vegetables.

>> No.5455373

>roommate's going to the store
>"Want me to get anything, anon?"
>yes, bring me a bunch of parsley
>roommate comes back with curled

I was grateful and gracious, and the curled tasted just fine in the dish I was making. I learned that you use flat parsley for seasoning so long ago, though, that I'd forgotten that I needed to be specific when I ask for it.

>> No.5455385

>kosher salt

oy vey!

>> No.5455395

dried herbs ain't so bad

>> No.5455410

you are a placebo hipster scam

>> No.5455415

>regular carrots 79 cents for a pound
>organic carrots 99 cents
>pick up organic carrots
>"woooow, what a waste of money, organic is such a scam, just buy the bottom of the barrel produce like me"

Motherfucker, would you willingly eat poison for 20 cents?

>> No.5455418

>something is good

>something is bad, hey thing = bad

sometimes this

I would love a roomate if I could actually trust them. also a friend

that was a good story

this too! I like all kinds of herbs fresh and dry.

>> No.5455420
File: 15 KB, 400x403, 4325354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exactly. for some reason tomatoes that aren't organic taste really bad to me.

>> No.5455422

Heh it's the reverse for me, organic stuff just tastes really bland compared to the non-organic alternatives.

>> No.5455431

I never really understand why it's called kosher salt. Here in my country we just call it coarse salt (vs fine salt).

>> No.5455435

From the botanist's viewpoint, a fruit is the ovary of the plant - that is, the section of the plant that houses the seeds. By that definition, tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers, and pumpkins are fruits. Except for seeds and spices, the other edible parts of the plant are classified as vegetables.

In the lingo of cooks, greengrocers, and the officials of the United States Department of Agriculture, a plant food is a vegetable if you usually eat it as part of a meal's main course, and a fruit if you normally enjoy it as a dessert or as a sweet between-meal smack. Bt these guidelines, tomatoes, eggplants, cucumbers, and pumpkins are vegetables. But unless you are a botanist, we suggest you either opt for the common usage or call the foods in question "fruit-vegetables."

-Kitchen Science by Howard Hillman

>> No.5455436

thats strange. have you tried getting your organic food in a few different places, and from different sources?

when I get the conventional stuff it has tasted anywhere from really bad, to bland, to normal, and rarely really tasty. meanwhile almost all the organic fruits and vegetables I have ever tried always tasted at least "normal tasty" to "WOW THIS IS REALLY GOOD" with only the extremely rare "meh"

>> No.5455438

Zionist puppet masters

>> No.5455439

>call the foods in question "fruit-vegetables."
This is why morons shouldn't try to sound intelligent.

>> No.5455449

The only difference between kosher and common is that kosher has larger grain size. That is all. There are other salts that actually taste different.
>buh my iodine
No. Fuck you, iodine is a good thing. Get fucked.
>olive oil
You mean virgin olive oil. Right? If it's refined you are better using rapeseed. It's not magical.

Did you shits take cooking lessons from rachel ray?

>> No.5455461


>science says they're fruit, but we made up our own definition of fruits and vegetables

Okay, chicken is a vegetable. It may not be BIOLOGICALLY a vegetable, but by my definition it is.

>> No.5455470


not him but I've had organic and non organic food from a ton of different sources and have found them both to be equally as inconsistent in terms of taste

>> No.5455471

>vegetable oil
god i hate this. it's soybean oil you fucking retards

>> No.5455475

Is soybean a vegetable?

>> No.5455477


>implying you aren't eating pesticides if you buy organic

>> No.5455478

If you aren't sure, call the foods in question "animal-vegetables".

>> No.5455486

>not rubbing off the pesticides off with acetic acid and then rolling your food in bee pollen

I am a podiatrist. Don't ask your podiatrist before trying anything.

>> No.5455514

I know it's not a popular opinion, but I think Olive Oil tastes like bitter, rancid shit.

Canola is king of cooking oils.
>Dat high smoke point
>Dat no shitty flavors

Coconut Oil gets a honourable mention for being the healthiest, and best tasting

>> No.5455518

>coconut oil
lol nope. not sure why this is now a thing.

>> No.5455532


Mainly just marketing hype backed up by paleo gurus who latch onto it because it's got saturated fat


>> No.5455538

>the healthiest kind of liquid fat

>> No.5455555

I can't listen to that guy for more than a minute, his way of talking is unbearable.

>> No.5455562



>> No.5455566

I don't want to be that gut but...
You know that was a sweet get

Sage for unrelated

>> No.5455567

Why is that funny

>> No.5455575


It's like saying the healthiest kind of sugar

>> No.5455578

I can't pinpoint but he has that sarcastic undertone and he kinda sounds like a cocky know-it-all. Plus that weird mhmhhmhmh sound he constantly makes.

It just makes my autism tingle.

>> No.5455582

How is that funny?

Are you insinuating that all fats and all sugars are unhealthy?

>> No.5455584

shiiet I didn't even realize. my first quints.

>> No.5455587

Sugar is healthy in moderation, hell sugar is pretty fucking essential. It's your cells energy source, unless you're in major ketosis but ketones ain't got shit on sugar energy.

It's only when you eat to much it can cause problems, mainly being fat.

>> No.5455588

It's salt used for kosher meats. It soaks up the blood much better than table salts.

Also, using kosher salt instead of regular table salt is retarded. So is sea salt. Salt is a fucking mineral, it's not like the Sodium particles from one part of the world are any tastier than the salt from elsewhere.

>> No.5455589


In whole food sources in normal amounts? No. Ripped out of foods and added to things it doesn't belong with? Yes

>> No.5455591

Not to mention the end of his video.
>This is the same kind of inflammatory effect caused by eating any animal product

Yeah, no, he's a vegan fag shill

>> No.5455595


It's kind of like a scientist debunking "Christian science" claims. It's hard to take it seriously, and especially hard to sound like you give a shit when it's something so outlandish that gets repeated over and over again

>> No.5455597

Fuck off Whole Foods Market shill, we don't want your bland, soft tomatoes.

>> No.5455599

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

>> No.5455600


How does presenting a scientific fact make you a shill? When you see someone say smoking is bad for you, are they an anti-smoker shill?

>> No.5455605

Well, if I googled long enough I could probably find another video where some MD "proves" that coconut oil is good for you.
As usual, the answer probably lies somewhere in between.

>> No.5455612


There's no vested interest in that video though. You're not being sold an alternative, even if you consider it a vegan shill website coconut oil is a plant derived food.

>> No.5455615


Fresh vs dried parsley, okay. Olive vs. vegetable oil, okay.

But table salt vs kosher? The only difference is the grain size. There's some use cases where you want a coarser salt, but for those you're better off with either pickling salt or fleur de sel.

>> No.5455618

>buying salt
>not making your own organic salt by evaporating sea water

>> No.5455622

>There's no vested interest in that video though
That doesn't mean that everything he says is correct. You can be wrong even if you have the right intentions.

I'm not the guy who called him a shill btw.

>> No.5455629

Sometimes I use coconut oil in my hair. What's the best kind of coconut oil for hair organic or gmo?

>> No.5455650

gonna second the roommate bit. I'd love a chance to have someone close enough to hang out but still separate enough to feel like I live alone.

Like renting out a tri-level home with a friend renting each level.

>> No.5455651

Different people have different interests. If you like cooking you tend to spend more on ingredients. It's kinda like everything else, not getting why people would buy a $1000 camera compared to a $60 dollar one.

>> No.5455653

you use kosher salt on large roasts and steaks numbnuts

>> No.5455683

pink himalayan salt

>> No.5455685

hmm. well every place is different I suppose.

>> No.5455689

thats mostly the point, and you missed it.

(and you're a shilltrollsharkb8)

>> No.5455708

>kosher salt
>used to soak up blood
There's no fucking blood. That red color is pigmentation from burst muscle tissue mixed with water. That's why it doesn't coagulate rapidly when exposed to air. Only in rare instance is there any blood (a gelatinous mass) in meat.

I am so fucking sick of this retarded shit.

>> No.5455729


Does that actually make a difference in America?

Here in the UK the organic label in supermarkets is literally just to squeeze extra money out of stupid yuppies.

>> No.5455740

> But unless you are a botanist, we suggest you either opt for the common usage or call the foods in question "fruit-vegetables

how about i call you faggot-person

>> No.5455744

The difference between the UK and America is that companies can't actually sell GMO food in the UK so no matter what you buy here it'll be organic, the organic label is literally just like to said, to squeeze money out of idiots who don't realise this. You could buy from whole foods, you could buy from your supermarket, you could buy from your local food places and it'll all be the same non-GMO stuff.

>> No.5455753

half the time the Organic stuff is even worse quality then regular, just went through that bullshit labeling guidelines. The conditions are not necessarily better... it's all bullshit.

It most definitely is for stupid yuppies. I mean look at the OP
olive oil is fucking gross... makes food stink. Canola/Sunflower/Veggie oil is way better for general purposes. He's getting olive oil so he can be "drizzle a little extra virgin olive oil for authenticity" when he's making italian.

I disagree about the dried parsley, but fuck Kosher salt, olive oil, etc. Spending an extra 50 cents 20 times a week is 10 bucks a week. That's 40 bucks a month. That's how much my internet connection costs. I can have internet and food or i can have no internet and slightly fancier food. Simple choice for me.

>> No.5455757

> The difference between the UK and America is that companies can't actually sell GMO food in the UK so no matter what you buy here it'll be organic

Are you implying that all non-GMO foods are considered "Organic".... That's not what Organic means! You can have the most nastiest pesticides and shit firtelizers, industrial strength lazer-rats and as long as you didn't tinker with the genetics of the plant, it's Non-GMO. far away from organic.

The shit in the UK might not be GMO, but unelss it's specifically labeled it's going to be the same exact shit everywhere else in teh world. Food frmo commercial farms with commercial pesticides, etc.

>> No.5455759

Eh, I'd rather put my money on commercial pesticides than offlabel pesticides.

>> No.5455779

>olive oil is fucking gross
you don't know shit about cooking, read a fucking book.

>> No.5455784

you want me to read a BOOK to find out how something TASTES.

you sir... have just gone full retard. Why can't you stay just a little bit objective... just forget all the hype about italian being the best cuisine and olive oil... 1st press.. this bullshit... /ck/... "going viral", twitter, facebook, the News.

Can't you just fucking think for yourself? Olive oil has a strong, odory taste. It tastes like some sort of chemical or smoke or something... I only like it in salads. Everywhere else it makes food taste like shit.

But since youre so brainwashed you're just going to give me some references... entries... other people's opinions on the subject.

Cause you can't think or taste for yourself.

>> No.5455788

id rather not put my money into hype at all. Thing is - even if im wrong, and organic agriculture is what everyone needs, then in 5-10 years the FDA and other laws and other people will start to recommend it.

I don't have to be on the fucking threshold of evolutionary progress. I'm not a hipster or activist or fucking retard. I have my own life and I don't care about GMOs, Organic, and Grass Fed, Cage Free, Low-Fat, Sugar-Free, go suck a dick if you specifically shop for anything like that.

I just get the shit that tastes good and is a decent price. That usually means the regular ass monsanto grown crap and i dont care. Id rather have more time to enjoy my life now... while im young... then be obsessed with this NONSENSE and then be like 75 years old, Speed Walking on the beach talking shit saying "yeah, man! Kale shakes, 19 times a day for 65 years! that's how im so strong!"

fuck that. i would kill myself if i became that guy. i want to kill you when you're that guy. Nobody likes that guy.

>> No.5455792

>Why can't you stay just a little bit objective

you're not being objective. can't you just admit that it's YOUR subjective taste?

>> No.5455794

quit being poor and get your own place


>> No.5455797
File: 25 KB, 400x600, ExtraVirginityPbk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related. you might like it because it's not a cookbook and the author isn't telling you what tastes good or bad. but you'll learn a lot about oil.

fun fact: you've probably never tasted real olive oil. which would explain why you don't like it. i know this is my opinion, but the raw/expensive shit is undeniable tasty on everything.

>> No.5455798


yes, because someone can just "quit being poor."

get off your high horse you naive little brat.

>> No.5455800

>organic salt

>> No.5455802

then quit crying about your roommates saving money for other things

>> No.5455809

>scientific fact
yeah nah

>> No.5455822

you obviously didn't fucking understand what he was saying

>> No.5455826


he sounds like ulililia

>> No.5455829

deluded fatty detected

>> No.5455832


>I can have internet and food or i can have no internet and slightly fancier food.

well, yes, assuming your entire budget can't stretch to another 40 dollars and you can't possibly make any other substitutions.


nigga do you know what koshering is. we aren't talking about a steak here.


the shape and size of the salt makes a difference just like it does with sugar plus the taste can be negatively affected by the mineral contents as salt is rarely pure.

>> No.5456785

I think thats the point.

>> No.5458825


>> No.5458836

Why is your room mate my old jewish grandma?

>> No.5458838

But it's not coarse, it's flaky.

>> No.5458843

All organic food tastes equally of dirt and the hands of grubby small business farmers mixed with the bugs that organic advocates refuse to acknowledge their shitty placebo pesticides can't kill.

>> No.5458856

table salt is iodized, therefore it is saltier then non-iodized kosher salt, lrn2salt plebs.

>> No.5458872

id say kosher is coarse where maldon is flaky but thats just my opinion

>> No.5458906


>> No.5459004

a peanut is a fruit
wheat is a fruit
strawberry is not a fruit (it is a flower)
juniper berry is not a fruit (it is a pine cone)

>> No.5459048


buy your own groceries you stupid faggot

you're a stuck up entitled faggot piece of shit for forcing him to go halves with you on your luxuries when he's clearly just trying to live cheaply

you want unnecessary shit like olive oil and parsley? buy it for yourself, keep it exclusively for yourself. I would never personally go without those things but I'm somehow capable of respecting another person not wanting to shell out for them.

split milk and TP, separate shelves for everything else you cunt.

>> No.5459053


>not knowing the difference between fructose and sucrose

>> No.5459079


nope same deal here, guy you're responding to is just one of those stupid yuppies.

There are little to absolutely no official standards which need to be met in order to allow an "organic" label. In most states organic labeling does not require an item to be free from pesticides, genetic modification, growth hormones, hydroponics, or most other modern mass crop production techniques.

>> No.5459102

What about avocados? Are you really going to tell me an avocado is a vegetable?

>> No.5459111

All the 'seeds' on a strawberry are fruit

>> No.5459136

the post you quoted kinda answers the question for you but it depends on the context

>> No.5459153

this. it always depends. I've grown my own tomatoes that were shittier than the non organic kind. I've grown strawberries that were miles ahead of whatever the grocery had.

>> No.5459163
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>kosher salt,

>> No.5459906
File: 5 KB, 276x183, heirloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tomatoes are a special case; GMO or chemicals are not the difference between organic and non-organic product.

Hard, tough-skin varieties were bred for their ability to be harvested by machine. These taste like styrofoam.

Many organic tomatoes are hand-picked, so they can be heirloom varieties that taste much better. The taste difference isn't chemicals or GMO, it's that they need human labor to pick the old (awesome tasting) varieties of tomatoes.

>> No.5459926

simple sugars are not healthy, they cause diabeetus. dont mistake this fact for sarcasm

>> No.5460482

Only if it's 50c total.

50 on every item can easily break your budget, leaving you cash poor. No amount of 'better' eating is going to get you that money back when you need it.

But whatever, you and your roommate clearly don't understand one another. At least he's trying, though, you're posting shit about him on the internet for validation of your own views rather than try.


>> No.5460692
File: 244 KB, 1174x1546, zqb-10203_1z[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kosher salt
>does not supply iodine a necessary nutrient
I kind of hate the kosher salt craze by celeb chefs. It doesn't give iodine that people need. People in the past used to have iodine deficiency and now that they put it in table salt, people stop using it. It reminds me of people who don't vaccinate their kids.

inb4 get it from other foods. Yeah b/c most of your meals will have iodine right

>> No.5460710

>not drinking iodine straight

>> No.5460716

>Also, using kosher salt instead of regular table salt is retarded. So is sea salt. Salt is a fucking mineral, it's not like the Sodium particles from one part of the world are any tastier than the salt from elsewhere.

You do realise your "salt"'s chemical composition differs depending on how it was made, and thus, where it comes from? Different chemical composition means different flavours.

Also, size and shape of the grains matter just as much.

>> No.5460719

Eat more sea products. There, fixed.

>> No.5460721

I'm allergic to shellfish.

>> No.5460733

Then eat normal salt?

>> No.5460735

I do but lets look at the typical american diet, really seafood deficient.

>> No.5460741

another giant scam, Kobe burgers.

>> No.5460742

Which is fixed by eating more seafood!

There is a bunch of ways to acquire iodine. If your diet is so defficient that iodized salt is your only source of iodine and switching to something else puts your health at risk, there's more shit to worry about.

>> No.5460748

My diet is fine. I'm talking about other Americans who only use kosher salt and are heavily meat or vegetarian eaters.

>> No.5460752

Sounds to me like OP is sharing some halfsies food budget idea with the roommate. BAD IDEA

Do your own thing and don't let him touch your shit. Occasionally, you two can hit the market for things like a single meal you're going to BBQ together and enjoy.

>> No.5460757

>Which is fixed by eating more seafood!

>> No.5460770


That's retarded. Unless it's for curing meat, the one acceptable expection.

>> No.5460850

Despite what they tell you at temple, there's no difference between the the way salts taste

>> No.5460860

I guarantee you organic carrots and regular carrots are mixed together in the same boxes at the sorting plants before they ship them to the stores. It's not like you can look at one versus the other and know. They're bound to get mixed up.

>> No.5460933

as far as the salt goes, you'll be better off buying both, cause hes going to steal your salt and use it to clean his bong.
>using olive oil instead of beef tallow master race
hows that extremely specific flavour in all your foods faggot
>not growing your own parsley and drying it
I'm kinda wondering if you even cook at this point