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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5437917 No.5437917[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5437933

You don't need to add oil to make peanut butter. It just happens after processing for a while.

>> No.5437953

how to make peanut butter:
grind up some peanuts. think you have it ground far enough? grind it some more.
Add salt to taste

>> No.5437977

American style - add 2 parts high-fructose corn syrup and 1 part hydrogenated soybean oil to 1 part peanuts.

>> No.5437984

Just go to a store that has nut grinders. I buy both peanut butter and almond butter that I grind fresh in-store. Sometimes they'll have honey roasted peanuts in one of the grinders, which is heavenly, even if not as healthy.

>> No.5438029

European style:
Spend all your spare time whining about Americans online. Shove peanuts up ass

>> No.5438055

I don't eat at hippies stores because shit is more expensive and has a fatter markup.
I'll just stick with my food processor because I'm chunky master race

>> No.5438058

Seriously, my local grocery stores even have their own grinders if you're too lazy to get one yourself. Ain't rocket science.

>> No.5438061

>hippie store

Please, every grocery store in my neighborhood has those grinders.
Plus, you can buy as little or as much as you need, because it's sold by the pound. it's not expensive, pleb.

>> No.5438068

Hey that's my recipe.

>> No.5438073

Do you live Portland or some shit?
I've only seen those at Trader Joes and Whole Foods. well i can get a pound of peanuts for 4 dollars

>> No.5438081


Come on man, stop believing everything you see on tv.

>> No.5438082

Not him, but I do live in Portland, but I haven't found grinders in Trader Joes. They're in Fred Meyer, which is a countrywide chain

>> No.5438091


not the guy you're replying to, but: I have never set foot in a Trader Joe's or a Whole Foods though I have seen them at both Randall's and HEB supermarkets. I don't know if you have those in your area or not.

>> No.5439731

Nut butters in them selves are plain not healthy sorry babe.

>> No.5439737

>Fred Meyer
Try again. They're only in a few regions.

>> No.5439739

I live in portland too and the Trader Joes on Glisan in NW has a grinder for peanut butter

>> No.5439756

I gave your mum my nut butter

>> No.5440348

>Healthy DIY peanut buttter
>peanut butter

No. Peanut butter even if you make it yourself out of just peanuts is inherently not healthy.

>> No.5440484
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>> No.5440501

>Peanut butter is inherently not healthy.
Why are you so retarded?

>> No.5441276


>add peanuts, cashews, pistachios, and any and every other type of nut there is.
>spoon of coconut oil (unrefined cold pressed organic)
>blend like crazy
>add small amounts of salt and honey as needed

I am Not a doctor. Ask your doctor before doing anything.

>> No.5441316



>> No.5441319



thats not true. eating more fat doesn't cause you to gain weight. learn some nutrition.

>> No.5441321


I know you're eager to jump the gun and prove someone wrong. But I was making fun of >>5440348 for thinking peanut butter is unhealthy.

>> No.5441338
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>> No.5441750


>> No.5441768

It used to be one of my jobs to sit at a peanut butter machine and fill up plastic containers with fresh ground peanut butter, boring as fuck but was easy money.

>> No.5441805

you don't put toast in a toaster you put bread in.


>> No.5441810

Every person I know who eats more fats is FUCKING FAT.

The people who eat less fats are thinner. This is a simple and real truth. You can not refute it because it is purely proven at every turn. Enjoy being wrong and good luck with your Fatkins diet, fatass.

>> No.5441823
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that's some serious hipster shit. Why are these people proud of themselves for mashing nuts?

>> No.5441824

>confirmed for not knowing how nutrition works

please talk to a nutritionist

>> No.5441828

>dissing on peanut butter

why are you in this thread

joke over head right?

>> No.5442106

depends, sometimes I add coconut oil to the mix if I want it to get more creamy before loosing all the chunks. Its easier than adding more at the end.

>> No.5442124

Most of Europe is far better off and cares nothing for any of us amerifats.

>> No.5442177

does it affect taste? I only like to use peanut oil for it

>> No.5442182

I don't think he is.....Hes talking about the image thats on the blog; and how that blog is clearly targeted at hipster abortions.

>> No.5442189

>implying Portlandia is only ever so slightly exaggerating Portland; some times not at all.
I live in Portland...its pretty bad.

>> No.5442272

I use extra virgin cold pressed unrefined organic coconut oil. it makes it smell slightly more like coconut, but I love it.

>> No.5442278

pls be trol

>> No.5442286

>grind peanuts
>add some salt
Wow so hard

>> No.5442374

Then why do they always chime in? Sounds like they need an ego boost to me. Things aren't so good on the home front after all

>> No.5442378

It's just so easy to get a rise out of you fatties

>> No.5442416
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I'm not dissing peanut butter, you moron. That's food of the gods, especially homemade.

I'm saying all the trendy buzzwords and hipster-shit gifs are unnecessarily glorifying a simple process that only trust fund kids would consider a novelty.

>> No.5442752

I love making my own, I use my own recipe.

>> No.5442773
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My local non-chain has a grinder in the store for peanut and almond butter, no oil necessary.

>> No.5442834

Is peanut butter healthy?

>> No.5442868
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>there are people with such shitty lives that they have to spend their time making fun of fat people on the internet to feel better about themselves

>> No.5442875


How is it not healthy? Because it's high-calorie? Sure, if you're trying to lose weight it's not the best, but if you aren't then there is nothing wrong with it.

>> No.5442884

This is how you detect a fatass, they are the only ones going on about how unhealthy perfectly good foods like peanut butter, cheese, and butter are. Healthy normal weight people don't need to obsess over having a high calorie food, only shameful fatties do.

>> No.5442888

>honey roasted peanuts in one of the grinders

Oh god, that stuff is too good to be true. I love stores with nut grinders.

>> No.5442900

They are only in the more upscale HEB's. The HEB where my parents live is about like shopping at Walmart, there are no nut grinders, sushi, or fresh squeezed juice. If you live in a nice area though I bet there are nut grinders at almost every grocery store.

>> No.5443167


>cheese and butter

Those aren't unhealthy for their calorie content, they're unhealthy for their saturated fat and cholesterol content. Peanut butter is fine, though it has a little saturated fat is also comes with fiber

>> No.5443205

Saturated fats aren't unhealthy.
Cholesterol isn't unhealthy.
A large excess of either, like with anything else, is unhealthy.

>> No.5443232


Yeah, fuck science, I make up my own rules

>> No.5444733

I kinda agree with this, but it also very much depends where they came from and how they were made.

>> No.5445598

not sure if cool, joking, or being sarcastic.

I think science is cool but I love to screw it up and make my own rules and create something amazing in the process, something good. things like that make me happy.

>> No.5445963 [DELETED] 

I just blended some frozen bananas. It tasted like cold, blended bananas. What are you on about? That's not ice cream.

>> No.5448263

peanut buttaahhhh