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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 208 KB, 1500x1125, cereal aisle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5431390 No.5431390[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>there are adults on this board who still eat this "food"

>> No.5431394

>mfw there are people who don't exclusively eat muesli with water for every breakfast
i know right OP? how dare people have different tastes than you. fucking peasants.

>> No.5431395

The only cereal I've bought in the last year was a box of Rice Krispies to make homemade Rice Krispie treats.

Am I exempt?

>> No.5431400

gr8 b8 m8 i r8 it 8/8

>> No.5431426

>eat water-cooked oatmeal in the morning
>sweeten it with fruit

Feels mature and healthy

>> No.5431471

I haven't had cereal in a coon's age.

>> No.5431483

>Not eating a heart breakfast of 2 eggs, bacon, sausage and toast.

It's like you guys don't even try to wake up early.

>> No.5431486

> a heart breakfast
>doesnt mention hearts at all

>> No.5431495

>implying two eggs, bacon, sausage, and what's probably buttered toast won't give you a coronary
he didn't even need to mention hearts

>> No.5431496

But rice crispies are low in calories and filling

>> No.5431497
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>implying it ain't hearty and the breakfast party.

>> No.5431501

I will always love cereal. There were times in my life where I would eat it for breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

>> No.5431502

>not smashing on some honey bunches of oats with almonds

OP get those cocks out of your hands and look at what you typed

>> No.5431511

>implying we dont all have our mouse in our right hand and our cocks in our left

>> No.5431513

Raisin Bran is objectively the best cereal. Prove me wrong.

>> No.5431520

Eggs or beans/nuts, fruit/vegetables, and milk or tea with milk and honey is way better.

>> No.5431523
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All dem fibahs

>> No.5431526


>6th grade
>Raisin Bran for breakfast
>Go to school felling OK
>Two hours in start to feel like shit
>Ask to go to nurse an hour later
>Leave classroom and make it 20 feet from the door
>Puke on some kids locker
>Walk another 20 feet to stairs
>Puke on stairs
>Somehow make it down rank, slippery stairs without falling
>Immediately puke again at the bottom
>Get another 50 ft now without puking
>Puke in hallway again
>First time someone sees me
>Bitch of an old lady faints at sight of puke
>Keep going to nurse's office
>Puke on her door
>Open door
>Puke in her garbage can
>Puke in her bathroom
>Puke on mom when she comes to pick me up
>How the fuck is there so much puke

The milk was bad. Raisin Bran is good, but it makes me want to puke now.

>> No.5431528
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>> No.5431537

>fapping southpaw
>doing it right

pick one please

>> No.5431546

>Raisin Bran
>ever the best
>not attempting to offer the superior Raisin Bran Crunch as #1
>RBC still falls to Cinnamon Toast Crunch
>it's the motherfucking taste you can see asslord

>> No.5431563

special K with strawberries is pretty good... also, raisin bran crunch > raisin bran

>> No.5431601

I never used to eat breakfast once I graduated. Now I sometimes either have toast w/ vegemite, a bowl of water cooked oats with brown sugar or peanut butter, or some yogurt with fruit

d-did i finally become an adult, ck?

>> No.5431626

special k has always been my favorite. but i will always love raisin bran and >>5431528

>> No.5431646

rice krispies with like ¼ teaspoon of sugar and some cinnamon sprinkled on. it's the cheapest cereal usually and varies the least between cheap store brands.

>> No.5431789
File: 14 KB, 224x236, trpagh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>water-cooked oatmeal

>> No.5431798
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sometimes i just get a craving for it. shredded wheat with cold milk and honey. f-fuck yeah

>> No.5431895

I only eat corn flakes, because I'm boring.

>> No.5431901

Muesli is nice and all but fuck eating that stuff is a proper work out for my jaw. I'd rather eat something that didn't make my jaw feel like I had just given blowjobs for an hour.

>> No.5431903


Add a tiny pinch of salt and it's fine. It just lets you taste the oats more, rather than diluting the flavor with milk

>> No.5431904

... what else would you cook it with?

>> No.5431905
File: 21 KB, 500x332, mieliepap5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not eating mieliepap for breakfast

>> No.5431906



You specifically said "adult"...

Who should be eating that "food"?

>> No.5431909

Whole milk.

>> No.5431916

Just gonna go out on a limb and hazard a guess that your blowjobs are not well-received and often result in bodily injuries for both parties.

>> No.5431933

They seem to be well-received whether my SO is just lying so I don't feel bad is another thing, but I believe them since they can come from it.

Have you ever given a BJ? If not, you might not think it sounds tirsome for the mouth but it really is.

>> No.5431941

So...what did people think of all the puke.

>> No.5431943

I don't eat cereal anymore because it's expensive as hell at the only grocery store here.

>> No.5431948

>there are people on /ck/ who are so old and incontinent they have to eat muslie and water for breakfast instead of cereal otherwise they would shit themselves
>"mature and healthy"

>> No.5431950

corn flakes only acceptable cereal

>> No.5432681

Did you half the whole fucking box with a damn gallon of milk?

>> No.5432708

Almond milk

>> No.5432709

I just had a bowl of cinnamon Life. Other than that, it's usually Raisin Bran.

>> No.5432712

Milk cooked is disgusting. I want a light sweet flavor, not something rich and fatty for breakfast

>> No.5432717
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>friend made hot chocolate "from scratch"
>boiled milk on stove top
>tfw two hours later

I felt like I was dying

>> No.5432880

why do people always say these kids are starving and ask for money. looks like they have more than enough to eat, look at that belly

>> No.5432884
File: 23 KB, 502x417, 1387128343098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw American grown ups still stuff their face with candy and soda every day

>> No.5432887

>sweet oatmeal


>> No.5432895

>mfw brits think yeast extract is a viable breakfast

>> No.5432913

I never understood wanting to start the day with a bowl of sugary grains in cold milk. Pig disgusting.

>> No.5433112

Same here. A box of cereal never lasts long in my house. I make it a rule to only buy cereal as a treat maybe once a month.

>> No.5433425

Many cereals are perfectly fine sources of energy and nutrition, especially for people who have difficulty getting their recommended amount of nutrients every day.

Who are you to tell them it's wrong to eat a bowl of Total or a bowl of Rice Krispies with a nice banana sliced in it for breakfast (or anytime they like)?

This all smacks of "stop liking stuff I don't like!"

TL;DR - Rice Krispies with bananas with rice or almond milk is best cereal.

>> No.5434034

>not eating hardtack and yelling about porch monkeys

>> No.5434132

You know I'm getting tired of seeing this.

>> No.5434283

I think they're pretty funny mate.

>> No.5434309
File: 280 KB, 821x1600, TJoes Almond milk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cook it with either almond milk or coconut milk instead.

>> No.5434315

I need to gain weight and every morning I eat a bowl of Lucky Charms.

>> No.5434376

you got me. I'm not even wanking, i just don't feel comfortable at the computer unless my hand is there.

>> No.5434386

People who aren't adults, ie. children.

>> No.5434388

>This all smacks of "stop liking stuff I don't like!"
That's pretty much /ck/'s motto

>> No.5434467

You ever tried eating vag, now there is some strenuous jaw work.

>> No.5434472

I fucking hate American nutrition labels.

>2% daily value

What is a daily value, what if I'm not your average overweight American, what if I have different dietary needs, what if my serving size isn't 54g, what if I just want to know the percentage fat in my food.

I realise all the info is there but why present it in such a retarded way. Just give me %wt and g/serve.

>> No.5434496
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>almond or coconut milk

>> No.5434497

I've only eaten cereal once in the past year, and it was my childhood favorite, Grape Nuts. Grape nuts with some sliced banana and almond milk is delicious, and I indulge in it about once a year or so, because I don't really care for cereal anymore.

>> No.5434500

Are you clinically retarded or something? You actually literally believe they must print values based on your own special snowflake intake? Why are you so stupid?

>> No.5434506

why does special k taste infinitely better than cornflakes despite being for diets

>> No.5434522


I take it you are averagely overweight, have average body composition, do an average amount of exercise, have average metabolism, and eat exactly 21 biscuits on every occasion.

Because if you aren't one of the 2 people who meet those criteria you have to break out the calculator.

>> No.5434544

What's wrong with muesli?

>> No.5434551

>needing to count calories and nutrition
>not just eating your fill (that is until you're comfortably full not to the point of throwing and extreme stomach pain)
>and exercising every now and again

You people make this shit to complicated, like you don't need to count everything to not get fat unless you have like no self control and sense of what how much you're eating.

>> No.5434555


>> No.5434574


>no self control and sense of what how much you're eating.

So basically every fat person ever.

I'm just saying if they are going to include nutritional information they could do it in an easily decipherable format.

>> No.5434748


>> No.5434754

>I'm just saying if they are going to include nutritional information they could do it in an easily decipherable format.
How do you find it difficult?

>> No.5434788
File: 21 KB, 324x324, weetbix750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 bricks with a banana.
Otherwise oats unless weekend, then I might have egg-something.

Nothing wrong with weetbix

>> No.5434811

Just look at the 'per 100g' section. Then you cam compare it to everything else.

Serving size differs between products and is not worth looking at.

>> No.5434821

>failing so hard at their lives that they need to use their food preferences in order to feel superior.

Cringe all you want world, but I do enjoy gummi worms and front loops.

>> No.5434830

>there are faggots on this board who think an edgy shitpost will hide their wanton faggotry

>> No.5435205

The example given isn't so bad because the serving size is ~50g.

But say I eat 100g of cereal. to find out how much fat I have eaten I need to divide my gram/portion by gram/serving size and multiply by fat/serving. If the panel just showed %wt I would simply multiply my portion by %wt.

If I want to compare one brand of cereal to another I need to divide fat/serving by gram/serving to get fat/gram for each product. If the panel just showed %wt I simply see which has more or less fat/gram.

The maths isn't hard but it wouldn't be necessary if they just included %wt.

>> No.5435212

And why the fuck do they include calories from fat?

>> No.5435294

gorrila munch ftw

>> No.5435484

I have porridge with milk and honey every day for breakfast but only because it's cheap

>> No.5435904

every mother fucking day nigger....fuck you OP