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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5414901 No.5414901[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This thread is not about food or cooking - it's about /ck/ itself.

Issue #1. Why doesn't /ck/ have IDs?? It would make it so much simpler to track the responses.

Any other outstanding issues anyone would like to bring to attention?

>> No.5414906

Go back to soc

>> No.5414909

why does this board not have mods?
Every other board has entire threads deleted because it derails into shitfits even if it's on topic. This board is fucking worse than /v/ lately.

>> No.5414913

you're contributing to the thread, right? you're not saying I am the one who's thread should be deleted, are you?

I've been banned a bunch of times from /ck/... for less then shitfits. I think you're just frustrated that the janitors aren't there at the right time. Like the police. Always there when you don't want em, nowhere to be found when you call em.

Seriously though, /ck/ is the strictest most patrolled board I personally go to.

>> No.5414918

>Issue #1. Why doesn't /ck/ have IDs??

>> No.5414922


before i submit this in the feedback board, i want to collect a list of issues from the /ck/ community. Pretty obvious stuff, dude. What am I supposed to do... ask /q/ what other issues /ck/ wants to ask /q/?

>> No.5414926
File: 43 KB, 300x300, too sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>before i submit this in the feedback board

>> No.5414927

>he doesn't know

>> No.5414929

No, I'm not complaining about you.
I've yet to be banned and I've argued about just about everything here. We just need a mod to go fucking crazy on banning spree and not just on the Japanese food threads like last time. No more "hey guys look at this controversial article what do you think", 'boy do I hate vegans/meat eaters" "healthy this bro science that" "which countries food is superior?" "what do you think of [insert tv chef]?" " how do I drink alcohol" "GMO this" "MSG that" "Monsanto" "chipoltlelellelel" all the people who try to make vegetarian cooking threads devolve into anthropology debates.
This board needs to be about the culinary arts not a food general board.

>> No.5414931


>> No.5414933

> This board needs to be about the culinary arts not a food general board.

well, that's not what it is. It is a food and cooking general board. I agree with you - i enjoy the threads where people are cooking something and posting pics, not the fucking retarded "Why do brit bongs dilly dally with their crumpetwompers" again.

But ... its still about food, so not against the rules.

>> No.5414935

>This thread is not about food or cooking
enjoy your ban

>> No.5414936

this and similar meme responses need to be bannable offenses. (although just form this board)

>> No.5414938

The biggest blight of this board is the constant influx of /b/tards and /k/hicks. It sucks that despite with such a low number of posters, people here don't have a genuine interest of food and cooking, like any other blue board like /tg/ or /g/, which they concern themselves about discussing good quality things of their board's topic and telling people with shit taste to get the fuck out.

I don't know how many posters here I've seen that unironically think that bud light is a good beer, or that chain restaurant burguers for poor niggers and white thrash are actually good.

Tipping threads should be fucking banned, it only attracts retards, and people should stop being faggots and shitposting on vegan threads, and vegans should stop shitposting in steak threads. Also, there is no more /q/. Considering there is little to no moderation here, users should concern themselves with self moderating somewhat like /a/ does, and hopefully the /b/cancer will learn to contain their stupidity in their containment board.

>> No.5414939

I'm a little disappointed with the board's content to be honest.

I do a lot of cooking and I enjoy feedback, as well as recipe contributions or advice, and whenever I post a legitimate topic that doesn't involve the usual bullshit about mcdonalds chicken nuggets or murrica vs. yurop, the thread always ends up being filled with shitposters.

This board has a lot of potential, but it's being seriously wasted when the only actual conversations people have on here are irrelevant when it comes to cooking, and incredibly stupid when it comes to food.

>> No.5414940

This thread is against the rules. You want to fucking complain? Start by not shitting up the board yourself. You and every other dickhead starting meta threads are ruining the board.

>> No.5414942

the rules should be changed for this board they're clearly inadequate. There's less drama in /cgl/.

>> No.5414944


I'm so pissed of being accused of samefagging all the time, and I have absolutely no way to actually prove that I'm not, which, as I said earlier, is one of the main causes of these threads reducing to shitposting

>> No.5414945

this and similar reddit responses need to result in permabans
look you just dont get it
there are thousands of cooking websites where anything but a succinct response is bannable
there is only one /ck/
so as i said
you gigantic fucking faggot

>> No.5414947



>> No.5414948

Fucking THANK YOU.

>> No.5414952

we should get together to make a wiki or some other shareable recipe book.

that and also maybe a catalog of useful techniques with instructions

and a catalog of ingredients and their uses in various kinds of cuisine, if people want it.

>> No.5414955

I wasn't advocating IDs. That's what every other redditor on /q/ wanted Moot to put on all boards.

>> No.5414956

>he doesn't even know how to green text
You shouldn't be redirecting others anywhere, 9gag faggot. Lurk a little bit more, underaged retard.

>> No.5414957

Or we could just have a few stickies on here, but I like your idea

>> No.5414960

As I recall, there were 3 /ck/ wikis. Due to the slowness of the boards, most people just didn't care.

>> No.5414964

Only /b/tards think anyone who disagree with him must be the same guy. When you stop giving attention to them, they will stop. Redirect them to /b/ and be done with it.

>> No.5414965


I was gonna suggest stickies, but i think they're irritating to navigate if you're looking for something specific, and I don't think the user base of /ck/ is as likely to treat stickies as gospel the way /fit/ does

>> No.5414967

I'd certain agree that ____ cuisine pantry staples lists would be useful and guide to culinary terminology could be useful. But outside that I don't think it's /ck/'s job to say "here's the right way".

>> No.5414969

>implying moot hasnt broken 4chan mobile once again
>implying anyone but newfags have called people newfags since 09

>> No.5414976

that's a bummer, it would be really nice to have a place where we can share our recipes. I take comfort in knowing that the food i'm making was recommended to me by a real person, and not the guy who gets paid to ghost write for bobby flay.

>> No.5414982

because saying
is much more adequate and educated response.

>> No.5414985

haha, thanks man. I'll give that a go.

that's a valid point

I don't that's what we'd be doing. I know /fit/'s all about that read the stickies or gtfo life, but maybe they could just be up there as suggestions rather than words of law?

>> No.5414995

its the only appropriate response to such blatent misunderstanding of this websites function and if it doesnt shame you to the core maybe you should reconsider where you discuss food with strangers

>> No.5415001

>maybe they could just be up there as suggestions rather than words of law?
you know how militant people are to enforce the "board culture". I'm sure you can see where almost anything that does not agree with the sticky would probably be flaked into oblivion. I'm not saying it right I'm just saying these fish don't swim right.

>> No.5415004

>using le maymaytext for "implying"
No, really, fuck off to /b/.

>> No.5415010

how am i suppose to be ashamed of something I don't know or care about? Other than the implication it's somehow worse than 4chan.

>> No.5415013

i dont get it

>> No.5415024

/ck/ has become true garbage, but it's still the only board I frequent besides a certain general on /vg/. I just don't have anywhere else to go.

I don't know how the board could be cleaned up, because nearly every post is shit.

A fucking sticky with a link to a basic HI I'M POOR AND IN COLLEGE HOW DO I COOK HELP WHAT ARE SOME RECIPES I CAN MAKE WITH CHICKEN faq or wiki is the only thing that could possibly help /ck/, but every time I've made a thread about it or asked about it I get a 'we will never have a sticky' answer and no reason as to why. /fa/ has the equivalent of that sticky with basic 'what are some /fa/ haricuts and how do I dress myself?' information, and it really helped their shitty-ass board become marginally less of a putrid sinkhole. I don't understand why we can't have one as well.

Fuck /ck/. Long live /ck/.

>> No.5415033

The following needs to be banned on sight

>Why do Americans/Europeans
>What do I cook for my super cute Asian GF?
>What do I cook for my cute, sexy boyfriend <33<3? (btw im a gurl)
>That one killjoy who shows up in a soda thread announcing that real men only drink water
>Any form of blogging unless strictly food/cooking related
>Vegan/vegetarian threads that attempt to instigate shitstorms in the OP
>Shitposting in legitimate vegan/vegetarian threads
>How do I lose weight?
>Give me recipes to lose weight pls thx
>Spreading fear mongering bullshit (GMOs/MSG/whatever GAVE MY CHILDREN CANCER HOW CAN YOU KEEP POISONING YOURSELVES OMG) without any legitimate sources defending your position

Probably missed a few but whatever.

>> No.5415040

You missing the anorexia threads. Why are they in /ck/ when most of us WANT to eat is beyong me.

>> No.5415043

I've come to the conclusion that /ck/ is the only board i follow where tripfags are hated universally and without exception. Every single one. Not one brings any value to this, and every one only derails threads with every comment

>> No.5415044

Kind of falls under blogging but I'll give you that.

I frequent /o/ and /v/ it's pretty bad on them too; /v/'s tripfags are universally horrible and /o/ has roughly two that actually contribute something to the board that attention-whoring nonsense.

>> No.5415045

There is a sizable amount of anorexics who want to eat really badly, like you would yearn for water after days of not drinking it while trekking the Sahara. They're just afraid of what will happen.

>> No.5415047

That isn't attention-whoring nonsense*

>> No.5415057

>That one killjoy who shows up in a soda thread announcing that real men only drink water
Whoa buddy, this isn't tumblr. No need to tell smart human beings with good taste that they are unable to reinforce their status as superior human beings in the face of such blatant, shameless garbage taste.

>> No.5415077
File: 254 KB, 1000x1000, 1394481557993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys complain about there not being enough actual cooking threads and I agree, what I don't understand is why nobody responds to the actual cooking threads when people make them.

Say someone does a cook along it gets like ten comments, mostly
>looks like shit anon
>you fucking burnt it
>beans are for faggots
>dur I'm a gril

We have a /ck/ challenge going on that maybe five people are still interested in, everyone else complains about it being a Reddit tier tripfag circle jerk. Meanwhile the obvious troll and garbage threads get 200+ replies.

If you want /ck/ to be good a little positive participation would be nice. I'm cool with some of these ban suggestions but mods can't save the board, you've got to do your part anon.

>> No.5415082

Why the fuck do we need to track responses? Be a name/tripfag if you want. This is a pointless idea and it absolutely should not happen

This board is ok. There is a lot of shitposting but you can just ignore it. I have learnt a lot here and given a lot f advice. /ck/ and /trv/ are probably my favourite boards.

If I was to make a request, I would say ban anything related to Guy Fieri

>> No.5415097
File: 435 KB, 150x106, 1323211276537.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This board is ok.

>> No.5415100


>insecure ramblings

>> No.5415102
File: 247 KB, 440x432, niggadisdain.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This board is ok. There is a lot of shitposting but you can just ignore it.

>> No.5415108

Meta threads are far less frequent than shit threads. Fuck off

>> No.5415118

this post is banannas!
and banannas is bullshit!

>> No.5415148

/q/ doesn't exist anymore m8

>> No.5415170

thank god

>> No.5415211

Welcome to 4chan.

>> No.5415216

You should mind your own business and don't try to speak for us, retard. You've apparently not understood the main collective stance about this board.

>> No.5415223

Not even once.

>> No.5415233

If done a few step by step cooking threads here that got maybe a half dozen replies before 404ing.
>Meanwhile the obvious troll and garbage threads get 200+ replies.
So, what does that tell you? People like to shitpost and people in this thread are in the minority.

People, you're never going to get a sticky. Click the "hide thread". Click the "hide post". Better yet, go to a cooking forum.

>> No.5415300
File: 73 KB, 620x829, stopwhining.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this entire thread

What's that? /q/ doesn't exist anymore? Then email moot with your crybaby whining. Only spineless faggots make meta threads.
We don't need IDs, (only /soc/ and /pol/ need IDs) we don't need to be un-/v/'d, we don't need a sticky. What we need is for OP to shove a baseball bat up his rectum and take a long walk off a short pier for this retarded shit thread.

>> No.5415312

/r/ing the pic of the "top /ck/ circlejerks" post from the last circlejerk we had. The pic was of a bunch of animu grils on a bus or something

>> No.5415320

>>>/ck/ needs more alcohol threads

>> No.5415333

First of all, welcome to /ck/.

Secondly, the general consensus on /ck/ is things are fine the way they are. People don't want IDs or stickies or any other forced community nonsense.

You should go to a different cooking and food message board (e.g.: not on 4chan) if you do not like /ck/.

>> No.5415337
File: 47 KB, 460x422, 1398444380797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure hate the cup or whatever the fuck that is.
Can I complain about that?
No one here participates.
Can they just skip us next year?

>> No.5415339

>The following needs to be banned on sight
The "hide thread" function exists for a reason and is very easy to employ.

4chan isn't the place for you if you want hyper-moderation and people to be banned/threads to be deleted because they irritate or threaten you.

>> No.5415359

what brings /k/ here all the time? is it just progun?

>> No.5415362


>> No.5415371

whine more fagget verbal shitposting is part of the restaurant business.

>> No.5415409

This man gets it.

Besides OP, sounds like what you need is a good proper cooking website. I'm sure there are tons. I enjoy BBQ King and amerifat/europoor threads after a few beers.

>> No.5415426

babe you need to call the frogs and those other inbred muslims across the channel out on their shitflinging before you can have a decent conversation about food with them
yall gon learn today

>> No.5415428

My favorite /ck/ moment was a fucking debate on race and there were swastikas all over the thread, which was originally meant to shit on food researchers.

It was so out of place I couldn't stop laughing.

>> No.5415435

> I enjoy BBQ King and amerifat/europoor threads after a few beers.
ahh, but i am an alcoholic. I'd get banned from a real forum haha.

>> No.5415443

welcome to 4chan enjoy your stay
i recommend you stock up on seinfeld, TDKR and A. Wyatt Mann reaction faces
you will need them