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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5383026 No.5383026[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]



>> No.5383031
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A shamefur dispray!

>> No.5383033 [DELETED] 

no it is almost 2014. first time oread r]those books was in step back clear somroom... 1980. it was asiggned reading in lit class had i had to have. i started out saying jess if i got to... three days later i had reead all three. its pretty good. read. kind of dense in spots. most people said it could not be madfe into a movie. several failed attempts. then lotr. so good, they waited untill return of the king to award oic]scars. a brillisant adabntation. all the actots and actresses were great. hobiot hobbit hobit is kind of a prequel. a short book and very good, but never never never ment to streeeech three movies the only thing going for the second one, aside from alot of prothecnics is Sir Ian Mccellen,. Probably spelled that wrong but the money guys should be glad he did it. and thats the thing about b sirIan, he never "phones it in" he has acted in many things but he is gandalf. with out him the thread would be lost.he is paid well. cause he is cayring these movies.I am sure he will do it well that is why they call him Sir. Ian seems like a nioce guy, but i hope someone dosent do saimiliion, way too much even for me this should have eded. its loke starwars. 123 was grreatt prequelsd.. not so much y the sirth um sixth i was pulling for the evill empire but you should have something like you shall not pass. maybe that is the point he could have grasped the ring, but he did not and faded into obscurity. probably a good lesson

>> No.5383037 [DELETED] 

japanese "food" should be thrown in the trash. i'm glad he didn't finish it. fuck off you fag enabling poltroon

>> No.5383039 [DELETED] 

Obama is a black man

This thread is irrelevant

>> No.5383040 [DELETED] 

>giving a fuck what a trash president does
>giving a fuck about sushi
>giving a fuck about what other people do to their food

weebs need to be purged from this earth

>> No.5383044 [DELETED] 


If it's any consolation, I would refuse to even touch or sniff it let alone eat it. Only way would be if Jiro made me some Quinky sauce.

>> No.5383048

Maybe he was feeling sick and felt obligated while he was there.
Maybe he had eaten a big lunch and was watching his calories, and since he's the president and can do whatever the fuck he wants, he doesn't need to follow social protocol and stuff food down his throat.
Maybe he doesn't like sushi already, can just acknowledge his greatness as a chef, ate some out of courtesy, and called it done.
Maybe he's allergic to shellfish that was used.
Maybe he got an important call. He's the fucking president.

Or maybe he's just a fucking asshole.

Mostly, who cares?

>> No.5383054 [DELETED] 

>he's an asshole for not consuming the jewish fish rice
top kek

>> No.5383232

>maybe he's just a fucking asshole.
No maybes about it.

>> No.5383241


why are you guessing? it says right in the article (not sure if same one as OP, but same headline) that he just went at a slower pace and stopped about half way because he was SATISFIED.

Besides, the fucking dinner was a formal diplomatic thing... being a glutton isn't advisable..

>> No.5383258

I only made it about 5 minutes before I closed it.

>> No.5383261

if I spit on his sushi, would I also get world-wide press?

how about if I showed it up my ass?

>> No.5383263

how is this any different from you informing us that some random guy off the street didn't finish the film?

>> No.5383275

Learn to read

>> No.5383303
File: 60 KB, 478x361, Bush-japanese-pm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>white president vomits all over the prime minister of japan, nothing happens
>black president doesn't finish sushi, all the racists come out of the woodwork

Nice double standards, /cKKK/

>> No.5383306
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>this is considered news

>> No.5383307

i dont think you understand whats going on in this thread

>> No.5383311
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What is there to understand? Obama didn't finish Jiro's sushi and he might as well be Willie Horton now in the eyes of these rednecks.

I bet if Jiro learned to make some arugula sushi he would have finished it.

>> No.5383347

Obama's just a shitty president who could not possibly get as much ridicule as he deserves.

>> No.5383365

>caring about what other people do

you are the biggest hypocrite

this was bait huh

>> No.5383380

>starts thread about someone not finishing famous sushi
>instantly gets upset that he never saw a thread for a republican president throwing up food
this is /ck/, we are discussing about how someone didnt finish the supposedly perfect sushi, not politics. no need to get sensitive about everything political

>> No.5383547

If nothing happened, how do you know about it in the first place? That was a good long while ago

>> No.5383554

Considering Obama could have Jiro disappeared and killed on a whim, you'd think him not finishing his meal would be least of his concerns.

>> No.5383565

can't say i blame him. hes under a lot of stress at this moment in time in particular. obamacare is a total failure, even dems are scurrying away as we go into the midterm elections, his foreign policies are incompetent at best and downright world war three inducing at worst, and you throw a meal of raw fish on top of all that, don't be surprised he lost his appetite.

>> No.5383569

>nothing happens
>there is an SNL skit hilariously mocking the incident, IN THE VIDEO YOU LINKED

>> No.5383570
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>Willie Horton
mah nigga

>> No.5383572

Sushi is fast food.

>> No.5383576

Jiro probably gave Obama shit sushi. Japs are notoriously racist.

>> No.5383587
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>being this delusional
it's like it's 2012 all over again

>> No.5383606

ok, but, all of those things i said are factual. the president's job is already one of extreme stress, throw in that things are just piling on for obama at the moment and i've got to say he acted pretty stately just finishing half of that meal while being cordial. if i was under that much stress and some jap tried to give me a plate of raw fish id probably tell him to fuck off.

>> No.5383614

jesus fuck no one instructed him on manners before going to japan?

way to offended them you stupid nigger

>> No.5383619

>why is no one talking about George Bush
because he's not president anymore

liberals love bringing up past politicians when their current ones blow cock

>> No.5383636

Jiro's sushi is pretty shit these days. In his senility he has gone way, waaaayyyyy off the deep end.

Didn't he feed some women some shitsushi and then tried to fine them for inadvertently offending him?

>> No.5383646

thanks obama

>> No.5383650

I don't really blame him. Jiro doesn't serve friend chicken so Obama's options were severely limited.

>> No.5383672

I heard his sons branch in Roppongi hills is cheaper and actually taste better

>> No.5383680

is it obamas fault for not conforming to their mannerisms? or japans fault for not accepting a different type of politeness?

but seriously, obama, as any president should, should have studied up before going

>> No.5383682

>Raw fish and plain rice

Okay then.

>> No.5383685

Why should I care what a nigger thought about an autistic cook?

>> No.5383686
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Not my president.

>> No.5383693

>Eating fish from nuclear meltdown contaminated waters

I'm shocked the secret service didn't detain Jiro for attempting to assassinate Obama.

>> No.5383700

I bet Obama detected the subtle flavor of phlegm in his delicacy.

>> No.5383723
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>"Americans being proud of their ignorance": The thread

>> No.5383967

It's still hilarious when retards take MSpaint comics and go "I know you are but what am I".

>> No.5383971

>projecting this hard

>> No.5383972

Way to appropriate the comic.

>> No.5383976
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>Being butthurt enough to edit the comic

>> No.5383979

Setting policy aside, I think it's clear that Obama is as boorish and uncultured as G.W. Bush. Considering how important and delicate foreign affairs are, could we maybe next president get a guy who has ever travelled abroad? Who speaks another language? Who doesn't willingly insult the hospitality of other cultures because he's a pussy? And for that matter, can we assign the Secretary of State position to someone who is actually qualified, rather than as a political favor?

>> No.5383985
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Obongo realizes no fried chicken was coming halfway through the meal.

>> No.5384119

Not that im defending him, you know he lived in Indonesia for like 5 years right?

>> No.5384122

And can still only speak English.

>> No.5384140

The fuck other language would you need to learn?

>> No.5384145

Nigga I didn't even start.

>> No.5384149

In the US, you could at least slouch your way through Spanish. Hell, George W. Bush spoke 100 times more Spanish than Obama ever spoke Indonesian. Russian wouldn't be a bad idea.

Oh, and remember how we base our entire foreign policy toward Iran on the basis of the mistranslation of one line of Farsi delivered by Mahmoud Ahmadinnerjacket?

You'd think we'd at least have someone in the State department who knew any given language.

>> No.5384153

>suggests languages only spoken by poor people

>> No.5384155

Well after living in Indonesia for 5 years, I'd assume he'd be able to speak Indonesian.

>> No.5384160

Why? He's got translators and everyone's learning english anyway

>> No.5384167

Jesus, they drill this shit into our heads in basic business classes. How is everyone in our government so incompetent they didn't even have one person brief Obama have one of the 10,000,000 people in his entourage have some international business knowledge.

>> No.5384170

Because when you can speak another language, you learn something about human thought. If you know only one tongue, you're extremely limited. Indeed, why shouldn't the refusal to learn another language be considered a disadvantage for a chief of state?

>> No.5384174

Because he wasn't the president when he lives in Indonesia. How the fuck do you spend so much time in a country that speaks a different language and not pick up on any of it? That's actually embarrassing.

>> No.5384175

Refusal? Or maybe he has better shit to do than become conversational in some poorfag language spoken by some backwater mudtrap of a country

>> No.5384176

This. It's one of the advantages of accomplished businessmen being in office. I really believe we need people who are not businessmen in high office for a number of reasons, but holy shit, how could something so basic have been overlooked when these trips and meetings are fucking planned in advance so the president doesn't look like a total douchebag?

>> No.5384179

See >>5384174

The president either refused to learn or is mentally retarded in some way. Either way it's not something we as a people should desire in a chief of State.

>> No.5384184

>has no idea how much money Russian and Iranian elites have
You know, hillbillies and ghetto niggers speak English. The only people in the world who get EBT cards speak English, and maybe some Spanish.

>> No.5384186

Clearly you've never lived as an expat in a second-rate loser country. You think expats mingle with the locals and pick up the language? pfffft.

>> No.5384187

>the United States is the only country with poor people
Top post m8

>> No.5384190

>Russian and Iranian "elites" don't speak english?
are you damaged?

>> No.5384192

Expats also don't engage in high-level diplomacy with the locals. Are you really this retarded? Go have your hamburger helper and cuervo in the Guad, you white trash scum.

>> No.5384195

You think Indonesian diplomats don't speak English?

>> No.5384198

That's exactly the point, isn't it? They're clearly better at this.

>> No.5384199

Why is this a thing? Is it because he's literally half African, or because that he's half-black in general?

>> No.5384225

Because he's a dumb nig

>> No.5384236
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>> No.5384240

That man is a nig

>> No.5384907
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>> No.5384975

>If you know only one tongue, you're extremely limited

every country in the world speaks english. we are the master race

>> No.5384987

only race I recognize is the human race


>> No.5385000

black asses don't like sushi

big surprise!

>> No.5385009

This is a lot of arguing over fucking sushi.

>> No.5385014 [DELETED] 

So what about jiro and his raw fish. Maybe Obama doesn't like raw fish, I certainly don't and I'm not going to eat it for anyone, diplomacy or trade agreement or not. It would be a sign of weakness to eat something that one doesn't like.

I disagree with Obama on a lot of things, but if he doesn't like raw fish by some Jiro thing, so the fuck what. The Japanese are the ones that sneak attacked the USA and sided with the nazi's not the the other way around. DEAL WITH IT!

>> No.5385018 [DELETED] 

Trade agreement or not, we don't suck up to the sneaky Japanese. We'll do quite well without it, how about them without it?

>> No.5385020 [DELETED] 

I'm white, I don't eat raw fish or sushi, get over it.

>> No.5385021

I don't either, but if I was a guest I could suck it up

>> No.5385026 [DELETED] 

Maybe the sneak attack japs should as the host of the President of the USA should have found out what he liked first instead of trying to force some raw fish down his throat, something that perhaps he's not used to. Finding out what your guest likes in the first place is the mark of a proper host. Not some jiro shit, wtf is a jiro and who cares?

>> No.5385031 [DELETED] 

Actually as a guest he shouldn't have to suck it up, it should be on the host to sort out what the guest likes in the first place.

>> No.5385050


>> No.5385053 [DELETED] 

Yeah I'm the mad one, I didn't sneak attack Pearl Harbor then expect our president to eat your raw shit. No wonder Bush puked on your Jap PM.

It was likely disgusting, Obama likely thought the same.

>> No.5385057 [DELETED] 

Why are autistic children so upset that the president didn't eat raw fish? Not kawaii enough for you?

>> No.5385058

I just saw the Jiro sushi documentary for the first time today.

Purrty cool. His sushi looks so good.

but there is a competitor. Some people say MASA sushi is better.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aMfs7MBT7bk

>> No.5385335


You ever notice how children born after 1990 from countries that were never invaded by the IJA are the ones most excited about Pearl Harbor?

It's like how soccer moms from flyover land are the ones who are the most obsessed with 9/11 and terrorist attacks.

>> No.5385345 [DELETED] 

I was born before that and I while I don't remember directly, my grandfather faught in the Pacific campaigns.

They japs did directly invade us and take over an island in Alaska. Kiska I think, an Island on the Aleutians, some consider that the second most bloody battle of the Pacific.

That was a really bad one for all of the people there.

>> No.5385347

>They japs did directly invade us and take over an island in Alaska. Kiska I think, an Island on the Aleutians

I'm talking about countries where capital cities were occupied and actual war crimes happened. Not some rocky outcrop that a bunch of soldiers squabbled over.

>> No.5385349

Because conservatives freak the fuck out and say we need to be put in the Gitmo for questioning their savior in chief.

>> No.5385350 [DELETED] 

No. I've never noticed those. I have noticed though how morons such as you are so easy to forget when others attack us but are easy to forget our military. That latter part is pretty easily noticed.

>> No.5385353 [DELETED] 

STFU, this is a cooking board... post a fucking recipe for the terrorists that wear diapers on their heads that would blow you and your family up quicker than you can say, chicken mcnuggets.

Have a fuckin' mcnugget...


Try that in a nation run by people wearing diapers on their heads...

>> No.5385354

>I have noticed though how morons such as you are so easy to forget when others attack us

My family wasn't in the US when the "japs" attacked "us", they were dodging Japanese bombs in their home town. But no, I didn't forget it when some boats blew up. I just failed to see how it can raise such high emotions. It was just some boats and soldiers (whose job is to risk getting killed by the enemy). There were maybe 3 civilian casualties. You honestly sound like you learned about it through a Hollywood film.

> but are easy to forget our military

I'm not even sure what this sentence means, it looks like you're trying to express some "support our troops" sentiment but your lack of education got in the way.

>> No.5385356

>it looks like you're trying to express some "support our troops" sentiment but your lack of education got in the way.


>> No.5385481

you're retarded, they all blow cock, and republitards do the same damn thing.

>> No.5385512
File: 15 KB, 400x103, ice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not even sure what this sentence means, it looks like you're trying to express some "support our troops" sentiment but your lack of education got in the way.

>> No.5385870


>Some people say MASA sushi is better

Going by that video, it's just ugly hipsters saying that

>> No.5386090

>Jiro doesn't finish cooking his food, rice is boiled but fish is raw
>Obongo doesn't finish eating it

Sounds fair to me

>> No.5387961

>It's like how soccer moms from flyover land are the ones who are the most obsessed with 9/11 and terrorist attacks.
Yeah, Jew Yorkers don't give a fuck about that shit. Terrorists, schmerrorists, whadda those dumb camel jockeys gonna do, blow up the Twin Towers? YA CAN'T DO IT TWICE, YA STUPID SCHMUCKS! Fuggeddabouddit!

>> No.5389467

I think prasident Obama is very brave for daring to eat raw fish!

>> No.5389478

what is this post talking about?

>> No.5389499

>mentioning republicans in a thread about Obama eating a meal in Japan
stay obsessed

>> No.5389506

Learning customs and etiquette of the country you're about to visit and do business in is basic textbook shit that teenagers learn in school.

Someone not whispering into his ear and telling him he should finish the meal to not offend his hosts was pretty retarded.

>> No.5389512

Eh is such barve despite his disabiliby

>> No.5389516


You have no idea the context, how do you know it happened in a way that would offend the host? Who was the host? For all we know the State Department set up and paid for the meal. Maybe the President mentioned in advance that he wasn't feeling great but he wanted to taste some Jiro anyway. Maybe Jiro decided to make a special show of the visit and serve more than the customary amount. In some cultural contexts it's a loss of face if the guest leaves with an empty plate.

There's a lot of armchair "big grown up businessman" nonsense in this thread. I wonder how much experience with cross-cultural business meetings you people actually have.

>> No.5389523

Who was the Host? Jiro. Eating at his restaurant is an experience and a privilege.

>There's a lot of armchair "big grown up businessman" nonsense in this thread
the point is it's not big grown up business nonsense, it's completely basic

>> No.5389528
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>making up all these baseless excuses to defend your president-fu

cult of personality knows no bounds

>> No.5389531

>Who was the Host? Jiro.

Was Obama on a state visit to Jiro Sushi, or Japan?

>the point is it's not big grown up business nonsense, it's completely basic

What you're describing is a hypothetical scenario that may or may not resemble what actually happened. Context matters. How do you know Jiro didn't just keep spamming the plate with more stuff until the gusts gave up?

>> No.5389540


Also, I can almost guarantee you that Jiro wasn't "the host" in the sense of eating the cost of the meal. There are rules that have to be followed, you can't just give out free meals to senior government officials.

>> No.5389541

>Obama wasn't visiting Jiro Sushi when he went to have dinner at Jiro Sushi

>How do you know Jiro didn't just keep spamming the plate with more stuff until the gusts gave up?
because I read the article

>the owner of a nearby restaurant claims the president put his chopsticks down at the halfway point in the meal.

>> No.5389569 [DELETED] 


>> No.5389586

>Obama wasn't visiting Jiro Sushi when he went to have dinner at Jiro Sushi

So what are you suggesting? When I'm eating at a restaurant in a business context, I should worry about something other than the relationship between the organization I represent and the organization represented by my dining companions? Is that what they taught you in business school? No wonder MBAs are the butt of jokes.

>> No.5389622
File: 120 KB, 640x496, 6134757048_6ca67e60e3_z[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the reason japan doesnt want to sign our trade agreement is because obama doesnt like sushi.

>> No.5389639

He maka japarez rooza face

>> No.5389641

Are you the president of the United States? Nope, then you'll probably make some local news and get banned from the restaurant.

>> No.5389680 [DELETED] 

What if Obama shoved Jiro's sushi up his black asshole? Would would those slant eyed rice niggers do about it?

>> No.5389752

He probably chickened out when the uni course came out. That black faggot.

>> No.5389759

maybe they should have served yakitori instead

>> No.5389788 [DELETED] 

Jiro's sushi is shit. I bet Obama got full from eating the heavy first course of different kinds of tuna sushi. And for the record: tuna tastes like shit.

>> No.5389941

>Jiro's sushi is shit.
I really hope you're just acting retarded in some sort of ironic fashion. Either you just don't like sushi, or you're really a downright autist.

>> No.5389948


dude... how do you know if it's actually good? have you fucking been there?

don't believe the hype. And tuna is boring as fuck (except O-Toro), so I would be pretty dissapointed knowing im basically paying $20 bucks for a piece of maguro.

I've had some super bomb sushi before, spent hundreds of dollars, and it wasn't just nigiri. Although Im mostly a nigiri head, I do enjoy a little "extra pizazz". The jelliefied roasted garlic cubes on the albacore... the special glaze on the yellowtail.... i like those additions.

As far as I've been able to tell, Jiro does his shit BEYOND authentic. That doesn't mean it's the best.

>> No.5389996 [DELETED] 

jiros shitty sushi has been btfo in this thread

>> No.5390377 [DELETED] 

>BEYOND authentic
What the fuck does that mean?
Are you paid off or just a moron with a marketing degree?

>> No.5390386

You fuckwits realise that since the fukushima disaster, Japan's government is doing a fucked up "cheer on by eating!!" bullshit by forcing people to buy/eat produce from fukushima and purposely not labelling where seafood was caught, as well as divvying up the radiation by burning contaminated trash trucked out into various other districts, right?

Everything in Japan is pretty much radioactive now, and sushi is one of the things not even the Japanese would touch. Fucking neocon Abe just wanted a forced photo-op.

It's no fucking wonder Obama didn't want any of that sushi business.

>> No.5390394

>hi everyone I'm a retard

>> No.5390400

>hi everyone I've been drinking Putin's tea

>> No.5390401

Did he only eat half because he's half black?

>> No.5390414

>hi I learned about politics from the internet

>> No.5390428

>hi I will eat radioactive sushi because it's from some documentary 4chan jerks off on and call it politics

>> No.5390445

>implying anyone on 4chan can afford Jiro's

>> No.5390467

GHWB was the laughing stock for years, and portrayed as a weak guy for throwing up despite being the head of the CIA and a decorated WW2 Vet who without a doubt could fuck a normal person.

No one will give a shit besides Foodies that Obama didn't finish Jiro's full course meal. I mean really though it'd be shocking if a normal person did that but a President regularly eats food from the greatest chefs in the world. Jiro's without a doubt is a master but Obama can get Nobu Matsuhisa to cook him food tomorrow if he wanted.

>> No.5390496
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>nothing happens

Are you fucking kidding me? They ripped into him for that. Meanwhile obongo gets a pass for damn near everything dubya did and much worse just because he's a nigger. Any criticism at all of him and subhumans like you come out of the woodwork and cry "DATS RACIS!!1!1111". No, fuck obama and fuck you.

>> No.5390502

>I still use my parents credit card

>> No.5390505

who are you quoting

>> No.5390513

>When I'm eating at a restaurant in a business context, I should worry about something other than the relationship between the organization I represent and the organization represented by my dining companions?

Not not at any restaurant, did you even watch the documentary on Jiro? Eating dinner there is an experience and he prides himself on his cooking job. They tailor their meals to the people they're feeding. It's not like they went to red lobster and obama ate half a cheeseburger.

>> No.5390519 [DELETED] 

Don't vote republican or democrat, if you keep voting in the same people every time what do you expect will be different?

A sign of insanity is doing the same thing over again and expecting a different result.

>> No.5390524

> did you even watch the documentary on Jiro

Yes, it was shit, especially the Philip Glass soundtrack. Koyaanisqatsi was the only good Glass soundtrack.

>It's not like they went to red lobster and obama ate half a cheeseburger.

I wouldn't know, the only time I ever had a business lunch at a place like that it's because the guy I was meeting with knew the founder and he just wanted an excuse to drop names.

>> No.5390529

>I'm a hipster faggot please rape my face with an obscure dildo while I quote Bright Eyes lyrics

>> No.5390533
File: 17 KB, 213x190, oh go on.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not even sure what this sentence means, it looks like you're trying to express some "support our troops" sentiment but your lack of education got in the way.

I died

>> No.5390535


Philip Glass isn't exactly 'obscure' you knuckle dragger. I don't think there's a more high profile film composer aside from maybe Jerry Goldsmith or John Williams.

>> No.5390539

>trying this hard

>> No.5390543
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>praise jesus

I truly do not understand liberals attacking religion so much these days while rabidly defending obummer, a guy who went to an extremely racist church for years and still goes to church and worships foreskin loving Abrahamic God. Also blacks and Hispanics are by far the most religious demographic in the US so what are they really trying to pull here? Piss off the blacks and Hispanics with their insane love of JAAAAAYUS or the extremely religious Muslims who they love and defend so much? Are they forgetting that it was the black and Hispanic vote that made sure gay marriage couldn't pass in California and how much all three of those groups hate gays (among other things stupid white liberals hate so much)? Are liberals are just deeply cognitively deficient or intentionally retarded?

>> No.5390554


We're just a bit more pluralistic which confuses people whose entire belief system is based on a desperate desire to cling to the social traditions, myths, and war stories of the post-WW2 era. So when you have one guy advocating one thing, and another lady advocating something that seems to conflict with the first guy, it strikes you an impossibility because you believe that everyone must march lockstep in tune with The Party, or it's high treason.

Can you think of another group like that from your WW2 stories?

>> No.5390568 [DELETED] 

Isreal, and the USA was the first to recognize and help them.

Always remember.

>> No.5390570
File: 57 KB, 594x493, Zombies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I thought it would cool down after his failure of a first term and his second term being already worse than the last one, and it did die down a bit of course but still... It's nuts how far they still go to defend this guy after everything that has happened. In many ways, he's much worse than the last guy http://stpeteforpeace.org/factsheets/obama.html The Republicans meanwhile distanced themselves from Bush so much they didn't even bother inviting him or even mentioning him at the RNC. It's basically the exact same thing the DNC did to Carter years ago.

Hilariously, Bush was originally from the Democrat party but switched to Republican after he realised he'd never get elected as governor in Texas with a (D) next to his name. Might explain why so many of his policies and cabinet were so nigger.

Realistically, all it shows is how fucked the country is with the two party system.

>> No.5390578


You do know you can reply to multiple posts in the same post, right? Just click each one to put the post number in the reply body.

>> No.5390583 [DELETED] 

This isn't your blog, what's your point?

>> No.5390585

Something something niggers, something something muslims. What does it look like?