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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 179 KB, 550x381, tater-tots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5379663 No.5379663 [Reply] [Original]

What are your thoughts on these?

I never had them as a kid but I've been trying the frozen variety and I just can't get enough of them. 60 seconds in the microwave and you have a little pile of potato goodness. Lately I've been just squirting on some ketchup and mayo, or melting some cheese over them, but I was wondering what recipes you all have that utilize tater tots.

Tater tot casserole sounds promising, though I've never made anything with condensed soup before. Hmmmmmm

>> No.5379672

They should taste good, since they are 99.99% pure caloric energy. Starch is to plants as fat is to animals. Enjoy in moderation.

>> No.5379685

Love tots. A local burger place serves them instead of fries and puts a pretty mean cajun seasoning on them.

>> No.5379699

i always fuck them up. I'm not that bad at cooking, just can't get these guys down.

Wish i had a deep fryer... probably wouldnt be so bad then.

>> No.5379707 [DELETED] 

tater tots are the lowest form of potato, just behind mashed

>> No.5379711

toss them in melted butter and creole seasoning (with extra black pepper)

thank me later

>> No.5379713 [DELETED] 

how fat are you

>> No.5379718

Are you on crack? Mashed potato is the best way to eat it.

>> No.5379719

I'd say boiled is the lowest

>> No.5379724

fat enough

>> No.5379728 [DELETED] 

the only good mashed potato is a red skinned one with more garlic in it than potato. enjoy your baby food lump
boiled potatoes are aiight in a sunday roast

>> No.5379730

only if your british

>> No.5379732 [DELETED] 

except i'm not

>> No.5379741

You know nothing of potatoes

>> No.5379779 [DELETED] 

you know nothing of good taste

>> No.5379789

Put some Old Bay on that shit

>> No.5379804

I prefer hash browns, but tater tots are a decent replacement.

>> No.5379837

Today you learned that "tater tot" is a term invented by the soulless Ore-Ida corporation to produce its soulless food. You have all fallen for it, sheeple.

>> No.5379850

It's an ingenious way of disposing of the scrap for when they skin the potatoes, and it's delicious

>> No.5379879

They're way fucking better baked in the oven. I love that crisp they get.

>> No.5379890

>*Tips fedora, nearly knocking over his glass of quadruple hopped gluten-free imperial black IPA, but managing to catch it before it stains his skinny jeans and dark grey t-shirt with an edgy, defiant saying printed on the chest*

>> No.5379922

I like to bake mine on a Pam (oil spray) coated pan.... spread the tots out evenly.... spray more pam on top of each tot. Bake at 375 or so until just darker than a golden brown. Crispy heaven.

>> No.5379924
File: 139 KB, 640x480, Taters_by_LadyInTheRadiator[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After trying all manner of dips: mayo, mustard, pickles, chutney. I've come to the conclusion that simple is best.

>> No.5379939

i like ranch dressing

>> No.5379950

I like to sprinkle mine with tomato powder and just a little vinegar powder.

>> No.5379953

your next test is ketchup, sugar-only ketchup, ketchupapeno, basalmic vinegar ketchup, heinz 57, and secret stadium sauce

>> No.5379960

Chili and melted cheddar over the top, eat with a fork. Don't get too fat and enjoy.

>> No.5379964

Cook tots according to package
Meanwhile cook some taco meat
Remoe tots from oven and put in lasagna pan/brownie pan. Cant think of right name.
Top tots with taco meat, green onions, jalapenos, shredded cheese
Bake until cheese melted
Serve with salsas of your choice, sour cream if desired.

>> No.5379980

How many tots do you think you could put away, /ck/?

For some reason I feel like I could do like 100, but then 150 sounds like a fuckload to me.

Just to be clear, this is like food-contest-only-thing-you-eat-all-day kinda thing, not just a normal tot meal.

>> No.5380016

Homemade tater tots, errybody:

I hate it when you absolutely have to buy something from a store because it can only be made in a factory.

>> No.5380019

when it comes to tater tots and hash browns, the factory truly does it better

>> No.5380046

Enjoy your mystery chemicals and cancer

>> No.5380049

Look at the projecting nigger over here. What's the matter, had a bad day? Get back from the doctor with an autism diagnosis AND found out that water is a chemical?

Get your shit straight: ALL FOOD IS ORGANIC. I bet you are afraid of teflon and BPA too.

Know the soy you base your bullshit vegan diet on? IT'S ALL GMO!!! Look in the mirror at your canines and weep.

>> No.5380333

Ketchup and salt is literally all you need.



>> No.5380477

Gonna buy me another bag of these the day after tomorrow

Fucking love shit like this especially when I eat them when I watch the new UFC PPV

>> No.5380491

You are one dumb motherfucker. I can't even begin to tell you how stupid you are.

>> No.5380503
File: 46 KB, 610x300, 1433546.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I seriously the only oven crispy person? Fucking c'mon.

>> No.5380523

Boiled are the shit as long as you're using thin-skinned taters and some dill.
Fucking delicious.

>> No.5380612

Dude you've got be on just like fuckin straight up drugs about this.

>Not appreciated absolutely based mash

You ain't worth a toss.

>> No.5380617

Nigger these are POTATO GEMS

What the fuck is 'tater tots' even supposed to mean?

>> No.5380676

Agreed. Or even butter and parsley.

>> No.5380700

defrost the tots a little, cut in half, put cheese in the middle and wrap in a bacon strip. Following that, bake them. Super fatty but nonetheless , delicious.

>> No.5380718

mix ranch and a1. 70/30.

>> No.5380786

Love em. Little garlic salt, cayenne pepper and black pepper before baking, then either ranch or ketchup for dipping. Great for filler in a breakfast burrito as well.

>> No.5380789

nother guy who favours boiled over mashed here

mash is boring as fuck

jersey royals boiled in their skins then sauteed with mustard seeds, onion, butter and lemon, finished with coriander - god tier

also big fan of roasts

>> No.5380918

I have a love/hate relationship with the greasy little fucks. My tongue is stained with the taste of potato and ketchup.

>> No.5380924

Britfag here, I'm confused, are "tater tots" what you call potato croquettes?

>> No.5380927

I think your croquettes are bigger. And often have stuff in them besides potato? Of course, I could be wrong.

>> No.5380992

Buy biggest bag possible to prevent expensive munchie runs later. 10lb bag for 8.99 lasted me a few months.

Or cook in skillet and mash them to make ghetto hash browns. Add veggies or eggs if desired
Or bake and cover with that one sweet chili sauce that comes in a glass bottle and is good as fuck so it glazes into amazingness
Bacon is also always a good additive
I never end up deep frying the frozen ones well

Always bake in aluminum foil for easy clean up

>> No.5381031

Protip try them with siracha or other hot sauce to make them taste awesome

>> No.5381038

>dipping carbs in carbs
fat fuck detected

>> No.5381059
File: 52 KB, 536x400, bill cosby laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>calls someone out for projecting
>begins projecting like a fucking IMAX