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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5350122 No.5350122[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Seems we need a vegan thread. Post your favorite vegan foods and recipes here.

I'll start: http://www.pinterest.com/vfortheanimals/

>> No.5350130

I'm not vegan or vegetarian but I'd really like to see a thread about vegan recipes instead of the usual arguments that seem to happen.
I do like a lot of vegan cuisine.

>> No.5350138

I want to contribute, but I don't really have "recipes" for my food, I just eat stuff

>> No.5350142

What exactly is the difference between "vegan" cuisine and and "vegetarian" cuisine?

>> No.5350143


Vegetarian cousine relies on eggs, cheese, and butter, while vegan is all plant foods

>> No.5350145

Vegans don't eat any animal product, no milk or eggs or even honey

>> No.5350147

Vegetarian will not kill an animal but will drink it's milk, eat cheese, eggs, honey.

A vegan is a lifestyle choice where a person will not take anything from any animal.

>> No.5350148

>no eggs
>no milk
>no butter
>no honey
Jesus Christ
Do these people nibble on leaves and bark all day?

>> No.5350150
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Eggs, milk, meat, butter, and honey are the only foods you know of?

>> No.5350154

If you take out meat and animal products, you are left with nuts, beans, vegetables, fruits, and grains.
I understand that everyone has their own choices, and I certainly understand the reasoning behind veganism, but I don't see how this selection of foods is desirable in any way.

>> No.5350160

Falafel's in pita seems the objectively most delicious vegan food. I'm not even vegetarian and I love them.

I like mine with tzatziki so they aren't vegan when I make them, but you can use tahini instead

>> No.5350175

everyone calls me vegan since I don't drink milk(contributes to the production of veal) or eat meat, but I will eat eggs if they are organic and pasture raised (in addition to free range) to know they live outside and don't get fed bad things or live in horrible conditions, basically chicken with happy life. and I do eat honey and bee pollen because I heard its collected without hurting the bees, and leaving them with plenty for themselves, so I don't fall under that classification.

is there a name for this? I don't like classifications but I want /ck/'s opinion

>> No.5350182

>Vegetarian cousine relies on eggs, cheese, and butter, while vegan is all plant foods

I think that is overly strong. Vegetarian cousine may often use those substances, but I don't think it at all correct to say that it relies on them.

>> No.5350181

>is there a name for this?
a very picky eater

>> No.5350178

Vegetarian. Basically if you don't eat animal flesh you're vegetarian.

>> No.5350183

But they still eat bread, despite the murder of millions of unicellular organisms every time a loaf is baked.

Talk about genocide.

>> No.5350184

some people love fruits and vegetables, nuts, seeds, etc. balanced correctly can = excellent nutrition, but often people do it the wrong way which is why you hear of vegans being malnourished because they eat white bread, crackers, lettuce, and think they are "being vegan" correctly. lots of people do it wrong. you have to account for different vitamins and minerals and which fruits and vege's contain what nutrients.

another weird thing is that lots of people take fish oil pills for omega 3, taking the risk of mercury and polonium, several other toxins etc. and they don't even know about


being really good sources of those things, and from organic versions = the safest (at least) version of omega 3 they could get. with enough knowledge you do similar for other nutrients.

I am Not a doctor or a nutritionist. Ask your doctor and nutritionist before doing anything.

>> No.5350189


I don't see how you can think that's nothing to work with if you're at all familiar with food. The variety of flavors in plant food is as diverse as you get. All the herbs and spices you make meat taste good with are plants. Hell, they even make "meat substitutes" out of plants. I don't imagine they'll ever make fake broccoli out of chicken and pork.

>> No.5350191

A vegetarian/vegan world would be a world with far fewer animals. Using animals for food makes them valuable instead of nuisances. Do away with eating meat and there is little or no economic benefit to even have the animals around.

>> No.5350192

Yeast is a fungus, like mushrooms.

>> No.5350195

Ovo vegetarian

I'm the same. I eat free range eggs but don't consume dairy because of the conditions in many factory farms.

If I knew the farm where the milk was coming from I would, but soy or almond milk tastes fine

>> No.5350196


>I don't hurt children

I hate semantics

>> No.5350201

doesn't fit

this anon is in a way correct, kind of.

it is very difficult to control microorganisms and if they die or not, a good example is the human body which is constantly at war.

I do understand your point, and I would like to bring up conversation about plant life. I saw a few documentaries where they sped up the cameras to see plants behaving and reacting to things just like animals, even communicating in their own time frame. it made me think that it is highly likely that plants feel too and I felt the same guilt that made me stop eating meat. I wonder if it would be possible to live a life that involves no killing or harming of anything else to survive? perhaps if there was a way to eat a balanced diet only from bushes of berries and trees of fruit that drop the food on the ground to spread the seeds, so eating the fruit and planting the seed would be helping the tree, feeding yourself, and not harming the tree or bush at all?

is there a way to live like this? I want to learn more about this.

>> No.5350205


There's fruitarians who eat a mostly raw fruit diet, but the ones I've watched in-depth also eat some vegetables

>> No.5350210

Vegetarian and vegans are different. Vegans believe in everything regarding animal necessity to be abolished while vegetarians mostly stick to plants for preference but don't mind their products come in tin

>> No.5350212

>what is protecting the environment
>what is wild animal conservation

>> No.5350213


What's going on with those billions of animals out in the wild that aren't being used directly by us?

>> No.5350215

perhaps I am an ovo bee vegan? ovo and bee being the only exceptions that I know?

oh well, I just enjoy /ck/'s opinion sometimes. I really do hate the classifications though.

>> No.5350216


If you ditched the eggs and just ate honey, you'd be a beegan

>> No.5350221

oh I forgot to say, I also love soymilk and other nut/seed milks, soymilk absolutely has to be organic though, otherwise it comes from monsanto, very bad since over 90% of all the soy comes from gmo soy, so organic is the only safe soy I know.

(don't eat soy if you are allergic to anyone reading)

>> No.5350224


How do I know if I'm allergic to the other people reading your post?

>> No.5350226


I am not allergic to anyone reading. I am allergic to blanket negative opinions on big skawy GM though.

>> No.5350229

where do they get their protein and most nutrients? are there some fruit sources that account for everything that the body needs?

which vegetables do they eat, if they aren't killing the vegetables?

so ovo beegan? that sounds like something someone would post on facebook, disgusting. it sounds so gimmicky and catchy like some crappy song I can't get out of my head, so I stupidly assume that it must be because I enjoy it. wrong.

yea yea I hate the classifications... very interesting though.

(sorry if I sound like a douche, Its hard to convey emotion over the internet)

>> No.5350244


I'm not saying they're not killing the vegetables, I'm saying the bulk of their diet is fruit which isn't dead plants, but that they do also eat vegetables (the ones I saw had a few heads of lettuce and carrots) which do have to die.

Although we don't associate fruits with protein, a fruitarian diet can meat your protein needs as long as you're eating enough food. A common theme among fruitarians telling people to become fruitarians is to never restrict your calories and never undereat; to eat atleast 3000 calories a day of fruit, which due to certain digestive limits and metabolic factors doesn't cause you to gain weight like you would from other foods, and the more fruits you eat (diversity is also key), the more nutritients you get.

As for missing nutrients, I don't think many if any fruits contain vitamin K, and vitamin A might be hard to get (the lettuce and carrots in the video explain that), but otherwise fruits make for a pretty good diet when you eat enough of them

Check out Durianrider and Freelee the Banana Girl on youtube


I know Durianrider's been on the diet for like 13-14 years at this point and he's a high-level endurance runner and cyclist, while Freelee hasn't been on the diet as long but still 7+ years

>> No.5350246

wow thanks for the info anon. very interesting.

maybe this + moringa tree + baobab tree = successful multivitamin balanced diet without killing anything?

>> No.5350250


You could try it, but the major drawback I'd have to say is it can be really expensive eating so much fruit, especially depending on where you live. Bananas are a great way to get in the extra calories for cheap, but other fruits can be pretty expensive, especially if they're organic (which not everything you eat needs to be, but things like apples are infamous for having large amounts of pesticides in the skin)

>> No.5350251

>(the ones I saw had a few heads of lettuce and carrots) which do have to die.

I grow my own lettuce/cabbage/kale and you can completely harvest them without killing the plant if you don't rip out the roots. I've gotten 2-3 heads of lettuce from a single plant

But they start to bolt and go to seed and die on their own anyway, unless you use one of the few perennial lettuces

>> No.5350257


Oh, well then there he goes. With enough dedication, he can achieve dietary monkmode

>> No.5350263

Cruelty-free life involves going off grid and picking berries and nuts. Of course that means surrendering modern conveniences.

>> No.5350268


Oh yeah, he can have nuts too. A handful of walnuts a day dramatically improves your cardiovascular health. I want to say grains and legumes don't necessarily mean a plant died over them, but I know when something like corn is harvested, they run over a field with tractors that fuck the corn stalks up. If you can grow your own food, there's a lot more things you can eat without harming a potentially suffering being

>> No.5350283
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I hope to achieve this somehow eventually. as of now, I don't think I could re-create a perfect diet with just a few things like that, I would need to find the equivalent of all the things that taste good and give me rich nutrients in the form of fruits and vegetables that are not being hurt or killed. so this dream of mine might still be very far away. I will always keep trying, and I learn a little more every day.

I hate coming up with excuses, but where I live isn't a great place to grow food, and even if it was, my life is so unstable that I don't know if I will even be living here the next month, week, or even day. I don't know if there is a single place on earth that is stable, safe, the earth rich enough to sustain myself peacefully without someone else, or an outside force trying to force something upon me. maybe I dream of eating without killing anything because that place isn't here on earth. maybe I gotta ascend or some weird hippy stuff.

I wont stop dreaming, and I won't stop waking up. alright

>> No.5350286

this, I totally understand what you mean

you understand me anon!


>> No.5350289

I also forgot to mention that even though I eat broccoli and lots of other things, the way I would want to live is without hurting a plant, even if its alive, I would still be cutting it up, and that also makes me unhappy.

I would need to take from a plant that intends to give, and only take what it is giving.

>> No.5350291


Just start a container garden. You have control over the soil and everything, and can move it around wherever you move

>> No.5350294

>start container garden with a zillion different fruits and vegetables
>over 9000 pounds

yea I can just put it all in my magic backpack and go hang out with cowboy bebop haha, no I joke, but the dream is real.

I want to have a house
>the house is a submarine spaceship that can go anywhere
>it is my home, my vehicle, my garden
>the spaceship is also a time machine that can grow any plant off of some tree thing, so the tree doesn't get hurt
>ship is also a plant
>can heal
>total freedom

>> No.5350333

There are jains, who go around brushing insects out of the way so that they don't step on them, and only eat the parts of plants that are supposed to be detached and eaten, like berries.

I would suggest that all vegans simply walk out into the wilderness and let themselves be devoured by bears and mountain lions, however. It's the only way to reduce your carbon footprint completely while not harming anything.

>> No.5350334

No. Nuts are meant to be planted and grow into trees or whatever. Fruiting bodies can be eaten, that's what they exist for after all, to attract animals to eat the fruiting body and spread the seeds that are embedded inside.

Be sure not to crush any of the seeds, though, and always poop in a place that can support the growth of plant life (no more toilet use, that condemns the seeds to the crushing agony of a sewage treatment plant or rotting in a septic tank).

You evil vegans, destroying plant life to sustain yourselves, will all burn in Hell for your sins unless you do the above.

>> No.5350342

>I would suggest that all vegans simply walk out into the wilderness and let themselves be devoured by bears and mountain lions

I would if it wasn't so scary. I need to be put to sleep and then you can feed me to bears.

>It's the only way to reduce your carbon footprint

I recently found out feeding my black lab is about the same as commuting to work in a large suv, feelsbadman

>> No.5350765

if a bunch of nuts fall from a tree and I plant some of them and eat the rest, this is good right?

obviously 500 new trees are a little too much to find space for right away... eventually planting thousands of trees would be great, but a little at a time, while also not chopping down so many trees = gradual increase.

worst part about being vegan or something similar, what the junk do I feed my dog? I can't give it tofu.

>> No.5350775


Natural Balance also has a vegan formula.

>> No.5350796
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this is great thanks.

>> No.5350842

>everyone is just talking about the vegan diet and not posting any recipes
>just like always

Here's a vegan chocolate muffin recipe:

(2,5 dl = 1 cup, not quite but close)

100 g milkless, 100% vegetarian margarine
75 g vegan chocolate (some dark chocolates normally sold as stores only might have milk in them so if you can roll with that you don't really have to find a special store where they sell super dark chocolate)
1 dl soy milk (or any other vegan product)
1 dl soy yogurt
4 dl flour
2 dl sugar
2 tsp vanilla sugar (we don't really have vanilla extract in my country sorry)
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp baking soda
1 dl of crushed almond

Preheat oven to 200 (390 F?) degrees. I usually use lower heat but whatever. That's the original recipe.

Mix dry ingredients except for almond. Crush the chocolate. Melt the margarine on low heat and add half of the crushed chocolate. Melt that too, then take it off the heat. Measure soy stuffs into the chocolate goo, mix. Then mix goo with dry ingredients, you only really need a spatula or something like it for this. Lastly add the crushed chocolate and almond to the mix. You should have a great tasting, somewhat sticky mixture. Fill muffin molds half full, bake for some 15-20 minutes, although I'd suggest checking them with a grilling stick before that, since mine are always ready in 10. The insides should be a reddish brown, and they might look ugly if you didn't take time to even the mixture in the molds. Tastes best when cooled down.

Last time I make an avocado icing for them as well, but that's not really necessary.

>> No.5350869

You feed your dog the food it is meant to eat. Why should you force your diet on your animals? I really hope you're trolling. If you can't provide for your dog please just put him up for adoption.

>> No.5350906

Aaaand another, this time salty recipe:

Tofu Keema (http://allrecipes.com/recipe/tofu-keema/ somewhat modified)

1 block of tofu
vegetable oil (I used olive oil)
1 tsp of cumin (seeds or ground, I used ground stuff because that's what I had)
2 tsp of curry powder
1 onion, diced
1 tsp of minced garlic
1 tsp of minced ginger
salt to taste (you can also use vegetable broth or something if you have if lying around)
(chili or anything like that no really necessary but it you wanna add some go for it)
1 cup of chopped tomatoes
1 cup of frozen peas (of your package has more then whatever, throw it all in anyway)
half an eggplant chopped (depends on the size, you can also put the complete thing in if that's how you roll)

You can also add things like sweet potato, carrots, zucchini, mushrooms... Anyway.

Heat oil on pan, add garlic, onion, ginger (and cumin seeds if you're going with those). Fry those, then add spices, turn those on the pan and then add tomatoes. Wait until they start giving off their juices and add other vegetables and crush the tofu there. It should look like ground meat I guess? Season with salt if you want to, then let it simmer on low heat for a while, while stirring it sometimes. I left mine on the stove for almost an hour and it turned out super delicious. It should not end up dry, if it did for you I'd say add more tomatoes or water or something. Can be eaten just on it's own.

>> No.5350942

margarine? WHY?
i have used before
>organic coconut oil
>cashew butter
>various other healthy plant fats

margarine is bound to be made of nasty additives to be made to seem like fake butter, and it will end up crapping up anything you add it too as well.. just saying.

super dark chocolate? haha forget it, how about 100% cacao content, very bitter, you have to add a little sugar. I get the cacao paste wafers from znaturalfoods.com organic too.

don't get mad at me but I don't have a dog, I was kinda talking like out of the box-ish... sorry.

and yes I worry that feeding an animal something it wasn't meant to eat might not be good for it..

wow. such yum. always use organic soy though. otherwise its gmo almost guaranteed.

>> No.5351193


>eat eggs
>eat honey
>no milk
>no meat

I'd say you're a lesbian.

>> No.5351381

well I like girls... wow... I'm a lesbian! now if I could just find a girlfriend to cook delicious meals with... then we could buy some bananas and... ummm... stuff... (im a boy btw)

>> No.5351402

Haha your the lesbianz

>> No.5351479

One of the oldest dogs that ever lived was fed a vegan diet.

>> No.5351483

That sounds so good to me right now. I think I have most of those ingredients too.

>> No.5351507

What about all the others that DIDN'T have a strict diet?

>> No.5351579

What about 'em?

Point being made was dogs can do just fine on a vegan diet. They've evolved to eat things like rice - they're not wolves.

>> No.5351654

>if a bunch of nuts fall from a tree and I plant some of them and eat the rest, this is good right?
No, every nut is sacred. Just ask the Catholics.

>> No.5351657

Lesbian trapped in a man's body.

Alternately, you could just call yourself a vagiterian and be done with it.

>> No.5351670
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>the food it is meant to eat
>your dog

Tell me what food you think this completely natural creature evolved in the wild to eat

>> No.5351680

even the shittiest overly bred dog has the guts and oral equipment for an animal protein heavy diet

>> No.5351685


And even the biggest, bulkiest dog is equipped to handle a fully plant-based diet

>> No.5351740

retarded hippies

>> No.5351761
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living like a vegan makes a person look physically diseased
not matter how healthy, looking diseased is not for me

>> No.5351965


How do you mean?

>> No.5352037

Living like an omnivore makes a person look physically diseased, no matter how healthy looking, diseased is not for me.

>> No.5352047

You can get non dairy yogurts. I just make a sauce out of yogurt, lemon, and tahini

>> No.5352057

So what?

>> No.5352953

>protecting the environment

How fucking deluded. Where do you think your soy grows?

>> No.5352962

Where do you think most soy goes?

Your livestock, dummy.

>> No.5352976


That's the whole purpose of veganism: to eliminate animal relevancy so they can proceed to exterminate all life on Earth that doesn't have anything to do with the lifecycles of the plants that vegans hold dear to them.

The whole motivation behind veganism is hatred against animals.

>> No.5353006

Vegan recipes are just normal recipes made with inferior substitutes. There's not much room for discussion.

>> No.5353057

Think you meant superior.

>> No.5353745

You could eat nuts that fall from a tree but they will be raw as in not cooked like every nut you have probably ever eaten. Supposedly they taste like shit untill you cook them.

>> No.5353747 [DELETED] 


>your say

I don't eat soy, kemo sabe. Your beef does though.

>> No.5353751


>your soy

I don't eat soy, kemo sabe. Your beef does though.

>> No.5353776

>everyone is just talking about the vegan diet and not posting any recipes
>just like always

could be because vegan food is stuff like fruit or rice and you don't need much skill to prepare/cook those

as for adapting non vegan recipes to vegan for whatever reason, I feel no desire at all to eat those kinds of foods as long as I have enough carbs
even if the carbs are just plain rice I simply won't care about the taste as long as I get enough
I suspect it is the same way for everyone else so if you have any desire for chocolate muffins or some bad food that smells good (not to say that your muffins are bad) then maybe you just need to carb up

>> No.5354333

It all makes sense now. Vegans are the pawns of the plant kingdom's hive mind.

>> No.5354395

More like vegans are more likely to read the labels on the food they consume, side effect of self control.

If you can not read an ingredient list and/or google the side effects of the chemical concoctions you consume.... You need a life change.

Real talk though 3 years vegan, mostly raw. Never going back and I have never been stronger, healthier, more alert, more confident.... the list goes on..

>> No.5354422
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>Seems we need a vegan thread.

It has never seemed like we need a vegan thread.

>> No.5354432

What a shit thread. You don't see vegans coming into meat threads and shitposting everywhere. I'm not even a vegan, but you kids need to grow up. The topic wasn't "debate veganism" it was "post your favorite vegan foods and recipes".