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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5349028 No.5349028[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Lobster season is fast approaching

how do you make yours? pic related, I don't like to eat lobster guts

>> No.5349048


>not clarifying your butter
>over stuffing lobster
>chowder fucking broke
>too much pepper
>overcooked steak
>terrible deconstruction of a Greek salad with no mother fucking black olives
>not cracking the knuckles
>wet stuffing so you even broil?
>out of season tomatoes
>under cooked spuds
>limp squash
>too many utensils
>dirty counters
>wtf paper clip
>ugly plates

Mostly, Fuck you and your water down cow juice, Rummy.

>> No.5349053

looks nice OP

>> No.5349056

Top fucking lol. You crack me up.

Don't like seafood, I had a crawfish once and wanted to die.

>> No.5349099
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>> No.5349373


yep, now you know how if feels when people unfairly judge your food. Me personally, I'd eat it because I love lobster. However, I would have scrape all that shitty topping off the delicious lobster, strain the butter, chuck the split soup, feed the steak to my dog and just leave the nasty vegetables on the plate as some failed attempt at eating healthy. further more, the only thing that I'd really want to eat would be is what I can only assume is the over cooked lobster tail under all that crap, so...2/10.

>> No.5349387

I'm hoping to make lobster rolls
I'd like to try my hand an making the buns, but if all else fails I just get hot dog buns

also, no mayo because I'm not a disgusting food heretic

>> No.5349388

I'm not a rich homo, so I eat Crab instead of lobster. As for how I cook them, I put them in a steam pot and cover them liberally with Old Bay. Then I add vinegar, water, and beer. Then I steam them. Then I break them apart with my fucking hands and eat their innards because i'm a fucking man.

(but not the gills, intestines, or that yellow stuff because eww)

>> No.5349397

lobsters have been getting cheaper in the past few years
but okay man

>> No.5349398

I would eat everything there, (minus the soup, because it doesn't look very good) but not all at once, that's way too much food for one meal.
My favorite ways to cook lobster is butter poached, for certain meals, and grilled with hazelnut-Pernod butter.

>> No.5349410

truthfully it's mostly the principle of the thing now.


>> No.5349430

I think you've made a friend, parrot man.

>> No.5349478


now that you mention it, I'd prefer a well prepared parrot to the OP pic.

>> No.5349492

>I had a crawfish once and wanted to die.
First of all, craw fish aren't really sea food, because they're a fresh water crustacean. Second f all, they're just plain gross and not at all representative of how a good lobster, crab, or shrimp tastes.

>> No.5349520

Those are quick pickles not a fucking greek salad you try hard hipster faggot

>> No.5349529

Tomalley is delicious though

>> No.5349537


Listen BOY, I've seen more quick pickles in an hour than you'll see v-jay in a life time and those bitches ain't not MF'in quick, slow or in-between pickled shit, bitch.

>> No.5349578

And I say to you sir, that it sure as fuck isnt a deconstructed greek salad. (Also that you are a tryhard hipster faggot, hence your claim that its a such instead of a common american cucumber salad)

>> No.5349583
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Also this... kinda like pickles.

>> No.5349631


I rebut your ill formed and spurious conjectures, sir. Due to the fact that it has red onion, tomatoes, cucumber, possible olive oil and what I assume is a failed attempt a greek seasoning which are all the GD components of a MF'in Greek salad without the glaring omission that was pointed out in the latter post of black olives and optional feta. Now my good man, I will have to ask you to pack up your shine box and grab your sack of nickels and retreat to the shadows.

>> No.5349696

Clearly good sir, that is not the case. In my review of anons plate, I see but sliced Cucumber, tomato and onion liberaly peppered and soaked in a vinegar solution. I also note the state of the cucumbers (suspiciously peeled, as if to improve the absorbtion of a brine) and the rather pedestrian state of the rest of anons table and by applying occums razor (a dictum that states the simplest answear is most likely) I am able to deduce he is probably about to enjoy an american regional classic ergo a cucmber salad or in the regional vernacular "quick pickles". (Also that you are a hipster faggot for not being familiar with this very simple dish, a staple of summer time dining and instead believe its a "deconstructed greek salad". Your assumption tells me you enjoy dinning in such pretentious resturaunts that would serve an abomination such as that and call it a greek salad (let alone the lack of beets sir! Olives yes, but beets! Dear god tell me you arent served that without beets!).This dictum also leads me to believe you frequent such resturaunts to associate with the young down-on-their-luck male staff in an attempt to take advantage of them for sexual favors. Hence how I arrived at my belief that you are a tryhard and also a hipster and a faggot. Let alone your assertion that you've seen more "pickles" ( an obbvious refference to your phallic fixation) than I have "va jays".

>> No.5349704

Tl; dr. Your a. Try hard faggot and thems quick pickles "dawg". Go enjoy an $8 pbr

>> No.5349956

I would eat it. That sea bug....

>> No.5350639


I will concede that you have strengthened your position with the observation of cucumbers but I have never been so insulted in my life, sir. Questioning my sexuality and predatory motivations in choosing dining establishments is uncalled for and ungentlemanly, even if it might be true but I'm not admitting to anything. Clearly you are blinded by your impoverished circumstances which have clouded your perception, leading you to believe a failed attempt at a greek salad resembles some hillbilly "quick pickle." Further, the disseminate I feel when you suggest there are beets in and/or on greek salad is astounding; do you even know what a
GD greek salad is?

*removes glove*
*face smack*

Sir, I demand satisfaction.

>> No.5350978

>>not clarifying your butter
regular has more flavor
>>over stuffing lobster
I enjoy the stuffing and lobsters really don't have that much meat so it's good filler
>>chowder fucking broke
>>too much pepper
you must not like flavor
>>overcooked steak
med rare only a couple minutes on each side
>>terrible deconstruction of a Greek salad with no mother fucking black olives
its called a pickle and cumber plate w/vinegar
>>not cracking the knuckles
you crack them as you get to that part
>>wet stuffing so you even broil?
stuffing is brown on top
>>out of season tomatoes
garden fresh
>>under cooked spuds
the were boiled which doesn't result in browning
>>limp squash
cooked fine
>>too many utensils
you must never have had lobster before
>>dirty counters
clean enough
>>wtf paper clip
not sure why that was there
>>ugly plates
they look fine

>> No.5351989

I am unsure what the "disseminate" you feel is, unless it is the delusion spreading out in to the rest of your body. Your spurious assertion that a "true" domatasalata horiatiki could leave out the feta led me to believe you were speaking of localized variations of which the greek comunities in my region of the great land have chosen to include pickled beets. I can only assume your mutant variation has the cheese as an option to cater to the sexual activites of lactose intolerant homosexuals but I digress. Yes, I know what a greek salad is, and by your assertion this is a "deconstructed" version I assume you are pointing out the removal of greens which are in fact a regionalized addition, not infact a common ingrediant you would find in greece. This ignorance of what is a simple preperation of fresh ingredients seems to further cloud your view of the salad which I have proven to be the item on offer in this meal. Your further claims of poverty on my part, and of the so called "hillbilly" nature of this classic preperation only builds my case that your limited food knowledge and failure to understand that a simple preperation can be quite delicious only stems from some self righteous belief that only your overly complex hipster feed is real "food". I am uncertain of how I can offer someone in this position satisfaction sir, as the only goal you seem to have is shitting up OPs thread celebrating the availibilty of a food he appears to enjoy, and his quest for further preperations of the seas bounty.

Tldr: try harder, faggot

>> No.5352012

damn, i loev corm

>> No.5352035

If the tomato just came out of a garden I assume that sweet corn is fresh also. Probably steamed with the potato and lobster. Should be tasty.