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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5346349 No.5346349 [Reply] [Original]

When's the last time you had corn on the cob?

As a bachelor with no family I never go to backyard barbecues or whatever so I'm never anywhere that this stuff is being served. and preparing it for just myself seems absurd

butter? salt? both?

>> No.5346362


no idea why you think it's absurd

>> No.5346359

Get yourself a pot and boil some up. It's not even hard.

Also: Just butter. All the butter.

>> No.5346365
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I do this thing where I slather butter onto a slice of bread then wrap the cob around it and rotate the cob.

I picked it up from the movie WarGames a long time ago. Anyone else do this?

>> No.5346379

Australian here, we know how to cook corn on the cob.
per ~400g cob, in a piece of foil add 60g of butter, and season, then wrap the cob tightly.
place on BBQ/grill for 12 minutes, slowly rotating.

>> No.5346387

Forget boiling anything whatsoever.

1) Shuck the corn
2) Rub butter/salt on it
3) Wrap it in aluminum foil
4) Chuck it in the oven

Next question please.

>> No.5346394

Every harvest.

There's a cornfield across the street.

>> No.5346407

When I desire corn on the cob but the weather is not right for a fire I just bake it.

No, not shucked and wrapped in foil, baked just as is, save perhaps snipping off the silks if they are all over the place. Just stick in a 350 oven for half an hour, give or take, and you are done. And once cooked I find that the silks and husks peel away wonderfully from tender corn hat has concentrated it's flavor instead of washing away in a pot.

And then butter, salt, pepper or maybe some kickin' spices. It might be super mexican but buttered corn with spicy chili powder and a lime wedge to squeeze on it is pretty darn good too.

>> No.5346449

Proper corn on the cob?
It's been a while
On and off I'd take an ear, throw it in a zip lock bag and microwave it

>> No.5346545

Foil? I peel back the husk and take off the silk (maybe), throw it in a bucket water for a few mins, and then chuck it on some embers.

>> No.5347317


>> No.5347327

Shuck and pressure cook for 5 minutes

>> No.5347335

>preparing it for just myself seems absurd

Why? I'm a bachelor too, and even though my grill is tiny and portable it still cooks corn pretty well. Just rub it with olive oil and sprinkle cajun seasoning on it, and roast until browned on each side.

>> No.5347337

I eat it raw

>> No.5347339

That is simply how we do corn on the cob here in France.

>> No.5347344

>wrap corn around bread

>zip lock bag

>> No.5347346

Where are you sourcing it?

If its older then a day it will be shit and not worth it.

I went to the midwest and stayed with my cousins/extended family. Had sweet corn on the cob that was literally picked hours previously, and mother of god it makes the stuff I had back home seem like a completely different food product.

>> No.5347383

butter, mayo, cayenne, and cotija cheese you pleb

>> No.5347386
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Try butter, salad dressing or mayo even a mix with crema(till you find what you like best,
sprinkle anejo aka cotija cheese, powdered chile and that ever present twist of lime.

Use only fresh juicy corn still in husk. Only grill said corn till seemingly burned to a crisp which is actually steamed to perfection with a crispy crunchy caramelized kick.
in the bite to eat less is more so lay off the sauce and cheese even the chile allow the corn to be the star ^^

>> No.5347444
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>> No.5347469
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depending where you eat the corn you find it with area favorites
mayo is fairly common around the international border

>> No.5347480


A bit of a sweeping statement.

Well, on the cob, I cook it when I go to my Mom's house sometimes. I usually just give it the grill marks, season it with salt, pepper, and paprika, and enjoy. My mom likes it on the cob.

If I were cooking for myself, I would probably take the corn off the cob with a knife and cook it with some diced chorizo, shallot, and finish it with a little vinegar and herbs.

>> No.5347503

Honestly, do nothing at all to it. Eat it raw. I prepared my corn with butter and salt/other seasonings for years until someone showed me how delicious it was raw. It is very sweet and the flavor is incredible. Cooking kills it.

>> No.5347518
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corn raw is good enough
cooking is killing it ... well dead is not necessarily a bad thing

>> No.5347541

My mother used to make this vegetable and beef soup and put a few half corns in, they taste great with the flavor of the soup all over em.

>> No.5347608
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When's the last time you had cold on the cob?

>> No.5347610

few bongs ago, actually

>> No.5347644
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Buy it from a Mexican in the street and tell him to slather it in a shitload of mayo, butter, cheese, and "shili powdur."

>> No.5347660
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>Had one from a local old lady and her grandkids that sell them in the neighborhood earlier today
Good stuff.

>> No.5347848



>> No.5348070

I used to dump butter and salt all over it, now I just eat it by itself.

>> No.5349167

Butter and a sprinkle of sugar. Don't ask questions, just do it. And yes, I be Amerifat.

>> No.5349169


oven and grill is the worst way to make corn.

Corn is delicious when boiled. You can give it a quick sear after if you're so inclined.

>> No.5349278

direct on embers or grilling faggots

>> No.5349288

Had some last week. Boiled the shit out of it. A little butter, a little salt, and a fuck ton of pepper.

>> No.5349302

Which international border?

>> No.5349369

Yesterday, and I plan on eating 6 more ears today, and another 6 tomorrow

I just boil it for a few minutes, then shake on some lemon pepper

>> No.5349376

I usually only get it in the summer at the farmer's market or a random stand. Otherwise they want like $2 for 6 and fuck you if you think I'm spending 33cents on a fucking ear of corn.

Plus I don't really like or eat corn 99% of the time. I strongly prefer potato chips and HFCS gives me the shits.

>> No.5349380


>fuck you if you think I'm spending 33cents on a fucking ear of corn.

That's a pretty reasonable price. That's a lot cheaper than most things

>> No.5349383
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>mix cayenne pepper, salt, mayo
>heat corn however you like (boiling is shit tier though)
>slather mayo concoction on it
>crumble feta cheese over it
>serve with wedge of citrus fruit

come on, I thought we were in the cooking board.

>> No.5349412

I'm just gonna say if you decide to boil it. The goal is to warm it up, not cook it.

My in-laws boil it for 45 minutes on high in a giant pot on the stove. It pisses me the fuck off so bad.

>> No.5349586
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ha!! dipshit that doesn't enjoy simple pleasures
leave and never come back this actually is not a place you will ever understand

>> No.5349591


>not deep-frying your apples in butter and then wrapping in bacon


>> No.5349774
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>deep frying in butter
Kidd please
burned butter

>> No.5349776

Never heard someone so wrong

>> No.5349785

Thank you.

>> No.5349786
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Step 1 Grill corn
Step 2 Apply salted butter
Step 3 Drizzle with a little lime juice
Step 4 Chili Powder
Step 5 Sprinkle Chopped cilantro


>> No.5349799

Find the mexican part of town / some flea markets

find the corn roasters

enjoy that shit

>> No.5349813
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Made some for the challenge thread last week!

>> No.5349821

And it's a somewhat typical mexican street food, sour cream, mayo, cilantro, chile powder, cotija cheese and lime... Yum.

>> No.5349873


>> No.5351780
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>> No.5351795


There's no wrong way to cook it unless you over cook it

Error on the side of caution

>> No.5351798
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Well, you cant get that nice charred effect, but a good trick is to put a corn on the cob INSIDE ITS HUSK on your George Foreman Grill and rotate it every 7-8 min or so

It steams inside that husk as if it was on a grill cooked inside its husk and comes out juicy as fuck.

Unfortunately no smokey taste or charring with the electric grill, but its easy to throw one one and rotate it every now and then while your cooking something else.

>> No.5352077
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>> No.5352278

farmers markets, sporting events, and county fairs usually have corn stands.

>> No.5354640

ill stay away from fair food in general as usual

>> No.5354643

Mexico. Elote is the fucking bomb.