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5340021 No.5340021[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Maybe it's because I'm european (P&J sammwiches are huge in America right?), but this didn't do anything for me. Weird combo.

Your opinion on p&j sammich?

>> No.5340027

I used to live in Russia until adolescence, and then I moved to America, where I discovered PB&J. I personally like them, but sometimes they can be too sweet, and also I leave my pb&js open faced, because two slices of bread is too much for me. I sometimes substitute almond butter for pb and it's also nice to have a sliced apple or celery stalks instead of jelly.

>> No.5340029

Use a whole meal bread. Toast it. Use a chunky natural peanut butter. Use organic jam or preserves, apply just enough to coat; too much and it'll be cloy. Wash it down with a glass of milk. Yum-o.

>> No.5340032

i like them, i prefer peanut butter and banana sandwiches though

>> No.5340035

yeah, pbj is definitely no beans on toast

>> No.5340061

PB&Js are pretty popular here in Asia.
I am extremely particular with my PB&J, cue autism.

Ingredients and tools:
>All Natural Peanut Butter
>Fruit Preserves (Raspberry, Grape, Blueberry, Strawberry)
>2 slices of white bread
>2 knives/spoons/spatulas

1. Using Knife 1, Spread peanut butter on bread 1.
2. Using knife 2, spread a small amount of Jam on bread 2.
3. Put breads 1 and 2 together.
4. Put in a toaster oven. (Optional)
5. Devour.

Also, DO NOT OVER JAM IT! Jam is so fucking sweet, a tablespoon of jam is too much for a tablespoon of Peanut Butter.
I usually use a 1:2.5 ratio.

>> No.5340092
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I remember moving to Europe 5 years ago and the first sentence I ever came up with, which was grammatically correct was, "I would like a peanut butter and jam sandwich, please."

I said that to a friend of my girlfriend and she just made the most disgusted face ever. She practically gagged at the idea of a pb & j sandwich.

>mfw it's such a normal American thing

>> No.5340095

What's all natural peanut butter? Is that 100% peanuts?

>> No.5340099
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> Peanutbutter and Hagelslag sandwich

>> No.5340103

making sure the rat hairs in it aren't from gm rats

>> No.5340105


no added sugar. it tastes like ass, but i guess when you factor in the sweetness from the jam it could be nice

>> No.5340106

Holy shit.

That was my first thought after the friend of my girlfriend said that she thought it was gross because jam was sweet and peanut butter was savory—satésaus.

>> No.5340121

What's the best food to greet someone with?

A Mexican Peanut Butter and Jello!

>> No.5340152

Yeah, I usually just use peanut butter but if i'm adding jelly or jam I find the balance a lot better when you're easy on the jam/jelly.

And I don't get why someone would call this a weird combo. Do they not eat fruit with nuts in other countries?

>> No.5340160

I bought some peanut butter for the first time recently. I don't really like peanuts to begin with and it didn't taste very good on its own but peanut butter with apricot jelly went pretty well together.

>> No.5340275

>it's also nice to have a sliced apple or celery stalks instead of jelly
fucking russians

>> No.5340283
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>> No.5340286

>Use a chunky natural peanut butter. Use organic jam or preserves, apply just enough to coat
wow, you could not be more wrong. ww bread is good, but for pb&j's I break out the cheap jelly and you've got to slather it and the jelly on like a trollop. you want about two tablespoons pb and one tablespoon jelly

>> No.5340289

it's a children's snack. you make it when you're too lazy or hungover for real food.

>> No.5340345

Two pieces of white bread, generic peanut butter, and grape jelly is the GOAT classic. Nothing beats it. Best with a side of chips and milk.

>> No.5340894

>generic pb
>not skippy extra chunky
you fucked up

>> No.5340900

Stopped reading.

Chunky is smooth which they add bits of nuts too. it isn't like some natural less processed peanut butter. Smooth is much better, especially for PB and J.
Glass of milk? You disgust me.

>> No.5340908

>not liking chunky
you faggot

>> No.5340910
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God tier tramping/hiking lunches in Rye, Wholegrain or Faguette with Salami and Cheese.

yeaaaah man.
>nutella variation found on images
>close enough

>> No.5340916

spawn of satan

>> No.5340920

fuck, that's a cracker lol. oh well. that's ok too I guess.

>> No.5340924

I use tortillas instead of bread. Makes it fun to eat.
Anyone else?

>> No.5340941
File: 120 KB, 474x528, agentlemenssammich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>children's snack

"A gentlemen prepares his sandwich with only the best of ingredients. Organic whole-wheat bread, home-made mayo—made with extra virgin olive oil, of course—home-grown tomatoes, free-range chicken, and a slight touch of the best cheese ever, American cheese."

>> No.5341479
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>A gentlemen prepares his sandwich with only the best of ingredients. Organic whole-wheat bread, home-made mayo—made with extra virgin olive oil, of course—home-grown tomatoes, free-range chicken,
>and a slight touch of the best cheese ever, American cheese.

Sir, you are a riot.

>> No.5341484


Dont forget the ketchup

>> No.5341549

When made with shit-tier jelly?

When made with jam?
Fucking amazing.

>> No.5341748
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>it tastes like ass
Either you're buying the wrong kind or you just have shit taste. Theoretically, they should all taste the same, since they're made from only peanuts, but idk quality could vary brand to brand. Pic related is my pb of choice

>> No.5341759
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only lonely and unimaginative beings eat a sandwich with only pb.and j

>> No.5341783
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this is an excellent idea and I appreciate your input. I want to make different nut butter and (any)fruit sandwiches now

this made me drool, all these haters don't understand the good stuff like we do! you, me, and the russian should make sandwiches and chill out some time!

oh yeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

I always use more or less equal parts of butter and jam.
>white bread
>not crazy delicious whole grain organic chunky brown bread with nuts and seeds in it

>move to different country
>first thing learn how to say
>pbj sanwish pls

screw them! its delicious!

hey now, everyone has different opinions


chocolate cheese mysterymeat + peanut... what.


no pink himalayan sea salt?

>> No.5341786

your right, but that isn't organic....

>never had a good pbj

>> No.5341795


In Canada I do mine a little different way

>White bread
>Drizzle some maple syrup on them
>Peanut butter

Fuck Jam

>> No.5341797

Mind. Blown.

>> No.5341801

I'm an american and I've never cared for them. Much rather have a proper sandwich with meat. Or at least use almond butter, but even then not with jelly. Shit's too sweet.

>> No.5341847
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>not baking your own bread and making your own peanut butter for your lunch

>not getting your own preserves from your cellar

>not milking your own cow for the freshest milk

>being this pleb

>> No.5344015

PB&J is only good if the jam is good.
No Strawberry or Grape or they'll be shit.

>> No.5344371

move to America, you make us look disgusting

>> No.5344548

I literally ate PB&J every single day for lunch a few years straight in elementary school.

It's all about the peanut butter on both sides (preferably chunky). especially if you're taking the sandwich with you - keeps the jelly from making the bread soggy.

>> No.5344638

Use raspberry next time. And not one of those shitty Smucker's types that uses HFCS, I'm talking REAL jelly/jam/whatever the fuck's the difference where you see the label and it's just pure fruit in it. Ideally you should be making your peanut butter with roasted peanuts, but it's really the fruit spread that makes or breaks the sandwich.

>> No.5344642

Specify your ingredients down to brand, and I will offer commentary.

>> No.5344652

too much jelly on dat sandwich

>> No.5344669

Any one who enjoys pb&j is NOT that pretentious. God damn.
Smuckers grape jelly and peter pan or skippy peanut butter on some god damn wonder bread.

Don't fucking sully a childhood food with your bullshit.

>> No.5344675

Excuse me for wanting quality food. PB&J doesn't have to be peasant food.

>> No.5344679

Wonder bread sucks. Too soft and squish to spread anything on.

>> No.5344692

It seems I'm not half as picky as some of you in his thread. I'm flexible on the PB, though I prefer smooth. As for the jam/jelly, I prefer a berry that has some tartness when raw. Strawberry is the base line, but lingon and raspberry are good too, and as always wheat bread. No white. I was born and raised in America, but moved to Sweden later on, most Swedes have never had or even heard of a PB&J, but once I make them one they're hooked. Don't think I've had someone turn their nose up to one yet.
Also, for the more daring of anons, try this sandwich I cooked up on years ago when I used to smoke. Nutella and orange marmalade.

>> No.5344712

Pretty autistic child esque but kind of good.
Good use for shitty bread, PB and jam. Lower quality ingredients definitely improve the result.

>> No.5345283

Jif master race reporting in

>> No.5345690


My brother was peanut allergic, like, deathly. Me, I loved pb&j and overcomplicating things.

Comments on your procedure:
1. Jam first. Jam comes out of the fridge, onto bread, and sealed and back in fridge before even touching the peanut butter jar.
2. Toaster oven first, before any toppings, incase he wanted to use it for something and a little got on the bars.

Utensils were of course washed to spotless then put in dishwasher, sink cleaned, before enjoying sandwich.

Maybe overkill, but he never got sick from my sandwich making .

>> No.5346490

My grandma used to make me peanut butter and butter sandwiches.

Tasted like a slow, buttery death.

>> No.5346711

I find strawberry tolerable, but grape is fucking garbage.

There are way better options for jams/jellies.

>> No.5346718

Grape is terrible. I like blackberry or plum....maybe cherry preserves.

>> No.5346943
File: 41 KB, 414x376, jello.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. Stop it. You posted this before, and it's even worse now. It's not funny, and it doesn't make sense. Jello is always gelatin. Jelly is the one that means both.

>> No.5347619

Good to eat once or twice a year for nostalgia's sake. Tastes best that way.

>> No.5347895

Yes! Pb&J burrito here as well.

No muss, no fuss. Can be eaten on the go, and tortillas never go bad in the fridge.

>> No.5347899

Gotta be apricot jam.

>> No.5348427

I saw them on TV a lot and wanted to try them so I got once peanut butter from the murrican section of a supermarket(with miracle whip, pop tarts and other shit I have never tried).
It tasted like crap. I don't like peanut butter and jelly on bread is too sweet. Toast is also such shit, tastes like sugar and just melts in contact with saliva.

>> No.5348651

European here. First time tasting peanut butter I didnt like it.

Tasted PBJ sandwich and it was better but I can't understand what's so good about it. I would rather much enjoy a good Nutella sandwich.

>> No.5348653

>europoors comparing their palettes to that of children
Sounds about right.

>> No.5348654

It is what one grows up with that they are more comfortable with.

>> No.5348663

>Your opinion on p&j sammich?

I don't like it. Either on toast is fine, but together on bread? Not for me.

>> No.5348799

Britfag here - fucking love it.

>> No.5348855

PB&J sandwiches are standard as an American child. To the point where most adults I know don't particularly like them, since they just ate too goddamned many as a kid.

I hate the way PB makes my mouth dry, so I prefer more jelly, but less fillings overall.

Most american kids don't know what nutella is, to answer whoever wondered why they don't just eat that.

>peanutbutterbanana masterrace

>> No.5350306

hell yes, jif is top-tier pb

I only eat creamy tho, b/c chunky is disgusting. The texture of nuts in general is awful. I make them with an absurd amount of pb and a slightly less absurd amount of jelly - it's how I've made them my whole life and my step-dad would always get really angry at how much I used but I never gave a fuck - and then pair it with some chips and a soda or milk. Probably the meal I eat most right after pizza.