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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5316046 No.5316046[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are you drinking tonight

>> No.5316053

Pisco de mierda.

>> No.5316050

Volvic :(

>> No.5316054


keep it one thread, degenerates

>> No.5316057

i started the day out with leftover yeungling and coors light

then i ran out, so i went to the store and cheaped out buying natty daddy's. this shit's gross but i can't argue with 8% abv

>> No.5316058

That thread's old and stupid, like ur face haha rekt

>> No.5316068

i would rather die than drink that cat piss

>> No.5316134
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This is a great beer.

>> No.5316154

oh man i am missing this right now because i'm not in the states and won't be until this is done

what the fucking hell

how's the flavor profile

>> No.5316160
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>> No.5316175
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IPA hating is more of a shit meme on /ck/ than IPAs themselves. Bet you feel really relevant right now

>> No.5316180
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The first couple of sips were really good, now it sort of tastes like nail polish. You can really taste the caraway, a little too much. The anise tone is nice though.

Maybe I'll have some the traditional way with a little beer.

>> No.5316186

It is as good as the 2.14.14 batch.

Really piney, good amount of bitterness as it warms a bit.

>> No.5316207

Not alcohol, because I'm an edgy, angst filled teenager.

However, I did discover salty caramel schnapps earlier this week and that shit is absolutely delicious. It's made by Phillips Distilling Co. It's incredibly sweet like you'd expect, but would definitely be drinkable by itself with some water and would be great as a mixer with other things.

>> No.5316211
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I have been thinking about Lagavulin 16 all night though. Never had it but for some reason it is on a special at the store.

>> No.5316210


I'm off drinking until later in the week, except for maybe Coopers Sparkling or two.

>> No.5316213

I didn't get to try that either.

>> No.5316214


>> No.5316219

I just don't get the popularity. Some taste like I'm sipping on perfume and others taste like I been chewing on pine needles and washing it down with overly bitter bad fruit juice. They all seem to leave a bad taste in my mouth for to long. I'll try more in the future for the hell of it to see if there really is anything out there I enjoy but I'm just not a fan, I can't see anything that enjoyable in them other than being a unique experience from time to time maybe on the off chance there is one I like the taste of. I couldn't drink them all the time either way.

>> No.5316224

Well IPAs are obviously love or hate because they're an extremely acquired and completely love or hate beer taste idea, but I'm completely enamored and judge a brewery's worth by the IPAs they put out because that's almost all I drink with the exception of bad 40s in the name of getting fucked up fast. I have a similar disdain to yours for overly sweet ales, which I would hasten to call beer whatsoever. A regular ale needs to be very carefully balanced for me to enjoy it. Blue Moon, Shock Top, Leinenkugel, and many, many microbrewed ales go straight in the bin. I absolutely love stouts and porters, however. I also love a good lager/pilsener. Ales are in the danger zone as a whole.

>> No.5316227
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I am drinking this because drinking tequila all the time is depressing a bit.
Inb4 I am called a pussy

>> No.5316237

>I have a similar disdain to yours for overly sweet ales, which I would hasten to call beer whatsoever.
>overly sweet ales, which I would hasten to call beer whatsoever.
> I would hasten to call beer whatsoever.
You would speedily call sweet ales beer at all?

>> No.5316243

Sorry, bit tipsy myself. Refrain from. Surely you got the point though.

>> No.5316249

I did like this! Drinking homebrew malted Mountain Dew now.

>> No.5316253

Old Rasputin Imperial Stout.
Validate my tastes please.

>> No.5316257
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Desire to try very much. I'm IPA bro who also likes stouts and porters.

>mfw brewed a milk stout but forgot the lactose

God. Disappointing event. Beer was still dece tho.

>> No.5316265

steel reserve

>> No.5316283


>> No.5316310


Nah I didn't, too many jumbled words.
Saying sweet ales are hardly beer makes you equally bad as the anti-IPA shitposters too, braj

>> No.5316314

Ooooh boy you're devilish. You must be upset that I think sugar beer caters to the average pleb who can't handle the realm of bitter appreciation.

>> No.5316326


>kekek UMAD? exdee
Quality shitposting m8E
Posting this as I drink a De Molen barleywine. Clearly it's called barleywine because it's in reality some sort of antibeer sugarwater.

Isn't it sad that beer threads on /soc/ of all places have almost no ersatz dick measuring but beer discussion on /ck/ is full of shitposting.

I don't want to have to go to a board full of tumblrshit type gif-ing for some fucking reasonable discussion.

>> No.5316327

>"real" beer is this and not that

the sign of idiocy

>> No.5316333
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Never had Lagavulin. I do enjoy Buffalo Trace, though. Just recently received a bottle of Speyburn 10, but tonight it's rye.

>> No.5316339

In honestly, part of the polarity is due to IPA's having become far too uber-popular (particularly with high hops content) in beer meccas such as Portland. The backlash is as much in response to who is drinking it as it is to the beer itself. That's sad and ridiculous to some degree, but understandable.

>> No.5316344

>ITT: two people confirmed that can't handle the bitter realm

Prove me wrong. What bitter is good to you? Did you look up bitter things on google to decide on one or two? You can be honest in this thread. I'm your friend.™

>> No.5316345

I'm >>5316344 but your critique is at least understandable. The other two are just shitting bullets without reason. Popularity is a big "hipster" thing obviously, Portland in general being a collective, but IPAs are a legitimate genre, as much as people with far-from-dynamic tongues would have you believe. "Over-hopped" is very true and legitimate in some cases, but not all IPAs are over-hopped, they're simply inaccessible to some. Plebs do exist.

>> No.5316353


M8, I've drunk Mikkeller 1000 IBU on several occasons. I didn't think it was very good,but still, I could handle it.
I regularly drink IPAs. Probably most of all the craft I drink ends up being IPAs.

Are you suck a massive shitcunt that you genuinely think you aren't being a tit for bitching about
>stop disliking what I like
while at the same time going
>stop liking what I dislike?

Are you a beer fan?

Do you want to see civil beer discussion on /ck/ ever, at all, without Euro vs. US shitposting? IPA vs. non-IPA shitposting?

You are just another appy trell stopping reasonable beer discussion ever happening on /ck/

>> No.5316366

all u beer argument shits need to fug off and get some steel reserve

itll make u less of a cunt

>> No.5316367

No, I'm just defending IPAs because anything anyone on /ck/ besides a few reasonable people do is shit on them. The shitposting about IPA horribleness is literally out of hand. I mentioned that I enjoy non-IPAs quite a decent bit but all that you're focusing on is that that's all I like, which is far from the truth. They're my preference, but there's a time and a place for every beer.

>regular ales need to be well-balanced
>i love good stouts and porters, within a few millimeters of my preference of IPAs

None of this is about Ameri/Euro. I'm sure I'd develop a sensible taste for European beer if I spent any significant time over there. I'm not that nationalist dude, I just happened to grow up in the States and be very happy I did.

>> No.5316377

yeah and i'd rather be drunk than sober

>> No.5316379


Macallan 12.

>> No.5316381

Nah, I was focussing on you saying that you wouldn't call sweet beers beer, implying that malt driven styles shouldn't be a thing, assuming you were the original poster in the reply chain and not some random that jumped in for kicks.

>> No.5316388
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this because I'm cheap and vulgar.

>> No.5316390

No, you responded to me. Do recall though that I will drink a well-balanced ale, I just happen to taste that the vast majority are over-sweetened. I'm more partial to savory flavors, and while this probably doesn't apply to flavor-profile-philosophy, I subconsciously associate bitter with savory. I couldn't tell you my exact sensibility, but IPAs after years of shit beer drinking hit the spot all the time.

>> No.5316393
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ITT: one IPA gets posted and massive asspain ensues.

aka most beer threads

>> No.5316399


Has anyone here tried Orkney skull splitters? I heard they are pretty good.

>> No.5316402

ur mum's pussy

>> No.5316401

This Buffalo has been great so far. I have a half bottle of Glenmorangie which for some reason i cant stand.

>> No.5316403


That's odd. It's not something that I think could be offensive at all.

>> No.5316406

>It's not something that I think could be offensive at all.
Thats probably what it is. It seems to have no character for me. but then again, maybe I don't have a very sensitive palate for this stuff.

>> No.5316417

> your blood will never be pure Frangelico

>> No.5316431

A little on the sweet side, but def worth checking out.

>> No.5316441


Alright I will pick up a couple tomorrow.

>> No.5316473

beans, hiot dopgs and beer ptetty nice difencce twuxt akine and lionly yhe only one juded wores is xio y\tough job for both andcrew not agreat job i will not cirrect my spelling but franjkly you cab havbe it not so great and unless underway seasick or in the air, airsiick if waqituting for irti get better, it probably wont. jack sparrow not usn or rn god save the Queen,

>> No.5316475


What the fuck am I reading?

>> No.5316480

don't be hatin on ol ramblin guy you pleb

>> No.5316483


Go drink your pisswater.

>> No.5316495
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The friendly beer!

>> No.5316497
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I can't drink budweiser, molson, kokanee or any of that stuff. I just don't like it at all.

Have you tried Bavaria Strong?

>> No.5316500


> drinking lager
> ever

>> No.5316505

Molson isn't bad. In the summer I have 0 interest in decent beer. Summit EPA or Grainbelt all day. Never heard of the stuff. Why?
Oh I'm a stout guy. Stouts have 0 appeal to me in 80 degree weather

>> No.5316506


I was just going to suggest you try some Bavaria strong. It's good.

>> No.5316513

If I see some I'll give it a try. I'll also randomly but some hefeweizens too in the heat. I like Hacker Pschorr

>> No.5316519
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>what is a doppelbock
>what is a good as fuck pilsner

>> No.5316520


Sounds good. Sierra Nevada is pretty delicious too.

>> No.5316727
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>> No.5316728

By all means pick up as many bottles as you can if it is on sale.

My favorite Islay scotch. Better than Ardbeg and Lafr00g, in my opinion.

>> No.5316770

aww fuck, brother in law ordered me a "Vaporizer" some micro brew by Deschutes if I'm not mistaken. Shit tasted like bong water....fucking disgusting.

>> No.5316775

awwwwwww schiit.

Also,great scotch.

>> No.5316798

Audeze LCD-2.

>> No.5316806

delicious headphones to go with delicious scotch.

>> No.5316809


>> No.5316813
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high life

>> No.5316877


>> No.5316900

One of those cheap ass sake boxes and krave chili chocolate liquor.

I hate weeaboo shit but sake is alright.

>> No.5317333
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>> No.5317811

One of the worst IPAs I've had the misfortune of drinking. What the hell are you doing? Tastes rank as fuck.

>> No.5317818

My tears because I broke my internet and now I have to use my shitty phoneternet and can't get anyone out here until tomorrow afternoon.

That and vodka.

>> No.5317871

A lot of folks find Glenmorangie to be too mild and somewhat "unscotch-like", so it's a good gateway scotch for those who are new to the spirit, but it doesn't often please Scotch fans.

Personally, I think the Quinta Ruban variety (aged in port casks) is delicious, though it is sweet. There's another variety aged in sherry casks which is drier and less sweet, if that's your thing.

>> No.5317881

Agreed on all of the above. I like IPAs myself, although there's a limit to how much hoppiness I enjoy and I feel that a lot of brewers jack it up unnecessarily. Naming hops varieties to sound like street brands of weed probably has something to do with the giddy overzealousness in that department.

>> No.5317904

Pusser's rum, neat

>> No.5319112

Cheap beer (Natural Ice) and Lime-A-Rita's as I finish up these 3 papers due tomorrow morning.

>> No.5319118

fernet branca because i gave up on things being pleasant a long time ago

>> No.5319189

My nigga, my nigga.

As much as people hate me for it, I love cheap American beer.

>> No.5319232
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Keeping it simple tonight. How pleb am I?
My college student budget can't support as much good scotch as I'd like.

>> No.5319437
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I had been wanting to try this for a while.

>> No.5319466

shoulda got Bushmills

>> No.5319472

innis and gunn, okanagan spring, fuller's ESB, hacker pschorr kellerbier.

>> No.5319594
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Also had some peanut noir.

>> No.5319601
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Good choice.

>> No.5319882
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Finishing the last couple pours tonight, great value, nice and spicy

>> No.5320083

a little lighter than I'd like

Hard to find that sweet spot between IPAs and regular pale ales

>> No.5320086
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forgot my pic