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5309899 No.5309899 [Reply] [Original]

ITT things that you ate when you were younger that you thought other people did too, only to find out you were alone.

I used to microwave hot dogs, cut them up, stick pretzels in them and dip them in ketchup

>> No.5309975

I wasn't a weird eater. I did only like the filling of Oreos and didn't eat the crackers

>> No.5310903

p-pls respond

>> No.5310917
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fried egg on peanutbuttered toast. i grew up on this shit and as an adult i learn most people find it strange.

fuck this gay earth

>> No.5310921

I mix horseradish with my cream cheese for bagels

>> No.5310927

That sounds good though
I eat pancakes with garlic sauce and cheese, and apparently that's weird?

>> No.5310930


you're not alone there bud

>> No.5310933

There was a few months when I was a kid where I put A1 steak sauce on mashed potatoes. Thank God that didn't last long.

I have always, and still do, put hot sauce on rice. The internet doesn't think that's as weird as it did 15 years ago for some reason.

>> No.5310935

How is that in any way weird? Pretty sure many people would get on board / have gotten on board with this

>> No.5310938

I would and still do toast two pieces of white bread, lay one slice on a plate and evenly distribute about 8 slices of thinly slices deli pepperoni on top. Put the plate in the microwave for about 30 seconds on high, take it out and put a bit of mustard on top, slap on the other slice of bread and enjoy. Microwaving the pepperoni on the bread makes it soak up all the grease and gives the pepperoni a almost bacon flavor.

>> No.5310940
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When I was really young, like under 10, I'd just eat cups full of this..
Mum didn't mind it at all.

>> No.5310944

I'd do the same with non-dairy creamer.

>> No.5311170

everything was fine up to that point

>> No.5311183

Shit was milky and sweet yo.

>> No.5311189


Shit, I did that too! The top most pieces would make little bowls that were fun to squish down

>> No.5311223

I used to eat crackers with ketchup. I got that packed for snacks for school. Used to chase kids around with it because they thought it was disgusting.

>> No.5311246


I'd eat that. I haven't but it doesn't sound weird or out of the ordinary.

I do something kinda similar, but not really. Just in the sense that egg, toast, and people finding it odd.

I like thick cut toast, a nice amount of butter, and a lot of blackberry jam. Then a fried egg on top, and that's how I eat it.

>> No.5311248

Posting an opposite out of boredom:
Butter/margarine with Jam, Peanut Butter or Honey on Toast.
I had butter/marg with Vege/Marmite or plain Toast, but I always thought it was fucking gross with other spreads and so did my parents. Friends opened me up to what I still believe to be a criminally disgusting habit..

>> No.5311827

Frozen peas. My parents used to give me a cup of them as a snack in the evenings, and I thought it was perfectly normal until I got older and people reacted to it like I was crazy.

>> No.5311924

I occasionally eat raw yeast, they're sold in 15g blocks, I eat 1-2 blocks. Not often tho, maybe once per two months or so. I just like the taste and I burp like a king afterwards, which is fun. And that shit is apparently healthy too, so that's a small bonus.

>> No.5311930


I didn't knew that was even edible like that.

>> No.5311942

it is perfectly edible. I wouldn't rub my dick with it, but it can't harm you when you eat it. I'm not sure how instant or dried yeast taste, tho

>> No.5312009

I used to get lemon wedges and dip them in a cup of sugar before sucking on them in front of the tv. The sweet sugar mellowed out the acidity so they were delicious.

>> No.5312019

I used to put chips in my sandwich and eat it like that.

>> No.5312025

Do you have any teeth left?

>> No.5312040

Frozen peas are great, I still enjoy a bowl once in a while

>> No.5312163

Bread and salt
Potatoes and salt with lemon juice
Garlic lots and lots of garlic

>> No.5314633

I did the same thing with crisps

>> No.5314644

I used to take three ritz crackers, chew one up, and then spit inbetween the other two and eat it like an oreo

>> No.5314853

Pretzelsticks with either Mustard or Chocolate.

>> No.5314865



>> No.5314867
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>bread and salt


>> No.5314911

I do this. amazing with smoked salmon, too!

I also mix sriracha or chin su with cream cheese. delicious.

>> No.5314916

I ate bread with butter and salt. Haven´t eaten it for like 20 years but I still remember it being delicious.

>> No.5314930


fresh garlic..?

>> No.5314959

Shit nigger, I'd eat out of the little tub of powdered milk with a giant spoon when I was a kid.

>> No.5314963

I recently discovered the joys of doing this with hamburgers. I saw my friend do it once and I've never gone back to eating hamburgers the old way ever since then.

>> No.5315004

There was a short time when I was in middle school/maybe beginning of high school where I would use mayo or sour cream as dip for pretzels, chips etc. I knew it was gross though, never did it when I wasn't alone. I think my body was craving extra calories for puberty or something.

>> No.5315028

Whenever I make twice baked potatoes I put bulls eye bbq sauce on them... Still do this till this day and I'm 23.

>> No.5315036

I used to like eating whole Vidalia onions, twenty years later those things are still crackin' good.

>> No.5315056

Oxo cubes

>> No.5315060

One time I tried whipped cream on bologna because we were out of mayo. It was fucking awful.

>> No.5315062

Creamy mashed potato with heaps of salad cream.

>> No.5315072

My dad's fat chode

>> No.5315073

Spam, pickled herring, chives. I was a stinky child it would seem.

>> No.5315076

fucking british choad

>> No.5315080

More college food than kid food. But I used to take totinos pepperoni pizza rolls, place a pickled jalapeno in top, secure with a toothpick, and dip in ranch.... might make some next week.

>> No.5315976

i used to fill hot dog buns with sugar and eat that for a snack two or three times in a day

>> No.5315990

ya know those little pizza tables that prevent the cheese from sticking to the top of the pizza box? As a kiddo I would stick the legs through the center of my pizza and eat around it so all i had left in the end was a pizza disc. Appearance made that last disc taste better somehow.

>> No.5316001

>My parents used to give me a cup of them as a snack in the evenings,
cooked, or still frozen?

Because pea pods, off the stalk are pretty good by themselves.

I eat citrus wedges whenever they come with a drink or a meal.
Rind, peel and all.

>> No.5316704

If they were not cooked that was dangerous. Frozen peas must always be cooked before consumption.

>> No.5316707

Fun fact, I'm pretty sure you two are talking about the same thing.

>> No.5316708

>Potatoes and salt with lemon juice

That's not that weird. Chicken vesuvio involves something like that, actually.

>> No.5316716

Citrus peels don't need to be cooked, just washed before the thing is cut.
Who knows where those things have been? So some peel sitting on a drink glass is suspect.

>> No.5316723

I'd nuke crabfish sticks in the microwave until they were dry and then eat them like that.
I also like raw potatoes and raw/dry spaghetti.

>> No.5318023
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>Implying that chip butty doesn't exist

>> No.5318028

I ate cut up hot dogs with a single piece of folded bread with mayo in it. Why I didn't just put the hot dog in the bread I'll never know.

>> No.5318032

Baked potatoes with garlic salt. Can't believe more people don't eat it that way

>> No.5318313
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Leftover cooked white jasmine rice from the fridge mixed into a hot bowl of canned tomato soup.

I swear it was delicious and gave my soup a little more texture (although fine on its own.), however I was the only one in my famy that did this.

There was no greater feeling of serendipity for me when we sat down for tomato soup, and I would find leftover rice in the fridge.

Apparently this isn't a "weird" thing to eat, though. So I guess my family were the weird ones.

>> No.5318328

i would eat hot dogs cold

>> No.5318356

French toast with ketchup and cheese. I was scarred for life when my gf told me they eat their's with cinnamon sugar and that most of the world thinks that's the normal way, i.e. eating it as a sweet dish.

>> No.5318360

Also, savory omelette with a tart or sour jam, like raspberry. People eat such jams with game and cheeses, I don't get why it's considered weird to have it with eggs.

>> No.5318361

I eat it savoury too.

>> No.5318364

little bits of butter from the fridge
mayo sandwiches
plain chorizo (cooked of course)

>mfw i still do this
it tastes good man, different than when it's cooked, i dunno.

>> No.5319658

>bread with butter and salt
People have been eating that for hundreds of years

>> No.5319666
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I used to eat so much of this. I'd dip it in old bay seasoning and horseradish ketchup

>> No.5320047

I used to cook oven pizzas in a mircowave

>> No.5320060

I used to put Cheerios in my burritos. I got caught once. Everyone laughed at me so I stopped. Fuck it. I thought it was good.

>> No.5320100

I put peanut butter in my chili. That got weird reactions from friends in my university's dining hall.

I also do eggs and jam, and toast + butter and jam, but those aren't as weird.

Oh, I would also snack the fuck out on cottage cheese and honey French dressing (the dark red stuff, not the orange shit).

>> No.5320103

peanutbutter on celery wiyh rasins. peperoni and chesse on ritz crackers (nuked um micro waved- tiny pizzas) banana and mayo fold overs and god forgive me, old crow bourbon and RC cola with sardines on crackers (not my youth but almost. fifty +and still believe in santa claus and you should too at least st nick. pstenen now might... elves might be making gifts yeah i know but maybe you never know...

>> No.5320202

I used to think it was okay to eat little spoons of butter like one does peanut butter sometimes, til my mum caught me and asked me what the fuck was I doing sticking a teaspoon of butter in my mouth.

>> No.5320249
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Dipping spicy chicken sandwich in chocolate shake before taking a bite

Ranch on spaghetti
Btw my mom scarred me by mixing cream of mushroom soup in spaghetti, so I don't too much care for it as is.

Apples and ketchup

I'd cook pizza rolls and fill them with cheese wiz

Microwave a bagel with string cheese on top

Cinnamon sugar sandwich

Crushed up dortios in scrambled eggs

>> No.5320625

Yeap, I don't care much for warm hotdogs. Like them way better cold and without any condiments.

>> No.5320693

I use to eat raw hot dogs...

>> No.5320695

I eat french toast with ketchup. It makes more sense than syrup. People thought I was weird for it. I think it's more common in europe than here to do it, and my family is dutch so that's probably why I had it with ketchup (that's how mum always served it)

>> No.5320699


>raw hotdogs
they're precooked you fucking moron

>> No.5320700

a buddy of mine would eat peanutbutter and cheese sandwiches. I always thought that was odd and he thought it was odd I never heard of that before.

>> No.5320702

I like to use plumb sauce on a lot of things it's not traditionally used on. i.e french fries, a little bit on some rice, etc

>> No.5320705

sip on pickle juice of sweet pickles. Stopped doing it because it started giving me heart burn

>> No.5320708

seconding Bread & Salt

Smearing soft butter on biscuits and dipping them in sugar

mixing cocoa powder or instant coffee with sugar, no water added, just eating it dry

>> No.5320723

I used to put grated cheese and/or cheese strings on flat bread and then microwave it. Delicious stringy, chewy and cheesy.

Sometimes I still do it every once in a blue moon, mainly when drunk.

>> No.5320733

oh, i did that too but with regular sliced cheese (Gouda and shit, not american "cheese" slices)
I would microwave it until it was all bubbly and baked into the bread, then put pepper or other spices on top

>> No.5320737

old bread (or rolls, croissants, whatever) cut and dipped in whisked egg and fried is eaten with ketchup around here commonly, or it serves as a side dish to cooked spinach with garlic and cream. I'd found out about sweet fried egg bread when I was older and it seemed really, really odd to me.

>> No.5320760

Hell yeah!

>> No.5320833

I love this too. I must put pepper on top as well!

>> No.5320862

>Gouda and shit
Yeah, that's what I would use too. Not the nasty plastic processed shit, other than the cheese strings I guess.

>> No.5320885

If they are cooked please explain why there cold?

I feel bad for u.

>> No.5320901

I'm famous for requesting "frozen peas and carrots" as a regular breakfast as a child.

>> No.5320907


because there topping were on

>> No.5320923

I ate uncooked lasagna noodles with ketchup. It was never good, but I kept doing it.

>> No.5320997

I didn't know that people eat sweet porridge until I was like 12. Always ate it with some milk and a truckload of salt.

>> No.5321016
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Peanut butter and sharp cheddar sandwich
Onion sandwich
3D Duritoes and Ranch dressing salad
Grilled Cheese + Ramen
Sausage Biscuit mini burgers
Whipped cream and Original Lays chips dip
Melted cheese directly into a bag of potato chips of any kind, eat with fork (no way anyone could not like this)

the joys of being poor

>> No.5321063

>I'm famous
Then how come I've never heard of you.

>> No.5321066

That is a very unfortunate and excruciating way to die.

...I'm assuming he's dead.

>> No.5321068

Looks pretty stiff.

>> No.5321124

If you live by the nuts, you die by the nuts.

>> No.5321249


Just because something exists, doesn't mean that it should.

>> No.5321260
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I used to be in love with that shit. Esp the kind in logs, i would peel them and eat them like string cheese.

>> No.5321273

is that guinea pig? looks tasty. even the little face

>> No.5321944

What is this? Don't you have sticks of pre-salted butter in Europe?

>> No.5322028

Okay, you guys know those bagels that they sell at most supermarkets? The ones with this sorta crispy tasty cheese baked into them?

Well, I would toast them and make a peanut butter bagel outta them. I would still do it if I could only find the fucking things, walmart seems to not sell them anymore.

>> No.5322043


Same exact thing only

>hot dogs
>stick doritos in them
>put ketchup on them
>eat them in a bun

It was the only way I could tolerate school food some days...

Else than that

>Instead of making cookies normally would make one large cookie and cut it up and eat that

>> No.5322587

I would unroll them and fill them with different stuff and sauce and roll them back up like a crab burrito

>> No.5324094

What brand of peanut butter?

>> No.5324104

I put butter on Graham crackers.

>> No.5324158

My grandmother used to spread margarine, sugar, and cinnamon on hotdog and hamburger buns and bake them in an oven until the top was a deep cinnamon brown. Her grandchildren, myself included, used to love this and look forward to eating it on weekend mornings for breakfast. "Cinnamon Buns"

Last week I realized no one else does this, and now I am wondering if she came up with that herself or found it in some 1960s cookbook.

>> No.5324184

>Not sticking ruffled potato chips in them and pretending they were dinosaurs
Shit taste.

>> No.5324190 [DELETED] 
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I used to eat Cheeto's cheeseballs, when they still made them with a toothpick.

Then the movie Rainman has a scene where the autistic character, Raymond portrayed by Dustin Hoffman does the same thing in the movie.

>> No.5324196

Oh shit, rambling guy. I haven't seen you in awhile. Hope you're in good health

>> No.5324198
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I always used to eat Cheeto's cheeseballs, when they still made them, and used a toothpick to keep my fingers clean.

Then the movie, "Rainman" comes out and has a scene where the autistic character, "Raymond" portrayed by Dustin Hoffman does the exact same thing in the movie.


>> No.5324215


When I was little my grandma would scrape all the creme out of the oreos and give it to me and she would eat the cookie. Good times.

>> No.5324243

A piece of chocolate on a saltine cracker. Sweet and salty, but my sister and I ate too much of them and got sick.

>> No.5324371

I try garlic salt on anything I can, and I love it on baked potatoes. Good taste, anon.

>> No.5325166

peanut butter and pickle sandwhiches. i gave zero fucks back then.

>> No.5325169

yep time to stop posting drunk.

>> No.5325236

Raw Ramen noodles and Chow Mein noodles and plain hot chocolate mix.

>> No.5325370
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>fried egg on peanutbuttered toast
my nigga

>> No.5325394
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I used to make this when I was home alone, since I wasn't allowed to use the stove
>three wieners on a plate
>lay 3 plastic cheese slices over evenly
Take out, cut up, lather in ketchup.

I tried it again a few years ago...not great.

>> No.5325404
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>> No.5325409

Also, when I was very young, 2-3 my mom caught me under the bed dipping crackers in margarine.

>> No.5325422


When I was a kid, one of my forced-friends (you know, ones where your parents and their parents are friends and so you have to be friends) used to sneak off and eat peanut butter in the closet with her bare hands.

She was very fat.

>> No.5325427

Frozen chicken nuggets are fucking good

so are hot dogs, they're precooked so ready to eat out of the fridge. Sometimes it's gooooood

>> No.5325430

I had a forced-friend who was also fat, she smashed the tin of cookies my mom made for christmas only a few days before Christmas day. And it wasn't an accident, she was a spoiled cunt having a tantrum my mom wouldn't let her have any.

I still hate her with a passion to this day, and I don't think i've seen her in at least 15 years.

>> No.5325433


I bet both of those fat forcefriends were abused.

Now that I think about it, I feel kinda bad.

>> No.5325434

I don't. Good, I hope she was. Bitch ruined Christmas.

>> No.5325484

i don't feel bad either. i hate her just from your story
fat girls aren't even people

>> No.5325763

mango and rice

Shit's good yo

>> No.5326789

This is so easa to do. just wrap aluminum roll underneath and nuke.