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File: 584 KB, 1205x1203, coca-cola-logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5294756 No.5294756 [Reply] [Original]

galls bottle > plastic bottle > fountain > can

the same is generally true for all soft drinks.

>> No.5294777

Just switch plastic and can.

>> No.5294785
File: 444 KB, 1600x1200, IMG_20140307_204725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draft > Bottle > Can

>> No.5294786


What's wrong with can OP?

>> No.5294788

Plastic is for niggers

>> No.5294790


dunno how that happened

>> No.5294793


>> No.5294809

glass>can>plastic of any kind

>> No.5294882


Some places fountain sodas taste better to me, especially Dr Pepper.

>> No.5294894
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The thread can end now that this post has been made.

>mfw they're starting to put 40s in plastic now

Muh profit margin!!

>> No.5294906

What's interesting is that diet cola of any kind is the best out of a can. Not sure why...

>> No.5294910

Yum! its like Dr. Pepper holds the fizz way better then any other soda!

>> No.5294915

I prefer the taste from a can as opposed to a plastic bottle. I agree with glass bottle being best though.

>> No.5294938

Almost right.

Fountain > galls > can > plastic

>> No.5294940

Can is da best, that metallic taste

>> No.5296189
File: 258 KB, 506x1763, 1395512188135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

flip top > champagne cork > crown cork > twist cap

>> No.5296192

>Draft > Bottle > Can


Draft>Can poured into a glass>Bottle

As for soda, I prefer fountain when available. Just tastes better to me.

>> No.5297086

Glass bottle >fountain> can > plastic

flip top > champagne cork > crown cork > twist cap

I do prefer cork the most if it is something I plan on drinking all at once.

>> No.5297101

The only thing on the Wikipedia article about "gall" that was remotely food-related is this Aboriginal bush tucker thing:

I wonder how Coke and Bush coconut would taste...

>> No.5297109

Coke glass bottle > Pepsi glass bottle > Coke fountain > Pepsi fountain > Pepsi plastic bottle > Pepsi can > Coke plastic bottle > Coke can

Coke can't make canned cola for shit. Pepsi makes it so much sweeter while coke makes it feel like the water and the sugar are completely separated.

>> No.5297119

Wait, figs have that weird thing with the wasps, so I guess a "galls bottle" could be fig flavored Coke?

How would fig Coke taste? Not the worst, I'd think.

>> No.5297131

Galls aren't specific to any one variety of tree, though probably the most well known are oak galls, as they have been used for the making of ink for centuries.

>> No.5297143

McDonalds Fountain Coke > Everything else.

I don't know about you guys but whenever I get Coke from McDonalds that shit is the bomb. Its like an entirely new flavor profile. I don't know if they mix some crack in with that shit or what.

>> No.5297207


this guy's got it. no contest. no question. better than anything.

also, for me, I believe coke (especially from a plastic bottle and absolutely NECESSARY for canned) needs a splash of water to open it up. like scotch. dunno why, dunno what changed, but aside from mcdonald's coke, it's best with a little water, or stirred up a bit with ice.