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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5288840 No.5288840 [Reply] [Original]

$7 at a new taqueria that opened up. What do you guys think? Has a ton of carne asada, rice, beans, sour cream, lettuce, tomato and some salsa.

>> No.5288844

Where is you?

>> No.5288845

> Paying 7 dollars for that

Do you live in the middle of Greenland where there's no other competition?

>> No.5288848

looks tasty, but fuck paying this much for a burrito

>> No.5288851

They had a slightly smaller and cheaper ($4) version, but I opted for the big one.

San Jose, CA

>> No.5288857

I would have thought you were in Canada. We get such shitty prices here even for the chain "Mexican" places. $7 is pretty normal for a burrito here. There's a lack of cheap food in my city.

>> No.5288872

It's funny, I always think "goddamn I could make a similar burrito for like two fucking dollars.) Then I realize I'd have to make large batches of ingredients for it to be cost-effective. Then I consider the consequences of having a dozen massive burritos I have to eat before they go bad and I'm like "nah, I'm good."

Maybe I'll experiment with freezing my own burritos. Anyone ever done that before? Do they reheat well?

>> No.5288882

You could make a bunch of carnitas/pulled pork and freeze that into small ziplock bags or something. Then just thaw out when wanting to make one. I think if you froze a whole burrito it would fall apart upon reheating.

>> No.5288883

I guess things are just more expensive in Commiefornia. Looks good though.

Was it served by authentic spics?

>> No.5288887

Well, there's another local place I go to for my burritos and their burritos are $4, except the shrimp ones. But I think I'll be going to this new one because it was just more flavorful and they accept credit cards.

And yes, both places employed authentic spics.

>> No.5288888

looks good, but I can get a god-tier burrito in Fresno for $5

>> No.5288890

Chavez Supermarket #1

>> No.5288894
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Someone post some burrito recipes

>> No.5288896

There's actually a Chavez market near where I live. I guess I'll try that place next. I just wish I could find a place that did chorrizo burritos.

>> No.5288907

Seven bucks will get you a ton more food at Taco Bell. Would taste better too.

>> No.5288935
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>> No.5288936
File: 55 KB, 640x478, yyy-spicy-mexican-chorizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy some aged chorizo in the back and ask them to cook it in a burrito.

aged chorizo looks like this

>> No.5288944 [DELETED] 

Dude, i’m gonna type as sober as possible, that honestly looks fcking pathetic and digusting compared to my breakfast. and I’m being one hundred percent serious. Sorry we dont cook sht that was perviously in cans. you’re a fuking joke dude, and im dead fuking serious. gert areal family that cooks good food, drinks beer and wine and winecoolers and has a good fuking time, and has a milliondollar house on the beach, im seriously.. dont eever potst your fuking poverty dinner on these forums ever the fuk again bro, and by bro i mean never my bro, fuking phaggot.

>> No.5289028

>What do you guys think?
How fucking dumb are you? You're the one eating it; you tell us.

>> No.5289049

>would taste better too

White suburban stoner pls go

>> No.5289154

It was very filling and delicious, especially the meat. Would eat again/10.

>> No.5289163

So where did it come from and do they do tacos al pastor.

Rate the la pastor.

>> No.5289168

I'm not a big taco fan. I mainly stick with burritos and quesadillas and enchiladas.

>> No.5289255
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>I'm not a big taco fan

>> No.5289269

>paying $7 for one shitty meal

No thank you, I'm not retarded.

>> No.5289282


Maybe you're not retarded, but seems like you're poor.

>> No.5289334

Burritos are like 2 meals.

>> No.5289349

you're either 90 pounds or a bitch or both

>> No.5289364

So when did being poor become a sin.

>> No.5289396

in the old testament.

>> No.5289474


Why are you such an asshole? How about you post something constructive instead of just shitting on people?

>> No.5289494

>wwaaaaaahhhhhhhhh im poor

>> No.5289507


Great post, anon, you've really contributed something to the world. For your next trick, might I suggest you go get hit by a bus.

>> No.5289530

Frozen burritos are like an american staple dude. walk down the freeezer isle

>> No.5289540

Are you serious.

I have not even looked in those things since I was a child.

>> No.5289567

Aren't you?

>> No.5289584

Well i'm not in the one percent while at the same time i'm not a dick pretending not to be.

>> No.5289904

From a Mexicans POV beans, rice and lettuce should not be in there. From My POV I'd murder it and love it anyway.

>> No.5289910

uh lettuce maybe

>> No.5289934

I live in Mexico, there are a dozen burro places that I can get to within 5 minutes. None of them have rice or beans even as an option except for one that will sell small bean only burritos. They just offer meat ( asada or pastor ), white cheese, tomato, avacado, grilled chiles, bacon, salami.
I grew up in Az so I love OPs kind of burro, too, though.

>> No.5289937

not worth 7 smackaroos

>> No.5291464
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Puro Carne por favor con salsa

>> No.5291466

This is america, not mexico

Either way, lettuce does not belong in a burrito, who the hell mixes delicate leaves with heavy starch/meat jesus christ

>> No.5291467

different anon, but I'm a 5'9" 128 woman and a big ol' mission-style burrito can be two meals for me no problem.

>> No.5291471

>every burrito is supposed to be full of heavy starches

lol no. Not even Mexican, but rice and beans have no reason to be in a burrito unless it is a bean burrito. Fresh lettuce and onion add a crunch to the burrito.

>> No.5291479

I like the texture it adds

also OP would you recommend the place? If so where is it? I go to sjsu and always enjoy a nice burrito

>> No.5291494

there is this mexican place I go to that has great burritos so I decided to have their tacos, the tacos are good too however they were the american style you folks around here seem to hate so much. So they have on the menu mewy mewy authentico mexican tacos and I decided to give those a try...I am so glad I only bought one because it was garbage

>dry meat with no sauce to speak of
>cilantro and onion are the toppings
>for some reason there are slices of radish on top
>two thick corn tortillas that had the texture and flavor of a rubber bath mat

why do you mexican people lie to yourselves and insist your original creation is better than what we did? you should be happy someone made your food taste good because you guys sure didn't

>> No.5291497

Beans, rice, and lettuce are in burritos for one reason to fill them up with cheap ingredients.

>> No.5291509
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Your shit taste are that nothing more. If you can not enjoy a fine taco its not the foods fault its the consumer.


I do not like pate it does not mean anything I just do not like it end of story.

>> No.5291541

>dry meat covered in soap served on rubber

riddle me this, if the mexican version is so superior why is it people are always trying to justify how good they supposedly are?

you aren't really going to suggest that mexicans have things figured out more than americans do are you? americans are pretty fat and stupid but mexico is literally the only country out performing america on that front

when there is a fried calamari and tartar sauce burrito outselling the authentic mexican tacos I think it is clear what the problem is

>> No.5291544

Beans are necessary to the construction of a good burrito. Saying that you don't need beans for a burrito is like saying you don't need a setup for a joke.

Rice is optional and lettuce is unacceptable. But beans are absolutely necessary. Beans are the base on which the whole burrito is built.

>> No.5291552


>> No.5291555

I hate lettuce in a burrito.
>lets put the most easily wilting vegetable in the world in this hot steam chamber

>> No.5291578

Troll harder, faggot.

>> No.5291594

You're an idiot. I'm whiter than a grain of rice in a glass of milk being held by a polar bear at the north pole, and even I appreciate the appeal of mexican style tacos. I guess if you've lived a sheltered little life and never ventured beyond your comfort zone, you'd have a problem. Lengua tacos, Adobada tacos, Birria tacos, Fish tacos, shrimp tacos, all are glorious and delicious, and all come from Mexico. You go ahead and stick with your Taco Bell style tacos and keep backwardly thinking that everyone else is wrong. That's pretty pathetic.
Also, fried calamari burrito? Guess what, they serve those in mexico too. You have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.5291600


not that guy, but you're not making a very compelling argument for mexican food if all you can name is fucking tacos

>> No.5291606

Beans should not be a topping when there is meat in a burrito. Beans and cheese on it's own is great but with meat, it overpowers the flavor if it. At most a burrito should only have meat, onion and cilantro, salsa and rice but I usually get no rice also. Don't need those fillers.

>> No.5291617

how are you so picky about what's in a burrito?

I can't think of anything that commonly goes in a burrito that I don't like, and whether you put all those in one burrito or omit a couple I'll still probably like it. I'm even sort of a snob with food but burritos are one of those foods that are almost always delicious.

>> No.5291621

He was specifically talking about how shitty mexican tacos are, so that was pertinent to the conversation.

>> No.5291624

The rice is the cancer.

>> No.5291625

fair enough, carry on

this thread is really making me hungry for a fucking taco

>> No.5291634
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are mexican tacos shitty in certain parts of the country or something?

I live in california and even my picky friends who eat like man children love tacos

>> No.5291640

Everyone loves tacos. Anyone who says otherwise is shitposting.

>> No.5291641

A big part of a good taqueria taco is the tortilla. If it's dry and flavorless, it's a shit taco place. The tortilla should not taste like nothing but should have a mild corn flavor. Also, if they just toss the tortilla on a flattop, they are shit also. That will just dry them out. It should be dipped in lard and cooked so it's nice and tender. Especially with the lard used to cook the buche, carnitas, chicharrones, etc to add even more flavor.

>> No.5291648

My husband is a Chicano, and his parents are from Mexico. Why do Mexicans eat tortillas with every meal? My husband eats it with anything you put in front of him. I also noticed he uses his tortilla as an eating utensil. Do Mexicans purposely teach their children to not use forks and spoons? Do all Mexicans use tortillas as little shovels? I guess even when they're eating, they're working.
The Tortilla Shoveler's Wife


This is what is overlooked always. Tortillas mean so much its kinda silly to even mention. READ that section

>> No.5291656


I'm white but I do that too

I grew up with lots of mexican friends though so maybe it rubbed off on me

>> No.5291659
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>> No.5291770
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That is awesome is my book.


I hope you find time to travel in mexico sometime I'm sure you will love it stay for at least 3 weeks leave your cares behind it will be good for you.

>> No.5291786
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>I guess even when they're eating, they're working.

Next time I need workers imma drive in front of a Mexican restaurant instead of a Home Depot.

>> No.5291801
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>> No.5291806


every time I see shows where they go to mexican and eat various foods I'm always freaking the fuck out because it looks so delicious and I want it so bad

Is it safe for whitey to go there though currently? One of my coworkers is mexican and went to visit his family about a year ago and said it's sketchy as fuck.

>> No.5291812


>go to mexican

mexico, I'm retarded

>> No.5291842
File: 125 KB, 770x602, bandera.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plan not to be out at 4am drunk as fuck ready to start fight with the police and you are going to be alright. That goes for pretty much everything be on your best behavior and doors will open up for you its not hard to understand. Its safe enough.



>> No.5291866


>> No.5292012

Any meal that fills you up for 7$ isn't a bad deal. It's not the greatest, but it ain't bad.

>> No.5292049


>I guess things are just more expensive in Commiefornia.

Nope. Some places just get different ingredients and charge more for it.

>> No.5292055


The 1% has 90% of this country's wealth, so yeah, you're poor.

>> No.5292063

Since when has being poor been a sin?

>> No.5292065



You're poor because you're lazy

>> No.5292066

since the dawn of time

>> No.5292068

I didn't say it was. Why are you asking me this?

>> No.5292069

but rich people are incredibly lazy
they do nothing but play golf and spend money on bullshit

>> No.5292073

>this is what poor people actually believe

>> No.5292082

>this is what rich people think poor people think

>> No.5292109
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I am I guess because you say so.

For some reason my surroundings tell me other wise but whatever


>> No.5292142

>Has a ton of carne asada, rice, beans, sour cream, lettuce, tomato and some salsa.

You translate every ingredient into english except roasted meat and sauce, I just don't get yanks.

>> No.5292144
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Here's my Chipotle for comparison. Looks like the one in OP's pic is much better and not just a hacked together burrito for the sake of being big.

>> No.5292149

Nice try, Mr. Chipotlefag

>> No.5292189


>I don't know how to read

>> No.5292214

I didn't say Chipotle is better. There's one thing you should be putting in my mouth and those words are not it

>> No.5292227


Nice nails, homo.

>> No.5292278

that's a lady.

>> No.5292282

I don't have long nails, you just have stubby fingers. Its where anything over a centimeter and my fingernails stand out, because I don't have a foot of skin in front of it.

>> No.5292671
File: 80 KB, 960x640, 1395369918330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love the American style burros because I grew up eating them.
One of my biggest suprises after moving to Mexico was to find that burros here have no beans or fillers.
Pic is how the burrow places here do it.

>> No.5292678

this is always my logic before going to the store for an hour, then cooking for two hours. Worth it, but not worth it. Especially on a bike

>> No.5292685

Why did you move to Mexico?

>> No.5292700

why not? beautiful country, very cheap to live in, much more freedom

just dont move to a crappy drug state

>> No.5292711

What's a good state?

>> No.5292777

>a centimetre

That's long though. My nails are maybe 1-2mm and they're noticeable; you're just a freak.

>> No.5292939

came down on vacation and loved it so much that I made my life here.
not me but yes I concur, except that drug states are not crappy. Sinaloa is beautiful
I live in Sonora, on the coast

>> No.5293029

That burrito looks so white that a klansman wouldn't mind letting his daughter marry it.

>> No.5293067

>american staple

Yeah, if you're a fucking welfare queen. They taste like shit, and what would you expect at 75 cents each?

>> No.5293106

Enjoy your Shigella. I just took my food manager safety course (its a thing you have to do when you're a chef in this rotten state), and nearly every case study the fucking instructor described was at those fucking taquerias. I, as an employer of a vast army of mexicans, can assure you that they don't give a fuck about food safety. It's a direct result of paying them shit wages.

>> No.5293107

Taco truck burrito should never cost more than 5 bucks. Ever.

>> No.5293188

oh but the burritos you can make at home for that amount of dosh...
Shitfuck I want burritos now anon

>> No.5293227


jesus you're a fucking amazon

>> No.5293247

I fucking love Sour Cream. I will literally order anything on the menu with Sour Cream, regardless of what other shit there is.

>> No.5293544

How fucked is america if people think that $7 is expensive for a burrito aka a meal

>> No.5293551

>hurrrr I don't know what cost of living means

This is also why we think $3.50 is too much to pay for gas. But I'm not going to waste my time explaining economics to a teenager.

>> No.5293552

puro carne can cost more depending on size of burrito

>> No.5293582

>How fucked is america if people think that $7 is expensive for a burrito aka a meal

Depends on what you mean exactly. Among eating out options it's pretty good value for money. A giant burrito for $7 is pretty good value compared to most restaurants.

On the other hand, the ingredients of that burrito are terribly cheap. It's mostly "filler": rice, beans, lettuce. Those only cost pennies. Then a little hot sauce and some meat. You can make the same thing at home for well under $7.

So compared to other restaurant options it's not a bad deal. Compared to making your own lunch it's a miserable deal. It's not the magnitude of the expense, it's what you get for it.

>> No.5293616

I think you may be discounting the time it takes to turn those pennies into edible food. unless you're going to be cooking up a few pounds of beans and eating nothing but burritos for a month you won't be saving that much money once you factor in all of the ingredients and your own time.

>> No.5293799

>not eating montados with bisteck meat, refried beans, cheese, lettuce, cucumber, onions, cilantro, salsa and a chile toreado on the side

>> No.5295546

Sure those things must have come from around the other corner that word is not used around here.

>> No.5296083

He means for the entire nail, not just the part which is not attached to the finger.

>> No.5296579

>in a burrito

absolutely disgusting

>> No.5298974
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This. It sucks paying for rice and beans in a burrito. Now got cheese/avocado good, hot sauce great, lettuce now wait a minute put the salad on the side with the rice and bean I need no fillers in my burrito.

>> No.5298980

in Nor Cal you can get that but bigger for 5

>> No.5299802
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>even when they're eating, they're working.

my sides

>> No.5301699
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beans can be godly in a montado or burrito de lomo or deshebrada, as long as they're mashed up and not whole like in op's pic.

I have never liked tex mex because to be honest, burritos and tacos shouldn't be crammed as fuck , the flavor should not focus on the ass load of rice, cheese and beans but on the sauce and beef/chicken/pork itself

>> No.5301709

that burrito is too long. it's better if it's girthier.

>> No.5301715

the benefit of having a thinner, longer burrito is that when you take a bite you can have all of the ingredients together
rather than taking a bite of tortilla covered rice, and then beans, and meat in 3 separate bites