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5274317 No.5274317[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tell us your memories of the abomination that is/was New Coke. What was it like? Was it hell living without real Coke for a couple of months? Were their riots in the streets? Was it the 9/11 of the 80s?

>> No.5274325

it tasted like diet coke (not coke zero, the normal diet coke), so it tasted like complete shit

>> No.5274329

right away the news spread that this new coke was garbage with a couple of weeks it was pulled

no one was buying the new shit iirc

what makes you ask such a thing ...... not many old fags even have any idea about this

>> No.5274330

Oldfag here. I was in my early teens when this all went down, and very much remember the whole thing.

When you first tried New Coke, it wasn't like "Holy fuck, what is this crazy new taste attacking my taste buds?" or anything. It still tasted more or less like Coke, except it was kind of less acidic and more sweet. Which was the whole point, since the company was convinced the reason they kept losing to Pepsi in blind taste tests was for precisely that reason: Pepsi was sweeter and less acidic.

The only problem was that blind taste tests were one thing, and what people really wanted in their hearts was another. I LIKE Coke's acidity and less-sweet taste.

That said, I got used to New Coke pretty quickly and would have kept drinking it. I still preferred it to Pepsi. But was it the same? Nah. I always kind of wished for the original in the back of my mind. As did everyone else.

>> No.5274334

I just came across an article about it and was wondering what it actually tasted like, and why it bombed like it did. You'd think Coke would have been smart enough in its research to figure out people didn't actually want it.

>> No.5274335

I really liked it. I don't know what people cried about.

>> No.5274336

It didn't taste like Diet Coke. Nothing made with sugar could ever taste like that shit.

>> No.5274348


it tasted as close to diet coke as something with sugar could taste, it had a very similar taste in a way I better describe with other terms

>> No.5274345


>> No.5274349


>> No.5274352


>> No.5274371

I remember Bill Cosby on television. Knockoff Apple IIe computer in the living room. There were news stories about people stockpiling Coke thinking the old version would be valuable someday. These people were portrayed as cranks.

Mom brought home a 2L bottle (relatively new thing at the time - I still remember soda in 64oz bottles) of New Coke. We all tasted it, and thought it was meh.

We didn't drink soda very often, so a few months without drinking Coke were no big deal. I was in my mid-teens, and I'd just discovered beer anyways. My soda drinking days were pretty much over.

People bitched, but no one I knew too it personally. I lived in the Northeast, and people there didn't drink nearly as much soda as they seem to today. It seemed outrage over the change was more of a Southern thing. We were more mocking, wondering why a successful company that dominated the market would fuck with their flagship product.

It did become a huge media thing, and after a while Classic Coke was reintroduced. I remember a really big marketing push that Christmas.

I don't think anyone noticed the change from sugar to HFCS until years later.

>> No.5274399


>> No.5274413

There was nothing to notice regarding HFCS. Taste tests consistently show that nobody can tell the difference. People that "prefer" real sugar are just noticing the taste difference from drinking out of glass bottles.

>> No.5274421

Some people claimed that Coke Classic didn't taste exact;y the same as old Coke. Like I said, I was into beer by then, so I didn't give a fuck.

Regardless of taste, it was surprising that no one read the ingredients on the label, and realized sugar had been replaced with something called high fructose corn syrup, then asked what the fuck? This was pretty new shit at the time.

I guess no one bothered reading the ingredient labels back then.

>> No.5274428

back then syrup was regularly used in concession stands and reading syrup was nothing new since cups of coke are just fizzy water with syrup

health concerns were drowned out whenever anything was brought up internet was still 15-20 years away from the majority of homes

>> No.5274429

>introduce new coke
>Amerifats get up in arms over muh tradition
>reintroduce 'classic coke' under the guise of giving in to the consumer, while simultaneously changing the formula to 100% HFCS
Are consumers really that dense to think coke is some dumb corporation that would tamper with their moneymaking formula? Brilliant marketing.

>> No.5274435

hfcs must have been used in coke for many years beforehand asshole

>> No.5274439

It actually wasn't. Consumers thought they had 'won' and sales spiked for coke, which had previously been taken by Pepsi. People must have been so delighted to get their old soda back that it wasn't noteworthy.

>> No.5274443


Coke switched to a sugar/HFCS mix in 1980, and went all HFCS in 1984, the year before New Coke.

>> No.5274444

I remember people going out and buying up as much of the pre-new Coke as the could; being so ignorant that it would eventually go bad.

At the moment they of release, they didn't like the New Coke, which caused swarms of people seeking out the Old Coke.

There were restaurants and bars that bought as much of the syrup as they could, so they could still sell the original recipe.

Personally, I couldn't tell the difference, but it was during my college years when I was on a lot hallucinogenic, mind expanding drugs.

>> No.5274450

>health concerns

Alex Jones, is that you?

>> No.5274454


1) See above. They were already using HFCS.
2) There's plenty of evidence it was a total honest fuckup on their part, and ... none ... that it was planned.

>> No.5274456

See above. HFCS was already in use.

>> No.5274458

A company like Coca Cola does not "fuckup" like that. New Coke was only out for a matter of months iirc, and sales EXPLODED after they reintroduced coke classic. It was genius management.

>> No.5274462

Actually the change hit with the introduction of New Coke. This has led to conspiracy theories that the purpose of New Coke was just to mask the changeover from sugar to HFCS.

>> No.5274465

>I just came across an article about it and was wondering what it actually tasted like, and why it bombed like it did. You'd think Coke would have been smart enough in its research to figure out people didn't actually want it.
It's taught in marketing schools as one of the biggest missteps and blunders in corporate history. They really did think they finally figured out how to convert more users to Coke. Moral of the story was don't fix what isn't broken.

Pepsi has always lagged behind Coke, the world over. A family friend owned Pepsi in Venezuela, which was the only country it outsold Coke (at the time). But, this was also a time where biggies like Micheal Jackson did Pepsi promos. It was fear of losing Coke customers, not actual 2nd place ranking that drove Coke's change. They by far have always been #1. Not just for taste, just sales. A lot of sales is from local bottling contracts for machines and restaurants to serve them and no one else's brands.

The hysteria was famously fun. People were hoarding the original Coke, and actually, the buying of imported sugar-non-hfcs mexican Coke became a thing right at this time, too, as it was truly original taste. I don't know the numbers, but if it had been done right, the gain/loss should have been the biggest coup in history, as people hoarded the old, new Coke people hoarded the new one as it went out, and so forth. People were crazy addicts about it and it was water cooler talk among all generations. Everyone was drinking CocaCola like water back then. In retrospect, Coke Blak and Crystal Pepsi should have had the same influence on sales, if the internet and social media was at the same rate.

>> No.5274468

> New Coke was only out for a matter of months

BS, it was around for years..."New Coke was the reformulation of Coca-Cola introduced in 1985 by The Coca-Cola Company to replace the original formula of its flagship soft drink, Coca-Cola (also called Coke). New Coke originally had no separate name of its own, but was simply known as "the new taste of Coca-Cola" until 1992 when it was renamed Coca-Cola II." (WIKI)

>> No.5274474

that shit was not found in stores

that shit was only sold to restaurants at discount

>> No.5274482

>A company like Coca Cola does not "fuckup" like that.

LOL, right. Just like no successful large company in history has ever fucked up and ended up in chapter 7.

Fun fact: Roberto Goizueta, the CEO at the time and the man personally responsible for the entire New Coke mess, spent the rest of his life so convinced of New Coke's superiority that he refused to drink Classic Coke at all unless nothing else was available. After the company stopped making New Coke entirely, he had a permanent standing order with Coke's research lab that they had to whip up and bottle a batch of New Coke every few weeks and ship it to his home. There was some in his fridge when he died a few years ago. It wouldn't have been more obvious that the whole fiasco broke him financially if he'd spent his final hours in bed cradling an unopened 1985 New Coke can in his hands while whispering "Rosebud" over and over.

It was a fuckup. Period.

>> No.5274485


Stupid autocorrect. Broke him PSYCHOLOGICALLY I meant to type. He did just fine financially.

>> No.5274489

Were you even old enough to be there? because I was. They sold it all over the place. In fact it was the only shit you could get for awhile until "Classic Coke" came out.

Don't ever tell an oldfag what's what iehrn you weren't even a gleam in your momma's eye sonny.

>> No.5274491
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>not found in stores


>> No.5274499

What is he going to say, "Yes, I purposely released a shitty product I knew would fail, just to buy nostalgia and boost sales for our original product"?

>> No.5274522
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He didn't have to keep drinking the shit eons after he retired and had nothing to do with the company any more. It's common knowledge he went to his grave convinced New Coke was a better product and was obsessed about it to the point of near lunacy.

He screwed up. There was no conspiracy. To paraphrase a certain someone, this is sugar water we're talking about. They tried, they failed. They only survived because their original product was so beloved by the American public.

Go look at the history of Schlitz. They were once the number one beer in the country. Then they tried to pull a New Coke in the 1970s. And also returned to the original formula after a massive backlash. But they weren't that beloved, and the people that dropped them never went back. Today most people don't even know Schlitz exists.

>> No.5274527
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That's gold!

>> No.5274533

I agree, I bought a sixer of Schlitz... It was garbage.

>> No.5274550

those were not sold in any store anywhere after the 88 Olympics

wiki can say whatever it more certainly does not make it true

>> No.5274554

Neither does your anecdote.

Congratulations on getting to travel the world in 1989 though, for the sole purpose of checking convenience stores and supermarkets looking for Coke II cans.

>> No.5274562

>wiki can say whatever it more certainly does not make it true

How convenient it is for you to say and dismiss the truth.

If you so believe it's wrong, then fix it for them, and see what happens....

>> No.5274569

be a stubborn jackass all you want

it doesn't change the past as i lived it

go amend that into your 2nd hand shit info wiki

>> No.5274582

>I couldn't find New Coke in my buttfuck town
>thus it was available NOWHERE ON PLANET EARTH


>> No.5274585

At least it wasn't called Nu-Coke

>> No.5274590
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are you really this mad

>> No.5274604


We used to have occasional Weird/Obscure Food Nights on my floor of my college dorm. The week before one of them, I was up in Westchester with some relatives, and came across some New Coke six-packs in a supermarket. I hadn't seen any for several years, so I bought four six-packs as my contribution to the event. That Weird Food Night turned out to be the same night Operation Desert Storm began, January 17, 1991.

>> No.5274609

Wow, what a sad way to forfeit your entire argument. But at least it allows us to ignore your silliness entirely now.

>> No.5274616

Uh, protip kid, this isn't /b/ or /pol/. You just made yourself look like an utter moron.

>> No.5274627

allow me to be just as unreasonable as this joker from before

where is the proof show the receipt confirmed by the owner of the supermarket and picture of you coke and the cnn live news reports with wolf blitzer on the tv behind you

>> No.5274634
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Great job talking out of your ass kiddo...

Another reason, NOT to believe everything you read on the internet.

>> No.5274650
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>> No.5274672

>implying we weren't watching ABC

>> No.5274694

It was weird. It tasted almost just like Pepsi...much sweeter than old. I remember wishing they had just kept the old to coexist peacefully with the new. Riots? Nah

>> No.5276623

Just another Jewish conspiracy.

>> No.5277113
File: 108 KB, 640x640, Van_Halen_1984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

41yr oldfag midwerst here...

Was going to post but I couldn't put it any better. It just seemed silly at the time. Pop was something we had once a week or so, and it wasn't always coke. Coke advertised the shit out of their merchandise. Look at all the memorabilia that exists, plus they were constantly advertising on TV and magazines, especially around xmas. Whole thing was more of a novelty.

My reaction: I was anxious to try it because the hugest company on earth (based on my impression from their advertising) is rolling out a proDuct that not only rivals their flagship, but replaces it. Sad since they'd spent so many of my brain cells advertising the old shit.

My reaction: meh, tasted like off-brand coke, but had the same fiz. Oh well. Music was on my mind at the time. Acid was making a comeback too.

And oh ya. Pic related, new Van Halen album was coming out

>> No.5278340

It was okay. The nationwide outrage was way more fun than the drink.

>> No.5278352

The only good coke is Mexican coke.

>> No.5278478

Oldfag reporting in from metro atlanta at the time. Coke was being horded everywhere, it was pandemonium. The conventional wisdom at the time was they ruined it by making it weak and flat like pepsi.

>> No.5278507

hey you old fag do you still have any of your natural teeth

>> No.5278513

Wasn't this just a conspiracy so Coca Cola could bring out Old Coke but made with High Fructose Corn Syrup a few months later?

>> No.5278514

heh yeah I quit drinking that shit sometime in the early nineties. Now I just drink coffee water or beer

>> No.5278530

>going for sugar water
what are you, some bees?

>> No.5278540

Very young at the time.
It was one of my earliest memories though.

Nasty, bitter shit. Tasted like 'Even Shittier Pepsi'.

>> No.5278567

Because it comes in a glass bottle and uses cane sugar.

>> No.5278572

>someone claims they used New Coke to introduce HFCS into the Coca-Cola Classic
Isn't it obvious? HFCS Coke was getting bad reception, so they created a distraction with New Coke and used nostalgia to bring the "old formula" back, thus cutting costs dramatically and giving business to the sketchy company we know and love, Monsanto.

I wonder what genius plan they used to introduce petroleum-based bottles.

>> No.5279596

the thread. read it. Coke was already using HFCS.

>> No.5279605


Please for the love of God be joking.

>> No.5279610

the time to show dat autism has come

>> No.5279918

If Coke wants to be the real thing, it's time to put the cocaine back in.

>> No.5279921

I remember thinking it tasted a lot like Pepsi.

>> No.5280055

Old-old fag here.

>> No.5280062
File: 40 KB, 602x400, im a girl btw gril here.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never seen someone so keen to pat themselves on the back just for being a certain age.

You wouldn't happen to be a baby boomer? Because you sure as fuck sound like one.

>> No.5280074

I went off coke because my dentist told me too so now it just tastes like fizzy syrup, so I didn't really give a shit

>> No.5280075

I miss vanilla and cherry coke, I haven't seen either of those in fucking ages but I know they still do them someplace

>> No.5280553
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No. I'm just drawn that way.

>> No.5281208

If your dentist told you to only eat well-done steak with A-1, would you obey him?