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5271977 No.5271977[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I love love love my French butter dish but I am switching to margarine for health reasons.
Can I put margarine in my butter bell?

>> No.5271980

Sure but there's no reason to since it's spreadable already.

>> No.5271981


Stick with butter, just use less.

>> No.5271982

It depends on how big of a tip you leave.

>> No.5271984

Doesn't the butter fall into the water / the surface of the butter come out wet

>> No.5271986

>switching to margarine for health reasons

is it 1975 where you live?

>> No.5271988

Margarine is worse for you. Go back to the 90's.

>> No.5271989

>switching to margarine
>for health reasons

all of my wut.

>> No.5271990

1975 had no internet trolls, dummy

>> No.5271992

There's enough suction to keep the butter in the lid.
Butter is an oil, it doesn't mix with water so you wouldn't get much if any water.

>> No.5271998


first and foremost you should slap yourself for thinking that butter is bad and margarine is good.

Second if you are looking for a healthy alternative use olive oil you dumb cunt.

Like I am actually mad right now that you would think margarine is healthier then butter.

>> No.5272009

My brother died trying that.

>> No.5272015

> all these people saying margarine isn't healthier

We don't know what health issue OP is trying to avoid here. Maybe he wants to lower his cholesterol? Maybe he was using salted butter and wants to consume less sodium?

>> No.5272022

>Maybe he was using salted butter and wants to consume less sodium?
If that was the case, why not just use unsalted butter?

>> No.5272023

Not bad but,
>I am switching to margarine for (obvious) health reasons
would have been better bait

>> No.5272024

That looks suspiciously like a diagram of the supposed Nazi UFO "die glocke"

>> No.5272034

What's the point of the butter bell? I don't understand it. Is the water used just to keep freshness?

>> No.5272047


it doesn't matter what health reason he has, it's worse period

>> No.5272086


Butter is actually an emulsion with the fat being the continuous phase.

>> No.5272090

it's a lipid, and that's all that matters.

>> No.5272096


Butter itself is not "A" lipid. It is comprised of lipids and other substances.

>> No.5272132

>switching TO margarine for health reasons

how about you just not eat so much instead of pumping your fat ass full of artificial shit?

>> No.5272156

you do realize margarine is FAR worse for you health wise OP? saturated fat being bad for you is a myth created by GMOs to promote margarine sales. un-natural fats are horrible for you and margarine is chock full of them:

Polyunsaturated fat: margarine 24 g butter 3 g
Monounsaturated fat: margarine 39 g 21 g
Trans fat: margarine 15 g butter 3.3g

>> No.5272172

>a myth created by GMOs to promote margarine sales
This thread doesn't have it all but it's getting closer...

>> No.5272180

OP could be lactose intolerant. That seems like the most likely possibility to me

>> No.5272193

someone who's lactose intolerant loves butter so much they buy a fricken butter dish. yeah seems most likely indeed

>> No.5272199

oh fuck, I'm a retard

>> No.5272229

Maybe they developed a lactose allergy later in life.

>> No.5272364

Good lord. This was the least offensive way for me to ask about putting margarine in a butter bell without lying that I could think of.
I actually spent two days thinking about this before I posted.

I am quitting all animal products for health reasons as I see them. I am dating someone new and they basically made a very good case and I am going to give it a shot.

I am worried that the margarine will go rancid or be too soft to stay in the bell.
I know this is asking a lot at this point but can we please have at least a single on topic post?
Just one?

>> No.5272367

>unatural fat

>> No.5272390

I told you not to be stupid, you moron.

>> No.5272394

>dating someone new
>very good case

Hows that bias working out for you so far?

>> No.5272434

you got pussywhipped into this shit? you are an omega manlet with no testes

>> No.5272451

hahaha oh lord. grow a pair man

>> No.5272467

So you're quitting natural animal products for heavy chemical substitutes all because you're cunt crazy for some vegan nutjob?

What was this "good case" your new girlfriend makes?

>> No.5272470

Margarine is superior to butter because unlike butter, it is gluten free.

>> No.5272483

>What was this "good case" your new girlfriend makes?

that if he cuts his nuts off with a butter knife she *might* let him touch boobs

>> No.5272493

nigga's gettin played hard but he ain't got no game
sucka is, sucka does

>> No.5272511

If you're going vegan for some bullshit reason, and still want a semi-solid fat, use palm oil instead of an industrial chemical.

>> No.5272528


how the hell could anybody think margarine is a healthy substitute for anything ?

You take oils form god knows what sources
blend them together so you can no longer recognize them
dip in a catalyst metal such as palladium or nickel
pump some hydrogen into it for the lovely hardening
now we take some water
add some pigments extracted from plants ... how, you don't want to know
some vitamins
an emulsifier (more oily products)
and some ... milk products !??!?!

now mix that shit up real good and fill it into healthy plastic tubs
and there you go

a totally healthy alternative to milking a cow and churning the milk in a wooden container until the butter fats are separated and wrapping it in a proclaim butter tray

>> No.5272709

Holy fucking shit storms.
So what do you guys think would happen if someone put some margarine into a butter bell?

>> No.5272721

or coconut oil, it has good fats and adds a nice nutty flavor

>> No.5272733

Aside from being a waste of a perfectly good butter bell, nothing. My mom has done it for years, it works. If butter doesn't go bad in there how the hell would a completely unnatural oil go bad?

>> No.5272754

> can we please have at least a single on > topic post?
> Just one?
> Please?

If you could peek through the internet and see who you are actually arguing shitposts with, you would be embarassed. Fat jelly girls, and young Brit teenage males talking shit. Their opinion is of no import.

Misinfo in this thread... Unsatur-, monounsatur-, and polyunsaturated fats are the good fats. You can get away with those because their is a mechanism to remove them from the body. Saturated/Trans fats were quick and cheap tricks to extend shelf life. Turns, out they take a toll on you over time if you only consume saurated/transfats with no unsaturated to clean up the mess.

They're like lemmings. They literally hold hands and jump out your butt.

Of course, with all things, moderation. If you could possibly be consuming enough margerine to cause health problems, you are probably frying with it and using it in multiple courses. It has a delicate flavor. One of the most delicate in fact. Save it for spreads and baking. Don't bother with frying grilled cheese/toasties or whatever because margerine doesn't brown anyways so what's the point (they ok baked, but with vegan, you won't be toasting much cheese).

Moderation my anon. Is butter the cornerstone of a healthy diet? Nope. Neither is leaving your house or even getting out of the bed. Some day, one of those two things will result in you dying that day. Moderation will help to see that it is further down the road on average.

>> No.5272756
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Population: All you idiots who can't detect obvious trolls

>> No.5272778

coconut oil is the shit. I second this.

>> No.5272791

Eating margarine for health reason is like chewing skunk bladder for your breath

>> No.5272800


Even like ten seconds of googling shows that not only can you not do it, but people have tried putting margarine in butter bells and it not working.

Those two days would've been better spent taking a fraction of a second to look shit up.

>> No.5272899

Never change, /ck/

>> No.5272933

The only two on topic posts conflict completely.

>> No.5272990

How much butter can you be eating that it has a noticeable effect on your health?

>> No.5273004


saturated fat is bad bro.

saturated fat == cholesterol problems

>> No.5273023


>completely unnatural oil

>pressed right out of a fucking rape seed.

top laff m8

PROTIP: margarine and other vegetable oil based spreads are not hydrogenated.

you only hydrogenate to create saturation in fatty acids, and you *dont want* saturation in margarine.

saturation ==> not/less spreadable (like regular butter).

saturated vegetable oils are used in pastries and shit like that because they have a longer shelf life than the unsaturated fats that the vegetables produce in bulk.

in other words:

margarine (rape) and soy oils:

upside: less saturated fat (less arterial rape), spreadable, and is often cheaper

downside: spoils faster (when not refrigerated), does not necessarily translate to cooking/recipes in place of butter, and tends to taste weird in certain applications

note: completely natural


upside: tastes gud. lasts longer (unrefregerated) than rapeseed/soy oils.

downside: literally just a brick of water and saturated fat ==> your death.

>> No.5273029

margarine, aka trans fat, is even worse.

>>pressed right out of a fucking rape seed.

Yeah, an unnatural one. That's why they call it "Canola". It's a trademark of the company who developed it as a commercial product. It is a selectively bred mutant strain of rapeseed with a different fat content than the common wild species.

Also, it's usually hydrogenated (aka turned into a trans-fat artificially)

>> No.5273033


>turned into trans fat

"no" lol.

confirmed for literally knowing nothing.

>> No.5273035


>How much butter can you be eating that it has a noticeable effect on your health?

Shhhh! Portion control doesn't exist, anon! I have to demonize something and blame it for my lack of self control, and I choose butter. It's all butter's fault!

>> No.5273046

>confirmed for literally knowing nothing
Lol, go read the fucking patent for margerine. It's public record.

As for the comparison of margarine to butter, the very fucking namesake of margarine--Margaric acid--is by definition a saturated fat. 100% of the fat in Margerine is saturated fat, whereas butter contains SOME saturated fat, but it's not 100% saturated.

(Though perhaps you are talking about other spreads which are artificial butter (such as margarine is) but are not margarine?)

It's only very recently that some margarine is being reformulated as trans-fat free since we now know about the health risks of trans fats. Many of the "butter substitutes" sold today are not margarine at all.

>> No.5273054

>It's all butter's fault!

no, you have to choose a company to blame, that way you can sue them. it's the american way!

>> No.5273061


>read the patent

you mean the patent that means nothing because its been expired for literally decades?

>margaric acid
>saturated fat

yes. *all* butter substitutes have saturated fats. they have to.

PROTIP: unsaturated fats (nutritionally relevant) are *all* literally liquids at room or refrigerated temperatures. if there were no saturated fats in margarines, or butter substitutes, they would just be fucking vegetable oil that you find in a bottle to fry shit with.

that means nothing

>its not 100% saturated

correct, however the quantity is literally about 17:1 saturated to unsaturated.

its one of the reasons why butter isnt easily spreadable. the ability to spread a fat product like butter or margarine comes from the unsaturatted fats, which don't crystallize (at any temperature) and prevent the material from becoming hard and rigid.

that is the fundamental chemical foundation that allows butter substitutes to be spreadable.

>trans fats

I assumed we were talking about right now, today, not historically over the past 120 years.

right now, today, "margarine" is effectively a colloquial/popular term that means "butter substitute"

historically it was a trademarked/brand name of rapeseed oils that had been hydrogenated to literally produce something that is indistinguishable from butter (in other words: it was also hard and difficult to spread, but it was cheaper because it could be made from cheap vegetables).

soybean and rapeseed oil processing has been out of patent for literally fucking decades bro.

>> No.5273077
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>> No.5273093

>if there were no saturated fats in margarines, or butter substitutes, they would just be fucking vegetable oil that you find in a bottle to fry shit with.

I'm glad we agree.

>that means nothing

Well, earlier in the thread there was a lot of bitching that someone wanted to avoid eating butter because he/she wanted to avoid saturated fat. so in that regard, margarine does not help said person's goals at all.

>that is the fundamental chemical foundation that allows butter substitutes to be spreadable.

Who cares? Butter is perfectly spreadable. It only requires refrigeration for long-term storage. Just leave out however much you can use before it goes bad. It lasts a week easily, even without special containers.

>I assumed we were talking about right now, today, not historically over the past 120 years.

Fair enough. I assumed that when people were talking about margarine, they were talking about *margarine*, not any number of different other butter substitutes.

>historically it was a trademarked/brand name of rapeseed oils

Actually, it was originally derived from Beef. Assuming we're still talking about Margarine. If you changed the subject to canola oil, that was developed in the 70's.

>> No.5273102
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>> No.5273124

>I am switching to margarine for health reasons.

>> No.5273193

They're both terrible for you, just learn to enjoy food without making everything you eat "butter-flavored"

>> No.5273201

>switching to margarine for health reasons
As in you want to worsen your health?

>> No.5274267

butter fat is liquid at room temperature. It is the milk solids in it that cause butter to retain a shape.

>> No.5274270

Implying that margarine wasn't originally made from beef tallow

>> No.5274437

Who the hell cares what was originally in it?

>> No.5274438

Avocado on everything, instead.


>> No.5274441

>historically it was made from rapeseed
>originally it was made from beef tallow

My statement was valid for the conversation

>> No.5274445

>switching to margarine for health reasons

>switching to margarine for any reason except being dirt poor or living in a warzone

>> No.5274509

dairy-free spread for breads
the only reason I keep margarine around

>> No.5275561

What about the Yogurt based butters?

>> No.5275565

choosing hydronated gmo soy bean oil over CLA and vitamin infused butter

son, please look into grassfed butter

>> No.5275578

Margarine isn't better for you, but the amount of people in here saying butter isn't bad for you is concerning, especially when our number 1 killer is Heart Disease....

>> No.5275584

>heart disease
>caused by carbs
>no carbs in butter
hurr durr why are people saying butter is good for you?

>> No.5275589


>caused by carbs


>> No.5275596
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>> No.5275601


>> No.5275603

Carbs and sugars anon

It's true.
All about that glycemic index yo.

>> No.5275605

le correlation causation faec

>> No.5275610


That cherry picked graph is your entire argument for what is essentially the opposite of what every medical professional in the world says? Even besides the obvious flaw that you're comparing prosperous, sedentary first-world countries to wartorn, hard labor countries, Caldwell Esselstyn clinically proved that heart disease could be stopped and reversed in patients on a very high carb, low fat vegan diet.

Nobody aside from internet paleo health gurus believes saturated fat is good for you. It's on the same level as Christian science.

>> No.5275625


compare those countries to asian countries that eat tons of white rice

>> No.5275626

That study was deeply flawed.
Ornish has also been pretty well proven a quack as well.

>> No.5275630

link a study please. I do not believe your claim.

>> No.5275631

OP, /ck/, I know believing people on 4chan is hard, but this comes from a reliable source. I have spent my life around food, I have worked as a cook my whole life, and went on to get a degree in Nutrition and my RD.

Margarine is hydrogenated fat. They take liquid fats and alter them to create a solid product. This causes some of the fat to turn into trans-fats, which are highly, highly dangerous. These have been linked to high rates of heart disease and all sorts of terrible shit.

Margarine was created because blood serum cholesterol levels were linked to heart disease in the 50's. Butter contains cholesterol, so margarine was considered a healthier alternative. Little did they know that dietary cholesterol has no link to blood cholesterol, and it is not digested directly into the system. Trans-fats, however, are being linked to high cholesterol levels.

Also, OP, if you're doing this because some girl told you it's healthier, you have no balls or brains.

>> No.5275633

Asian countries are too busy dying from diabetes to worry about heart attacks. 60% of china now has diabetes or pre-diabetes.

>> No.5275639

>margarine was created in the 50s

Bullshit. We were eating margarine all through the world wars, cause butter was had to come by.

>> No.5275640


>60% of china now has diabetes or pre-diabetes.

And I supposed they somehow found a way to make white rice an even bigger part of their diet, huh? Or did they start eating more fat/meat?

>> No.5275642

butter is healthy you idiot...

>> No.5275645

OP you done fucked up. You should have began the thread by saying something like
>Just curious, /ck/, but can I use margarine in my butter bell?

>> No.5275648

I think his number is a little high, but diabetes is a huge problem. Huge amounts of white rice with very little vegetables etc in inner city diets. White rice is just starches, which are chains of sugar. They pretty much eat straight sugar all the time, which fucks their system. This is kind of like the problem in the US, but ours has more to do with obesity.

Healthy? No. Better than margarine? Yes

>> No.5275653

Do you honestly think meat gives you diabetes?

>> No.5275654


I'm not defending white rice, I'm just saying even the populations eating the worst form of carbohydrate still suffer less heart disease than the high meat consumption countries

>> No.5275652

They made more money, so could afford to eat more rice. total caloric consumption is up by 15% however total fat and protein intake remains steady. The difference is all carbs.

>> No.5275658


Do you understand what diabetes is and how fat affects it?

>> No.5275661

That's also because they typically eat less in general. There's a bunch of factors. Mostly that the meat eating countries are the wealthiest, which means they can spend the most on food, so they have a lot of food, etc.

>> No.5275664

>number a little high

>> No.5275668

But that's not true.

>> No.5275673


No, they didn't go from eating white rice as 90% of their calories and then went up to 95% and now they have diabetes. They started eating more western foods


>> No.5275674

Fat is a byproduct of diabetes caused by starch and sugar intake.

>> No.5275677

longest living populations eat things like yams. hundreds of grams of yams a day. Total intake is pretty damn big.

But there is so much water and fibre in yams, that energy intake is among the lowest in the world. Also there is little risk of diabetes, due to the fiber.

Downside, is they are all short. Very short people.

>> No.5275697

perhaps i didn't word myself correctly. 8% of chinese diet was meats. now 8% of chinese diets is meats. But total calories is bigger. IF more calories came from more meats, then why is percentage not bigger? Because they are also eating more carbs.

>> No.5275730


Where are you reading that? All I'm seeing on google is "meat consumption in China/asia quadruples" "rising demands for meat in Asia flood market!"

Unless they're eating 4-5k calories a day on average, they're not eating the same percentage of meat they always had

But regardless, "they're eating more carbs" when we're talking about people who traditionally have lived on upwards of 80-90% of their diet coming from carbohydrate, I don't think you can blame ill health on slightly higher numbers when such a variable like increased saturated fat intake is in play as well

>> No.5275758

This paper doesn't have the data. you will have to look through the sources. However if you look at chart two, you will see similar increases in all developing countries, and in chart one you will see %of energy from meats, increasing for developing countries from 6% to 10%

Comparitively, in the usa, prediabetes is at about 32%, or half of china, with a much smaller percentage of diet coming from carbohydrates. There is also a inverse correlation with fat percentage of diet, to prediabetes, it has dropped from about 30% to about 20%.

>> No.5275780


Correlation is not causality. Where is the indication that any specific thing is causing the health problems. Sure, meat is a possibility. So are any number of other things: pollution, preservatives, dyes, and other artificial additives in processed foods, lack of knowledge of healthy eating practices, contaminated food and/or cooking oil due to lax safety standards. Heck, a large part of China still has problems with basic sanitation and access to clean water.

>> No.5275783

Most effective diabetes treatment: High-carb, low fat vegan diet



I've even heard of people reversing type 2 diabetes with white rice in the diet

>> No.5275788

>switching to margarine
>health reasons

Either this be a troll thread or I just went back to 1989 throught the power of the internet time machine.

Quickly I must impregnate Justin beiber's Mom before Justin Beiber is concieved!

>> No.5275789

Confirmed for brainwashed vegan swimming in conformation bias.
Your arguments all just got tossed in the garbage.

>> No.5275792


>science doesn't say what I want it to!

>> No.5275801

Ya science does not back up any vegan shit either punchy.
All that stuff gets debunked just as fast alternative medicine.
It's all the same garbage.
We show you ten studies that say chiropractics is quackery and you will still cling to some shit study done in 1972.

>> No.5275806

Yes, margarine is far worse for you than butter. I won't have that crap in my house.

>> No.5275809


ssssshhhhhuuuuut up man, what will I do if I can't blame my problems on eating meat???

>> No.5275812


>Ya science does not back up any vegan shit either punchy.

I'm afraid you're mistaken. Ignoring the science doesn't erase it from existence. Neal Barnard is one of the biggest names in the field of diabetes treatment. The fact that he promotes a vegan diet as the foundation of his treatment only means that a high-carb vegan diet is a good diet for peope suffering from diabetes.

>> No.5275820

Keep cheery picking that science and calling everyone else science deniers anon.
Stay classy.

>> No.5275829


This coming from the guy saying "carbohydrates are bad! saturated fat and cholesterol are good!"

>> No.5275830

3 observations.
1. total caloric intake during study was very low. We have known low calorie diets cure diabetes for over 100 years.
2. The study compared 2 high carb diets. Which means your claim of Most effective is lacking. There are dozens of other diet possibilities that were not tested.
3. Exact diets are not outlined, but text alludes to the vegan diet being higher in fiber than the ADA diet. High fiber content is known to be beneficial for diabetics, regardless of vegan or not vegan, low fat or high fat.

As for the video. Guy makes several factual errors, and only has anecdotal evidence. I would not classify him as a reliable source.

>> No.5275832


fruit causes heart disease, bacon cures cancer

>> No.5275844


>High fiber content is known to be beneficial for diabetics

is fiber fat? is-- is fiber a protein? is-- No, it's a carbohydrate.

is f-fiber f-found in u-um-- b-butt-- No, butter and meat and all other dairy does not contain fiber

>> No.5275847

By high fiber content, I meant as a percentage of carbohydrates.

>> No.5275854


It's also interesting to note how cholesterol increases mortality of diabetes sufferers. Diabetics can't even eat one egg a day without dramatically increasing their risks of stroke, heart disease, etc

Cholesterol, found only in animal foods leads to premature death. Fiber, found only in plant foods leads to longer, healthier life

>> No.5275866

Bullshit eggs have a negative correlation with heart disease and strokes. In diabetics, and the general population. The only correlation is in obscure categories such as accidents.

>> No.5275868


physicians and nurses health study says otherwise

>> No.5275875


The only positive studies I've ever seen for eggs are industry-funded studies showing short-term effects of 1 or 2 eggs a day at most on the health of already healthy, young people, many times who are also on a diet and exercise regiment

>> No.5275876

Physicians health study is why i'm calling bullshit. Post any one of there graphs other than all death.

>> No.5275884

The only negative studies I've ever seen had glaring errors in the methodology, or the data did not support the conclusions.

>> No.5275888

Or funded by animal rights groups such as peta or pcrm

>> No.5275889


According to PHS, every increment of egg consumption increased risk of stroke, heart attack, and CVD, and then in the highest egg consumers (high means 1 or more eggs a day, no less) those risks went down and Heart Failure became a huge risk instead

It's scary that, despite these findings, we have uneducated people on the board saying "eat all the eggs you want"

>> No.5275893

>Bullshit eggs have a negative correlation
>physicians and nurses health study says otherwise
It is complex, however. They are drawing a correlation from cholesterol in the subjects in those two studies, minor increases mind you, as to what that means to your health. But, there are more and more recent studies about cholesterol, dietary cholesterol, statins and what that actually predicts to your future cardiovascular health. That's a changing understanding now about the omega fat ratio, as well. Eggs are cheap protein, as are eggwhites, though less nutritious while being lower in those fats. I suggest a variety of food souces is safest, than some mega dosing of anything or elimination of anything. Certainly don't do eggs every single day, nor should you only get fiber from plant sources. That's retarded vegan talk.

>> No.5275894


Just hte idea of nurses publishing scientific studies makes my sides hurt with laughter

>> No.5275905


>nor should you only get fiber from plant sources.

Where else would you be getting fiber?

>> No.5275909

i think so. I believe the water is just to seal out the air

>> No.5275915

Hair and feathers.

>> No.5275916
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Harvard Physician Study said what?

>> No.5275920

a friend of mine went vegan for a bitch when he was younger. Its a sad miserable phase of his life. Not just because of the veganism, but mostly because of the bitch.

Anywho, you want to be a vegetarian, thats cool. But you are not switching from butter to margarine for health reasons because margarine is not healthier. It doesn't really matter "how you see it".

>> No.5275928

It wasn't nurses publishing, they filled out yearly surveys for 2 decades. This data was then turned into a database, and ever since we have found silly correlations.

The physicians study was even worse. It was about the use of aspirin to prevent heart attacks. Its where bayers got their slogan "one bayers a day will prevent heart attacks" Or whatever the slogan was.

To do the study however, they couldn't just give 50000 doctors aspirin, and 50000 doctors no aspirin. So they had yearly surveys to rule out other possible causes of heart attacks. Unfortunately that data also got turned into a database, and ever since we have had silly correlations.

>> No.5275932


>one table out of several

If they died less of one thing, it's because they died more of other things. If eggs were protective, you'd expect that the high egg group would have less mortality, but they don't.

>> No.5275958

>one table because lazy
walk the walk if you are going to talk the talk. Find a single one other than all death that is different.

Eggs are not related to strokes or heart attacks, or any of the other classic "hurr durr eggs will kill you" causes.

The results are across like a half dozen papers. Most of the time the top category is 1+ egg a day. But when they show the 2+egg a day category, the numbers are even lower.

>> No.5275966


>Find a single one other than all death that is different.

"Find one that isn't the most important one"


>> No.5275998


>Article written by David Spence ("the father of carotid plaque measurement"), David Jenkins (invented the glycemic index), and Jean Davingon (head of atherosclerosis prevention research in Montreal)

>> No.5276031

Study based egg consumption on amount of eggs eating at the start of the study. Not on the amount of eggs eaten over the 20 years the study ran. Over those 20 years plenty of physicians changed their egg consumption.

Less than 10% of the people in 1+egg a day and 2+egg a day categories stayed in those categories for the entirety of the study. less than 20% stayed in those categories for half of the study. The authors were unable to measure this as the sample size was too small. However if you look at the raw data, that small group, when adjusted for age, smoking, and alcohol use, would have had 0 heart failures.

>> No.5276064

That is gonna take a while to respond to. No new research, just a consolidation of previous works.

Fortunately half of the references are not important. Links to new articles talking about public perception, or links to fast food restaurants talking about cholesterol content of certain foods.

It seems though that the primary assault on cholesterol is about the seven nation study, which has been coming under a lot of criticism lately, and a couple feed rabbit studies. Which, while I haven't looked at these specific ones yet, are criticized for using herbivores instead of omnivores, and for feeding a weight gaining diet, which is know to cause it's own problems regardless of content. I notice they also link a monkey study which I am interested in reading farther. And then about a dozen other studies I am not familiar with.

Also a couple studies that support egg consumption with marks for why they could be wrong. With valid criticism, however until I can read the other studies, I can't say whether their criticism of these studies outweighs my criticism of the other studies.

ld;dr I need to go to bed at least twice before I have a chance to digest it all.

>> No.5276079


Wouldn't there be an air pocket once you've used a bit of butter completely negating the point of it?

>> No.5276137

>all according to keikaku

>> No.5276174

All this bullshit about what's healthy and what's not healthy is just one giant clusterfuck. You're all spouting half truths and some downright bullshit. Just stop being so concerned about what you eat that it stops you from enjoying food. This global health food craze makes me sick with all the pseudo-science being thrown around and the misguided people believing you need to cut out all fat from your diet or some such shit. God dammit I don't even know where I was going with this. But you're all being stupid.

>> No.5276413

There might be a small air pocked yes but there is a good seal from the outside air.
It's not perfect but it works pretty well for butter

>> No.5276419

If you're watching your weight you shouldn't even be eating bread

>> No.5276463

Wait... what is the purpose of the original design again? Nobody explained it... You arent suggesting that mere water will somehow preserve butter are you? Seriously? Keeping it fresh? Seriously? Butter doesnt go bad like that... Even after 2 weeks you wouldnt notice that bacterial growth on butter... Butter has a high tolerance to bacteria even at room temp..

Sounds like an invention from the 50s... Completely lame..

>> No.5276480

>Even after 2 weeks you wouldnt notice that bacterial growth on butter...

you must be used to eating rancid tasting butter. the water is for forming an air tight seal. less contact with air, longer it takes for the butter to go rancid (not bad, rancid).

>Sounds like an invention from the 50s...
french butter crocks have been used for hundreds of years...

>> No.5276508

You need _some_ saturation to make it a solid instead of a liquid. You can't spread pure vegetable oil either, you can only drizzle it.

>> No.5276513

You're an idiot - keratin is a protein, dietary fiber is indigestible carbohydrates.

>> No.5276519

>Fat is a byproduct of diabetes
wow this wow you must be /fit/

>> No.5276529

He's not watching his weight, he's going vegan because of his girlfriend. The "health reasons" are vegan bullshit.

>> No.5276541

Can you imagine being so pathetically desperate for pussy that you'd give up butter?

>> No.5276595

Your body only makes fat when your insulin levels are high.

>> No.5276600

but can he put olive oil in his french butter dish?

>> No.5276603

a metabolic disease in which the body’s inability to produce any or enough insulin causes elevated levels of glucose in the blood.

>> No.5276704

Does not detract from the fact that your body does not make fat unless you have insulin in your bloodstream.
Do you think diabetics never have any insulin?
You are retarded.

>> No.5276717

get back to learning

it helps

>> No.5276730


You brought a tear to my eye. I'm so proud of you /ck/.

>> No.5276741

Now where is that idiot vegan at?

>> No.5276745

Type 2 diabetics produce more insulin than average persons. It's just that they more insulin than their pancreas can produce, either because of overweightof or a history of excessive carb intake. Overweight increases a person's volume, increasing the amount of insulin needed to reach the right concentration.
Insulin not only regulates glucose storage as glycogen, but also the storage of fat or muscle growth after exercise.

>> No.5276752

you sound confused

take your meds

>> No.5276799

>they more insulin
>they *need* more insulin
Insulin resistance can be caused by high insulin levels, caused by high carb intake.
If you're fat, your volume increases. Insulin works by concentration. More fat > higher volume > lower concentration > pancreas must produce more insulin.
Carbs make you fat. More insulin > more fat storage.

>> No.5276821

>Carbs make you fat

No. Over-consumption of any and all foods makes you fat. Carbs are not the only cause.

>> No.5276871
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watch this with your bit of gash and watch her head explode when she can't refute it.

>> No.5277319

No shit Sherlock. But carbs are worse than fats on a per-calorie basis.

>> No.5277331

village idiot speaks again

>> No.5277361

What on earth are you talking about?


And I didn't even mention the inflammatory effects of high blood sugar on blood vessels, which can lead to the formation of plaques.

>> No.5277371

Maybe you think I'm
or something?

>> No.5277443


>does not make fat

What if it doesn't need to make it because you're already eating fat?

>> No.5277452


>Carbs make you fat

This is what every fat person says, while skinny people eat the hell out of carbs

>> No.5277464

IKR? I eat the fuck out of some carbs but I don't shy away from fats. I just... you know... move. I move about a bit, unlike fatties. Fatties are fat because they're lazy. It's not even an issue of willpower: it's an issue of being lazy.

>> No.5277466

Jesus you're an idiot.

>> No.5277472

its that guy

take your meds

>> No.5277480

>What if it doesn't need to make it because you're already eating fat?
We're talking about adipose tissue you retard.
You're replying to three different persons.

>> No.5277486

>Your cherry picked graph is your entire argument for what is essentially the opposite of what every medical professional in the world says?
Is what they said in the mid 20th century about smoking.

>> No.5277487
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>go to Asia
>everybody's skinny as fuck eating tons of rice
>go to Africa
>everybody's skinny as fuck eating tons of millet and sorghum and other grains

If eating lots of carbohydrate led to fat production, the people you know to be the skinniest people on the planet would atleast be obese.

Meanwhile, the Inuit eating virtually no carbohydrate are all chubby. Dr. Atkins was obese. Robert Lustig is obese.

>> No.5277489


>We're talking about adipose tissue you retard.

2% of calories are required to convert dietary fat into body fat. 30% of calories is required to turn carbohydrate into body fat. Carbohydrate is designed to give energy, fat is designed to store energy.

>> No.5277491




>> No.5277563

no you don't.

While it is true that saturated fat is solid at room temperature, there is not enough in margarine or butter to make the product solid. In the case of butter milk solids are responsible. I'm not sure what they add to margarine, but it is something nonefat

>> No.5277565

You forget that in these countries they only eat once a week.

>> No.5277586

I do not believe your numbers are remotely accurate. A source please.

>> No.5279945
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Jesus this thread went retarded.
Asians aren't skinny because they eat carbs. They are skinny because they just don't get very hungry.
They don't even eat breakfast cause they don't get hungry till lunch.

>> No.5279969
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Cold weather leads the body to form more cutaneous fat. They did a study and found more americans from families historically located in colder regions, whether living there still or not, were pre-disposed to outward adipose tissue.

Let's all fight about how fat is a determined effect of pure caloric overload and throw out examples of environment subtly changing a biased study or exceptions of healthy individuals eating terrible diets.

At OP, try it and see? I doubt it would take as long to test it then it takes 4chan to answer a direct question.

>> No.5279982

>What's the point of the butter bell? I don't understand it.

It seals in the butter to keep it fresh, while at the same time allowing you to keep the butter at room temperature so it stays soft and spreadable.

>> No.5279996

>Is the water used just to keep freshness?

contact with oxygen in the air is what makes fats (like butter) go rancid. The water blocks out the air, like an airlock used for brewing. This prevents the butter from going rancid as quickly, allowing you it to remain good while unrefrigerated.

>> No.5280043

I will give up BREAD before I'll give up real butter.

Viva la beurre!

>> No.5281664

In case anyone ever needs to know, margarine does not work in the butter bell at room temp if you keep your kitchen warm at all.
It does work fine in the fridge but it seems pretty gay to have it there.
Sigh :(

>> No.5281705


>> No.5282049
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>> No.5283295

That butter bell had better have been made in france or else you are breaking important regional naming laws.
If American made it must be called a freedom bell.

>> No.5285315

I use my butter bell dry. Lasts just as long and does not make a mess on the counter.

>> No.5285317

>187 posts and 9 image replies omitted
Good job OP. Good job.

>> No.5285325

And only six on topic posts.

>> No.5285588


>> No.5285594
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>but I am switching to margarine for health reasons.
>switching from butter to margarine
>for health reasons

>> No.5285604

How long does it take for butter to go rancid though? I usually take out one stick at a time, keeping the rest of my butter in the fridge. I've never experienced rancid butter before, it always gets used up in a matter of a few days.

>> No.5285605

I should maybe point out that I keep it in a covered butter tray, but definitely not sealed off completely.

>> No.5285982

If you live in the moldy north , butter can go bad in a few days.

>> No.5285985



>> No.5286029

Moldy north? As in Pacific Northwest? Cause that's exactly where I live and I never experienced off butter.

>> No.5286042

Everything molds up there.
I a few months there and my van got moldy.
by the time I left there was mold growing on the paint of my car.

>> No.5286049

>by the time I left there was mold growing on the paint of my car.
lol no

>> No.5286162

Lol yes!
That shit happened!
Yall are some moldy bitches up there.

>> No.5286259


If you follow dietary science at all then you know that it's guesswork bullshit.

Remember when eating fat of any kind caused heart attacks, and then we learned it didn't? Remember when eating eggs destroyed your cholesterol levels, and then we learned it didn't? Remember when margarine was the healthy alternative to butter and then we learned it wasn't?

Etc etc etc. Anyone trying to tell you that natural foods that mankind has been eating for thousands of years are the cause of modern diseases is full of shit.

>> No.5286276

>Maybe he wants to lower his cholesterol?
maybe he should learn how much cholesterol butter actually complains and instead of switching to disgusting margarine start eating less yolks, hamburgers, sausages and bacon, which contain like 10000x more cholesterol than the teaspoon of butter he spreads on his toast each morning.

>> No.5286287

>hydrogenated hot pressed lowest quality vegetable oil pumped with stabilizers
>100% natural

>> No.5286842

Nearly every nutritional guideline has been implemented based upon etymological studies, not experimental studies. The correlations are so shocking policy is put into place to save lives.

Then years later when the actual science finishes testing the subject, it always turns out that the correlations were wrong. Always.

>> No.5286975


>> No.5287054

>health reasons
>no surprise 200+ replies of angry angry autists

>> No.5287069

Who put forth broscience? Not op.
He explained that his girlfriend convinced him to go vegan for health reasons.

>> No.5287244


>> No.5287316

Why do people always frame things thus?
One country eats mostly rice and veggies, other country eats lots of meat, far more carbs, and tons of sugar and processed shit. Surely it's the meat causing the problem, right?

>> No.5287324

Plenty of evidence an extremely low carb ketogenic diet (aka 60% fat 40% protein 0% carb) can cure diabetes, as well as lower cholesterol and such.

>> No.5287353

The quickest cure for diabetes is to stop eating.

All it takes is 4 days of no food, and bampf your blood sugar levels will have stabilized.

>> No.5287506


Go ahead and provide the evidence. Preferably long-term studies.

>> No.5288119

How about you make a long term study of the head of my cock with the back of your throat?

This goddamm thread is about margarine in goddamm butter bells.

>> No.5288414
File: 100 KB, 720x576, Haggis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone screaming that butter is healthy?
What the fuck?
It's pure fucking fat you idiots!

>> No.5288423
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That set...

>> No.5288442

enjoy your heart issues.

>> No.5288445

It looks like poop stuffed into condoms.

>> No.5288451

Actually it is fat, protein, and water

>> No.5288487

Its hagis you idiot.

>> No.5288492

So he's right.

>> No.5288493

annnd haggis looks like poop stuffed into condoms. I've dated it and it tastes good, but theres no arguing about it

>> No.5288496

I saw that when I read the filename. I just thought the observation was funny.

>> No.5288505
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Are you going to marry haggis?

>> No.5288509

Sometimes they actually do use condoms or balloons to make it in large commercial batches.

>> No.5288515

lol i dated haggis. and it was decent in the (stomach) sack. stupid autocorrect

>> No.5288517


wasnt that a guy who saved a months worth of poop in comdoms?

>> No.5288518

saved and i hate you

>> No.5288522


why would a guy be not wearing pants, holding a bunch of haggis on a metal plate?

>> No.5288525

because it isn't haggis.

>> No.5288527

It looks so gross but tastes so good.

>> No.5288811

This thread has gone every possible direction but on topic.

>> No.5288860

anon recognizes a troll thread when he see's one

>> No.5289919

Dude you have sharp fucking eyes. I would never have noticed the missing pants. Why would anyone shirtcock with food?
Weird pic.

>> No.5290210
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>> No.5291257

There is a guy here that says he used to jack off to that butter chick because no porn.

>> No.5291280

That's better than what I used to jerk off to..

>> No.5293016


I prefer margarine for its support of the LGBT community and choice of an obvious transwoman name.

>> No.5293449

Don't you guys know that you need fats to absorb certain vitamins? Butter seems like a nice natural source of fat, unlike that marge; which seems to be some kind of vague mix of cheap plant oil and fake vitamins?

>> No.5293874


>you need fat to absorb some vitamins, so throw ice cream on your salad!

First of all, everything that has fat-soluable vitamins has fat in it, it's not like you absorb none of the vitamins at all without adding extra fat to the meal. Secondly, you could just eat a healthy source of fat like nuts or avocado. Most people eat things that have lots of fat-soluable vitamins during a meal rather than by itself anyway, so if you're eating other foods that have a moderate amount of fat in them, then you don't need to add more fat to the greens on the side.

>> No.5295017


>> No.5296075

Holy shit this thread is still here?

OP, are you >>5294968?

>> No.5296084

He doesn't think saturated fats are unhealthy, his girlfriend thinks animal products are unhealthy.

>> No.5296085

We're talking about compared to margarine. You're eating fat either way, at least butter doesn't contain as much transfats.

>> No.5297127

Margarine doesn't need a butter bell to stay fresh, doofus. It doesn't even need to be room temperature to stay spreadable.

>> No.5298078

I wonder if you can fill the base with olive oil instead of water. I'm just thinking out loud.

>> No.5298083

There was a thread here earilier this week where some girl was going on about whether to dump her boyfriend or not cause he ate pizza when she wasn't there and she thought dairy was unhealthy and couldn't be in a relationship with somebody whose health she was worried about...

think these are related?

>> No.5298136

Why would you want to?

>> No.5298226

It might actually be nice. Kinda like mozzarella balls packed in olive oil type of deal.

>> No.5298792

You could put Earth Balance in a butter bell, but why? Might as well put it in the fridge, it's always spreadable.

Or just start eating bread and olive oil instead of buttered toast.

>> No.5298797

You can also buy flavored coconut oil. Good for cooking, I dunno about toast though.

>> No.5298852

What flavors does coconut oil come in?

>> No.5298934

Coconut flavor.