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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 1.29 MB, 1173x649, McDonald's_Hamburger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5232720 No.5232720 [Reply] [Original]

What is the most "pure" burger? What burger encapsulates the essence of burgerdom as it is defined in modern culture? I'm not talking about your hipster ass bullshit saw-it-on-food-network bullshit burgers, so don't bother posting fuckwit pics of goddamn food review burgers, you'll just look like a dimwit.

I'm talking about the CORE BURGER here. Not the uberburger. Not the burger to end all burgers. I'm talking about the ESSENCE OF BURGER.

I think it's the McDonald's Hamburger. I really do.

>> No.5232723

As a food, the Mcburger doesn't encapsulate shit, the meat is pretty tasteless, the pickles are lame and the bun is way too sweet. I think a more subtle bun, a freshly ground patty cooked well, good pickles, ketchup and mustard would be as pure as possible.

>> No.5232724

aboo aboo look at this babby farting out his shit opinion trying to look like he knows anything.

>> No.5232725


Get the fuck out of this thread you have no idea what's being talked about here. You are fucking DONNY right now. Shut the fuck up you're out of your element

>> No.5232728


>> No.5232736
File: 176 KB, 1024x1024, 1024px-Okay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5232738
File: 36 KB, 640x640, 1390617861535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel that lettuce and tomato are a requirement.

A Whopper sans mayo is a bretty good representation of distilled burgerdom.

If the Big N' Tasty were still offered, it would receive my vote over the Whopper.

>> No.5232743

Why is this fag still here? Hasn't he been banned like a hundred times already?

>> No.5232746

>I feel that lettuce and tomato are a requirement.
Yeah? Well I feel that lettuce and tomato are to a PURE BURGER what fucking spinner rims and hydraulics are to a Model T Ford your move assbait.

>> No.5232749

>I'm a tasteless assclown


>> No.5232754

It's not about taste you fuckwit.
Goddamn you're dumb, just stop posting.

>> No.5232766

The mcdonalds burger is by far not the purest burger burger of burgerdom. because the purest burger of burgerdom has to be something you know, that actually tastes good. The burger needs to be perfect, it needs to capture every bit of that feeling you get when you bite into a burger and you're like that, hooked.

Fresh ground beef patty, small, thin, not big, on a lightly grill toasted bun, with ketchup, some pickle slices, dill, and allowed to come to room temperature, some yellow mustard, little touch of diced white onion, and a single slice of cheese.

The burger has to be seared on both sides evenly, none of that gray colorless bullshit, a pure burger should be juicy but nice and seared on the outside.

The Super-sonic cheeseburger made like that, that, for fast food, really captures that feeling perfectly, or In and Out or five guys.

It certainly isnt mcdonalds with it's frozen shit tier pink slime turned gray and sugar everywhere diaburger.

>> No.5232775

Just a fucking 1/4# 85/15 medium skillet burger on a toasted bun

>> No.5232776

I don't think lettuce and tomato are part of the quintessential burger but they can certainly be added if someone want's to.

>> No.5232781


>> No.5232789

You need some condiment or even just some fried onions.

>> No.5232814

u mad

>> No.5232817

You are a huge stinking turd of a human.

>> No.5232818

thin patty, american cheese, onions, pickles, mustard

>> No.5232829

The human race as a whole is fucked and I don't want to go down with this ship.

>> No.5232839

definitely not mc donald's one. burger patty should be medium rare, not well done. and the bun should be actually a bakery product.

>> No.5232854

the number 1 at wendys

>> No.5232861


Le appy trell

>> No.5232869

Zed post a picture of yourself with a McBurger

>> No.5232870
File: 45 KB, 453x251, opisstillafaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These, on my grill in the backyard. And a case of beer.

>> No.5232876

>check /ck/ for the first time
>4 threads on the first page are about burgers

>> No.5232880
File: 153 KB, 1650x1275, enigmawrappedinariddle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5232883

>what burger is most popular in modern culture
Okay great what the fuck is the point of this thread?

>> No.5232894

I did see it, and it's just wrong. Stay mad.

>> No.5232901


>> No.5232904

Do you just want us to leave you alone in the thread. Because that's fine by us. YOu can sit in your pillow-fort trying to forget about how sad you are by agreeing with yourself in your own special little snowflake thread.

>> No.5232908
File: 57 KB, 640x426, pink-slime_0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dirt-cheap fat-dense ground beef molded into a baseball, pressed flat and grilled up while drunk. The pink slimier the better.

>> No.5232913

A homemade burger i reckon.

>> No.5232923

Beef and bread isn't enough for flavour and a burger without sauce can be too dry.

>> No.5232959
File: 138 KB, 680x545, thisiswhatcancerlookslike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5233265

Toasted bun
Crisp lettuce, not iceberg
Slice of tomato
Decently thick patty, seared and juicy
American cheese (not pre-sliced)
White onion slice/ rings
Fresh pickles, not the overly-acidic fast food pickles
Yellow mustard

Uncle Sam would be proud of that burger.

>> No.5233278

Simple 80/20 ground beef patty, seasoned only with a little salt, on a high quality but simple bun which has been lightly toasted with butter. Nothing else added to it. No toppings, no sauces, final destination.

>> No.5233279

Bun, lighted buttered, lightly toasted.



Onions, diced or stripped.

Tomato, Sliced.


Pickle, circle or strip cut.

Beef, 1/3 to 2/3rd pound patty



Bun Heel

>> No.5233332

This thread is proof /ck/ has gone to shit. The fact that people are actually replying to the shitposter....jesus fuck, /ck/.

>> No.5233350
File: 46 KB, 576x454, DSC00443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its the sodium count that makes this burger the best

>> No.5233368

I agreed with you except on the white onion. I prefer red on a solid backyard burger.

>> No.5233401
File: 164 KB, 409x325, 1392777570644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not the yellow box with the sweet onions injected

>> No.5233415
File: 39 KB, 410x410, 13256956_201307241356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you me

>> No.5233421
File: 1.42 MB, 294x233, 1391977934744.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people getting mad over a fucking example picture
>people having absolutely no reading comprehension.

Well that settles it. /ck/ is by far the most autistic and/or elitist board on 4chan.

>> No.5233428

>everyone posts burger recipes
>everyone says "b-b-uh ah dun liek mucdownulds"

You guys are utterly and totally missing the point. Is there anyone who can read and understand words who wants to post the CORE BURGER?

Protip: It's not a recipe or an opinion about McDonalds.

>> No.5233430

a-are you me?

>> No.5233434

Protip: You're a worse shitposter than sceak and no one gives a fuck about your topic

>> No.5233440

>Well that settles it. /ck/ is by far the most autistic and/or elitist board on 4chan.

It's really not, it's bad but /tv/ is far worse.

>> No.5233443

Don't feel too bad brah. Let me guess, first picture of a hamburger found on google right?

>> No.5233444

But you cared enough to shitpost and flame and risk a ban to tell me? It was that important to you, but "nobody" cares? You care. You just told me.

Why don't you contribute instead of trolling and shitposting. You'll enjoy 4chan a lot more.


>> No.5233453

I just don't understand what you mean by core burger. I'd think that the core burger should be simple but tasty. I don't think McDonalds burgers are tasty, so I disagree with them being the core burger, but I guess that breaks the rule of "don't post opinions about McDonalds" so I don't know what you want. You're basically just saying "discuss this, but don't disagree with me directly or indirectly"

>> No.5233468

You have such tremendous reading comprehension problems, I don't even know where to start trying to unfuck your mind. I'd actually prefer if you just didn't post in this thread anymore until you re-read the entire thread, word for word, and can contribute without making yourself sound like a simpleton.


>> No.5233470
File: 83 KB, 643x378, you are wrong.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


except a wendys burger is better

>> No.5233494

If you're talking nationwide fast food chains.
I'd say the Whopper

>> No.5233499

unfortunately, being stupid is not necessarily a bannable offense. also

>mods on /ck/

haw haw

>> No.5233501

Enjoy your inevitable ban, assclown.

>> No.5233504
File: 70 KB, 809x960, IMG_475029389515250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5233507

in n out cheeseburger. it doesn't get as basic as that.

>> No.5233508
File: 32 KB, 363x268, 1393523296839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at that burger. They barely even try to disguise the fact that the patty is about 1/16 of an inch thick. That shit is all bun.

Hardee's Thickburgers are the essence of burger. Look at that fucking burger. A patty--substantial, but not too thick--lovingly placed upon a bed of tomato, onion, lettuce, and pickles. A slice of shitty American cheese melted on the top and then slathered in ketchup, mustard, and mayo. All of this carefully wedged between a delicious seeded bun. That is the essence of burger. Not your pitiful little coaster that you call a hamburger.

>> No.5233512

But a cheeseburger is already not just a basic burger anymore, isn't it?

>> No.5233513
File: 260 KB, 500x281, 1390837762909.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do people honestly attach real email addresses to 4chan posts? googling it links us to your google plus account, by the way

your thread is dumb and you should feel dumb

>> No.5233517

>I am one of the greatest and most famous trolls on 4chan. I just came down from my lofty heights to tell you your vid is very funny, and every time I see it I want to buy you a pizza party at Chuck E. Cheese. Congrats. Hang in there!

>> No.5233543
File: 41 KB, 535x400, cbburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is a huge faggot for even suggesting McDonalds. Confirmed for junkyard dog.

"Pure" burgers don't come from mass market chains where everything is premade in a factory 2000 miles away and the Mcmonkeys just heat everything up. They come from burger stands, local chains, and diners. Pic fucking related. All the most memorable, straight up delicious standard burgers (not gourmet or unusual burgers) have come from either a walk up burger stand or local place. Pic fucking related.

>> No.5233550

Best answer in the thread by far. Thank you for contributing Anon, I think you may be right there.

>> No.5233551

You're free to chase the threads of that email address as far as they will take you :^)

>> No.5233601

I have no picture but The Porter's cheeseburger in Atlanta is the best burger I've had in a long long time. Toasted bun with a little cheese and butter, perfect fat ratio on the beef, thick cheddar slice, LT and pickled red O with homemade pickles on top and two bacon strips. First time I'd ever enjoyed sweet pickles too. Perfection.

>> No.5233616

You need the milk shake with the burger without it's a sad looking sandwhich

>> No.5233618

Of course they're here. Ask sceak.

>> No.5233627

> LT and pickled red O
i hope you die in a fire

>> No.5233637
File: 8 KB, 259x194, index.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not posting In-N-Out


>> No.5233642

Watch this.

>> No.5233656

I think the whopper.

Mcd can hardly be called a burger because it hardly contains any hamburger meat.

>> No.5233657


>> No.5233708

a "show" burger would be a plain egg-wash white bread bun, 1/4 pound of ground 80/20 beef in a patty, grilled medium, 3 medium sliced vidalia onion rings, 2 dill pickle slices (long), 1 large leaf of butter lettuce folded to fit, and 2 medium thickness roma tomato slices.

condiments would be a simple brown mustard and a canola oil based mayonnaise mix on the bottom bun, with a simple tomato paste/white vinegar/sugar ketchup on the top bun.

This is the most basic hamburger, and encapsulates the spirit of burgerdom in the most normal of ways.

>> No.5233711

>"This thread is not about a recipe"
>posts a recipe.

>> No.5233725

so, let me get this:

you don't want people to post existing burgers, but you don't want a recipe either?

I think you've made an impossible request.
I reject your conditions, and declare that recipes should be posted.

You need to actually give a way to fulfill your request for it to be valid. No need to thank me.

>> No.5233740


A potato roll, one or two 1/8 oz patties, a slice of melty American cheese, pickles, a little bit of white onion, and ballpark mustard.

>> No.5233802
File: 14 KB, 502x417, intensifies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5233808


>roma tomatos
>brown mustard
>long dill pickles


>> No.5233961

Learn to read threads before making a fool of yourself. See:
To understand the depth of your reading comprehension problems.

>> No.5233970

the regular mcd's hamburger

>> No.5233980

Most "pure" burger can never come from a chain, so your McDolan's hamburger theory is discarded.

To be a hamburger you need a ground meat patty and a bun. This isn't that pure though because nobody does this, burgers come with sauces or toppings yes? So add either mustard or ketchup and you've got the essence of a stripped down only bare basics burger.

Meat, bread, and either ketchup or mustard. Thats it.

>> No.5234015
File: 30 KB, 400x300, 1393538578465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok now bear with me here, I know In n' Out has their "special sauce", but a plain cheeseburger is on the menu as well and you can get just ketchup and mustard if you ask.
It's got a nice fluffy, lightly toasted bun, delicious beef (fresh never frozen), and sure, you can take the veggies off if you want, but a true burger needs lettuce, tomato, and onion.
That looks like fucking America to me.

>> No.5234036
File: 186 KB, 1024x856, 1393538983756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, where would you FIND that burger? It's not sufficient to say "well, you make it at home..." because every homemade burger is going to be very very different from all other burgers, homemade or chain. Therefore, a homemade burger can never "encapsulate the essence of burgerdom as it is defined in modern culture"

That's why the people posting just recipes are just, well, kind of not very smart. They're just not capable of thinking about things very hard, and get angry and defensive when you point that out.

Yeah that's what I posted in my OP pic. Thank you for noticing that.

>> No.5234049
File: 87 KB, 270x414, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have to beg to keep away the "special sauce"

>> No.5234053

/ck/ taking Zed's bait

>> No.5234066

One American Cheese Single
One thinnish beef patty, softly bowed in the center
Two Pickles
One Leaf of Lettuce
One Ring of Onion
One Slice of Tomato

>> No.5234072


>> No.5234078

Nowhere, everybody makes different products so that they can compete. If everyone served the same burger then the only factor would be quality and we all know that drives cost up way too much for an American food business

>> No.5234087

Any burger grilled outside with your friends.

For me this means a limited amount of spices in the ground beef, cooked medium well, a lightly toasted bun, mayo, ketchup, hold the mustard, fresh lettuce, onions, pickles, and a slice of a tomato. and usually cheese but not always.

>> No.5234261

>in-n-out distillation of the perfect fast-food burger
I'm with you there. They have other options but they don't even advertise them. They're built on one kind of burger. No gimmicks or no monthly menu items, just quality fast food.