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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 162 KB, 640x634, uber delicious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5184726 No.5184726[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite fast casual restaurant, /ck/? Mine is Chipotle because of their stance on organics and hormone and antibiotic free meats. The carnitas are fucking bomb too. Panera Bread is a close second, and I hope they phase out GMOs like Chipotle is doing.

>> No.5184738

>eating meat
>caring about gmos

>> No.5184741
File: 66 KB, 620x905, 316581651.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you actually believe that bullshit?

>> No.5184759

Yes, because it's true.

>> No.5184771

Thread hidden, called the cops, called moot, called the Secretary of Commerce, called Snowden, called the Olympic Committee, called the ghost of Phillip Seymour Hoffman, called the great white whale, called my mom, called the fire department, called the ire department, called the local pizza place, called your dad, called my cat, called the local news station, called all the stray dogs in Sochi, called the ghost of Julia Child. GTFO.

>> No.5184780

>called all the stray dogs in Sochi
too soon bro

>> No.5184784

Is this not the food board?

>> No.5184792

what do you have against a reasonably-priced healthy alternative to the standard "fast food" currently available? I'm a busy individual who sometimes like to grab a quick bite to eat on a short lunch break. I appreciate Chipotle for giving me something I can feel better about putting into my body, versus say, Wendy's or McDonald's. Personally I think what they're doing is akin to a quiet food revolution and hope that other brands will follow in their footsteps.

>> No.5184798

>This post has been brought to you by Chipotle™

>> No.5184800

Ignoring all the GMO bullshit, tell me more about this quesadilla wrapped Chipotle burrito.

>> No.5184803

>Personally I think what they're doing is akin to a quiet food revolution
Are you serious? They make burritos, that's it. Their policy on GMO and free-range/sustainable ingredients isn't strict, their website basically says the policy is to do it "whenever feasible".

Which means... nothing.

>> No.5184806

>favorite fast casual restaurant

hole in the wall taco joints, i could sit and eat street tacos forever

>> No.5184815

>fast casual
Chipotle made this term up, right?

>> No.5184820

Are you still pretending to believe Chipotle is advertising to NEETs who can't even afford to eat there on one of the slowest boards in the asshole of the internet?

>> No.5184823

Nothing says delicious like the cheapest possible ingredients made by an illegal!

>> No.5184825

>Chipotle made this term up, right?
doubtful, there's a ton of restaurants in this category. It's pretty much the made to order version of fast food, that doesn't have table service. It's a hybrid. Fast food is supposed to be prepared ahead of time, not made to order.

>> No.5184835

I have never been on this board. Is Chipolte some kind of meme?

>> No.5184855



>> No.5184856

Talking about restaurants on the food board can be a meme? That's pretty embarrassing.

>> No.5184859

>it actually is this retarded

>> No.5184860

Qdoba masterrace.

>> No.5184864



>> No.5184872

>Are you still pretending to believe Chipotle is advertising to NEETs who can't even afford to eat there on one of the slowest boards in the asshole of the internet?
The majority of 4chan users are students, many of which have a decent disposable income and inclination towards processed fast foods.

Last night I was on a couple blogs looking for dehydrator ideas. They both had disclaimers saying they were affiliated with a dehydrator company and made a bit of money for any sale.

If a dehydrator company has their tentacles out there, you can be guaranteed billion dollar fast food companies with serious PR and ad budgets are going to go the cheap "grassroots social media" route to cover their basis.

There is no conspiracy. Only naive retards think this.

>> No.5184878

can someone post that "Don't forget to shill on /ck/" picture?

>> No.5184880


>> No.5184883

>disposable income

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, holy shit, my sides.

>> No.5184888

>The majority of 4chan users are students


>> No.5184892

You don't think 4chan consists primarily of undergraduate students?

>> No.5184895

True, their demonstrated educational level would suggest they're middle schoolers at best.

>> No.5184897

Oh man, keep this going. Keep wasting your time pretending to be a retard on the internet while suggesting college material posts here. This shit is gold.

>> No.5184904
File: 620 KB, 1987x2214, 4chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh sure, they have been students for a month or so.

>> No.5184906

See the bottom of this page:

I saw many websites and blogs that when on and on about the Excalibur dehydrator. Some were genuine (apparently), others had a similar affiliation with the company.

Or how about this one:

>About the same time, I was asked by Yoplait to incorporate their new premium yogurt into one of my blog posts. You know I'm all about homemade, DIY, so-easy-you-should-make-that-at-home kind of person? That makes this sponsorship thing an interesting challenge. They want to pay me for my blogging, which is fantastic, but I’m not about to promote a product that doesn’t meet my standards. I'm looking for quality products with no artificial flavors, high fructose corn syrup, preservatives, dyes, or other junk. So Yoplait has a new brand called Yoplait Fruitful, which they smartly have made with real yogurt, real fruit and regular old sugar, no HFCS, no artificial flavors or preservatives. That’s pretty minimal for a commercial brand. They sent me some free samples to play with. The yogurt is pretty good. I'd consider it a quality treat.

And that's just some smalltime blog.

>> No.5184910

I know you guys want to believe 4chan isn't mainstream and is comprised of neckbeard loners, but you would be very, very surprised.

>> No.5184916

Seriously, keep this going. You're a real scholar, I can seriously tell how educated you are by how you're choosing to spend your time. Comedy. Gold.

>> No.5184921

>marketing on my 4chan? lol sure tinfoil bro

>> No.5184922

I'd buy it if /jp/ and /a/ didn't exist, I think you're overestimating the caliber of people who post in this pedo shithole.

>> No.5184925

>I think you're overestimating the caliber of people who post in this pedo shithole.
I work at a university and hear many people talking about 4chan. I've been to parties and heard hipsters talk about 4chan. I've seen people wearing shirts featuring memes.

4chan is no longer the "asshole of the internet". It is incredibly popular and successful. For every MLP and waifu poster you have 10 normies.

>> No.5184927

So is anyone going to actually mention their favorite fast casual restaurants are you guys too damaged to behave like adults?

>> No.5184933

>fast casual restaurants
Pick one.

>> No.5184938

look here faggot illegal are in are the great kitchen in north america like it not same goes for the people picking the crops ... your line of thought is severely flawed

want to try again

>> No.5184945

Yeah, it's not like fast casual restaurants are popular because people want a quick burrito on their lunch breaks. Yeah, totally intelligent employed people here, guys.

>> No.5184947
File: 29 KB, 389x477, CARLOOOOOOOS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always eat at Chipotle because of how affordable and great tasting it is!

When Im low on cash I know me and my friends can always get an affordable, but delicious meal there!

>> No.5184968

you've got to be kidding me, OP. next time i have 8 bucks to throw down on a burrito im going to try this. brilliant.

reminds me of wet chimichangas i ussed to get

>> No.5184969
File: 876 KB, 355x325, jiggle.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take that 4chan users!
You just got served.

>> No.5185003

>are in are the great kitchen in north america like it not
What in the fuck

>> No.5185026

I think that's rambling guy, he does this a lot.

>> No.5185027

Nah, probably Fake Old Rambling Guy. Old Rambling Guy isn't so crass and usually throws in a dozen funny puns.

>> No.5185033

Not even close

>> No.5185035

>casual restaraunt
fucking casuals

sincerely, /v/

>> No.5185045

How much extra would the cheese quesdilla burrito cost?

>> No.5185075

I guess the cost of a quesadilla and a burrito.

>> No.5185081

Anyone worked at chipotle before? I put in an application 2 days ago, not sure if I made a mistake

>> No.5185088

What do you mean?

>> No.5185082

Is there even a price for the quesadilla on the menu?

>> No.5185098

A mistake by applying there.

>> No.5185106

To make it or when you get there and buy it for whatever? I don't get that saying of yours when its happened.

>> No.5185112

You can shibby to the hibby but the libby don't drippy.

>> No.5185141

With this much shitposting at the beginning of a thread I'd swear I stumbled into /v/ again.

>> No.5185156


Once you've entered /v/ you can never escape. It will always become a part of you, like these shitty Chipotle advertising threads.

>> No.5185179

>organics and hormone and antibiotic free meats

>> No.5185685

You don't care what you put in your body?

>> No.5185689

>healthy alternative
Nigga, a burrito at chipotle tops the scales at over a thousand calories. That's not healthy, that's a meal for three people.

>> No.5185706


>advertize that our products contain no hormones or antibiotics.
>all things use hormones and antibiotics
>profit from lying.

>> No.5185843

Since everything is priced according to meat whether you order a burrito, salad, salad bowl, or tacos I like to order the crunchy tacos and then insist they back the fuck up and include everything including rice, beans, and guacamole even though they try to skip them and then complain about them skimping while they try in vain to shove everything into those tiny little rip-off taco shells.

>> No.5185854

Do Americans not know that you don't need to wolf the entire thing down in one sitting? Why do I keep having to say this to you fat fuckers?

>> No.5185921
File: 41 KB, 398x353, 77366.original-9126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>over a thousand calories
>a meal for three people
333+ calories for an entire meal?

>> No.5185925
File: 52 KB, 702x526, 1390343285655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every thread.

>> No.5185958

Pretty sure he only responds to the OP. He probably can't figure out how 4chan works.

>> No.5186037

how do you do this without looking like an asswipe?

is it okay to be an asswipe as long as you never go there again.

i think i may start eating at chipotle

you can really do that???

>> No.5186045

that's a pretty normal amount for a lunch.
you'd almost definitely want to be topping 1000 per day though..

>> No.5186060

>how do you do this without looking like an asswipe?

You're paying for the beans and rice no matter what you order, but they're trained to skip them when you order hard-shell tacos.

>> No.5186061

There it is

>> No.5186080

The way that Chipotle conducts itself on 4chan makes me never want to eat there. I appreciate that when 7-11 or Mcdonalds make their viral marketing threads they don't try to belittle people or deny what they're doing. Chipotle shills are obnoxious, aggressive, and incredibly obvious, I guess that's what you should expect though from a "health conscious" company marketing itself to fedora wearing hipsters. I will never eat at Chipotle under any circumstance and you have no one to blame but your shitty marketing. I might actually go get some Mcdonalds right now. Fuck Chipotle.

>> No.5186091

McShill detected.

>> No.5186092

also how do you get free chipotle or buy one get one free coupons?

>> No.5186109

If it means drawing business away from Chipotle I'd gladly "shill" for free. Taco Bell is like a 5th of the cost of Chipotle, they taste far better than Chipotle, and many of their locations have a KFC attached so you can mix and match your meal. And as an added bonus you won't have to be in the presence of macbook using, fedora wearing, reddit browsing hipsters if you choose Taco Bell over Chpotle.

Mcdonalds just brought the Mcrib back, Taco Bell recently introduced a delicious stuffed nacho, try folding it like New Yorkers do with pizza for maximum flavor. Pizza Hut pan pizzas are still delicious as ever, with a perfectly crispy and buttery tasting crust, or if you're feeling adventurous try their relatively new hot dog stuffed crust. 7-11 sells pizza now on top of their already delicious assortment of hot foods like taquitos, nachos and hot dogs. What goes better with pizza than a slurpee? Now you can get them both int he same place. Dairy Queen still has the best onion rings. A&W hot dogs and chubby chicken are still amazing.

I don't care where you go just please don't give your money to Chipotle.

>> No.5186110

Remember guys, if you are ever hungry and short on cash, and want something to eat that tastes amazing, Chipotle is there for you.

I always go there when I get the "munchies".

>> No.5186117

>yfw only shills post on /ck/ and argue about other restaurants shilling

>> No.5186121

>implying you're open after 12am
>implying your burritos aren't expensive
>implying you are ever going to actually use non-gmo products in your food

>> No.5186130

>short on cash
yeah I think you're thinking of some other burrito place. chipotle isn't exactly cheap.

>> No.5186139

i'm going to assume it's the same price as most of the normal food in Chipotle

>> No.5186146

>there will never be a half decent mexican takeout in your country

>> No.5186193


Not to mention the sheer volume of ironic shitposting that goes on. It's completely impossible to differentiate between the two at this point.

>> No.5186199

NZ here, iktf.
only fast food I might consider abusing is mexican. subway and noodle canteen are alright, other than that all I ever get out of choice is sushi from locally owned places

>> No.5186202

Never understood poor people restaurants. I go to restaurants to have food I couldn't make myself as well.

>> No.5186963

hey retard, a lot of people cant cook a burger in 3 minutes. ever try thinking outside of your own box?

>> No.5186990

mostly for a cheap and convenient lunch. regular people don't have the money or lunch break capacity to go to a high end restaurant every day.
Personally I make and take my own food to work, but not everyone prefers this.

>> No.5186996

>also how do you get free chipotle
steal it or get a job there

>> No.5186999

fuck you chipotle shills
if you guys want me to eat chipotle put one in my fucking city, im not gonna go to the next city over just to eat at chipotle.

and feel when there's no place similar here

>> No.5187009

I never liked Panera - it's overpriced and the food isn't good enough to justify that. They used to have these small pizzas that were okay, but I haven't seen those in a long time.

However I've yet to try anything of theirs breakfast-wise, so maybe I'm just missing out.

>> No.5187024

They are indeed overpriced, even the combo. But, the drink refills are help yourself, even the coffee, so you're supposed to get value from that second cup you can do (or more). They are also one of the few wifi restaurants with this free refill thing that also has electrical outlets next to every single table and booth. The bagels are decent, not top tier, but a good choice. The pastries/cookies/breads are well priced, with most single servings under $2, if not closer to a dollar. Balance that with the crappy overdressed salad, I guess. Or the lunchmeat stuffed sandwiches. The pizzas seem to come and go on the menu, not sure what season, maybe the Fall? If you calorie count, however, the soups are a winner. They are equivalent to what you'd do from a light can of progresso or even as low as 50 cals. If you lay off the bread, and want a small apple side, you can definitely be a dieter and have a different meal every day at Panera.

>> No.5187033

Maybe I'll give it another go, but just the breakfast or soups. I was sorely disappointed in the sandwiches, and I don't like their chips.

>> No.5187045

Panera is shit. The bread is made fresh in store, but literally everything else they sell isn't. No better than Subway when it comes to using pre-cooked and pre-sliced meat and veggies. Soup is frozen, pastries are frozen, coffee is pre-ground.

I'd pay Subway prices for them, but there's a little bit of veblen good shit going on there; people just assume the soup is actually made fresh or some shit because they just payed $5 for it.

>> No.5187050

>Soup is frozen
I don't see a problem with this.

>> No.5187061

Its a ritual amongst my friends to get stoned all night then go to panera for souffles and espresso at 7am right when it opens. I only go on tuesday mornings because theres an arab girl that can actually make a good espresso. I dont buy espresso from niggers anymore.

>> No.5187069

For the prices they charge? If I wanted a cup of something that was made fuck knows where and reheated, I'd just grab a can of Progresso for a third of the price.

>> No.5187092

>cheese quesadilla

>> No.5187628

Are you seriously hating on cheese quesadillas right now?

>> No.5187650



>> No.5187671

I believe he's pointing out the redundancy.

>> No.5187753

So it's safe to say you're all NEETs, and they say pot has no adverse effects.

>> No.5187869
File: 760 KB, 1600x1200, chipotle-meal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know what I'm getting for dinner!

>> No.5188039

That looks absolutely delicious, I think I'll pick up some Chipotle for supper too.

>> No.5188050
File: 156 KB, 900x675, 1390336856849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freebirds is better

>> No.5188056

>This subliminal purchase has been brought to you by Chipotle™

>> No.5188058

Who says pot anymore? Or ever? Are you a narc from the 70's?

>> No.5188087

I went to Chipotle for lunch the other day because there's one close to my university. It wasn't bad but it wasn't really anything special. Pretty similar to Q'doba imo

Is that about right or did I just not order the "right thing"?

>> No.5188091

Lol. "pot".

You've clearly injected tooo many reefers this evening.

>> No.5188140

Is there some super special name for it now? I'm not a pothead teenager.

>> No.5188144

You are one big walking cliche, gramps.

>> No.5188145

Fill me in on the new burnout lingo, kiddo.

>> No.5188184

And you're a bum, what now?

>> No.5188185

Lel. Just wait until your idiot generation is in their 40s. You are going to be the biggest cliches that ever walked this great earth. Just listen to yourselves even now. Get ready for a huge letdown, hahahaha.....

>> No.5188188

Most people just call it weed.

>> No.5188224
File: 1.24 MB, 3264x2448, IMAG0067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just picked up some chipolte on the way home, this shits as cash as the zip I picked up immediately after, some of the dankiest heady purple pebble nugs of the strongest most ThC-laden pot my area can provide, lol

>> No.5188237

>And you're a bum, what now?
No, I am a Ph.D. candidate that made $50k last year after taxes.

>> No.5188303

>Ph.D candidate
>only $50k

>> No.5188359

I'm an astronaut, and I made 50mil last year after taxes. See how pointless this is, burnout?

>> No.5188370

>only $50k
Please keep in mind I said, "after taxes".

Also, you should look up the average salary of a Ph.D. candidate.

The fact that you think graduate school is too fantastic too believe is very telling about your "accomplishments".

>> No.5188397

candidate means he's still in school.

the mean graduate school stipend is about $19k, so he's doing pretty well for himself

>> No.5188447

Wow, I really have to spell it out for this fucking bum. I could could claim to be literally anything, it's the internet. We don't give a fuck about your life, burnout.

>> No.5188472

>Wow, I really have to spell it out for this fucking bum. I could could claim to be literally anything, it's the internet. We don't give a fuck about your life, burnout.
I don't really care if you don't believe that I am a grad student. I'm surprised you consider this amazing though.

As for burnout, I smoked heavily from ages 16-25 but haven't smoked for several years. Many professionals I know smoke regularly (weekly) though.

>> No.5188491

I used to work at Chipotle. Not anymore, but if anyone wants to ask a question feel free. I noticed a decent amount of people saying a few things that weren't true really, both on the good and the bad side. Anyway, feel free to ask, or not.

>> No.5188626

Where did I say I was amazed, burnout? Again, we don't give a shit about your life. Now be a big boy and move on, or get the last word. I couldn't care less.

>> No.5188674


Just jumping in here to say you sound unbelievably pathetic. Although I do find it strange that people are surprised at the use of the word "pot". While I can't remember the last time I heard someone use this word in a non-jocular fashion, I'm pretty sure it's still in common use... somewhere. Maybe.

>> No.5188775

>calling all weed smokers burnouts and bums
>sounding like a 50 year old straight edge virgin
You sound like a super fun dude, man.

I don't even smoke, but Jesus you sound like those straight edge losers in school who don't need no drugs 'cause POP PUNK IS MY DRUG or some shit.

>> No.5188780

So good that i'll cook for myself too.

>> No.5188817

>projecting this hard

I'm not even that guy but the majority (not all of them) of the potheads I know are still living in my own town and I think that says something. I feel sorry for one of my female friends, her boyfriend sits in front of his computer all day smoking pot while she's working her way through college. Nothing I say is going to make her throw him out, she doesn't even like the smell of pot. The power of love, man.

>> No.5188832

>anecdotes anecdotes anecdotes
You still sound straight edge as fuck. "If you smoke pot you can't succeed in life!!11!"

>> No.5188841

Were you too stoned to get the "not all of them" part?

>> No.5188846

It's still based on your anecdotes, not any statistics.

Also again, I don't smoke.

>> No.5188851

So you're going to blatantly ignore strings of words because you have this idea that I'm some straight edge nutjob? Meh, go for it.

>> No.5188860

You certainly sound like a straight edge nutjob

>> No.5188866


He has a point. Anecdotal evidence, which is what you're using, is considered generally unreliable and is to be treated as such. People are prone to cognitive biases, including cherry-picking, and so forth. Doesn't matter if you managed to string together a whole bunch of words.

>> No.5189130
File: 2.15 MB, 3648x2736, DSCN1743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's get back on topic... that Chipotle.

>> No.5189509

>projecting this hard
Why don't you just say "I know you are but what am I"? That is what you actually mean, after all.

>> No.5189535


looks like a giant pile of garbage. better looking things come out of my microwave

>> No.5189537

I had been really picky as a kid, but it was at Chipotle that I finally tried guacamole last year. Since then I've been on a mission to make my own and while I've got the taste down pretty well, I have no clue how to make my guac as whipped/creamy as theirs.

How the hell do the achieve that?

>> No.5189542
File: 852 KB, 1600x1200, 1391098358129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of my female friends
>Nothing I say is going to make her throw him out

Haha it just gets better and better. Are you going to send her an e-card on Valentine's Day, faglord?

>> No.5189549
File: 26 KB, 288x422, 1386960473961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw chipotle shill gets mad because some guy on 4chan earns more money than him

>> No.5189551

>I feel sorry for one of my female friends, her boyfriend sits in front of his computer all day smoking pot while she's working her way through college. Nothing I say is going to make her throw him out, she doesn't even like the smell of pot.

Wow, this is exactly how I imagined you. Some bitter, overweight loser who shadows his "lady friend" and dreams of the day she dumps her "no-good pothead boyfriend" and realizes everything she needed all along was right in front of her.


>> No.5189552

>Are you going to send her an e-card on Valentine's Day, faglord?
lol'd hard

>> No.5189559

>Again, we don't give a shit about your life. Now be a big boy and move on, or get the last word. I couldn't care less.
>we don't give a shit

Is there a term for this kind of behaviour? When someone is trying to prove a point and says, "we feel..." when really he is the only only who does?

I heard someone at work say this at a meeting recently. It is a cheap attempt to deflect potential criticism ("B-b-b-but it wasn't me, it was us") and a sign of poor confidence IMO.

>> No.5190143

ITT: mental illness

>> No.5190152

And I now know how to keep a thread bumped without checking it every few hours, I just need to call out the potheads. They're always here, it's fucking brilliant.

>> No.5190163

I work at Chipotle and these are literally talking points from their training videos. "Quiet revolution" was used 100s of times.

>> No.5190165



>> No.5190173

And importing illegals. I haven't been to Chipotle since I found out. 6+ years now.

>> No.5190195

Rebranding fast food as fast casual so it seems less ghetto is a smart business move. So is giving lipservice to the kind of things a wealthier clientele is concerned about, like GMOs, locally sourced blah blah blah and some ill defined concept of "healthy eating".

But that doesn't magically change 1000+ calorie lunch items with nearly 2000mg of sodium sold at a place without table service into something other than FAST FOOD.

It's like calling a trailer park a mobile home community.

>> No.5190227

Do you not understand the concept of portion size or do they not teach Americans that you can cut a burrito in half?

>> No.5190232

Burritos keep poorly. It's like putting fried calamari in the fridge.

>> No.5190405

Most Americans have absolutely no concept of portion size. Also, with 2/3 of the population overweight a "normal" portion size would leave most hungry, and complaining they didn't get "muh money's worth". Fast food joints like Chipotle pretty much HAVE to have fatty fat portion sizes, which re-enforces the idea that such sizes are a normal portion size.

>> No.5190428

You idiots arguing about pointless shit that isn't related to the topic should be banned.
Meanwhile: chipotle is shit like panera is shit. The food is ok. The pricing's retarded. The "ethic" is retarded too, and is based on a faulty premise.

>> No.5190863

This, and I disagree. I like Panera Bread's turkey chili, it's fucking delicious.

>> No.5190983
File: 265 KB, 800x600, IMG_3435-800x600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That chili!

>> No.5190993

>Didn't call the Ghostbusters.


>> No.5191223

the googels has brought me much fortunes:
http://www.fastcodesign .com/1671981/the-mystery-behind-chipotles-secret-1500-calorie-super-burrito#7

>> No.5191628


Pick one.

>> No.5192135
File: 1.18 MB, 3264x2448, img_2177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that carnitas

>> No.5192173


>> No.5192183


>> No.5192184



>> No.5192202
File: 54 KB, 475x356, 1375773193689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5193979


>> No.5193991

>straight edge losers in school who don't need no drugs 'cause POP PUNK IS MY DRUG or some shit.
lol so this

>> No.5193994

>I just need to call out the potheads
Tell us about your lady friend and her pothead boyfriend you fucking hover hand beta lol

>> No.5194047

Kinda just made his point for him, dumbass.

>> No.5194052


>> No.5194058

Shouldn't you be making another "stoner general" thread on /b/ with all the other motivated and successful lads?

>> No.5194063

>I feel sorry for one of my female friends, her boyfriend sits in front of his computer all day smoking pot while she's working her way through college. Nothing I say is going to make her throw him out, she doesn't even like the smell of pot.

>> No.5194176

>/b/ stoners
>motivated and successful

My sides, my fucking sides.

>> No.5194205

>that ugly looking bowl of shit

>> No.5194208

Should it have been packed neatly into a kawaii bento, anon-kun? :3

>> No.5194210
File: 16 KB, 270x285, 1275730186723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ew, another creepy "Nice Guy" hovering around a relationship like a vulture, sabotaging it.

>> No.5194271

>projecting on 4chan


>> No.5194279

>that cat smiley

An angry kissless virgin made this lol

>> No.5194367

I can just imagine him trying to passively convince his "lady friend" why her boyfriend is no good. He probably doesn't have the balls to initiate it, rather he waits until she complains about him in an offhand way and then starts up with it.

>I got home and my bf didn't do the dishes and was on the computer all day smoking weed
>I-I-I would never do this to you if you were my g-g-g-girlfriend, anon-kun

>> No.5194426

I'd assume you know from experience but that would suggest you know a woman you aren't related to.

>> No.5194433

I don't know, man. My girlfriend would leave me in a heartbeat if I quit and stopped going to to my classes to smoke wee on the computer all day, she's probably fat. Actually, I bet they're all fat.

>> No.5194442

Alas, I have had a total of 14 sexual partners and am engaged.

I have an active imagination and am extroverted. I can use these two characteristics with a little data from that loser's post to hypothesize his relationship with his "lady friend".

But no, I suppose everything boils down to "projecting", tipping fedoras, and virgins to you. Very transparent, but maybe one day you will mature and realize being in an intimate relationship is not a rarity.

>> No.5194511

I love Chipotle, but that image looks awful.

>> No.5194523

is OPs cheese quesadilla image true? does it cost extra? is it a pain for them to make.. I don't want to trouble them, especially arund lunchtime when there's a line?

>> No.5194702

You really need to get some fresh air, this entire post reeks of neckbeard autism. Not everyone who has female friends wants to hook up with them, but you wouldn't understand that because you don't have friends and spend all your time arguing on 4chan! I can't believe I'm replying to this, you're going to reply with your imaginary memoir now.

>> No.5194712

>delusional pothead detected

>> No.5194722

>faggot detected

>> No.5194820

>I've seen people wearing shirts featuring memes.
>implying every edgy 13 year old that shops at Hot Topic doesn't have a dozen of those

>> No.5194870

I'm obviously talking about people at college.

>> No.5194874

Do they even have Chipotle outside of the U.S. or is this just the shills pretending to foreigners to defend their shitty unhealthy fast-food burrito chain?

The burritos aren't that fucking big. I'm 5'8 and 120 lbs. and even I don't think half of one would make a very satisfying meal, let alone 1/3rd of one. If I wanted a full meal with less calories and sodium I'd be better off eating at Olive Garden.

>> No.5194883

>Do they even have Chipotle outside of the U.S. or is this just the shills pretending to foreigners to defend their shitty unhealthy fast-food burrito chain?
What are you trying to say here?

>I'm 5'8 and 120 lbs
Sorry to hear that.

>> No.5194888

>The burritos aren't that fucking big.
The average one is probably 1000 calories.

>> No.5194897

>>Do they even have Chipotle outside of the U.S. or is this just the shills pretending to foreigners to defend their shitty unhealthy fast-food burrito chain?

I meant:

>>Do they even have Chipotle outside of the U.S. or is this just the shills pretending to BE foreigners to defend their shitty unhealthy fast-food burrito chain?

Because it seems like every time someone points out that Chipotle isn't really healthy at all the same "AMERICANS JUST NEED TO NOT EAT IT ALL AT ONCE" responses pop-up, as if people outside of the U.S. are even familiar with the chain's portion sizes.

>> No.5194918

Chipotle is in America, Canada, and UK.

I went to Chipotle only once, in Toronto. It was pretty meh. I mean yeah, it is better than Taco Bell but that is literally saying nothing about its quality.

I'd rather make some steak fajitas at home.

>> No.5195044


That may be because it's the only logical counter to it, and it's usually me because Americans are fat and need to be reminded that they don't have to eat their entire large meals in one sitting.

>> No.5195049

>what is a lunch break

It's like fast casual and fast food restaurants exist for convenience or something.

>> No.5195059
File: 470 KB, 500x221, wat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as if people outside of the U.S. are even familiar with the chain's portion sizes.

Do you seriously not see the pictures of Chipotle food in the thread you're posting in right now?

>> No.5195063

>hurr durr I don't know what "candidate" means
Most graduate students make much less than 50k

>> No.5195097


The majority of 4chan users like to troll stupid faggots like you who get their panties in a knot over what they believe to be marketing on /ck/.

Congrats on being the dumbest fuck on all of 4chan.

>> No.5195163
File: 155 KB, 640x480, 414452082_a418918ee3_z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you even been to Chipotle? The burritos aren't very big, they're just loaded with calories.

>> No.5195187

>It's healthy guyz! The problem is that Americans are fat so instead of splitting it into two vitamin-deficient, nutritionally devoid junk food meals they eat all 4 inches at once!

>> No.5195190

You are a fucking retard.

>> No.5196468

You can order extra anything except for meat and guacamole for free, this person does not go hard.

>> No.5196601
File: 337 KB, 500x375, 1385361434923.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and they say chipotle isn't using /ck/ to market their $8 burritos

>> No.5196626

Is Chipotle a West Coast thing only? I live in the East Coast and I've never even heard of this place or seen one until /ck/ started to praise it.

>> No.5196649

>I've never had a job and I haven't seen the sun in months

That picture says it all, you're not doing yourself any favors posting that embarrassing garbage.

>> No.5196660

Chipotle shill pls go

>> No.5196664

Because large corporations pay people to make fun of pathetic NEETs on 4chan. LMAO!

>> No.5196667

You should work on fixing your "life" instead of pretending to be a retard on 4chan every day. Seriously, it doesn't get any sadder than this.

>> No.5196672

Somebody still trying to convince us that fast food shit like Chipotle is right for our lifestyles? Yeah, right. Maybe I we were all cubicle drones living in flyover states without any real options.

>> No.5196676

Listen, I'm a skeptical consumer just like you, but the business(es) mentioned in this thread just can't be beat in terms of quality and price.

>> No.5196685

>the business(es) mentioned in this thread just can't be beat in terms of quality and price.
>The business mentioned in this thread is trying really hard to sell fast food fake Mexican to people who don't know any better, and usually consider fast food ghetto. That's why they call themselves fast casual.


>> No.5196715

At Fast Casual restaurants you can eat comfortably knowing your children will not be abducted and shipped off to a Pakistani whorehouse where they'll spend the rest of their lives in homoerotic servitude.

Come in with your kids, Leave with your kids.
That's The Fast Casual Difference.

>> No.5196758

>Come in with your kids, Leave with your kids.
Repeat and watch as your kids get fat.

>> No.5196792
File: 193 KB, 1600x1200, 1847261873902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Repeat and watch as your kids get fat.

Why doesn't anyone ever call out that fat Japanese guy for the crazy portions of food he eats? This is for one person. Why is it only American food that's criticized for its portions?

>> No.5197170

>asking this question on 4chan

I think we both know the answer to that.

>> No.5197237

Miso soup and the seasoned veggies have hardly any calories. The only substantial calories in that meal comes from the fish and the rice. That one fat Japanese guy probably eats too many desserts and fried things. Traditional Japanese meals are healthy, and most Japanese aren't fat.

>> No.5197300

Are you seriously pretending that's not a ridiculously large serving of food because it's Japanese?

>> No.5197355

Of course it's large, there's like three salads. But it's clearly not why he's fat.

>> No.5197382

I was about to say, that's more than I eat in an entire day and I'm a big dude: 6'2" 177lbs.

>> No.5197387

compared to most restuarants in america, even japanese ones, those portions are pretty small

>> No.5197414


>> No.5197453

they're in Alabama, MS, Georgia, Va, im in Florida and they're here.