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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 58 KB, 720x540, how horrifying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5184040 No.5184040[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>yfw this is now considered a "salad" appetizer

I hardly consider myself a foodie but godamn what the fuck man.

>> No.5184042

how much did you pay for that OP

>> No.5184051

Looks like you were ripped off. I would have sent it back and not paid for it, and not have returned. Usually a good idea to check out online reviews before visiting a restaurant as well.

>> No.5184055

Uhh? Is this a positive or good thing? What does OP mean?

>> No.5184060


Wedge salads are older than your grandparents

>> No.5184063

what the fuck is that?

>> No.5184073

It's a wedge salad. It's not new.

>> No.5184082

Wedge salads aren't supposed to be 'healthy' either. The mostly flavorless iceberg lettuce is a crisp, cold vehicle for the toppings you put on it.


>> No.5184089

I didn't buy it, saw my "foodie" friend post it on fb and almost gagged looking at it

>> No.5184093

This. Wedge salads have been around since the 1930s (at least). I think OPs pic is a rather poor representation of one, but yeah, they've been around forever and are quite popular with many people and in steakhouses, in particular. I've had some good ones, and some mediocre ones. I make them at home from time to time to go with specific meals. Frankly, I'd rather have a wedge salad with my steak than a baked potato anyday. OPs pic is bad, like I said. Too much dressing, and it's better with a blue cheese vinaigrette than that thick creamy shit. That's a lazy man's wedge salad.

>> No.5184095

So, a "salad" that consists of nothing but unchopped lettuce and toppings is actually a thing?

Well, fuck me, next thing you know you'll be telling me hot ham water is a thing too.


>> No.5184103

This was taken at a local TGIF, home of the unchopped monster sized head of broccoli.

>> No.5184125

amerifats, only you could come up with such a disgusting creation

>> No.5184132

Nobody was fat in the 30s

>> No.5184134
File: 113 KB, 600x600, ckmascotpeach.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, here comes the butthurt europoor parade.

>> No.5186292

Lone Star Steakhouse also has them. Whenever my father drags me there, I get one. Blue cheese dressing, a wedge of lettuce, and some diced tomato. It's really quite good.

>> No.5186300

lol at american "cuisine". A whole tradition of laziness and pouring cheese and fat and salt on things.

>> No.5186304
File: 27 KB, 292x301, 1231231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people order appetizers

>> No.5186306

bleu cheese dressing, bacon and tomatoes over a glass of water pretty much, i fucking hate iceberg lettuce

>> No.5186311

at least it has fibers which will help digesting the shit those kind of restaurant serves, like meat and fries.

>> No.5186339

Sorry for unwillingly being born in a country that is less than 250 years old

>> No.5186350
File: 91 KB, 500x463, 1383856402199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Americans call main meals "entrees" even though the word FIGURATIVELY means starter

>> No.5186361

Should have thought of that before getting born, 'eh?

>> No.5186364

this is not an emphatic word.

>> No.5186365

Your country is older than 250 years dumbass.

>> No.5186398


Why would you even argue this?

The US, Canada and Australia are all younger than 250 years old, and those three countries easily make up the majority of 4han.

>> No.5186406

No you dumbass. The US isnt less than 250 years old.

>mfw americlaps dont even know their own history

>> No.5186445
File: 24 KB, 500x300, joinordie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> The Declaration of Independence is a statement adopted by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, which announced that the thirteen American colonies, then at war with Great Britain, regarded themselves as independent states, and no longer a part of the British Empire. Instead they formed a union that would become a new nation—the United States of America.

1776 + 250 = 2026.
2026 > 2014

>> No.5186456

>the new wedge salad
>the new yogurt
>the new avocados

I wish there was a way to keep children off this board

>> No.5186473

>a culture only starts to exist when it's written on a piece of paper

>> No.5186510
File: 213 KB, 600x298, 1364493995804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>After a period of exploration sponsored by major European nations, the first successful English settlement was established in 1607

>> No.5186514
File: 15 KB, 400x103, iceburn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5186551


>being this butthurt
>grasping for straws this hard

time to stop posting guys, try again in the next thread. we all know you will.

>> No.5186565

I'm not any of the people who've been arguing ITT and not even an American, but I wanted to point out that the original statement of contention was >>5186339
>Sorry for unwillingly being born in a country that is less than 250 years old
therefore >>5186365 and >>5186406 are wrong unless they've decided they want to redefine the meaning of the word 'country' as it was used in this context.

My nation, Italy, as a country is younger than the US, yet as a culture is quite ancient, but that doesn't change the fact that prior to Garibaldi's unification of Italy under one crown, there were dozens of tiny city-state countries. One city state within Itay, S. Marino, chose not to join the union and is still to this day not part of Italy and has remained an independent country dating back to 3rd September 301. Regardless, Sammarinesi are indistinguishable from other Northern Italians. They have no special language or dialect or culture of their own, but are not Italian nationals. They are not allowed to spend more than 90 days each year in Italy because of this fact, though they are surrounded entirely by Italy.

>> No.5186569

oh look, the American-obsessed Italian is here

>> No.5186571

Time to stop pretending you know anything about how history works.

>> No.5186580

Not obsessed, silly! I live in the US, is all. ^_^

>> No.5186597

I know, and you are so pro-American in your posts it is hilarious.

>> No.5186606

While there are some things I find awful about the US and its culture, the good far outweighs the bad. There are enough people pointing out America's failings, Americans included. Nothing will be lost if there's one less person pointing them out.

>> No.5187876
File: 515 KB, 754x1118, 1354501784095.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as someone who works in the food industry, trust me, you want that shit. the last thing you want s a salad made by some greasy mexican who doesn't know what gloves are or how to wash his hands. all the mexicans you meet at a restaurant are friendly 4/5 times, but 0/5 of them know what hygene is nor do they give a shit about your health. Wedged iceburg is at minimum going to be handled less by them.

>> No.5187883


what are you complaining about? it looks pretty cool. its just the presentation. and you can see your salad came from a whole lobe not a bag....

you're SUPPOSED to break it up now... just use two forks and seperate it.

fuckin' baby would rather have pre-mixed pre-bagged chemical laiden shift from [Kraft] than a quarter of a salad ball (lobe? i dunno wtf head? yeah!!! its fucking head.)

>> No.5187888


> all the mexicans
> 4/5 times

math fail

>> No.5187934

I think it is being used to poke fun at the overuse of the word "literally".

>> No.5187948

Technically it is correct, although probably unintentionally.

>> No.5187952


>mfw Americans call main meals "entrees" even though the word means starter

No we don't.... we call the starter course entrees, then the second course, etc... desert...

i guess an entree is a meal if you're not going to have a full course meal, which most restaraunts don't have anywa.... you get your steak, your side, your coke... and that's an entree....

this isn't even american culture you idiot its british....

some peopel say the stupidest fucking shit.


>> No.5187972

>American culture, it's British
No. Brits call what Americans call 'appetisers,' 'entrées.'
Way to be wrong, Wrongy McWrongerson.

>> No.5187991


ohhhh i see. well, you're the wrong one!

>> No.5189026

autists please go.

>> No.5189048
File: 27 KB, 400x400, ThousandIslandDressingSix-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck the haters, I love a wedge salad. With a chunky thousand island dressing, full of chopped bacon and a hard-boiled egg.

>> No.5189050


Never apologize, even sarcastically, for being American, faggot.

>> No.5189051

It's a throwback, that's a shitty wedge salad, though

>> No.5189071

>a new culture doesn't start when the binding signature of a very important piece of paper directly separates the oppressed from the oppressor in a symbolic and legal manner

keep going eurolard you're doing so well

>> No.5189089
File: 16 KB, 291x300, 1358733266338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread

>> No.5189092

Know why wedge salads are shit? Fucking iceberg lettuce is shit. It is the single worst vegetable to exist.