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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5143885 No.5143885[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any expatriate food feels ? Share your expriences.

Personally I was born and raised in France and moved to California
>no more mediterranean street food, doner kebabs and such
>no foie gras
>shit processed foods everywhere
>Corporate owned restaurants everywhere

>Mexican food
>Local breweries and restaurants
>Food is relatively cheaper

>> No.5143897

We have foie, and damned fine fatty liver at that, in Minnesota of all places.

I just feel the weight of forests and lakes becoming both smaller and more barren.

If everyone would just shoot a jet-skier or a bow-hunting asian with a dozen of his "friends", the world would be a better place.

>> No.5143900
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Moved from USA to Japan.

>terrible cheese selection
>really hard to find straight ground beef
>only white bread
>all Texas toast style thick-sliced bread
>sliced bread comes in packs of 6... or 5
>Miso soup tastes the same as kenchin soup tastes the same as.........

>"Americans eat so much bread!!"
>yakisoba IN bread, melon bread, etc.
>bakeries everywhere

Those are the ones that irk me on a near daily basis.

>> No.5143911

I'm not from another country, but I can still relate after moving from Florida to Indiana
>no food vendors in the street
>no smoked fish
>no fresh fish
>no fresh crabs
>nowhere to fish to get your own meal (that isn't sickly or tiny as fuck)
>no happy mexicans selling fruit in the highway
>no happy mexicans selling smoked fish in the highway
>no smoked Mahi Mahi ;_;
>corn and potatoes are cheap as fuck (9 cents per ear in season, 10lbs of potatoes for $2 year round)
>lots of 'Amish' places to get home made cheese and fresh eggs

Hillbilly as fuck around here, but the cheap cost of living keeps me from getting too annoyed.

>> No.5143914

Former Hoosier here, you can also find farms that allow you to freely pick and munch on fields of berries or orchards of apples for a flat rate.

And I sorely miss the MASSIVE flea markets.

>no fresh fish
There are plenty of lakes, rivers, and streams. Get your own. Also, you have morels likely growing in your backyard.

Where are you at more specifically? Did you just get flooded out a month ago?

>> No.5143918

The Japanese population would make me mad. Japan cannot into bread at all. God damn, the bread is awful and they have a piss poor idea of what cheese is.


Also, Japan cannot into irony with the shit they do.

>> No.5143922

Was it a month ago we had all that rain bullshit? Feels like its been longer. Also hah yea, there was a huge fucking lake in front of the main office of the apartments here
I was getting a ride home from work, and the guy had to stop and back out of the shit because it almost made his truck stall

I'm around the Muncie area. Theres fuckall to do or see around here, but I can't complain about the produce prices.
Also the $500/mo rent isn't bad at all compared to Florida near the beach
Also you can shove your freezing rain and sleet right up your ass. Its bullshit. RAIN DOES NOT OPERATE THAT WAY.

>> No.5143925

i had a tiny taste of euro doner kebab when travelling in spain and switzerland. i love it but can't find it in the states. there's supposed to be a hipster place in los angeles that does it but i'm kind of afraid to try and be disappointed.

>> No.5143930

Are you looking properly?

Look for shwarma or donairs.

As someone who makes them for a living, I'll let you in on a secret.

It's all the same shit.

>> No.5143931

My family is just outside of Columbus near Seymour.

They bought their house after seeing so many floods, property with a little elevation.

It took a nearly 3 hour drive from Indianapolis to them though it should have only taken around an hour thanks to all the fucking roads being washed out. One of the highways, you could see nothing but water clear to the horizon and fall of the sun on both sides.

The people are damned good folks though. For instance, we spent a lot of the holiday's cooking (the flooding did fuck up the water and septic at their place) in my younger sister's fiancee's family house. Very nice clean home, loaded with several families, feasting around Christmas for over a full week, buying food drink supplies wares spices etc for each other without a thought. A perpetual party and gathering of people that don't even know each other.

>> No.5143939

i've had a lot of similar meats but there is a sauce/topping/bread combination that i haven't found here. i also don't care enough to drive an hour into the city looking for it.

>> No.5143954

OP here, found couple places selling "lamb gyros" which is the closest I can get to a doner kebab sandwich (without the generous amount of fries they are served with in euro street joints). However, found the meat different. It probably has to do with the fact that in Europe most doner kebabs are made with a mix of veal and lamb in addition to be prepared hallal for muslim consumption.

Also forget to mention that I fucking miss my french deli meats. Found some really great locally owned delis but they're mostly selling southwestern European kind of deli meats which are more popular in the US like chorizo or salami. I greatly miss the taste of saucisson or Parisian ham

>> No.5143959
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From the UK, moved to Japan 3 years ago for work.

>No one has real ovens (just small electric toaster/ovens).
>No roast foods.
>Only soft, creamy white bread available. No whole-grain.
>What they call tartare sauce here is just an eggy mess.
>No meat pies.

>肉まん steamed dumplings.
>とんかつ deep fried pork.
>ウコンの力 hangover cure.
>Pizza flavour crisps.
>串かつ、串揚げ、焼き鳥 fried things on sticks
>Special promotional foods every month (pic related)

>> No.5143961

Englishman living in Korea

Much more variety in normal restaurants
arent afraid to use spices and interesting ingredients
cheap as fuck

i dont have an oven so its hard to cook stuff i life and i dont wabt to pay for a plug in oven

>> No.5143973


>> No.5143975

>steamed dumplings
if they're anything like vietnamese ones those things are crazy good

>> No.5143979


>eat lunch provided to me at work because it's
>but at least once every year, it comes
>whale sushi
>that day is tomorrow

>> No.5143981
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They have similar ones, and then they also have crazy, modernized ones.

In most convenience stores, you can get a bunch of different fillings, like pizza and curry. Then there's the special promo ones too.

>> No.5143984

Google translated that for me as "the power of turmeric"

And because Google Translate is not always reliable... please explain.

>> No.5143986

It's an energy/hangover cure beverage.

>> No.5143988
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Down it before you go out, and you don't get a hangover. In theory.

They have different brands with different active ingredients, designed to help your liver recover, keep you hydrated, stop you getting a headache etc.

I'd say it works pretty well.

>> No.5143991

My coworkers all swear by へパリーゼ. They often group up before a nomikai and visit a drug store to get some.

>> No.5143994

>mediterranean street food, doner kebabs
fucking faggot pleb I bet you're a sandnigger

>> No.5144003

You you post some fucking pictures and tell me what it taste like damn it.

>> No.5144008

Moved from Cali to Sweden.

>Swedishified ethnic food (bland tasting, no variety, small menus)
>No Mexican/Salvadorean food here
>"Taco Fridays" wtf
>No strong yellow cheddar
>No ethnic food markets (except for kebab and 2 American food shops in Stockholm)
>What is a crock pot
>$46 for 1/2lb rack of lamb
>People here are reluctant to try something new (i.e my pumpkin pie that was barely eaten at work)
>Alcohol monopoly with shit selection in the ENTIRE country
>No wide variety of donuts
>Natural gas is expensive as fuck

>Better quality dairy and meat products
>The beer sausages are fucking tasty
>I like marinated herring
>Marizpan tastes good
>Kebab pizza tastes OK
>Food tax is circulated into the food industry to maintain quality

A challenge for me is making American desserts with Swedish ingredients. I'm still trying to modify the recipes.

I love Sweden, but damn I miss the food I used to eat...

>> No.5144011

>eating ham

>> No.5144017
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Sorry, bub. I don't eat meat or fish. It just looks like cubes of red meat, though. Pic c/o Google.

>> No.5144056

Tacofridays are a thing in all of scandinavia, the whole family gather and eat "autentic" and "super spicy" mexcan food. We acually kept the tacofriday tradition going when I moved to England.

Speaking of which; Norway to England.
>Sugar in everything, ready made food litteraly burns my teeth
>Good fish is hard to come by in Middlesbrough (by Norwegian standards)
>Most bread is spongy and made three years ago. Real bread is like once a week at the local shops.
>British food really doesnt tase of anything.

>Food is super cheap, Litteraly 1/5 of what it costs in Norway
>You get alcohol everywhere, not just as specialized shops.
>The local markets have all the veggies I can dream of.
>Butchers still exist

>> No.5144060

I moved from Scotland to Ireland, which may not be a massive distance but the change in food culture is pretty large. Everything is kinda bland, I know the UK gets a bad reputation with regards to food but Ireland is closer to the stereotype that the uk actualy is

No good chippies
Bru in glass bottles does not exist
no good indians on every street corner
for a country that loves black pudding the local stuff is pretty baws
Haggis is only available for 1 week a year in one shop that I know of.
Food is more expensive across the board
Lorne sausage, mortons rolls and scotch pies

The local spar has a proper bakery and gets real bread in fresh every day
Most shops do fresh made to order sandwiches as opposed to the packages ones from home
The best Scotch egg I ever had was here at a golf club

>> No.5144062
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Forgot pic thank you aldi and your burns night menu

>> No.5144092

Huh. I thought google just messed up the translation. So it's really called that? But... turmeric tastes terrible - at least for me.

What exactly does it have to keep you from getting a hangover?

>> No.5144173

Pretty easy to find doner kebab in California now, though it does seem less common than it was in Europe.

>> No.5144186
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It has tumeric, whichapparently contains something called curcumin, which improves liver functions.

It's also full of sugar to cover the original taste, which can be likened to ass and pure hatred.

One other good thing is the sheer amount of variety in the bakeries here.

>> No.5144191

>turmeric tastes terrible

Yeah and so does onion, and garlic, right? Icky brown people food that gives people like you the runs.

See a doctor.

>> No.5144193

dat racis

>> No.5144215

Ham? Doner kebabs don't have pork or am I misunderstanding?

>> No.5144217

From USA, in Japan now.

>lived in a coastal area, so actually the seafood isn't any better in japan
>just more expensive
>also they don't season it except with soy products and salt
>they all judge foreign food by their own fake versions of it
>literally pour milk onto pasta and call it "cream" sauce
>don't understand how to use sour cream
>pickled everything
>only ethnic food is "indian" curry and "italian"
I mean, sometimes they put up a "French!" sign above something random, but I've never seen a restaurant with any real connection to french cooking. Having bread instead of rice doesn't make you french.

>fried foods are way better than in the USA
>croquettes are amazing
>starting to like the "everything with rice" style
>sushi being a convenience food is pretty awesome
>stop by the supermarket on my way home and pick up rolls for a dollar each

>tfw no deep-fried sushi
c'mon japan. You love both of these things, now mix them together!

>> No.5144220

I lived in IJapan for some years.

What got me was the lack of cheese.

I had to travel to big, capital city to go to import store to get half decent cheese

>> No.5144235

Im sure tyson counts as foie gras. On two levels. First chicken is force fed. Then you xD

>> No.5144255
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>only ethnic food is "indian" curry and "italian"

If you live in Tokyo and know where to look, you can get decent, authentic world foods.

Skipping past the Korean places in Okubo, the Chinese places in Yokohama and the Indian restaurants which are everywhere, I've found amazing Turkish, Russian, Mexican, Ethiopian, Spanish, Brazilian, Nepalese restaurants and more around Tokyo.

You definitely can't find authentic foods in supermarkets or family restaurants, but it's easy enough to find restaurants owned by people from those countries, or Japanese chefs who've trained in those countries (for European restaurants).

Try looking on websites like bento.com. e.g.

Pic is from an Egyptian deli in Shimokitazawa

>> No.5144475
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>Not using tabelog

>> No.5144656

moved to the midwest from birmingham, al. i'm sure most people wouldn't think of that area as having a lot of great food, but if you know where to go... it has some awesome food.

>can not find smoothies outside of the shit they serve at fast food restraunts or stuff made from packaged fruit and fuck loads of sugar added
>miss my favorite hole in the the wall japanese steak house where the cook doesn't cook in front of you but you can still see the kitchen. cheap, authentic food from a former street vendor in tokyo
>no german bakery with the best breakfast i've ever had (just awesome, homemade sausage and shit.. nothing too fancy).
>no milos hamburgers
>no high end restraunts period
>white gravy on everything here... wtf... brown gravy goes on mashed potatos
>southern "home cooking" is just nasty as fuck here even though they consider themselves the south.
>grocery stores have shit tier produce that is way more expensive
>no costco within 150 miles, means no giant king crab legs nor cheap, good quality beef tenderloin


>> No.5144702

I am a Dane and I have never heard of taco-friday.

>> No.5144767

>american food shops
What do they sell there?

>> No.5144781

you sound pretty plebby m8

>> No.5144786

No one here has had to eat astronaut food so spare a thought for those on the ISS

>> No.5144803

Hamburgers and freedom fries.

>> No.5145453
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>move from the Hanover Region to Westphalia
>one state
>two hours of travel
>all döners sold here lack red cabbage and any kind of sauce
>no good döner anywhere to be found

>> No.5145883
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Austrian in the US here.

I mainly miss good rye bread over here.

Good quality white mold cheese like brie or camembert like is almost impossible to get. The situation's better with hard cheeses but still, a single piece of cheese can cost more than a nice selection of cheeses at a cheese shop in Vienna.

I also miss Austrian/German style bacon.

>> No.5145922
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Austrian abroad here as well,
miss my Extrawurstsemmeln and cold cuts in general.
Anything cold sausage / ham here except "Deli style honey roast ham" is an abomination over here.

>> No.5145946

I remember food in Scotland being kinda bland. Best ribs from a Chinese place though.

>> No.5145948

If you're in the midwest and can't find a German deli...you're retarded.

>> No.5145988

You can get it at Polish and pan-Italian shops (not just southern Italian; most "Italian" shops in the US cater specifically to southern Italian stuff).

Those people are so far removed from Germany that the stuff they sell, though could very well fit in fine with German/Austrian tastes, just aren't known in the German-speaking world. I never heard of goetta before /ck/ told me about it.

>> No.5145991
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Yeah, the cold cuts and bacon here are pretty terrible.

What I'm also missing is frozen pureed spinach. You can get chopped spinach and use a hand blender to mash it up but the result isn't the same.

>> No.5145996


I looked in a couple of Italian shops in the hope they would sell South Tyrolean Speck, but no luck so far.
Welp, only another month for me over here.

>> No.5146008

huh. what do you use that for?

>> No.5146015

he was referring to the mediterranean street food

>> No.5146031

Really good doner kebabs are everywhere in St. Louis, usually in Bosnian restaurants/bakeries.

>> No.5146034


Born in Australia, moved to Hong Kong

>no local breweries
>quality of meat is sometimes questionable if not paying out your ass
>probably questionable health standards in cheaper places

>holy shit local HK food in insane
>multicultual world hub, can get great food from every cuisine
>beer is cheap, can find boutique beers from anywhere, but in restaurants your choice is kinda limited
>cheap food everywhere

>> No.5146035

it's a cream you eat like a soup, it's pretty good

>> No.5146065
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you slap some erm.. doesnt realy translate but translated would be called "Livercheese" (usualy contains no liver nor cheese) an egg on it

>> No.5146074

Aw neat. I eat the hell out of spinach, I'll have to try it pureed.

>> No.5146083

> Where are you at more specifically? Did you just get flooded out a month ago?

Say what you want about the midwest; but this is one of the things from the midwest that you will never get any place else, someone in your "neighborhood" (200mi radius) that gives 2 shits about whether you're dead or alive. Just wonderful. I miss it dearly.

>> No.5146090

Palak Paneer is the GOAT pureed spinach dish. A mixture of pureed spinach and cream with feta chunks is a decent westernised substitute.

>> No.5146091

I moved from Toronto to a small Caribbean island (<25,000 pop) and the lack of diversity, selection and choice with regards to food is always frustrating. I was used to any ethnic food, anytime - Ethiopian, thai, French, Peruvian, Himalayan, whatever. Butchers I knew personally who would cut me whatever, order whatever. Grocery stores of every ethnicity so I could make anything I wanted at home.

Here your choices are Generic American grocery stores, or Caribbean (read: peas and rice, fish, plantains, jerk, not much else). It gets old fast.

One kind of double-edged sword is that there is a no-franchise law, so no Mc Dolands or anything like that.. It's nice to have every food joint be a mom and pop, but fuck I would kill for some greasy north American fast food.

>> No.5146099

Why not just use the proper cheese? Is paneer not easily available where you are? You could always make palak gosht (lamb/mutton) or palak bakri (goat).

>> No.5146141

American in Italy.

>cheap ass wine
>great bread

>meat is expensive as fuck
>less broad selection
>shit hours for stores

>> No.5146149

Like I said: they need to cater to all of Italy, not just the southerners. When Americans think Italian food, they don't think of how we make sauerkraut or our drop dumplings or our rye bread. They know mostly southern things in America.
Sorry you can't find what you're looking for.

>> No.5146152

born, raised, and currently residing in chicago

>literally dozens of different restaurants from every type of ethnic cuisine imaginable
>strong local food scene
>loads of great grocery stores, from hi-end european types, to cheap-ass ghetto ones with all types of shit, to smaller ethnic grocery places
>make friends with black people and you'll always get offered free fried chicken with a glass of ciroq


>> No.5146330

Not really expatriate, but I was in germany for like a month as part of a summer exchange program
>Pork products all the time
>Almost all meat they eat has pork in it
>No free water at meals
>Gotta ask for still water every time since germans drink sparkling water by default
>Food just seems blander in general taste wise, though I know its healthier

>Doners are pretty fucking delicious, its a shame that there aren't any doner places around that I know of.

Seriously though, the lack of free water really bugged me. So much. And no ice either. And no water fountains anywhere. Guess Germans dont get dehydrated.

>> No.5146335

>Sliced bread in packs of 6... or 5
God, do they even know what you do with sliced bread?

>> No.5146361


>> No.5146370

dang, curry sounds delicious
the ones I had were filled with some sort of meat/vege/spice balls. the dough was ridiculously soft/sweet too.
>tfw no 40,000 dong dumplings for breakfast ;_;
the bakery I have in mind made awesome sandwiches too

>> No.5146504

>>Pork products all the time
>>Almost all meat they eat has pork in it

How is that a con?

>> No.5146651
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From Southern Georgia (USA). Moved to middle of no-where Missouri.

>No fried chicken, or anything fried, except KFC. Which is awful
>No decent Japanese, Chinese, Thai, Vietnamese or Indian restaurants in 100 mile radius
>Can't even find grocery store sushi
>No seafood, if you do find some, it's old and over priced
>Buffet places almost 100% guaranteed to give you food poisoning
>Grocery stores have shit selection
>Restaurants range from bland mexican to awful pizza places
>People here are obsessed with McDonalds
>Most restaurants are questionably "clean"
>Menus at family restaurants are pleb and generic

>Fresh, cheap vegetables
>Amish markets are awesome
>Flea markets everywhere!
>Alcohol for sale at every grocery store, gas station, CVS/Walgreens. Almost hard to find an actual liquor store

Worst Missouri restaurant experience:
>chinese buffet
>looks busy, lets try it
>get some old buffet sushi
>can't figure out mysterious white, pasty filling is
>mfw when we figured out it was french fries

>> No.5146704

raised in Az, U.S.A and have lived in Sonora, Mexico for over a decade now.
>no real ham
>all beef at the butcher is either big chunks of stew meat, or better cuts sliced thin. Pork is either thin loin chops or generic "leg" cut 2 inches thick.
>miss most fast foods, there is a McDs, Bk and dominos, papa johns, funny enough i miss taco bell and jack and the box the most
> peanut butter is worth its weight in gold, it seems
> miss variety of non sugary breakfast cereals
> miss tater tots, and "quality" frozen foods
> no duck in the supermarket
> chickens skin and fat yellow as fuck
> miss good whole grain breads
> no salt pork
> limited variety of produce
> milk cost 6 $ U.S. a gallon
> no good ripe aged cheese
> fresh food everywhere
> beef is cheap
> street food is cheap
> tamales
> tortillas, corn and flour, are bought fresh daily from tortillarias, light years better than factory stuff.
> from scratch bakeries everywhere
> fresh, cheap seafood everywhere
> coca cola in glass bottles
> farm fresh cheese

>> No.5146770


>from France
>laments lack of kebab

>> No.5146774

>doner kebabs

you can get those in the US though. like basically everywhere

>> No.5146779


They just opened up a Chic-Fil-A in Jeff city if you're in that area. It's about a half hour drive for me though.

Columbia is a hotbed of asian culture if you're looking for stuff. Chong's Market has just about everything you could want. If you're around Kirksville you're shit out of luck, son.

>> No.5146787

Do you get off on pretending to be French or what? Aren't you embarrassed at all?

>> No.5146796

I'm an Indian expat in the US.
>most food is bland
>good food is both rare and expensive
>chain restaurants are horrible, with very few exceptions
There are no good kebabs, biryani, or other quintessentially Indian foods to be had (at least in Atlanta), the closest I have found is similar dishes in Persian cuisine.

Americanized Indian food sucks; not relatively, but absolutely. Poor spice ratios, ad-libbed ingredients; you name the offense, it's everywhere in 'Indian' restaraunts.

I've learned to make my own Indian food (for when the mood takes me), and am much happier for it.

>> No.5146802


As a Hoosier in New England,,,,,
>fuckin 5 star post

>> No.5146814

What do people who live in a desert town eat?

>> No.5146873

Figures, moved from Lake Ozarks to near Sikeston. Just went from bad to worse.

I'm puzzled that South Carolina has better eateries than Missouri.

>> No.5146884

Not sure why in would be a shock that it's in MN. We all sorts of farms out there and tons of geese

Source? I live in fucking MN

>> No.5146896

I don't have a source. I live here now.

If you're looking for good foie gras, there's a farm just north of Stillwater on 15.

>> No.5146923


Kansas City has really good food, so does St. Louis. Sikeston don't have shit. Make a weekend trip out of going to St. Louis. Visit The Loop, Downtown, etc. You'll find something worth your time.

>> No.5146928


Ausfag here

Mind if I ask what kind of work you're doing in HK?

>> No.5146969

I'm actually moving out of state soon, hoooraay.

Speaking of Kansas City, visited a mall food court there. Got the best sushi I've found since moving to Misery.

>> No.5146974


Get thee to Oklahoma Joe's in KC. Best fucking barbecue around. And while you're there, get the Z-Man sandwich.

Trust me on this. fellow KCers here know of what I speak

>> No.5146982


Miss you already~

>> No.5146986


I went there on my schools dime for a conference. Got the full rack of ribs. Fuck. Yeah.

>> No.5147024

Moved from Oklahoma to Australia
>haven't found a good mexican restaurant for shit
>went to one for a friend's bday
>had one slightly mexican item on the menu
>cactus jack's if you don't believe me

>overpriced as hell alcohol
>overpriced as hell...anything
>No spinach or red wine vinaigrette at Subway
>no Qdoba, Taco Bell, Jack in the Box, Chipotle
>my roommate hates lamb and I hate him

>not gay ass Oklahoma
>huge supply of lamb at all times
>eggs are orange like they're supposed to be
>meat quality way better
>most shit is made within the country so is generally fresh
>loadseasians so good jap food pretty much everywhere

>> No.5147054

From New Jersey, moved to Mississippi for five years.

>Pizza is trash.
>Bread, other than french bread for po-boys, is awful.
>Tomatoes taste like nothing.
>Italian-American food is almost non-existent, and what exists is terrible, and actual Italian restaurants do not exist.
>All but one Chinese restaurant is bad, Chinese people from around the state drive hours just to get to this restaurant/store.
>All ethnic foods are bland and sub-par, even by Americanized standards.
>No birch beer.
>No legit butchers.
>No cannoli.
>Difficult to find lamb.
>No good buffalo wings.
>Eating near morbidly obese people isn't very appetizing.
>No Amish markets.
>No local ice cream/milk company.

>Cajun food isn't plentiful, but what is there is amazing.
>Cheap buffets with some of the best fried chicken you'll ever eat.
>Plenty of soul food/basic southern food restaurants and they're all cheap and delicious.
>Pretty good but not amazing BBQ.
>Restaurants that attempt to source only fresh local ingredients do so without the pretentious hipster farm-to-table bullshit.
>Cheap beef and chicken.
>Three hour drive from New Orleans and Jacques Imo's.

Moved back up to a major city in the Northeast recently. I've tried cajun food here and it's a joke, haven't even bothered with fried chicken, but the trade is fair. Feels really good be a part of civilization again.

>> No.5147068

What part of Australia are you in?

I know of a good Mexican place if you're anywhere near Brisbane or the Gold Coast.
Cactus Jacks is just a small chain restaurant and you're right it's not great.

>> No.5147074

Not quite expat, but I lived in Oslo for a year for school.

>no fruit for breakfast
>gross things in tubes: dull grey caviar, meat flavoured cheese, liver paste
>three kinds of cheese, all made of rubber
>spices include salt, pepper, and "spicemix"
>potato is your vegetable
>risgrot for dinner AND NOTHING ELSE
>all shrimp comes in brine
>fish is always served with cream sauce
>disgusting pizza
>disgusting vinegary ketchup
>absolutely repulsive soy sauce
>taco nights are exactly as sad as you would expect
>boller are boring tea biscuits
>everything is exorbitantly expensive
>chain groceries are tiny, have terrible hours, and carry very little variety
>$5 for a beer from the store, $10 from a bar
>salty black licorice candy
>shitty restaurants full of asshole waiters
>disappointing street food culture for a city of its size
>curry powder in my falafels
>vegetarian options universally attempt to mimic meat, fail miserably because there are seven vegetarians in the country and no one trusts them

>delicious and decently priced chocolate
>excellent lox
>immigrant markets downtown with actual selection of produce
>chewy tasty fresh bread
>salty black licorice candy
>decent beer

Man I'm not usually that into sweets but I guess I hate Norwegian cuisine other than desert and alcohol.

>> No.5147157

>disgusting vinegary ketchup

How much would a bottle of Heinz cost in Norway? I imagine a city like Oslo must have import shops.

>> No.5147164

>>overpriced as hell...anything
If you mark it against the wage rates in the US, it actually ends up cheaper. Like, for the average Joe you'd be spending a smaller percentage of your hourly wage in Australia on a $10 minimum Subway sandwich than you would in the US for a FIVEDOLLAFOOTLONG.

The country is a fucking void of Mexican food. There's actually a restaurant in my suburb where they hired Mexicans as chefs, but it's a fish and chip shop.

>> No.5147166

There are import shops, but they mostly carry Mid-East and Asian items catering to the immigrant population. The only American imports I've seen were in regular grocery stores, and it was always something like Eagle Cowboy Patriot American Style Macaroni and Cheese Product.

>> No.5147171

>Eagle Cowboy Patriot American Style Macaroni and Cheese Product

Not surprising.

>> No.5147172

have you been to montezuma's

>> No.5147176

Danefag here, as far as I know they sell mostly sweets, marshmallow everything, candy breakfast and such (what the hell is wrong with you guys and your breakfast cereal, seriously). As well as different tinned goods like pumpkin purée and evaporated milk.

>> No.5147180

moved from New Orleans to Osaka
>my entire culinary habitat has been deconstructed

>no more cancer foods
>grocery stores always nearby
>freshest sushi
>cheap and good alcohol everywhere

>> No.5147183

I had fried whale for lunch once. It tasted like a strange, tough version of canned tuna with a thick bitter after-taste. would not go out of my way to eat

>> No.5147192

Not quite but I'll try

Lived in Connecticut for awhile, moved to Florida

>No Italian markets
>Sausage a shit
>Most meat isn't as good
>No good pizza places
>Most restaurants are kind of lacking

>Mexican taco stands

>> No.5147208


costal co/ck/ here, your seafood blows.

>> No.5147216

Moved from California to Hawaii almost a decade ago.

>Good Mexican and Central American food does not exist
>Less restaurant variety in general
>Grocery prices are mostly insane
>No butchers

>Seafood is generally better
>What is a growing season
>Japanese food is top notch
>Plate lunches
>Good local beers everywhere

>> No.5147218

I had an irish friend who thought bell peppers were too spicy.

>> No.5147226

From California to The Netherlands

>Very limited cereal selection
>Traditional Dutch cuisine is boring i.e. Stamppot, Hutspot
>Certain fruits and vegetables are extremely difficult to find i.e. jalapeños, blood oranges
>Turkeys here are the sizes of large chickens in America
>No Mexican or Salvadorean eats
>No real donuts
>No Monterey Jack Cheese
>Meat is really expensive

>The best damn Gouda (a nice replacement for Monterey)
>Milk is cheap as fuck
>Indonesian cuisine
>Fresh and cheap seafood
>Fresh and delicious bread
>The Dutch love trying new foods so when I cook, they enjoy the shit out of it
>Fresh and delicious fruits and vegetables, some I've never seen in LA

and the best part?

>Beer is sold in theaters

>> No.5147237

>Traditional Dutch cuisine is boring i.e. Stamppot
Nigga how can you not love stamppot boerenkool? Also, some regional cuisines are moderately interesting, like Limburg's, you should try soerfleisch or whatever it's called.

>> No.5147238

I just had boerenkool last night. It wasn't bad but I'm not going to be making it again any time soon.

I haven't been to Limburg yet.

>> No.5149450
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San Diego to Cannes, France (from the perspective of a vegetarian)

>no peanut butter
>no mexican food anywhere
>no bagels (except one place that was overpriced)
>weird box milk
>actually the milk in general tasted like shit
>alcohols except for wine expensive as fuck
>no smoothies

>delicious freshly baked croissants, baguettes, pan au chocolat, and crepes
>falafel kebabs
>authentic italian cuisine from being relatively close to the border
>eggplant and egg as normal pizza toppings
>spicy olive oil everywhere
>andalouse sauce offered with fries
>better coffee and thicker hot chocolate
>fanta with pulp
>motherfucking violet gelato and other exotic flavors

>> No.5149545

Nigga if you in the North Eastern part of Florida, really recommend trying out Moon River Pizza, pizza may be around 18 bucks but its bretty good

>> No.5149581
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>violet gelato

i'm fucking crazy about floral flavored things
there used to be an awesome gelato place near my house that had some delicious lavender gelato
they would always give me an extra scoop because it was my favorite
r.i.p. gelato place
r.i.p. my happiness

>> No.5149597

Irish, moved to St Louis a few years back

--bread is sweet here; I can't eat white bread here at all (unless it's from a proper bakery)
--butter is not good
--good quality cheese is pretty expensive, and I miss my Irish red cheddar
--no chipper (this is a serious problem when I'm drunk)
--vegetables cheaper at home

-- bigger selection of mexican food; particularly in shops (I can't buy black beans/jalapenos easily in Ireland)
-- eating out is ridiculously cheap, even including the high tips

I've spoke to other Irish expats over here, and I know they don't eat bread here either. Seriously, why is it so sweet?

>> No.5151125

That anon here.
look at usagodis.se and http://www.englishshop.se/en
They sell American candy, some foodstuffs, and baking materials from the US. The English Shop also sells stuff from the UK.

>> No.5151131


high fructose corn syrup and lowered standards

>> No.5151136

That anon reporting.
I know what "taco fridays" is. I think it's really stupid because Swedes call it "Mexican food." I tried a "taco friday" thing with friends. It was meh. I miss burritos. Nobody here knows what the fuck a burrito is. I'm leaving to Cali for Easter vacation and I'm stuffing my face with Mexican food.

>> No.5151151

Same Cali anon that went to Sweden here:
Mfw when the Dutch are more willing to try new things..
The Swedes barely touched my Halloween treats and Thanksgiving desserts.

>> No.5151159

I'm a Malaysian studying in the UK.

>no more glorious Malaysian food
>expensive to eat out
>plain english food, cafes have a pretty standard selection

>learnt to cook
>sanitary food vendors

I love cooking but honestly if I were back in Malaysia I would just eat out daily for every single meal. The sheer variety of delicious things is unimaginable.

>> No.5151196

Moved from Hawaii to NYC
>No plate lunch
>Have to make my own musubi
>People give me dirty looks when buying Spam

>Every-fucking-body delivers
>You can even get delis to deliver cigs and beer
>Dominos is no longer my only choice of pizza
>Indian food everywhere
>Food from all over the world, not just fucking Asia
>You can drink several bottles of wine with dinner and not have to drive home after
>Don't have to pretend to like traditional Hawaiian food
>More Falafel

>> No.5151212

>candy breakfast and such (what the hell is wrong with you guys and your breakfast cereal, seriously)
American kids are bombarded with a never-ending onslaught of commercials commanding them to eat sugary breakfast cereals. Those kids then throw tantrums until their parents shove their mouths full of Cinnamon Toast Crunch to shut them the hell up. Eventually, most of them grow out of it.

>> No.5152528

>tfw might have to move to SF from Seattle for work

I don't know how to feel about this.

>> No.5152545

>moved to the Bay Area from Seattle

Its not as bad as you think.

Good Mexican food will be scarce unless you head to central Washington.

Fish is amazing.

Cheap Viet food everywhere.

Good local beer and alcohol.

Best street dogs you'll ever have are up on Capitol Hill.

Pretty good Dim Sum...can't compare it to SF but its still pretty good, down in the International District.

Ballard has lots of neat bars and restaurants. Check it out.

It won't be as bad as you may think. Welcome to the PNW, brotha.

>> No.5152558

I think you misread, friend.

I'm moving To SF. I'm from Seattle.

PNW fucking rocks though.

>> No.5152579


Ah shit.

Totally did.

>PNW brofist

I recently moved here and I haven't done too much exploring....I really want to find an authentic Mexican place here, but my girlfriend says that only exists in East LA.

Maybe someone from the Bay can help a couple of anons out with suggestions?

I do hear Dim Sum in SF is bomb. I've only tried it in the East Bay and it was pretty good. Also, ramen here is much better than that Samurai Noodle bullshit up there. Fuck that restaurant.

>> No.5152588

I actually am in the Gold Coast, moving to Brisbane next week. Any suggestions would be lovely.

The closets Mexican place here is owned by a little asian man and his indian bro

It took me a while to get used to the prices, as you said, but it was still a bit of a shock to see a can of coke go for 1.25+. A lot of the fish and chip shops are owned by asians where I'm at, then again what isn't owned by asians here.

Every time I find one, it's never open

>> No.5152839
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>> No.5152871

>no bagels
>San Diego

You've yet to experience a good bagel, buddy.

>> No.5153093

The Dutch get a lot of bad rep. They're pretty open minded. It's just that they're used to straight up telling you what's on their minds and not everybody likes that.

>> No.5153219

I was thinking of trying to open an authentic mexican restuarant in germany,
I wonder how hard or viable that would be.
my german friends loved it when i visited and cooked them all mole poblano, that they even invited their bosses and familes to try some.

>> No.5153488

I live in Texas, but I'm moving to Indianapolis next month. Any restaurants, markets, places, or food in general you would recommend to me, /ck/?

>> No.5153544

Whereabouts do you live? I know a couple of Mexican spots in and around the randstad. Another plus I would like to add is the sheer amount of culturally different restaurants, I live in a shitty backwater town but even this town has 10 different restaurants varying from Greek to Italian to Chinese.

>> No.5153647


Do they have flour (and normal ovens) there? Make your own bread, get bitches.

I have a vague impression that ovens are unusual in nippon so they traditionally steam everything, even bready stuff.

>> No.5153654


Uh, dude, half of that "lack of selection" is just from moving from a metropolis to a small-ish town.

>no McDicks
>possibly a bad thing

Kidding? I wish we had that in murrka. I don't mind greasy burgers and fried crap but fast food/chains are awful. A rusty spoon selling fried everything and burgers, I'd destroy that. No reason to ever go to a chain.

How are plantains?

>> No.5153655

>normal ovens
Nope. I have a little dinky glorified microwave that is called an "oven", but it's nowhere near as large or powerful as it ought to be. They just don't do ovens here.

They do sell breadmakers, but no whole wheat flour, only the white stuff.

>> No.5153662

>>fish is always served with cream sauce

That's utterly disgusting. Norway why so shit?

>> No.5153668


What food do they have in Malaysia?

>> No.5153669


What a horrible situation. No rye, no ovens, what the hell do you do with your life. Granola, baked potatoes, bread, bread bread bread, cookies, pumpkin pie.

Japanese are really xenophobic, right. No dirty white piggu food.

>> No.5153681

>no ethnic food stores in stockholm

Like 10 chink stores around h?torget, h?torgshallen, afro whatever store by that church and then all the arab/russian/polish/turkish/balkan stuff in the suburbs.

>> No.5153686

Is that true? Never had Döner in NRW, but in Baden-Württemberg they have a variety of sauces and red cabbage.
How many Döner-places have you tried? I can't really imagine what you're saying could be true.

>> No.5153687
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I went to University in Malaysia for a few years and I have to say the food is amazing. Glorious Nasi Lemak and rendang come to mind. Also, some kind of sting ray cooked in a leaf. Oh god, good times.

>> No.5153700
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I've tried five different places here in Bielefeld and one in Minden. All they have is tsatsiki, iceberg lettuce, onion, white cabbage and tomatoes and cucumber. It feels sad.

>> No.5153718
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>there are seven vegetarians in the country and no one trusts them

>> No.5153724

>bad rep for saying what's on their mind
Hah! At least they don't avoid confrontation.

>> No.5153728

Then I feel with you, I just had some döner this week. There's a new kebab place that bakes their own bread and it's glorious.

>> No.5153735
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>falafel kebabs

>> No.5153760

Yeah, stores the size of my apartment; not markets. They're hardly worth mentioning except for the one in Hörtorget. I buy from Japanska Torget when I travel to Stockholm, but it still has piss poor selection. I'll bother to go to ME butchers/stores when I move to Södertälje.

>> No.5154045

Marylander, moved to South Carolina

>Everyone fucking boils their seafood like some kind of fucking neanderthal
>What isn't boiled gets fried, poorly
>Lazy people
>Shit chinese
>Shit sandwhich shops
>Shit Hotdog places
>Lunch Meat is expensive
>you niggers can't drive jesus christ

>Lot of Jap. Steak Houses
>Butcher 10 minutes from home
>Fresh Seafood Shoppe 15 minutes from home
>Good Fried Chicken
>Because i'm not a lazy fuck Southerner, I'm basically some kind of Yankee God who can get more than one thing done in a day
>Sassy Black Women
>Cook Out(TM)
>Not as much MURDER
>Jim N Nicks
>Publix and Harris Teeter

The Restaraunts are shit unless your looking for Southern Comfort food, man I miss Annes Footlong and Maria D's. But you can get good quality ingredients, Bojangles is basically KFC but not complete shit, Cookout is good and cheap as fuck. Just stay away from the Seafood (unless you cook it yourself) and the grits. Fuck Grits.


>> No.5155068
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>moved away from Maryland
>not sad about having moved away from Wino's Garden
It's like you don't even care

>> No.5155119

>went to UK with school for week
>living by host families in 2-4 people per family
>first day
>me and my friend got a fried meat that was like 50% meat and 50% flour with instant mashed potatoes
>eat it all because we were fucking hungry though
>next day we got some white bread, lettuce and
>of ham
>each for dinner
>mfw we hear stories from our classmates about them having pizzas, french fries, orange juices, salads and hamburgers

>they were also supposed to make us packaged lunch
>tfw 70% of us got those 34g packs of crisps and an apple two times smaller than my fist
>tfw brittish people think this is a fucking lunch for teenager running whole day through London

>> No.5155201
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The food is a medley of Chinese, Indian, Malay and native cuisine. The most popular dish would be laksa, which is vermicelli noodles, chicken, prawns, omelette, beansprouts and coriander garnish served in a spicy prawn-coconut broth, normally eaten for breakfast. Another dish that I like is fishball soup, which is fish paste mixed with corn flour and seasoned with salt and white pepper rolled into balls and boiled.

>> No.5155393

Personally, I've found that students in England, particularly in secondary school, tend to skip eating lunch for lunch activities such as sports clubs, homework, or just wasting time in the computer room. This typically just makes parents, in my experience, not want to bother going to the effort of making packed lunches or proper ones, knowing the kids won't eat properly anyway.

>> No.5155697

remember to mix in onions, garlic and an egg

>> No.5155701

paneer is virtually unknown here. So if you don't want to make it yourself you need to go for fetta or ricotta usually.

>> No.5155714

You can get Heinz anywhere in Europe, not counting some small villages

>> No.5155726

>Lod Chong

I haven't had that in a long time.

>> No.5155731

Ricotta is nothing like paneer and feta is too salty. I would say tofu is a better choice as a paneer sub than either ricotta or feta.
Either way, palak paneer/paneer saagwala is super easy to make.