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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5141303 No.5141303[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

> that guy who comes into your 8am class with one of those 70 oz big gulps from 711 and a Klondike bar

>> No.5141306

He should be eating Taco Bell for breakfast instead. Or maybe 4 eggs, 6 slices of bacon, white bread, and HFCS OJ.

>> No.5141307
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>that person that pulls mcdonalds out of their backpack

>> No.5141312

>that guy who eats five different types of fast food through class
captcha: compare bklatte

>> No.5141316

There was a fat guy in one of my classes who would come in late with a giant protein shake and chips.

He always wore sports-themed clothing and talked about sports. I think he thought he was an athlete or something because of his interests and protein shake.

>> No.5141326

>that guy who comes in piss ass drunk to a 9 am class
alex pull your shit together

>> No.5141365
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>be me 2002 college white kid
>early classes
>walking through parking lot
>loud arabic club music blasting from daddy mahmood's benz
>8am math class
>friend to my right has:
diet soda
arizona ice tea
>seriously? this class is less than an hour long
>kid to my left has:
old mountain dew bottle full of chew spit
>he smells like old beer
>fat chick behind me rustling bag of chips
>slowly eating to minimize crunch
>arab princesses ready to go clubbing talking on phone and chatting with friends
>tapping nails on desk repeatedly
>loudly chewing gum, snapping, POPPING

I can't handle all of this sensory overload so early in the morning

>> No.5141380

>that guy who douses himself in lavender febreeze to hide the fact he just hotboxed his car 5 minutes earlier
>but it smells way fucking worse than just plain weed
>oh and it's every fucking day

>> No.5141385

>tfw you made a lackluster cup of coffee this morning.

>> No.5141386

Oh goodness this

>> No.5141394

>tfw I was in Elementary school in 2002

>> No.5141463
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>coworker bitches constantly about his lack of money
>comes in to work with a bag of fast food
>goes out to another fast food joint same night
>process repeats endlessly

>> No.5141535

LOL. I feel for you.
There used to be this kid in all my programming classes who clicked his pen, repeatedly, click click click click click click. The entire fucking class. I put up with him for three semesters.

I never really saw any weird eating, however. Back in high school, yes. But, everyone, even foreigners in my classes ate pretty healthily here. Maybe it's class. Regarding the diet soda, coffee, water, iced tea person? That makes sense to me. It's warm where I live, and water/beverages are kind of a chain-drinking kind of way of life here, and staying hydrated is good for the brain. Often, you buy the day's drinks all at once, and pack your bag for the day. Also, cola is an acceptable morning caffeine source.

>> No.5141547

There was a chick in my 8AM Chaucer class who brought in like two subway breakfast sandwiches every morning (Tuesday and Thursday class). Her desk would be covered with food wrappers, never took notes, and sat right in front. She wasn't even obese, just black.

Never bring food to a class unless you want everyone to hate you through jealousy.

>> No.5141655

>eating being allowed in uni classes

Can you Americans go five minutes without stuffing your faces with sugary soft drinks and crisps?.

>> No.5141665

>hurr durr merecins

>> No.5141667
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>black girl shows up late to a small night class (20 people or so)
>sits down with a bag of McDonald's like nothings wrong

It's like, if you're going to be late, just skip the fast food and get it 2 hours from now after class

>> No.5141671

Gtfo m8

>> No.5141692
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>> No.5141702

>crazy Asian bitch wants my D, hardcore
>starts opening a can of tuna with a can opener.
>tell her the professor said no eating in class before she got there
>she no longer wanted my D

Asians man

>> No.5141714

I never understood the people who would bring in entire meals to class (honestly it wasn't that often but it did happen). If I skipped a meal or whatever that day I'd stop at a local convenience store to get maybe a small candy bar/muffin for some quick carbs. I couldn't imagine trying to take notes and work on a burrito/burger

>> No.5141732

I also remember saying something like, "the Prof said no laptops" to the guys behind me.

Looking back, both you and I were the complete faggots.

>> No.5141733
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>not using your hard as diamonds dik to open the tuna for her

>> No.5141737

Some people have busy days/schedules and don't find the time to sit down and eat something nice before class, so they grab something from starbucks, or a vending machine if they're in a real hurry, and eat it in class because it's convenient. Even if they do find time to sit down, they're probably doing so only to study, and i t's cumbersome and distracting to eat while studying.

>> No.5141749

>taking bogus nutrition class for credits
>every week three people have to bring in a nutritional meal to pass out to class for credit
>half of the class is black
>they all bring red beans and rice

and it was delicious. favorite class ever

>> No.5142109

Worst I had was one of those threatre type classroom setups with the ascending rows of seats, some guy walks in with a large pizza, sits down somewhere in the middle of the room, and starts eating this giant pizza in full view of like 100 other students, who obviously got pretty pissed they couldn't have any. What a dick. He didn't even spill anything on himself trying to balance all this food and his notes in those tiny little seats.

>> No.5142141

You have giving yourself away by using the term "soft drink". Real brits use the term "fizzy sweets".

>> No.5142167

>people who eat in class
God dammit, if you can't wait less than two hours to hold off on eating, then you have some issues.

>> No.5142181

>professor's lapdog detected
If the professor has an issue with it, he'll confront the students, you're not there to enforce his rules.

>> No.5142218
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Wrong. These are fizzy sweets.

>> No.5142681

Seriously, food should be banned in class. I cannot believe anyone would be so busy they can't find 5 minutes to just eat a granola bar between classes. You're there to learn, school is not your personal restaurant. If I was a teacher and some kid brought food I'd give him a 0 for the day. I wouldn't tolerate that in my class.

>> No.5142689
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>that clumsy bitch who brings in a 20oz Starbucks sugary nightmare to class
>desk is constantly cluttered with Starbucket and whatever snack she's consuming
>one day she finally spills the whole drink

At least the class smelled somewhat nice afterwards.

>> No.5142691

>anatomy class
>we're dissecting cats for two weeks
>teacher says NO FOOD in the lab
>chemicals like formaldahyde and shit everywhere from the dead cats
>girl brings in raw sushi and puts it on the table
>sits down in front of her gutted cat and starts eating the sushi with her fingers
>teacher walks by, sees this and laughs at her sheer stupidity

I didn't even dislike the girl, didn't really know her, but I really hope she got sick from that because it was such an outrageously stupid thing to do. That's probably why the teacher didn't punish her, he knew she'd be paying for it later that night anyway.

>> No.5142693

What kind of white trash junior colleges are you guys going to? Step up your game holy shit.

>> No.5142696

I can't handle that video. It was terrible the first time, terrible the next as well. I hate that kind of person so much. In fact, I think he's the final boss of lolsorandumb. He's the actual archetype of that personality and aesthetic, and then he's fat and eating a whole container of nutella. Fuck.

>> No.5142700
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>still being in school

>> No.5142717

I know right? I'm so stupid for not being born a few years earlier.

>> No.5142719

Former Community College Bio instructor here. I never allowed eating in the lab (for obvious reasons I think) but lecture was held in a regular classroom on some nights and that was where the munchers would show up. There were 4 big culprits

1. Full time workers. Blue and white collars are equally guilty of bringing subway and fucking burritos to class. It didn't help that the building the school was in had 7 fast food locations in the same complex.

2. Dopeheads. Some 19 year old dropout that woke up at 4pm and just blazed his dank nugz before grabbing some Taco Bell to wolf it down before coming in the room. Complete pigs.

3. Foreign students. I never understood this one. Every Chinese, Indian, Malay, or European student I ever had felt compelled to bring fast food or home made stuff to just sit in the front row and have a meal during the first 20 minutes of class. They went in on a pizza once and passed it back and forth till it was, they didn't do it again.

4. Sneaky fatties. They never exposed their food stash openly but you would see them park their bag next to them open and the occasional hoof reach in and grab a dorito/cooke/chicken nugget/etc and quietly graze for the whole class. One particularly obese woman did this through an entire 3 hour lecture once and on my way out of the room I threw away a kleenex and found one of those mcdonalds buckets for the 50+ mcnuggets in it. I have the strongest suspicion that the fatty had eaten the whole thing through class, and probably went to buy more afterwards.

>> No.5142724

That's why I just said "Fuck it" and came in smelling like the glorious herb.

>> No.5142725
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>not graduating college when you're 17

>> No.5142727
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>> No.5142729

>that 23 year old mom of five who comes to class late complaining of how sore her throat is and is drinking a Mountain Dew and eating a pack of Skittles
>that 50something woman who tells the class that she put on a lot of weight after an injury and now must subsist off of painkillers for her fibromyalgia while eating a Snickers and drinking a Coke
>my unelegant ass sipping a chia seed beverage and eating out of a box of cereal during a lecture
in my defense, someone else had pizza during the class

>> No.5142732

>mfw americans call cobble-stone-clippity-clops "roads"

>> No.5142750

Thinking is hard on an empty stomach.

I'd eat jerky when I was in class. Dat protein.

>> No.5142757
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Ruins my day

>> No.5142758

>50+ mcnuggets at once

Oh my god, how absolutely disgusting

>> No.5142764
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this is always stupid but it makes me laugh like calling a Popsicle a "cold on the cob."

>> No.5142773

>I cannot believe anyone would be so busy they can't find 5 minutes to just eat a granola bar between classes.

This. If you're too dumb to budget your time between class and lunch you're probably too dumb to be enrolled in college in the first place. It's not that complicated, just wake up a few minutes early and make yourself breakfast, that will last you half the day. But I guess that's too much to ask from these lazy people.

One semester I had back to back classes from 8am until 3pm, so I a) had breakfast before leaving the house, and b) while that was cooking put a hot dog in the toaster oven to cook as well, then put it in a bun and wrapped it in foil and stuffed it in my backpack. It was small enough I could eat it while walking between classes and was a good snack around 11am and I was finished by the time I got to class so no one else got disturbed. It wasn't the best meal I've ever had, but it kept me going and was still tasty enough, and cheap, so there's no excuse.

>> No.5142803

*struts into class 10 minutes late in puffy north face coat with a bag of doritos and blue barrel juice*

>> No.5142811


I can't speak for everyone, but I was only getting about 4 or 5 hours of sleep when I was going to school. It isn't always an option.

>> No.5142845

That shouldn't be an excuse. There's no reason you should only be getting 4 hours of sleep per night. And if you are doing that for 4 months at a stretch it's really bad for your health. You could probably have better budgeted your time or at most taken one less class if you were so overwhelmed, but I don't know your situation. I just can't imagine anyone is so busy they can't pop in a hot dog in the microwave for 5 minutes while getting dressed and throw it in their bag for later.

>> No.5142858

My sister was a full-time student and worked a full-time job. I'm amazed she had time to eat at all.

Not everyone has mommy and daddy to mooch of of. Some people have to work.

>> No.5142867
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This is something I've been dealing with. I've been decided to give up on fast food and try to eat right in an attempt to save money and slim down. My roomate REFUSES to cool despite having less money and more health problems than me. I went shopping the other week and all the fucking lunch meat and bread is gone because he doesn't rotate his meals because he refuses to eat anything you have to cook.

>> No.5142869

It's the attitude towards education I think not only in America but in large parts of the western world. College has become just 4 years of twiddling your thumbs while getting deeply in debt(inb4 praise Europe) and getting a job which is hardly better(any often times worse) than working as an apprentice in some trade or another and then entering the workforce.

Undergraduate, and graduate schools are saturated with people who simply DO NOT belong there, not because they aren't smart enough to handle the material but because they think that a college education is a guarantee of a job to support a family, which it isn't and hasn't been for thirty years.

Blame the G.I. Bill, the intellectual suicide in the liberal arts, and the increasing sports-culture of American Universities

>> No.5142905

If you can't spare 5 minutes you really have to get your life in order.

>> No.5142916

Either huge ass state colleges or ivy leagues.

You must go to a small private school.

>> No.5142930

>those fucking middle-aged women who bring in their fucking kids to school
>those same fucking women who fucking miss the point of something, raise their hand, and provide an anecdote about their fucking kids that is in no way relevant to the class

Fuck. I can tolerate everyone else. I cannot tolerate those fuckheads. Literally the worst people.

I don't even go to a community college, I go to UW.

Also, I forgot,

Not exclusively a middle-aged woman thing, but fuck those people who think lecture is a fucking DIALOGUE AND TALK TO THE PROFESSOR LIKE IT'S A CONVERSATION DURING LECTURE.

>> No.5142933


Transit alone was well over 3 hours a day. Got to class at 7:30, didn't get out until 16:30, 17:00... If you have to go buy food or something on the way back, that can easily take an hour or two. Cooking, dishes, laundry, showering... It adds up fast.

>> No.5142988

Fuck those things hurt my teeth for some reason, I can feel it now.

>> No.5143003

This is what I snack on in class occasionally. It's not noisy and it's delicious.

>> No.5143025

This is how I feel about mature students aged around 55+, holy shit, they just like the sound of their own voice and think they know better than the professors just because they're older than them.

>> No.5143035
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>mfw never eaten in class
>most i've ever done was bring in a thermos of tea every once in a while

you fatties can't sit through an hour long class without eating?

just go to the fucking dining hall afterwards

>> No.5143043

Also, I forgot,



>> No.5143048

> they think college would guarantee a job to support a family

Fuck that my money is only being shared with worthy animal rescue shelters and other animal helping causes.

>> No.5143094

They're definitely the most vocal, that's for sure. My class had a husband and wife pursuing the same degree together, both in their late 60s, my god one or both of them had to chime in and comment about everything.

>> No.5143155

Why do you let him steal your food?

>> No.5143167

Ah, well, you got me there.

>> No.5143219

Not everyone has an easy major as you clearly did. Some people have weekly essays, hours of homework and studying, and a job to go to each day. Srs students don't usually get a lot of sleep during the semester.

>> No.5143222
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Oh, sir, it's only a tiny, little, thin one.

>> No.5143232
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I only every bring tea or coffee into class.
I've brought shitty gas station pastries every now and again, but that's pretty rare.

>mfw i'm 30 lbs overweight

>> No.5143235

Fuck I had one like that in a bullshit sociology course I had to take. She was one of those "I was raped, this is what my kids did today, this is a 3 hour evening class but I will gladly have an hour long conversation with the professor about an unrelated topic and eat up everyone else's precious time" people.

I feel for you, anon.

>> No.5143237

Piss off.

>> No.5143246

>dual science majors

Yeah ok. If you can't handle the work load don't sign up for so many classes all at once.

>> No.5143255

At first I thought you didn't get the reference... Then I realised I didn't get your reference


>> No.5143260

>Imma dual science major
>sociology and psychology
>their sciences!

>> No.5143264

I couldn't remember if he says "piss off" or "fuck off." "Piss off" seems more likely but I can't be arsed to dig up the scene in question to verify.

>> No.5143267

Neither of those are sciences. Why are you so distressed?

>> No.5143271
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It's only wafer thin.

>> No.5143272


They are, they are just really, really, REALLY soft sciences.

>> No.5143273

>actually not getting 8 hours of sleep due to heavy workload in school.
Bitch, the only time I don't get enough sleep is if I'm drinking with suitemates or playing to much League of Legends.

>> No.5143277

>guys my undergrad was hard

>> No.5143280

Stop posting pics of this fat ugly guy gorging on food. I just ate, it's making me feel ill.

>> No.5143281

Thought you were right, but it's "Fuck off" actually.

>> No.5143287

gtfo newfag

>> No.5143290

>health related class
>obese single momma negress
>bucket of fried chicken in the middle of lecture
>had to excuse myself from the class to go have riotous laughter in the hallway

>another health related class
>fat white bitch
>every day brings chips a soda and some fast food
>todays topic: obesity
>bitch hefts her half ton self up
>"obesity is mostly genetics, people can't help it (so they shouldn't have to pay more for insurance for being fat)"
>sits down
>pulls out a mcburger and inhales it
>not even kidding
>goes on a health kick one week
>brings a salad
>drenches three packets of ranch in that fucker
>puts the lid back on
>shakes it to ensure even coating
>shaking this bitch for three minutes
>middle of lecture
>shaking her ranch soup for three fucking minutes
>takes out a diet soda and begins

The most unhealthy fat fucking lard ass pieces of shit are in biomed/nursing programs. I don't even understand it.

>>starts opening a can of tuna with a can opener.

Takes it. What the hell. Asians, explain yourselves.

>> No.5143298
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best movie ever

>> No.5143299


Yeah right. You'd get more than enough sleep during laning phase.

>> No.5143300


Oh my god.

>one class
>privileged white oompa loompa bitch with fake nails and a coach bag from daddy's money
>brings in starbucks muffin and fluffy hot coffee milkshake shit every day
>one day she spills the fucking coffee and it nearly goes on my stuff

At least they're probably fat now.


What the fucking blazing shitting hell. After dissections I'd lose my appetite until I showered in burning hot water for an hour and scrubbed down every inch of myself.

>> No.5143302
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>> No.5143308

That shit drives me fucking crazy. I hate it when fat people blame their fatness on genetics while they sit on their lazy asses all day shoveling fast food down their gullets.

Maybe 1% of fat people have a genetic or glandular disorder that causes obesity. The rest of them are just fucking lazy assholes with terrible dietary habits.

And fuck them not paying more for health insurance. They god damn well should. I smoke and I know the risks so I have no problem paying extra for my insurance.

>> No.5143310

>thermos of tea

I do this all the time. Boss as shit, bro.

>> No.5143312


Even those with health problems are usually just lacking willpower.

I lost 65 lbs with no exercise and without starving myself despite having severe hypothyroidism.

>> No.5143314

>thermos of tea
>boss as shit, bro
Are you even old enough to be in college?

>> No.5143319

Grad school:
30hrs a week minimum in the lab, 15 credit hours of graduate microbiology courses and a weekend job because my stipend only covers tuition and I need money for food and pretending I still have a social life

Steel cut oats made in a 7 days worth batch in a red Solo Cup for breakfast and a bigazz Cup of coffee to ignore the all-too-infrequent amounts of sleep I get

>> No.5143321

You're overestimating the intelligence of the average person in college.

>> No.5143328


I don't care if they're fat, they can be fat, as long as they stay at least 8 feet away from me so I don't have to smell them. But they start that "thin privilege" shit and I lose my mind. I diet my ass off and exercise every day, hit the gym four days a week. And some lard shitwhale comes up and starts saying how I'm LUCKY to be thin?

>> No.5143344

>sitting next to girl, waiting for class to start
>she pulls out a poppyseed muffin
>eats half of it
>folds the rest up and puts it in her bag
>I ask why she didn't just finish it, was it no good or what
>"No, I'm full."

Felt like I crossed over into an alternate dimension or something.

>> No.5143348

This really doesn't seem that strange to me. Honestly it was a bit weirder that you would ask some random person about their eating than that she didn't finish her muffin.

>> No.5143359

I'd known her for a while, we were working on a project together for the class. But it wasn't even a big muffin, I could've probably finished the rest myself in four or five bites. Honestly it wasn't even worth saving because it'd just dry out later. It's just to me a muffin is an all or nothing snack, like a banana, you don't really "save" it for later.

>> No.5143360


Uh, those huge ass muffins? Yeah, a normal person only eats half.

I mean, I could eat the whole thing, but I'd pay for it, feel sick.

How fat are you? And how autistic?

>> No.5143365

>Also, cola is an acceptable morning caffeine source.
No it's not.

>> No.5143367

>Can't understand why someone wouldn't just mindlessly gobble up everything set before them
lel amerifats.

>> No.5143379

I once took a class where the lecture portion (there were large lectures and small tutorials of 8-10 people) was open to "extramural students" --- basically retired people who wanted to learn something new.

While the rest of us actual undergraduate students were working our ass off and taking a course that would impact on our final grade, these assholes just sat in class, chatted to each other, interrupted the teacher and told long, irrelevant stories about what they learned in high school 60 years ago.

It was the worst.

>> No.5143412

please [Insert country nobody cares about] real people are talking.

>> No.5143414

>real people
If you define people by fat, you're the realest for sure.

>> No.5143416
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>> No.5143420

Fat privilege is calling everybody thin an anorexic
Fat privilege is using scooters when everybody else has to walk
Fat privilege is getting the most food at a party because they won't be filled with a single portion
Fat privilege is smelling like ass and not having it being told in your face
Fat privilege is using moo-moos
Fat privilege is wearing skin-tights with cellulitic thighs
Fat privilege is taking two seats in a bus or a movie but only paying for one
Fat privilege is being so massive that you have your own slaves like jabba the hut because you can't leave your bed
Fat privilege is not being cold ever

Fuck it's not thin privilege it's fat privilege

>> No.5143424

Mexicans are the most real

>> No.5143444
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that gurl who brings in that stank ass bag of mcdonalds hashbrowns to that 8am class

>takes out napkin squirts ketchup and grape jelly onto, than starts mixing together, with little pieces of napkin dissolving inside of sauce

large soda to wash it all down too

>> No.5143454

>Fat privilege is not being cold ever
There are days I wish I were fat solely for that reason. If you've ever platonically cuddled with a fat friend in the middle of winter you'd know what I mean. Also I get why people would be disgusted by that idea because fat usually = unhygienic (someone who takes poor care of what goes into their body often takes poor care of the outside of their body), but that's not always true.

>> No.5143490

God, I helped a friend with his homework once so he brought me Mcdonalds for breakfast in class. He got so mad when I didn't eat it in class.

Tell me ck, was I rude or something?

>> No.5143494

>Blame the G.I. Bill, the intellectual suicide in the liberal arts
You seem to know things.
Is there anywhere I could read more on these two topics?

>> No.5143513

The lunch meat was for all of us anyway. I have other things to eat in case it's gone. Speaking of which, since I posted that he got mad when I told him he could only eat one chicken breast

>then cook rice with it like I do
>I don't like rice

I told him too bad because I don't want all the entrees gone so quickly and he got mad and stormed off.

>> No.5143519
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>guy brings several mini bags of chips
>opens them during lecture
>all you can hear is the crinkling

>> No.5143524

You did the right thing. Rude would be eating it in front of everyone else who couldn't have any. If you didn't ask for it he shouldn't have assumed you wanted it and bought it.

>> No.5143556

lunch meat is expensive are you paying for him to eat all of it?

>> No.5143569

It's only like 5 dollars per pound and he hasn't a penny to his name. I kind of expected him to eat nothing but that though seeing as how he never wants to put effort into cooking. I told him if he covered half for half the groceries when he had money I'd do the shopping and the cooking but he never too, me up on it. Which is why I'm not letting him eat all of the entrees. He didn't pay for it and I refuse to let it disappear while I'm not looking.

>> No.5143589

but with $5 you could buy twice as much cheaper food and be less concerned about him stealing other foods because hes still hungry.

>> No.5143593

He's not really stealing it. I kind of bought it for him. I hardly even eat small meals like that anymore. Too much snacking involved. I don't blame him for eating it. I'm just mad that he doesn't know how to manage his money. He's also really lazy about shit. He said he was going to sell all his shit rather than do odd jobs around town. Not only that but he's like 3 months behind on rent. He's like one of my best friends but holy shit he needs to get his act together.

>> No.5143598

Pretty much kiddo

>> No.5143612

Its not like I'm telling you to let him starve here, I'm just saying don't buy him the good shit because lunch meat really is pretty expensive for how much food it is. The stealing bit refers to him not being satisfied by the food you did buy for him so he takes the food you were going to eat yourself. There's no way you can live on a pound of lunch meat a day and for the same amount of money you can buy stuff that will feed a person for a day.

>> No.5143711

50 McNuggets comes to 2375 kcal, which is roughly an ordinary person's caloric requirements for a day.

>> No.5143736

>my high school science teacher's face when I came to class with a bunch of greasy diner food

Sorry man. My parents owned a restaurant and your class was right after our 20 minute lunch. I didn't have time to get it and eat it.

>> No.5144043

>that person that shares a hotel room with a few other people and then fills the fridge with mcchickens

>> No.5144075


A six foot tall, 200 lb man, yeah.

Average person's caloric intake is around 2000.

I've seen people who consume as much in one day as I do over the course of five.

>> No.5144078

>that roommate who drinks a gallon of whole milk a day

>> No.5144095

>all these idiots putting their food behind their bag on the desk like the entire fucking class can't see it

>> No.5144097
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>us actual undergraduate students were working our ass off

>> No.5144099

This chick brought her fucking kid to finals. Also we did a project on stds and she broke down in front of class and told us she had herpes lol.

>> No.5144119

It is pretty bad. The first time I couldn't get get past 1 or 2 minutes. The second time I watched it, it was a lot easier because the entire back-half of the video he's trying not to throw up, and I can laugh at that.

>> No.5144124

>group assignments in university

>> No.5144144

>tfw class from 8am to 4 pm straight with only 10 minute breaks inbetween
>tfw uni schedules all classes so you must traverse the entire campus between every class
>tfw walk because it's only 3 miles but it till takes about an hour
>tfw leave home at 7, get home at 5
My breakfast is usually 3 slices of toast with pb spread on top

>> No.5144148

>that 23 year old mom of five who comes to class late complaining of how sore her throat is
this is my fetish

>> No.5144151



How were his gains?

>> No.5144167

Le rebbit with the other intellectual(ly challenged) snobs

>> No.5144180

You sound fat. Are you fat?

>> No.5144185

> the intellectual suicide in the liberal arts

This is code for "uppity minorities and women were allowed to get educated, and God is punishing us for this"

>> No.5144200

is it?

>> No.5144201

I knew a fat guy that was always wearing expensive Underarmor shit and eating fast food, turned out he was actually a football player. I guess he was just a wall.

>> No.5144216

Not to mention universities existing purely to make money these days.

Glad I don't have to deal with the sports-culture of American universities though, that is just ridiculous.

>> No.5144221

>I know right? I'm so stupid for not being born a few years earlier.
I never understood how people think it is an insult or some kind of jest to point out that they are older than others, online or IRL.

They must have heard it from siblings growing up and feel like it is their turn to repeat it.

It's bizarre.

>> No.5144266

>tfw in all honors classes and never have to deal with retards like this
It's a good feel.

>> No.5144286

I was in all honors classes and saw retards like this. Do you really think honors classes mean anything?

>> No.5144320

Enjoy your cushy "non retard" classes in high school. You're back in with all the scum of the earth your freshman year of college. Plus a few thousand more than you're used to.

>> No.5144328
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>Go to a community college, regrettable decision.
>Usually work in this one computer lab.
>It also happens to be the headquarters of the Anime/Game "club"
>See this one kid who brings an entire 2 liter of Pepsi -every- -fucking- -day-
>mfw he smelled like fermenting acne

>> No.5144361
File: 183 KB, 499x474, 1382708714203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sitting in circle for debating classes (Politics major)
>Dude with huge ass soda
>Beaner, spills it right as the debate starts
>Watch it slowly creep towards me in a trail of coke
>Can't focus the whole class just watching the spilt drink

>> No.5144366

Huh. On my way out of community college (pseo so shut up) yesterday, I passed by this kid watching subbed anime on one of the computers in the library, and he had a bottle of pepsi on the desk. Good lord did he reek.

>> No.5144370

>streaming anime

What a fucking pleb.

>> No.5144399

>that one student wider than they are tall
>steals an industrial cart to wheel their backpack around behind them

>> No.5144412

This is just so fucking stupid, hotboxing does pretty much nothing except paint a giant "stop me" sign to cops over yourself and your car, smoke outside, a little deodorant and 5-10mins, and people will need to be up in your face to notice.

>> No.5144447

It is fun to bend your hippy girlfriend/fwb over in the backseat and buttfuck her when freshly stoned.

>I miss high school sometimes

>> No.5144461
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Damn, we got some badasses over here.

>> No.5144465

I'm the first guy, and by no means a badass, I was just giving good advice
I can't say I've ever buttfucked anyone, stoned or not.

>> No.5144474

>walk because it's only 3 miles but it till takes about an hour
Get a fucking bike.

>> No.5144539

>be deathly allergic to peanuts
>not one to make a big deal of it usually
>if somebody is eating peanuts i'll just go somewhere else
>sitting in class doing exam
>girl next to me starts rummaging through backpack
>pulls out peanut butter sandwich
>not just normal peanut butter sandwich
>the peanut butter in the middle is thicker than the two slices of bread
>dripping out all over table and her clothes
>i start gagging from the smell
>really crazy teacher and i don't want to make a big deal of it
>casually pack up and leave
>nobody even notices
>walk back into class at end of lesson and slip my exam onto the pile

>> No.5144671

>math major
>classes are mostly empty in upper maths
>8 people in class, all spread out
>midway through lecture, smell something weird
>look around for culprit
>SLAM - rotton fish hits my nose
>qtpi russian girl eating fish (sardines?) out of a ziploc bag

>> No.5144692

Maybe if that 6' man were in a coma. At 6' 200 lbs you would have a BMR of 2000.

>> No.5144699

>dis nigga thinks I have that kind of money

i am anon, just waiting for muh welfare to come in

>> No.5144804

>brought her kid to finals
Sometimes it happens brah
>she broke down in front of class and told us she had herpes

>> No.5144828

>employed at gas station
>fat bitch comes up with shitty chef salad (mostly ham and egg in it)
>brings up 5 large packets of ranch which we don't charge for
>charge 50 cents for each pack
I shudder at the thought of that ham and egg ranch soup.

>> No.5145058

holy crap it's college in the end you're paying for it yourself you can do whatever you want as long as you don't disrupt anyone else. Some fat fuck wants to eat 50+ chicken nuggets and a large mountain dew during class? fine as long as they're not being disruptive. If you're too dumb to not be able to eat quietly and normally and end up spilling shit everywhere you shouldn't be in college.

>> No.5145066

As a fat tall man, eating an entire jar of nutella is not difficult, what is this video

>> No.5145088

>get a ticket hat reads Salmon Ceasar **see server**
>server comes back and says the guest is trying to lose weight
>they want a dry caesar with dressing on the side, no tomato or cucumber, add a good amount of bacon
>send out a dry salmon caesar with 4 oz of creamy dressing
>she wants more dressing
>send out another
>she wants more dressing
>send out two more 4 oz sides of dressing
>server comes back in 10 minutes trying not to laugh about the fat bitch that scraped out each of the ramekins of dressing trying to lose weight

>> No.5145096

you forgot
>busser cleans table
>dumps a full serving of dry leafy greens into trash

>> No.5145099

Let me guess her name.


>> No.5145103

There was nothing to dump. You could see where she meticulously drew the fork sideways over and over again across the plate. It was all but licked clean.

>> No.5145124
File: 60 KB, 246x245, whoa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>7th grade science class
>dissecting fetal pigs
>class is winding down
>look over and see Shanice wrapping up the intestines and random organs in a napkin and placing it in her purse
>whisper what are you doing???
>"I'm taking these home for chitterlings"
I am 30 years old and I can still recall that day as if it was yesterday.

>> No.5145161

uhhhhhhhh arent those things usually preserved with formaldehyde?

>> No.5145177

I don't get this. What's the deal with Penn and this tomato bitch? I get the retarded Penn meme, but what the fuck is her deal.

>> No.5145197
File: 42 KB, 313x501, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man I never understood this. I cannot eat in public at all, let alone in a class or work environment. Disgusting.

>> No.5145214
File: 12 KB, 256x256, h_A14MSS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tomato girl is from Yuru Yuri, an anime that is popular and is therefor used for a lot of obnoxious reaction images.

>> No.5145219

Seriously? How about you stop fucking caring how other people want to eat your food. Holy fuck.

>> No.5145225

>eat your food
their food*

God I need to go back to sleep. I'm too hungover to be posting on 4chan.

>> No.5145235

They don't usually use formaldehyde anymore but yeah

>> No.5145712

I am in college, my high school didn't even have honors classes. I come into contact with about 100 people a day, none of which are retards like in this thread.

>> No.5145806
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You two motherfuckers. I had forgot all about those shits. Cold on the cob had me dying. There was like a fuckheug list of dumb ass british sayings.

gun = rooty tooty point and shooty

>> No.5145844


>> No.5145897

if you can't spot the retard, it's probably you.

>> No.5145905
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>> No.5146178

At least you're not this bitch. Thank you so much for being this girl. She was actually in one of my classes. She expected the entire university to cow tow to her. What did she expect? Fucking peanut guards for just her?


Also she was a terrible student. She kept bitching about misc shit in class.

Also, she was paranoid.

>being allergic to peanut vapr

>> No.5146180

I meant

>thinking peanut vapor would trigger a reaction

>> No.5146213
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Even more reasons I've been holding off on the college thing for so long.
I would like to go, eventually, just to further my education and give myself more elbow room in job opportunities, but i'm still working off a credit card bill at the moment.
I only want to deal with one debt at a time.
This is where so many of my friends have gotten fucked over. They get all these credit cards and loans, and somehow forget that the bank basically owns your ass and will keep nickel and dime-ing your shit until its payed off.

>> No.5146258

I'm with you on this one. I never finished my degree, got about 40 credit hours into it and basically decided that I was tired of pissing away my money "learning" a bunch of bullshit that I was completely uninterested in and didn't feel like I could apply to anything I wanted to do in my life.

So I dropped out, got an entry level tech support job and worked my way up the ladder at a large tech company. Did various forms and levels of tech support(laptop, desktop, specialty queues, L1/L2/L3), team lead positions, trainer, got into sales support and picked up a bunch of project management skills, moved over to marketing where I am still working. Making $75k/yr or so, depending on bonuses. Not huge money, but comfortable enough to keep a roof over my head, pay all the bills and have a good amount of money leftover to buy fun toys for myself.

The issue I run into now is that I may be able to find a new position within the company and get another bump to the next pay grade, but anything beyond that basically flat out requires a 4 year degree or MBA to even be considered.

Next logical step from here would likely be for me to jump out to a smaller company or get involved in some kind of start-up where they care more about my experience and skills than a degree. That or get into a different industry entirely, which I have also been considering.

>> No.5146267

it can, in severe cases, actually

the school case was ridiculous, thouh

>> No.5146508


The reason I said 6' tall and 200 lbs is because I AM that tall, weigh that much and consume 2400 Calories a day (Just under 20% body fat).

That said, I work a desk job.

>> No.5146525

Ya, that was ridiculous. They even offered her a special office that would be safe. What more could they have done? It's not like they could search everyone to make sure there were no peanuts around.

>> No.5146559

isn't Klondike bar that ice cream thing?

who the fuck eats that in the morning with a big gulp??

>> No.5146603

>outrageously stupid
Only if you're a retard and somehow ingest pickled dead cat. Nigger, I was eating taco bell while taking turns dissecting a cadaver in my anatomy class.

>> No.5147148

why does a Ceasar salad have no tomatoes or cucumbers red inked?

>> No.5147178

That's the point

>> No.5147193

no like literally, how would one go about eating that in the morning?

it seems like an instant vomit deal

>> No.5147203
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>privileged white

>> No.5147383

This guy sounds like a boss. Don't be made cus you can't be Spicoli.

>> No.5147391

>cold on the cob

holy fuck

breakfast cola just came out nose

>> No.5147396

I wouldn't care, why should I? He's paying his way to be in the class and has the same rights to be there as anyone else there. If you're paying to be in some class you should be more concerned with your results there, than what others do, even more so if you're on scholarship and someone else is paying for it.

>> No.5147403
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>people being this new

>> No.5147407

...but cold on the cob isn't even on that list

>> No.5147412

What about chiken nuggers with rooster sauce?

>> No.5147579

Lack of willpower is a serious condition

>> No.5147606

bu... bu... chickn nuggers with top kek rooster sauys!

>> No.5147669


It's not a condition, it's a character flaw.

In the end, it really IS just a case of "man the fuck up".

>> No.5147685
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>Not bringing 3 cups of coffee to your 8 am lectures

>> No.5147797
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Spoiler that shit nigga damn.

>> No.5147905


my sides are in deep space

>> No.5147907

Not him, but it's educational.
Which class is that?

>> No.5147911

conference on oral and facial cancer

>> No.5147913
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>> No.5147916

That guy actually lived for a year after that with a new mandible made from a bit of his tibia.

>> No.5147918

What is a mandible?
Did he have to eat food through a straw too?

>> No.5147922

Your lower jaw. I don't know about the second part, they were just illustrating how it can spread from one site to all the nearby lymph nodes which is why they needed to remove so much stuff.

>> No.5147929

>There used to be this kid in all my programming classes who clicked his pen, repeatedly, click click click click click click. The entire fucking class. I put up with him for three semesters.
shit like this would bother me but becuase im not completely autistic i would politley ask people to stop
>mfw they would get offended at me, flip shit and make me look like a douche
was only the real douchebags who would do that, tho

>> No.5147932

Damn. Sounds like a terrible place to have cancer.

>> No.5147935

College senior checking in. I work full time as well. Class from 8-sometimes 3. Work 3:30-10 then studying till around 1am. Other than breakfast which I make being I wake up at 7, I dont really have time to eat. I will litterally stuff my face at work somenights

>> No.5147948

I'm fat, and it doesn't work that way.
I freeze up easy.

>> No.5147955

Lol. UCD? I was there.

>> No.5147962

I used to just bring apples and pears to class with me to shame the fat folks. Of course it never filled me up but I trudged through the hunger pains.

>> No.5147967

A guy in my College class once came in and drank a whole liter of orange cordial. Without putting water into it.

I don't know how he fucking managed to the end of the day.

>> No.5148013

Plus she's a fucking adult. There is no way she can succeed in life by being this much of a bitch and expecting everything to bend to her will.

>> No.5148036

This one guy used to always bring four fucking oranges every time he came to class. He smelled like armpits and would lick/suck his fingers after every bite of orange. Orange juice everywhere. Orange seeds on my notes. I like oranges, but damn guy.

I ended up having three classes with him last semester. He brought oranges for every class. I want to shove those oranges up his ass. Dat slpp slpp slpp noise.

>> No.5148058

I sat next to a behemoth that would pluck out his eyebrows and lashes and line them up neatly on the desk. I'd rather sit next to him than armpit orange guy.

>> No.5148064

what the fuck

>> No.5148067

I have a severe peanut allergy and carry an epi pen, and inhaling peanut dust for example can actually trigger an allergic reaction in some people, but this is just ridiculous. Dropping out of school because of a peanut allergy? How are you supposed to live your life when you're so paranoid? You might as well never go out in public because someone could be eating peanuts.

>> No.5148075

Ugh what hell am I looking at?

>> No.5148088

>pluck out his eyebrows and lashes and line them up neatly on the desk
This is actually a tic disorder called trichotillomania.
I have it, it's shit. I'm amazed that guy would openly do it in public though, for obvious reasons most people are terribly ashamed of the condition.

>> No.5148093

No he was just a really gross guy. It's like he plucked them out of boredom. He would even do that scene from Breakfast Club, scratch his head till it snowed dandruff on his desk. He never talked to anyone in class.

>> No.5148116

At this point I'm surprised we hadn't just banned peanuts from being an ingredient in anything. I mean, people are DYING. Do you really need something that dangerous so badly? I would give up eating peanuts if it meant saving a childs life. Stop being so selfish, everyone.

>> No.5148134

>that guy who comes into your 8am class smelling like he hasn't showered in a week with the scent of vodka sweating out of his pores and a "water" bottle that is clearly more vodka

>> No.5148147


It actually bothered me that the american character in A Fish Called Wanda kept calling french fries "chips".

>> No.5148180

Do you say, "fish and chips" or, "fish and fries"?

>> No.5148184

There was a guy in high school who would pick his eyebrows. I sat beside him and a few times he said, "look at the root" and showed the hair. It was weird.

When I was younger I used to pick hairs too, but never in public or showing my discoveries to people.

>> No.5148341
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>> No.5148348

Oh god, please kill yourself.

>> No.5148353

There was a girl in high school who would sit behind me in class and trim my split ends with her nail scissors. She wanted to do it, she asked me if she could. I had really long hair, and that whole year, she'd sit back there and trim the ends of it. It was weird, but she seemed to enjoy it.

>> No.5148357

>currently dipping as I read this

Into the trash trashman

>> No.5148370

He's a waste of life, find a new roomie.

>> No.5148421

tfw misophona and adhd
impossible to learn when people eat within eyesight

>> No.5148423

I hope not. I bought a huge bag of peanuts for a few dollars and i've snacking on them all week. One thing that I miss about when I lived in Georgia as a kid was that you could pick up fresh and salted peanuts at road stands all over the place.

>> No.5148889

it's like you've never interacted with niggers before...

>> No.5148940

As a fat person, you make me smile. I'm so glad knowing I do nothing with my life and just my personal lack of responsibility affects you so much. Stay cool, pony boy :)

>> No.5149090
File: 278 KB, 419x415, ababerwgjhu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not loudly eating from a full box of corn flakes during class.

>> No.5149101
File: 396 KB, 407x363, dsfasdgbasdbasd;lkj3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a shame how stupid so many people are about basic nutrition

>> No.5149432
File: 73 KB, 232x197, 1346563223893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>someone sits next to you eating
>after about 10 minutes into class you smell something
>hot wafting fart hits you at maximum power

>> No.5149442

have you even read the outsiders

>> No.5150038

not the other guy, but its still fish and chips here in murica

>> No.5150412

>in class
>then-friend/now-boyfriend decides he's hungry
>pulls out tupperware container of instant noodles
>eats them with a spoon of all things
I still give him shit about it to this day

>> No.5150433

I only bring homemade sandwiches, or if I forgot to make them, a bag of buns that I can hide in my bag and munch on.

>> No.5151996

>always had a 64 oz of gatorade from 8 am to 5 pm

fuck you, if im taking 24 hours in a semester so i can graduate faster, then you fucking white people taking one class a day need to shut up

>> No.5152026

I'm sure that "white people" are the only thing holding you back from completing that African Studies degree and closing the deal on that big promotion at the car wash

>> No.5152132

I'm hurtin for these real bad right now

>> No.5152139

>not doing keto

shigga digga doo

>> No.5152226

>Maybe 1% of fat people have a genetic or glandular disorder that causes obesity. The rest of them are just fucking lazy assholes with terrible dietary habits.

Some actually eat and exercise, but still can't lose the weight. These are the people whose parents allowed them to build their physical foundation off of fats, starches, and sugars. These are the people who had, basically, just selfish as fuck parents who wanted to spend the extra money they saved from feeding their kids fast food on something else, and these are the ones that are most likely selfish people because of it.

>> No.5152241


Can't even prove him wrong, you fuck.

>> No.5153041
File: 32 KB, 405x344, 1357403309235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That guy who is really nice and friendly, but morbidly obese and says things like,

"I just can't afford to eat healthy"
>not true


"I don't mind being overweight"
>REALLY, obviously not true

I want to help him. I used to be overweight myself, and I turned my life around.
How do you tell fat people to stop being fat without being a total asshole?

>> No.5153047

24 hours isnt even that much you lazy piece of shit

>> No.5153049

by asking if they want advice then staying the hell out of their business if they do not want any

>> No.5153064

>chubby people trying to lose weight
>can't tell if they genuinely have no idea none of their poor efforts will yield any results or they're just that lazy
>not rude enough to say anything
>almost feel bad for having the knowledge and willpower to eat healthily and exercise

>people who don't drink the fuck out of water

>"A bit of chocolate is good for you!"
>- lazy skinnyfat, 2014

>endurance runners with impressive bodies who eat absolutely ridiculous amounts of junk
>mirin so hard

>fat pride
>not taking the approach of "I like eating shit and being sedentary more than I care about what I look like"

>> No.5153125

>anybody who brings food to class
You really cant refrain yourself from eating for a 1-2 hour period? What the fuck.
>or people who use the microwave in the dining room to heat up their shitty whatever the fuck it is in tuppeware and bring it to class to eat and the disgusting aroma fills the room
master rusemen

>> No.5153148
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>calling pip pop mctiddlywinks chiken nuggers

>> No.5153153
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>tfw you drink a 24 pack of pepsi every day

>> No.5153158
File: 152 KB, 1000x797, RO-System-2012-lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a reverse osmosis system and switch to water before you die.

>> No.5153166

I had 2 middle age cunts argue with each other over psych theories.
Cunts, I don't pay $600 per subject to listen to you two cuntholes argue about shit you have no idea about.

>> No.5153171
File: 24 KB, 250x336, seriously.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that kid who shows up to class sober

>> No.5153176

There's an 18y/o cuntburger who has one of these in my education degree.
One of those fucks that ALWAYS hangs around, despite how rude you are or how much you ignore her.
You'd hear her coming with her fucking rolling bag and "hurr durr so mature" heels.
Only positive thing she's ever done is run late for the bus and run to catch it while dragging that fucking bag. It was flipping all over the place and she went cunt up at the end.

Laughed heartily.

>> No.5153183

wow. that's fucking disgusting and there's no way you aren't fat, you deserve to be.
drink water.

>> No.5153208

ha roller backpack
what a NERD

>> No.5153209

It weighed a fucking ton but I never saw her pull anything out of it except for new exercise books that she'd never use.
Then she'd shove the books in my face because they had some picture on the cover
"Huehuehue hey anon, look how silly my book is! Aren't you jealous how it looks? I can get you some if you want, they're just soooo cool and funny!"

>> No.5153212

>Be having lunch at the uni bar with friends and a tag-along derp fiend
>Order nice steak and chips with dianne sauce
>yum yum let's dig in
>tag-along reaches his filthy mong hand over and dips his finger into my sauce & pops it in his mouth
>*sluuuuurrpp* mmmm, anon, that tastes gooooood!
>proceeds to grab a fistful of chips and scoop most of the sauce onto them and shoves that in his mouth too

I don't mind if you grab a chip from my plate but fuck man, don't eat half my goddamn meal.

>> No.5153224

>Grade 11
>Morning English class
>Substitute teacher
>Tells us to catch up on any work we have to do
>Friend and I decide to skip
>Go to the 7-11 down the street
>Buy a bucket of fried chicken
>Come back to class
>Teacher doesn't care
>Eat fried chicken at 9AM and watch Jackass on his iphone

Personally, I wanted some fucking corn dogs but they didn't have any.

>> No.5153228
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>tfw your high school didn't have off campus lunch

we were near like 15 fucking restaurants too. went and got lunch a few times anyways. we were 2 fucking blocks from one of the best sausage places in the world and this was before they had long lines out the door

>> No.5153237

I don't think you should tell people to stop being fat because for some people, food IS the best thing they have going for them. Its best to just offer advice on losing weight if they want it.

>> No.5153240

Expect kidney stones.

>> No.5153250

>morbidly obese juggalo who drinks at least two liters of faygo a day and is always irritable

>> No.5153254

being proud of yourself is a way better only thing to have to going for you
you're right though. fat people shouldn't be hassled just for being fat.

>> No.5153260

That's a thousand empty calories.

>> No.5153298

I consider him a friend of mine. I would never harass him for his weight or his lifestyle. What bothers me is when he, and a great deal of people just like him, LIES to himself. He is convinced that there is no alternative.
I am living proof that there is. I lost 70 pounds in the past year. I'm in shape for the first time in my life and I feel happy. I'd love to be able to share that experience with others.

>> No.5153311

I drink at least a half gallon of soda every day.
25 years old and have had no kidney stones.
Drink a lot of water

>> No.5153319

keep talking like that, and i'll crisp ur mum m8

>> No.5153328

well yeah, of course there is
I don't push my ways on others but I hate it when people seem overly surprised that I don't want to overeat, or eat junk. It's as though actually taking action to be healthy is just a fantasy.
I don't care if people decide to eat freely, but it shouldn't be this fucking normalized.
also I hate food miseducation so fucking much

>> No.5153330

>butthurt liberal arts major detected

>> No.5153337

Calm down Ahmed.
You can always go rape some white wimmin and then behead soldiers if you need to.

>> No.5153339

so anon, what are your political beliefs?
are you a syndie?

>> No.5153351

>chicken nuggers
>french fried
>sweer potatoes
Do you dare order the meal of Satan, anon?

>> No.5153353

My friend once sat next to a girl who ate watermelon all through the class.

>> No.5153361
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>people not cleaning their plate

Plebeians, all together.

>> No.5153370

>can't tell if they genuinely have no idea none of their poor efforts will yield any results or they're just that lazy

That fucking feel. I work in food and actually have a vague knowledge of nutrition, so I have to try really hard to not angrily sperg out whenever shit like >>5145088 happens. Or when someone's fat and just orders shit anyway because they obviously don't give a fuck, I feel like a crack dealer.

>> No.5153375
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>tfw you notice your dish being the one not finished

never happened to me but I keep an eye on the person who made them in order to make them feel better and not notice everyone else barely touching it.

>> No.5153440

I brought in a bowl of Oatmeal in tupperware the other day and I felt weird earing it. The classroom was dark because the prof was doing a power point and I'd only take in a spoonful every few minutes but it still felt weird. I don't know how these people do it on the reg.

>> No.5153449

In my case, keep away hunger pains overrides any shame I'd feel.
Sitting in the back helps too.

>> No.5153453

100% of the "I don't have time to eat between muh education and muh mcjob" students in here are just lazy.

Nice circlejerk you guys have going here though.

>> No.5153457

>those teen moms who bring their babbies
fucking community college

>> No.5153464

literally the most uninteresting story i have ever read

>> No.5154235


>cold on the cob

Made me laugh during class. Speaking of inconsiderate shit in class, I'm browsing this site.

>> No.5154336

In university, there's still shitlords that bring in their kids. However, I think teen moms are shamed enough that they don't do it.

Fuck CC though.

>> No.5154386
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>See Fish and Chips on a menu at some amusement park concession stand
>Decide to order it
>They hand me my food
>Its fish and potato chips

But yeah, most Americans either call it fish and chips or fish with a side of fries.

>> No.5154408

>Class in a computer lab
>No food allowed but sealed drinks are okay
>Some neckbeard sees a water bottle and thinks food is fair game
>Pulls out a bag of fast food and starts going to town
>Sets his burger and fries down every bite to continue typing his code
>No napkins just sucks the salt and grease off his fingers
>Keeps on typing

>Professor happens to be in charge of computer maintenance
>Starts fucking screaming at him
>Kid runs out of the class looking like he was about to cry

>> No.5154425
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Some weab O got buttblasted about having his shitposts on /v/ shut down with the OPINION DISCARDED image all the time. So he took his favorite hawaii uguu tomato girl from his favorite uguu tomato anime and made an obnoxious counter-image that he started to spam at every instance of the original macro.

Hilariously, someone went out of their way to make the "THIS IS YOUR HOME" counter-counter-image and the whole thing just exploded after that.

It has been spiraling out of control from there ever since.

>> No.5154432

So yesterday we had a guest speaker in one of my classes. He was speaking about Native American history and was on the topic of vision quests. These vision quests are usually when people get high or self-harm to get visions for various things and to help them with life.

This one fat black woman raised her hand during his lecture.


The guest speaker at this point is appeasing her and telling her yes and no basically trying to end this conversation as quickly as possible.

So his speech ends.


He has this look on his face that says, "Bitch, please, like I speak crazy."

God damn, I hate middle aged women in college.

>> No.5154495

>sometimes have a craving for something salty
>come to work with a medium fry

Oh god please none of you be my coworkers

>> No.5154503

>be in lecture for two hours
>then have ten minutes to get to next long ass class

No thanks.

I work normally, but with my job, you have a break because working a menial labor job while eating doesn't work out. But fuck if I could eat on the job I would

>> No.5154520

>this thread
>have cut down to 1500 calories a day trying to lose weight
>no matter the healthy, filling foods I eat, I'm still hungry
>have cut carbs 100% out of my diet this week and next
>before, I let my appendix slowly die without going to the doctor because I was happy I couldn't eat much and threw up all of 500 calories a day

I lost two and a half pounds that week, too ;_;

>> No.5154533


In my head I read all fat black woman's comments in the voice of Shirley from 'Community'.

>> No.5154549

I warn my co-workers all the time not to do things against the rules. Why? Because:
A: I do not want them to get hurt
B: I don't want a manager seeing them do it, getting them in trouble.

It's called "looking out" for people.

>> No.5156814

Is that all?