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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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5097927 No.5097927[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/, I'm having my family over today, and I'm gonna make some spaghetti bolognese. Do any of you have some good recipes for the sauce? Also wouldn't mind tips on the pasta.

>> No.5097930

Cook the pasta al dente as usual, heat some squid ink and put the pasta in it for around three minutes, drain it.
Use some ready made bolognese sauce from walmart and serve.

>> No.5097934

Boiled bread

>> No.5097938

This is my take on it and I can assure you it's delicious. there are other recipes in that thread too, I suggest browsing it-

Good cooking!

>> No.5097939

this, you can steam the bread as well and serve with crab leg sauce

>> No.5097940

Sorry, forgot to link it: >>5096008

>> No.5099747

Does anyone still have the recipes from yesterday's thread? Someone posted his grandma's recipe and someone else posted one from like the official italian academy of spaghetti or some shit like that.

>> No.5099754

Oh I'm guessing that's you >>5097940

Newfag here, do we have an archive?

>> No.5099790

Boil pasghetti until pre-al-dente, drain, add to already-done sauce and finish cooking.

Finishing the pasta in the sauce is best - add a Tbsp or two of the pasta water to help thicken.

>> No.5099801

ketchup, tomato puree mix 50/50
fry sausage meat and minced beef also 50/50
mix, add generous butter and some cream


>> No.5099804

OP, when I have people coming over?
I make baked ziti or stuffed shells, park it in a casserole with the sauce on it. Top with cheese and cover with foil in the oven on low.
Then you can clean up your kitchen, wash the stockpot and all. Set the table. Maybe even take a shower.

Then you take your chilled down big bowl of salad out of the fridge. Pull the casserole out of the oven to cool before serving, and pop in some garlic bread to broil. So much less stressful, and you're spending time with guests rather than draining hot noodles in steam and wrecking the kitchen.

>> No.5099828

And my favorite way to do it, is half italian sausage, half beef. Brown it, add onions, pepper, garlic (carrot is traditional but bleh). I do like mushrooms. Then I add crushed tomatoes and simmer a while. If you didn't have a lot of simmer time, you can add paste as well, or simply use a quality spaghetti sauce from a jar.

If you want a very traditional recipe, you should realize there is a lot of stock making type work involved in the long simmer...there will be pork neck bones. short ribs and several cuts of meat to flavor the tomato sauce, but which also add that marrow velvety richness.

>> No.5100096

First off, ragú bolognese should be served with broad egg pasta like tagliatelle or papardelle. Barilla has very good quality ones. If it's the only thing you guys are having prepare 200g of dried pasta per person.

To make ragú bolognese fry 50g pancetta, cubed, 1 onion, 1 carrot, 1 celery branch chopped up in a lot of olive oil (3/4 tbsp) in a stock pot over medium low heat until the vegetables are tender. Turn the heat up and add 1-1 1/2 lb of ground beef or pork or a mix of both, brown for a couple minutes. Add a pinch of nutmeg and cloves, 2 bay leaves, cover completely with red wine and stock, add 2-3 tbs of tomato paste and simmer for 3 hours over low heat. Add a splash of milk adjust salt and pepper and serve over you cooked pasta with some grated parmesan cheese.

>> No.5102789


^^^ this recipe is good. if you have time, make it in the slow cooker with non-ground beef.

if you want it to be more of a 'red sauce,' just use this recipe but add a can of crushed roma tomatoes.

if you want it to be more decadent, skip the milk and instead add some cream and a lot of parmesan to the sauce about ten minutes before you take it off the heat.

if you are a pleb you can use a couple of chopped up bacon slices instead of pancetta. make sure to drain a little (but not all) of the grease before you proceed though.

>> No.5102917


>> No.5102918

I like you

>> No.5103791

Isn't spaghetti bolognese just spaghetti with meat sauce (ground beef)? What makes it so special?

plz explain.

>> No.5103794

Isn't chili just meat with chili and beans? What makes it so special?


>> No.5103795

Isn't goulash just meatstew with paprika? what makes it so special?


>> No.5103797
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so it's tomato sauce with ground beef (and/or woth bacon) and cream? I asked a legit question nigger. why is it special?

>> No.5103798

Isnt mac'n'cheese just maccaroni and cheese? what makes it so special?

plz explain

>> No.5103799

You are the special kind of retarded, huh?

>> No.5103801

ground beef and onions in olive oil. Add tomatoes and water, cook as long as you can (2 hours), throw in whatever Italian looking spices you have near the end

>> No.5103805

Isn't chop suey just wok meat with bamboo sprouts and veggies? What makes it so special?

pls explain

>> No.5103808


it's an actual dish that exists?

tomato sauce with ground beef is the 1950s amerifat cookbook perversion of an excellent dish that has many delicious regional variations

for most of spaghetti bolognese's existence italians didn't even have access to tomatoes man

>> No.5103810

What. No?

>> No.5103812


what? yes. cream in bolognese is legit.

>> No.5103815

What kind?

>> No.5103816

but not necessary.
I do it from time to time, just for variation.

>> No.5103831


any kind. if you want your bolognese to be richer than standard, add some cream to it. same goes for parmesan. italians do it.

>> No.5103835

go buy a copy of the pasta bible

>> No.5103901

I get that, I just wrongly imagined a cream based sauce instead of bolognese and some cream.

>> No.5103905

>200g of dried pasta per person
>per person
what kind of fucked up 'merican serving sizes are that
200g of dry pasta = 400g of wet pasta =~ 700kcal
700kcal just the fucking pasta.

>> No.5103913

>for most of spaghetti bolognese's existence italians didn't even have access to tomatoes man
>The recorded history of tomatoes in Italy dates back to 31 October 1548
>The earliest documented recipe for a meat-based sauce (ragù) served with pasta comes from late 18th century Imola, near Bologna.

>> No.5103915

>400g of wet pasta
It's not that much for a complete meal, even including sauce and gratted cheese. Stop eating between meals, fatty.

>> No.5103918

We're not in a restaurant here... And when I make bolognese I guarantee you everyone goes for seconds.

>> No.5103924
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isn't hamburger just ground beef with bun?

plz explain.

>> No.5103930
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up until the late 17th century the franciscan order had done a very good job of keeping the recipe for ragu under raps. it dates from the years of the roman emperors, when it was prepared with a sauce flavored by mushroom extract. it was originally known as 'rexu,' or 'the king's sauce', and the recipe was tightly controlled even after the collapse of the empire. it survived the dark ages thanks to the clerical apparatus of the catholic church.

in many of the italian city-states, publishing the recipe for ragu was an offense punishable by not only your death, but that of your entire family.

>> No.5103932

>thinking a single ~1,1kcal dish where ~75% comes from carbohydrates, is an acceptable meal
You probably still think every fucking desk job worker needs his 2000kcal?
fuck off

>> No.5103935
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>thinking that it's not okay to just feast once in a while

life must be sad at your house

>> No.5103936

got a source for that?
food history is interesting

>> No.5103940

I don't think adding 50 to 100g of noodles to your normal sized portion is gonna make a feast. It's just gonna make more noodles. If you want to go overboard add more sauce and cheese. The noodles while definitely tasty are the filler part and you don't need 200g of filler.

>> No.5103942


dried noodles, okay, they're boring. but fresh pasta? man I will eat the fuck out of some fresh pasta. that stuff is great. definitely feast-worthy. treat myself.

>> No.5103953

Brown everything separately
Add oregano and oxo to the meat before anything else
use smooth pasata
worcester sauce or hendersons relish should be added
allow it to boil down numerous times, each time alternate between water and a little milk when topping it back up
after making it let it sit cold for an hour or two, reheat 45 mins before serving
pasta al dente
Those my tips nigga

>> No.5103954

of course, the onion, garlic and mushroom as well.