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5087908 No.5087908[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do you charge everything at grocery stores and restaurants?

I hate carrying and building up change so I charge everything. The lowest amount was probably 10 cents for a loaf of bread after coupon. Local shops I've charged $3 of stuff. I've been told that it's embarrassing but if places cared then they would put a minimum charge fee. I mean, it's just a small percentage.

>> No.5087924

That's pretty particular. I never charge, by I have a compulsion opposite yours. I always plan my day early so I make sure I have cash if I can help it.

I love having change because I go to the park and use tollways often.

>> No.5087933

I always charge at places that have a tip jar for the bagger. It makes me look bad when the guy in front of me drops his change into the jar and I don't. It's not that I need the change, but tipping a bagger seems demeaning to us both. Yet not tipping the bagger when everyone else is doing so makes me look bad. So, onto the card it goes.

>> No.5087938




>> No.5087939

Oh not to mention 1-3% cashback using a charge card so it's better than using cash unless you failed math and can't balance a budget.

>> No.5087940
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I'm calling this shit right now.

>> No.5087950

fuck those Pin Pads with the Game Boy screens

upgrade to color, my nigga

>> No.5087953


I would say I'm sorry I brought it up, but let's be honest, the mention of credit cards makes financially illiterate people fly off the handle and start talking about "spending money you don't have" or something about the jews. And then yuropoors chime in about their misunderstanding of the purpose of credit scores. So, inb4 299 posts click reply to view. This thread is hitting autosage baby.

>> No.5087955

>tip jar for a bagger
My sides

>> No.5087958

I only see the game boy ones where I shop.

>> No.5087968

When I see the word "credit card" I include bank check cards as well.

Enjoy your mugging/assraping.

>> No.5087964

Who the fuck uses cash anymore?

>> No.5087969
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Every credit card machine I use.

>> No.5087974

Who the fuck uses cash anymore? I have a debit card for everything. Every penny counts and I can not carry change around in hopes that i use it. My family still carries cash around and still have coin jars that go without use

>> No.5087985

Not even the use of credit cards but debit cards since they work in a similar way . You do know that credit scores are very pointless? Unless you are a entrepreneur or want a new vehicle it's kinda meaningless

>> No.5087986

Don't trust banks.
I keep my money with me.
Nailed a safe in the wall, combination is the date my brother died.
Im going to die hugging that safe.

>> No.5087997

>tipping a bagger

I usually charge with my debt card even when I have money on me because I hate feeling awkward bt taking the time to shuffle money into my wallet and putting the change into my pocket while I'm feeling the annoyed stares of every impatient person in line behind me waiting.

>> No.5088003

pretty much always use my debit card

>> No.5088006

But you still carry a fiat currency? What's the point of carrying it around

>> No.5088009
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> You do know that credit scores are very pointless

aaaaand... here we go!

>> No.5088011

What the fuck kind of low class grocery store has tip jars?

>> No.5088014

But it's true unless you have a small business or constantly taking out small loans it does nothing

>> No.5088020
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>go to walmart to buy stuff
>a middle aged asian couple ahead of me
>the woman pulls out her checkbook
I had never seen anyone pay for groceries with a check before. It's so weird.

>> No.5088022

Waiters are simply placing food I am paying for onto a table yet for some reason we tip them

>> No.5088029

I was a grocery store cashier in high school, and pretty much only elderly people used checks, but it was pretty common amongst them

>> No.5088027


Keep going

>> No.5088028

Always charge, don't even carry cash. (debit not credit) Cash is a liability. If you don't trust your bank enough to be your wallet get another bank.

>> No.5088033

I use checks

>> No.5088037

anyone who doesn't want the government tracking them? fuck off with your plastic

>> No.5088039

UPS is merely delivering the shit I bought on Newegg but for some reason we tip them.

>> No.5088040

If I'm buying a small amount of something at a small business, I pay in cash and they appreciate it (since a small business sees its profits much more noticeably effected by card transaction fees), otherwise I use a card. I regularly charge amounts less than $1 at bigger groceries and don't even give a fuck.

>> No.5088041

I still use checks too. Awesome shit

>> No.5088049

my mom uses checks. She doesn't know how to use an ATM despite being taught several times. She adds $20 to the amount off the bill so the store gives her cashback.

>> No.5088050

Government tracks you with cash since it has magnetic strips in them

>> No.5088051

Is tipping the mailman something you East Coasters do?

Here in California you never heard of shit like that.

>> No.5088054

>using the internet
>thinking cash makes you "untrackable"

top lol

you probably think your dumb phone makes you untrackable too

>> No.5088059


You're supposed to tip your mailmen/garbagemen/paperboy/etc.. basically anyone who provides a service to you. Usually only once around christmas. I give $50 to everyone as long as they aren't fuckers, like a paperboy I had a few years ago.

>> No.5088061

What? Who the fuck tips UPS drivers?

>> No.5088064


I only tip the mailman when he has to carry a package. Doesn't everyone?

>> No.5088065

Well I'm not a tipfag but that's cause of the whole < minimum wage thing

Dunno why baggers need tips though

>> No.5088067

I have never seen a store where the baggers ask for tips or have tip jars. Most of them specifically are told to refuse tips

>> No.5088069

Or you want to buy a house. idiot.

>> No.5088086

I've always done this

>> No.5088097

itt: inconsiderate/poor fags

>> No.5088098

>giving extra money to someone who makes well over $11/hr

>> No.5088100

what is this, 1983?

paypass masterrace. i set up nfc on my phone the other day for even more swag purchasing, haven't tried it yet though.

>> No.5088104

You do know why we went into financial crisis the first place ? Housing market is volatile. You get something you can afford not take out huge mortgages

>> No.5088113

just save your fucking money. You should not be needing to take out loans. We're saving up right now to get out of this apartment, though most of the money is hers because I'm still catching up after spending a third of my salary on an engagement ring

>> No.5088115

>what is a subprime loan
>what is an ARM

You think people just started buying homes on credit in 2008?

>> No.5088130

>not needing a loan

>simple small house in okay neighborhood
>not living in california
>be frozen like rest of country

>> No.5088133

it's great except when it chokes and everyone behind you in line is looking at you like like WTF is this chump doing

people understand the frustrated swiping of a used-up card, not so much the frustrated tapping of a phone that isn't authorizing because google wallet decided to shit itself

>> No.5088135

I think being frozen for a few months is much preferable to needing to live in California

>> No.5088136

You pay for it eventually. It's simpler and cheaper to just save up for it first instead of overpaying later.

>> No.5088139

I tip the bag boys if they carry it out to the car. Not in store though. Also tip the guy who pumps my gas at the full service station

>> No.5088138


and dump money into a black hole by paying rent, or living with mommy and daddy until you're 40?

>> No.5088141

And you do know that during the 90s the interest rates where high but prices where low
? Housing is a huge investment and a small percentage of people will ever own it

>> No.5088142

better than spending tens of thousands or more into interest

>> No.5088147

Don't be trying to live somwhere your pay can't keep up with

>> No.5088148

Nigga if you don't get out there and pump your own gas...

>> No.5088151

yea i'd probably only use it at selfserve, would seem like a tool at a cashier.

>> No.5088154

>. Also tip the guy who pumps my gas at the full service station
Do you live in oregon or something?

>> No.5088169

You live in NJ then since the state still has pump stations

>> No.5088171



>waiting in line
>almost there
>teen in front of me pays for his $8-something purchase in quarters, nickels dimes and pennies

>> No.5088182

I worked at a drive through and plastic would slow everything right the fuck down

>> No.5088183

I know this feel

>females looking for coins so they can receive change without pennies but they give pennies

>> No.5088184

>not switching lines when you see a teen, elder or family with 500 items in front

>> No.5088194

>not having a cashback/reward credit card
>not using it for everything
>not building credit
>not getting back for your expenditures
>not insulating yourself from fraud

What's it like being retarded with your finances? Cash is reserved for haggling, face-to-face services, untaxed labor, and drugs.

>> No.5088321

>get mugged
>guy is going through my wallet
>pulls out the cash and dumps the wallet and runs away
>it was $19
such is life in san francisco

>> No.5088343


Like debit cards

>> No.5088345

No you stupid fuckface.

>> No.5088349

How was it?
Did he ask politely or hold a gun in your face?
A knife?
Was he black/ a junkie white?

>> No.5088359

daylight at a bus stop; just us in it
black, wearing a hoodie jeans
Pressed something against my side through his clothes

>> No.5088366

>not pulling your CCW and plugging him in the chest as he checks your wallet

>> No.5088376

lol u got robbed by his dik

>> No.5088378

I only carry $10 cash in case of emergency, so yeah I put everything on my credit card. Once I was with a friend and only needed a 50 cent garlic and put it on my Visa. The store let me, which amazed my friend to no end.

>> No.5088379

what really happened
>hey bro wassup got any change
>oh sorry mang that das my penis
>T-Take all of it, it's yours please take it
>Oh cool seriously? imma take the cash. Later whitie

>> No.5088382

do gun fags get physical erections from imagining excuses to kill people over petty larceny, or is it more of a figurative erection?

>> No.5088385

>threatening your life with a deadly weapon
>petty larceny

Yes, just allow him to do it again, and perhaps actually use that weapon on someone else.

>> No.5088390

Slightly off topic. What's a good price for garlic /bulb or per lb?

>> No.5088402

My sides

Probably how it happened too

>> No.5088412

Did he rape you?

>> No.5088431
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>mexicans who pay with a $100 bill when the total is less than $10

>> No.5088455

because mexicans can not live in the modern world

>> No.5088463

Mentally yes. It was pretty unnerving. I went home, called my boss and didnt file a police report because pointless and I just wanted to go home.

>> No.5088464

assuming a tollway is a toll road, may i ask why there are tolls in a park?

>> No.5088466


You are aware that's because illegals have trouble getting credit cards and checks and even if they did they dont use banks and get paid in $100 bills.

Try going to a dumpy casino in vegas on mexican payday.

>> No.5088472

>coin jars
>no use

L2 Caribbean

>> No.5088475

Not him but I assume he meant park entry in addition to toll roads

>> No.5088487

>one third of a salary is the cost of an engagement ring

>thinking you can buy a house with cash


>> No.5088550

>there are people in this thread seriously saying you can pay for a house with cash

Top kek.

Unless you make over $1 million a year, you can't buy a house with cash unless you are buying a shed in Detroit.

As soon as you 15 year olds make your first paycheck you'll realize this.

>> No.5088573

You do know that they are more interested in down payments

>> No.5088579

you actually can. And people do. Real estate agents don't give a shit, its the banks that want the loans

its called a fucking s a v i n g s account

>> No.5088582

You most certainly can buy a house with cash.

I paid cash for my house. Granted I cashed out a bunch of stocks that I inherited from my grandparents to do it, but I did it and am by no means even remotely close to being a millionaire, nor do I have a million dollar salary.

>> No.5088584


>keeping >$100k in your savings account

That's called being a moron and letting your money go to waste. You put that shit into stocks or bonds in order to get better return on investment.

Turn 18 and you'll know what I mean.

>> No.5088586
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I pay with debit everywhere, because its basically the same as cash.
I carry around a few dollars for laundry money here and there, but thats about it.
I've got one credit card that I carry around just to work on my formerly non-existant credit score a tiny bit at a time.
((Buy a little bit, then pay it off before the end of the month and you don't have to pay interest. Banks hate you for that.))
A good credit score will help you out in many situations. Loans, buying property, buying a new car, even some of the better jobs run a credit check to help them decide whether or not to employ you.

>> No.5088587


>paid for a house with inheritance
>using a special condition to refute what i'm saying

Most people don't just have hundreds of thousands given to them by their parents that they can spend on a house.

If you can pay for a large portion of your house with cash all the better for you, but you shouldn't wait around to buy until you "save" for a house unless you want to live with your parents until you're 50.

>> No.5088590

There was a stigma for using a credit card for small amounts back in the days it was a major pain in the ass to process a credit card. But that's long since passed. I never carry cash anymore. Hell, I work retail and I like when people charge because then I don't have to deal with counting change.
Also today where rewards cards are common, tons of people charge everything to build points or w/e.

>> No.5088591

I'm a 29 year old millionare. Put it in the stock market and see it all burn faggot

>> No.5088592

>return on investment.

Yeah, let people with no prior experience put money into something they have no clue about

>> No.5088593

I do essentially the same thing, but I put all my monthly purchases on a credit card and pay off the balance in full every month so I don't get hit with interest charges.

>> No.5088594

get out bank of america.

>> No.5088596

Put it in a Roth IRA and retire as a billionaire.

>> No.5088600

I charge everything to my credit card for >muh bonuses

>> No.5088601




Welcome to economics!


>wanting to move out of your parents house so you can live as an individual
>wait until you're 50 so you have enough saved up to buy a house

Sounds fun m8 find me in 35 years when you buy your first home

>> No.5088608

again. If your job pay is that shitty don't try to live somewhere you can't afford. You fuckers are the reason the country is in the shithole financially

>> No.5088610

My bonuses are bullshit.
I've been using mine off and on for a couple years now, and the most i've got out of it are giftcards.
Not a whole lot I can do with a $500 limit, but i'm scared shitless to ask them to raise it.
I know they probably would (I've never been late on a payment) but the temptation would just be too great to fuck myself over and go into debt like everyone else my age.

>> No.5088614


Just raise it, assuming you can control yourself.

>> No.5088615


M8 if you want to live in a house that isn't a shithole you need to take out a loan.

I'm serious though, when you turn 18 you'll understand.

>implying I have debt

>> No.5088616

Listen, I'm very much anti-banker, but the idea that it's always wrong to take out loans to buy things is real dumb. The problem is taking out loans greater than you can really repay or with radically high interest rates. But come on, guys, making use of credit is not in itself wrong. And houses are one of the things where it makes a lot of sense.

>> No.5088617

You must assume that everyone makes minimum wage or something. Saving up $100k+ is perfectly viable, especially if you save money, minimize your expenses and invest the savings in order to get a decent return. The problem is way too many people are idiots when it comes to money and it burns a hole in their pocket so they feel compelled to waste it on new cars, fancy apartments, clothes and extraneous bullshit they don't need rather than being smart with it.

There are people that can help with that you know, they're called financial advisors and anyone who is looking to invest a serious amount of money is a retard for not using one.

>> No.5088641
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The trick is to never owe more than one person/company anything.
Take the debts one at a time. Then 'after' that debt is settled, take another loan if you need it.
I think a lot of peoples' problems is that they surround themselves in debt, ignoring the interest and fees, and can't get back out or continue eating out every day and even paying bills without borrowing more.
One card, one bank, one debt at a time. Any more is just bending over and spreading your cheeks.

>> No.5088658
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fuck this thread. Just another faggot brainwashed by the jew.

>> No.5088662

Just wait until you get chip-PIN cards, amerifat. I guarantee you will eat these words.

>> No.5088681

I've always been an advocate of some sort of chip or tag that goes under my skin somewhere, so I can just place my hand on something and be on my way.
I've always loved that shit in movies.

Or even using a system of fingerprinting instead of cards.
Don't swipe. Just place your thumb here. Boom. Done.
Don't have to worry about some asshole stealing your card or whatever.

>> No.5088696

Instead of a pin number, you can use a different combination of fingers.
Index, ring, ring, thumb, or something like that for added protection

...sadly even a system as simple as that will find a way to be fucked up once the unwashed yokels in Wattlemart can't figure out how your finger goes on the glass

>> No.5088717
File: 49 KB, 358x267, ........jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>-Please place your finger on the scanning area-
>-Please place your finger on the scanning area-
>a little picture of a thumb pops up, showing it being pressed against the glass
>the customer continues to stare at the glass, like they're trying to decipher hieroglyphics
>the customer looks up at the cashier angrily, not understanding
"Sir.. your finger..."
"Just put your finger right there on the glass, sir. Its a new way of paying. Its really neat!"
>the customer rocks back in his motorized cart like he's been slapped, staring in fear and disgust at the little square of glass

This is why it'll never happen, sadly.

>> No.5088744

>all these people advising to take out loans for a house
>wanting to pay back an extra 50% of the initial sum you borrowed
>not just budgeting, saving, and investing those savings to earn money more quickly and buy a house as close to outright as possible

you guys probably rent places that you cant really afford too

>> No.5088778

>Please place finger on the glass
>Customer is confused
>Looks at cashier
>Can you do it for me? I don't get it


>Hold on let me sterilize this
>Cashier: wait dont
>Customer pours hand sanitizer on screen
>There we are. Don't know who has touched this.
>Gel seeps in through the edges

That said, I don't like the idea of keeping my bio-info readily hacked.

>> No.5088780

What credit cards do Anons ITT use?
I'm in my early 20s with a high credit score, but I have only been using a bank credit card since out of high school.
I would like to get a higher-tier card but I'm just not 100% on all the lingo.
Let's say I got an Amex for example.
My bank card doesn't charge me any interest or anything as long as my card is paid off by the date specified.
Would an Amex be the same thing? Or do you have to pay it off right after you make a purchase?
Clarification would be great. Thanks.

>> No.5088883
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It'd be the same, the only thing that would change would be how much the interest is.
Banks and credit companies vary widely, but its all on a month by month basis as far as I know.
As long as you've got it payed off by the end of the month (or before that month 'closes', whatever that date is for them) you don't get charged interest.
Banks hate that. They 'want' you to keep a negative total going, to make those monthly payments as small as possible so they can keep chipping away at you for as long as possible. Thats how they make their money.
But, if its payed off, you don't get charged, and the bank still has to report it to the credit bureau.
This is how you build up your credit.

>> No.5088932

building your credit score master class
>put all utilities on a credit card. it should be a simple matter to have them auto billed to a credit card
>set up a pre-authorized debit on your bank accoung to pay off the amount of your utilities every month. if the credit card and the bank account are serviced by the same bank this will be easy
>just make sure the cards limit is more than 2x your monthly utility payments

so many transactions, low utilization.

banks may not like transactors (lingo for faggots smart enough to not pay interest) BUT the standard credit reporting forms lack the capability to distinguish transactors from revolvers (people who carry over debt) so you dont get dinged for avoiding interest.

its not entirely true that banks dont like these customers either, but thats another story

>> No.5088951

my mortgage payment for a 3 bedroom 2 bathroom house is less than an apartment in the fucking ghetto. are you saying it would be more responsible for me to spend more money to live in a small shitty place and have nothing to show for it, instead of paying less money to live in a nice place and build equity?

sometimes even if you DO have the cash to buy outright it makes more sense to take the loan. people do it every day. if your investments earn more than the loan interest its a no brainier. also there are all sorts of tax breaks

>> No.5088983

tip the garbagemen how ? do i just wait in the morning for him or something

>> No.5088984


Uh, you just put it in the can. He'll find it, man.

>> No.5088990

i could see give a tip to the UPS driver if they were to deliver heavy furniture to me or something but a regular package it just kinda seems silly to tip them for that

>> No.5089017

I'm a cashier and it doesn't bother me, really. If you come across a cashier who pitches a shit when you charge something, they're just being a petty cunt.

>> No.5089019

>living in commiefornia any day of the year

>> No.5089020
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Charge?! I should be chargin' them for their bad service and awful food!

>> No.5089035

Hows your frozen tundra?

It was 65 degrees outside. I put on a light fleece.

>> No.5089063

3/10, you had me going for a few posts, but holy shit hahahaha

That, or confirmed for never having left mom's house.

>> No.5089146

That's just wrong. There is no point to saving up for a house while also paying rent for half or more of your life. Interests are not more than rent.

>> No.5089152
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Tiny houses broseph

>> No.5089274

>my face when people ask if they can pay with a benji
>their face when tell them "yes", but give them all fives back

Isn't against policy or anything; I just don't have any 20s in my drawer.

>> No.5089286

I wish everyone would hurry up and adopt those one tap payment debit machines. They have them at the movie theater and I couldn't believe how fast it was to get a ticket instead of waiting in a fucking line. Took me like 20 seconds.

>> No.5089291

>intentionally adding a security hole in my wallet

haha no.

>> No.5091082


>> No.5091088

>constantly broadcasting your credit information for anyone to collect

jesus christ, no.

>> No.5091094

In a grocery store I always use my card because it's easier then fumbling around with money, I always have cash on me but I use it more for smaller purchases like beers at the pub or milk at the corner store.

>> No.5091096

My prostitute has one of those ipad plug-in credit card swipers. No joke.

>> No.5091103

You dont have to swipe his butt crack any more?


>> No.5091223

>Do you charge everything
Charge? What?
I'm a UKfag so excuse me for asking.

>> No.5091231
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>Go to Subway at lunch (rush hour)
>store is filled
>line is going fast then suddenly slows
>poke head down the counter
>some faggot is using a card
Thank god we have contactless now

>> No.5091268

That was a perfectly fine bag of chips

>> No.5091270

Weird, I'm from the states and I don't use or hear the term "charge" either. Assumed it was a UKfag thing.

Anyway it refers to charging your credit card with the payment, but has been extended to mean "paying using a card" in general.

>> No.5092059


You must be under 20

>> No.5092150

>65 degrees

>being this fragile
California: not even once

>> No.5092158

>It was 65 degrees outside. I put on a light fleece.
What a dandy!

>Hows your frozen tundra?
Great! My gf and I went skijoring with our dogs last night to a shelter. We had cheese fondue and wine and got back late.

I'm going to the ski hill in an hour. Feels great.

>> No.5092383

I swipe my credit card for almost everything. I keep a bit of cash on hand for small purchases at local joints. I know they hurt from the CC percentages.

I also pay of my card in full. Once it gets to about 500 I dump some cash from checking.

I have 0 debt and plan to keep it that way.