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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 12 KB, 170x299, 170px-Honey-Fruit-Mead-Brewing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4974301 No.4974301[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is mead becoming the next fedora?

>> No.4974313

i have never seen mead served anywhere outside of a renaissance fair.

>> No.4974331

>implying that isn't where all the neck beards gather.
in response to you the OP, then yes

>> No.4974350

It compliments the fedora. How far behind are you?

>> No.4974354

this >>4974313

and it tasted like shit so i'm not sure if i ever want to try it again

>> No.4974378

No, mead takes a very long time to ferment compared to beer/wine/cider.

You wouldn't want to risk starting a batch and then mead being out of style by the time it comes to bottling.

>> No.4974391

Is it? I just make it because its cheap as fuck, I don't really care for the taste, just drink it to get a cheap buzz.

>> No.4974396

How the hell and I supposed to wear mead on my head?
And if I tip it, it'll all spill out.


>> No.4974422

I'll homebrew the shit out of some ales, I'm going to have a go at lagers soon, and I have a batch of apple cider going, but seriously, fuck mead.

>> No.4974530

>Is mead becoming the next fedora?

I hope not. I love making it and drinking it.

>> No.4974538

I used to like mead but didn't have the time or desire to LARP all the time.

>> No.4974582


I honestly feel as though you've based your entire perspective on home brewing on /ck/, where two thirds of every brewing thread is for some reason about mead.

That said, /ck/ knows virtually nothing about brewing, and I get the feeling all this mead shit is coming from other websites.

I home brew. I'm not the most experienced, but I know the basics. I also visit a handful of websites dedicated to serious home brewing, and mead is a minor interest.

>is mead becoming the next fedora

I honestly do not know, as I do not visit the sites where otherwise decent things become "fedora".

Stop judging things based on how somewhat popular websites judge things. Calling something "fedora" might have meant something a year ago, but using that term today just makes you sound like a 12 year old, just like the people the term was first aimed at.

>> No.4974625

I saw some at a bottle-o recently, with all the shit that homeless people drink. It's probably becoming the new $5 port in a paper bag.

>> No.4974631
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>The earliest archaeological evidence for the production of mead dates to around 2000 BC.[11]

Obviously, it is a fedora-wearing, hipster, liberal, reddit, tin-foil-hat drink. Good thing you were here to warn us. With this and the bacon fad warning, I'm set to prevent social infection.

>> No.4974645

I sure hope so. Other than absinthe, ouzo, and possibly another I"ve forgotten, I've never had mead. I hear it's still alive and well at Renaissance Fairs but that seems like too much work to go though for a drink.

>> No.4974653

You are trying so hard not to sound like a hipster it is hilarious. And backfiring.

>> No.4974664

>where two thirds of every brewing thread is for some reason about mead.

It is because mead is awesome when it is good. People don't realize mead isn't just "mead" it is...well...it is like a genre or alcoholic beverage. There's 1,000s of different types of mead just as there are 1,000s of different types of wines, spirits, and beers.

>That said, /ck/ knows virtually nothing about brewing,

Were you here for the hayday of the Homebrewmen on /ck/?

>I honestly do not know

2nding this. I'm no longer certain what the term has morphed into anymore. I think it is just the next stage of the derogatory use of "hipster".

>> No.4974661

yes and pocket watches were once used by railroad men. we get it you were born in the wrong decade you sperg lord.

>> No.4974666

>yes and pocket watches were once used by railroad men. we get it you were born in the wrong decade you sperg lord.

>> No.4974682
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It seems my innate ability at sarcasm has devastated another random anon online.

*victory dance

>> No.4974700

I think mead and cider are popular on 4chan just because they're easy (to make, not necessarily to perfect) and don't require the equipment/space that beer does. I don't make much mead, but everyone's always talking about mead here, so I end up talking about mead too. I like talking about it even if i'm talking out of my ass sometimes because discussing it is a good way to introduce beginners to the ~magic of homebrew~

Also I thought 'fedora' was referring to out of touch neckbeard nerds, not hipsters. I mean, I'm definitely the former and not the latter, so maybe OP nailed it.

>> No.4974726


> 1. fedora
A hat that went from the sure sign of an early 1900's tough guy, to the sure sign of a 1980's and onward loser who is desperately seeking for a style to call their own (and ruining everything they touch in the process).
>Definition inspired by epicurus's words.
>You better take that fedora off before some guy with seborrheic dermatitis and a pizza goiter adds you to his LiveJournal community.
>In present times, the fedora is a trademark of the socially inept beta male. He is attempting to distance himself from pop culture with the distinct style of past fashion. But he captures none of the suave, and only comes off looking like an oblivious, pompous fool. This is especially the case when it's a low-quality fedora coupled with unfashionable clothes and an unkempt appearance.
>Modern fedora-wearers are typically associated with the *chan internet culture and Asperger's Syndrome (aspie).

Well, I could have sworn it was something else and I've seen a few other definitions. So, who knows? I personally think it is a knee-jerk term used like all the rest, to troll anyone and everyone that might slightly be offended by being called it.

>> No.4974755


>it is because mead is awesome when it is good
>there's 1,000s of different types of mead just as there are 1,000s of different types of wines, spirits, and beers

I don't disagree. My only problem is that, while there are daily beer and whiskey threads, and the occasional wine thread, the vast majority of home brewing threads started are either about brewing hobo cider, or mead. I honestly do not know where the popularity of home brewed mead came from. I enjoy mead, and it is becoming more popular. That said, most people who home brew make beer first, then either cider or wine, and then mead. I honestly feel as though the popularity of mead on /ck/ has something to do with an internet fad I haven't picked up on.

>were you here for the hayday of the homebrewmen on /ck/?

Apparently not. I don't care to argue about the merit of being "old" or "new", but /ck/ has been my home board the entire time I've been here, and I'm here often enough to have no need to use the catalog. I've also seen older users drop like flies in the past few years.

>i think it is just the next stage of the derogatory use of "hipster"

I didn't even know what "hipster" meant until I went to college, ten years ago, and half of my school identified as hipsters. My gf of 8 years considered herself a hipster, and most of my friends at that I met though her. The internet definition of "hipster" is typically ignorant, in my experience. I'm also apparently too old to even know what "fedora" means, in spite of the years I've thrown away on 4chan.

>> No.4974795

My girlfriend's best friend and her husband are the type of people who have Doctor Who watching parties, own all the Game of Thrones books, and anticipate Hunger Games movies. Their place is where I first had mead. It is going down that road as it has that rustic, medieval fantasy appeal.

>> No.4974799

Now I feel bad for when I made my mead thread a year ago

On the up side I saved my first batch from moldy doom after that thread

>> No.4974806

You just reminded me of when I first had god mead.

>Hanging out with this woman in her 40's I'm friends with
>Full on pagan practitioner
>Cool person. Learn a lot from her
>We had really sweet mead from a blessed drinking horn one time

>> No.4974833

The reason mead shows up so often is because its the easiest thing to brew.
>Put honey in water
>Add yeast
>Shake the hell out of it
>Put it in the closet til it stops bubbling
>Choke it down
>Get plastered
>Fights break out
>Days are lost
>Court dates are ignored
>Cycle is repeated

>> No.4974837


This is more accurate to the people I've met in real life who make and enjoy mead. Married nerdy middle-aged women.

>> No.4974844

I started with making wine then started making mead and haven't looked back. I even have my own hives now.

>> No.4974848


>the reason mead shows up so often is because its the easiest thing to brew

I'm not entirely sure that it's easier to brew, but it certainly costs more than most other things.

Cider cuts out an entire step of yours, and beer only adds a couple, while being twice as full proof.

>> No.4974854


>i even have my own hives now

>and once again i am reminded by 'straya that it is time for bed

Just fuck off, 13 year old's; you're not fooling anyone here.

>> No.4974858

>twice as full proof.

You can get 20-22%ABV with wine, kilju, cider, beer, sake, and mead. Reaching that is rare with all of those though.

>> No.4974876
File: 2.80 MB, 4992x3038, DSCN0561d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old pic, but you can see one of the hives in 3rd row to the far right. It is winter now, so they are all in winter mode. The rest of the pics are of my farm.

>> No.4974958

mead is a fucking mission you plebe.

I've been making beer for ages, but mead needs to be babied for days during the fermentation and needs to be aged for a year at least before its any good.

That said, when you do the work its actually fairly tasty. However, I have yet to find a commercial example that isn't cloying or full of higher alcohols.

>> No.4974966

Mead has been around so long that its immune to the effects of hipsters and all their bullshit.

>> No.4974975

Mead was fedora before fedoras were a thing.

The only people I knew that raved about mead were greasy smelly larping metalheads.

>> No.4975047
File: 124 KB, 648x1000, DSCF1727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm drinking mead now. I made this mead with whole strawberries in the primary and cheap ale yeast. I found out that it was a fucking terrible idea to use strawberries in the primary and cheap ale yeast. When I bottled this 8 months ago it was undrinkable and disgusting, it just tasted like saltwater. Instead of throwing it out, I bottled it and forgot about it. Now it's not pretty, still not clear, but it's actually pretty good. The strawberry flavor suddenly came through out of nowhere, it's not salty anymore, it's got a little spiciness. I was really surprised how the taste changed from gag-inducing to halfway decent over a few months.

Moral of the story, believe in your mead.

>> No.4975444
File: 491 KB, 704x503, george-costanza-was-the-original-duckface_1338542678_epiclolcom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Anno Domini 2013
> wasting time fermenting honey when you could be fermenting your own shit and getting totes janked

>> No.4975488

There was a guy over in /diy/ who started a thread asking for help making TRADITIONAL 19TH CENTURY LABELS for the moonshine he hadn't made yet.

It was obvious he knew very little about a lot, so I told him to stop, consider the legal ramifications and read a few books, peruse a few websites if he's really serious about it.

He told me that stupid people had been making moonshine for hundreds of years, so, as a successful florida lawyer, he was going to do it by himself just fine.

Then he asked how he'd know his molasses wash was done fermenting.

I don't know why I even try.

>> No.4975571

I added my piss and shit to the bottle and put the balloon on top.
It hasnt inflating very much yet, how long does it typically start?

>> No.4975573

fedoras don't drink, for the most part.

>> No.4975576

I mean
>how long until

>> No.4975582

>you plebe!
Implying generations of vikings would "baby" the mead instead of just drinking it when its ready so they can get drunk in mead halls and get rowdy as shit.

Just shut the fuck up

>> No.4975592

really? it's pretty much the easiest thing you can make

>> No.4975599

They most likely had a batch started every day for years, so there was always a year-old one ready to go

>> No.4975609


nah, bitching about fedoras is

>> No.4975803
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I remember you.

I hate you a lot.

>> No.4975816

Oh well that changes everything. If a bunch of sweaty fucktard barbarians drank it with no fuss, it must be good. Nevermind that vikings drank mostly sahti (ale made with juniper instead of hops) or that we know they actually had fairly good brewing practices.

I'm sure your story of some drunk asshole with a horned helmet and blood still on his axe, impatiently making a batch of shitty mead is more accurate.


Go back to watching Thor and leaving brewing to the grown-ups. If you want to get sauced go get a bottle of everclear and a case of budweiser..

>> No.4975829
File: 72 KB, 250x167, viking-drinking-mead-wearing-helm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


*tips helm

>> No.4975836

>not making your own biogas methane generator from your farm manure, garden waste, and toilet waste to produce methane that can run your electric generator, cook your food, heat your mash, and make you more self sufficient.

>> No.4975921

Ever been in Balkans? They drink that shit like water.

>> No.4975929

>wasting good quality jenk

>> No.4976018

Death by hydrogen sulfide inhalation isn't something to turn your nose to.

>> No.4976032

>implying people who dress up like Vikings don't wear a fedora the other six days of the week

>> No.4976042
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>implying they do

i have no idea how but you're confusing history nerds with reddit athiests.
a fedora would larp Vampire instead, where he wouldn't even need to take it off.

>> No.4976123

>number of people killed by jenk - 0
It's a herb not a drug, legalize it.

>> No.4976126
File: 449 KB, 576x792, fedora 34638.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, they would LARP a viking, they like the idea of outdated manly things.

>> No.4976154




Actually sniffing jenkem can kill you with as little as one single sniff if the concentrations are high enough. Start at as little as 100ppm hydrogen sulfide starts to affect your health immediately. At 1,000ppm one breath means instant death. In a bottle of jenkem, the abstract concentration of hydrogen sulfide is 50–300 ppm. This will cause pulmonary edema. Concentrations can be as high as 700ppm which will knock you out instantly.

Oh, and by "jenkem" I mean biogas methane production, not a the hoax stuff.

>> No.4976165
File: 239 KB, 600x600, Valhalla Mjod-p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really don't fucking hope so. Me and my bud loooove to get drunk in cheap mead, and I use mead as a present because it's cheap, comes in kickass stone jars, and people usually get all riled up because they've never had it before.

Pic fucking related.

>> No.4976888

Not until IPA stops being it

>> No.4976908
File: 125 KB, 500x375, kvass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kvass will be the next fedora drink. And it's low alcoholic content means you'll have to listen to arguments about who makes the best, sober.

>> No.4976926

I just starting brewing, and I chose to make a gallon of cider and a gallon of mead. I didn't have any of the extra equipment that beer requires and I didn't want to make a grape wine.
Joe's ancient orange mead has been a gateway for lots of homebrewers because it's not very labor intensive, makes a fairly drinkable product, and is pretty fool-proof (after all, honey is naturally antiseptic).
That said, I may not be the best person to ask. I stopped wearing new balance shoes a few month ago because the internet told me it was too fedora.

>> No.4976959

4chan really needs to learn its stereotypes better. Fedoras are more likely to watch animu or edgy films like Fight Club. They're a completely different subset of nerd than fantasy/renaissance fair guys.

>> No.4976978

I don't know. The fedora and cloak combo is pretty popular at the ren fairs I've been to. Those are the guys drinking mead too.

>> No.4977003

>completely different subset

nah, son. Fedoras are self-described intellectuals. They show up in animu clubs, in Renn Faires, and anywhere else nerds might be having fun, so they can use the entire exercise to smug and pompous about their own superiority not only to non-nerds, but to the other nerds around them.

Fedoras might be into anime. Or DnD. or Renn Faires, or some combination of those, but those are just details of whatever community of accepting outcasts they attach to as a means of supporting their narcissism.

the good nerds have no friends because they have strange hobbies that alienate them from their conventional peers, and thus form communities that are more accepting. Fedoras have no friends because they are self-entitled little pricks who are unpleasant to be around, and so they integrate themselves into nerd-culture knowing that they won't be kicked out for being terrible because nerds couldn't bear the self-image damage of being "judgmental bullies" like, they feel, the people who persecuted them. So instead they tolerate genuinely antisocial behavior.

>> No.4977037
File: 245 KB, 1200x900, IMG-20131126-00239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just dropping in to show off my first all grain batch. Did an imperial oatmeal stout.

I pretty much did everything wrong though. The worst of it was when my filter system on my mash ton didn't work. So I had to manually strain the wort and the grain with a grain bag.

It tastes pretty good. A bit too hoppy, but I hope that will disappear with age.

>> No.4977101

5# honey
5C sugar
4 Gal water
lavin 71b-1122 yeast
orange peel
lemon peel
any other spices you want

not true mead but brews in just over a week, ~14% abv, sweet, and doesn't taste bad at all. clear with 'super-kleer'.

>> No.4977135

here, just want to add that i've made the above recipe 5+ times with no bad batches

>> No.4977157

That's really awesome. I'd like to something like that when I finally have my own house. Where did you learn to set up a hive? Also your hen is adorable.

>> No.4977165

No? Mead is an amazing drink that's been around for fucking ever. It's simple, delicious, and gives me a good experience every time I drink it.

>> No.4977170

Why does it matter, If you like it drink it. Fuckin' hipster.

>> No.4977171

If you have a Kegerator, you can pump Co2 into your mead for a bubbly drink on tap all the time. It's fantastic. I highly recommend it.

>> No.4977185

Huh, I got my best mead from a pagan friend too;
>Dude comes to visit us, on shore leave.
>Brings a few large bottles of homebrewed mead and his own custom drinking horn.
>Spend all night downing mead, listening to crazy stories, and having a good time.
>Discussing his beliefs as an Asatru and having various existential conversations while feasting 'pon the hron all night.

Seriously though, not even a hangover, I could really go for more of that.

>> No.4977206

Depending on the organization, no. Dagorhir is too active, HEMA is too hardcore, and there's individual larps that are just insane. Most people invest time, energy, research, and love into their hobbies. r/atheists don't really make it far.

>> No.4977217

No, the good nerds have a very tight knit group of friends. While most are anti-social, they can normally learn to bond with others with similar interests/hobbies/obsessions.

>> No.4977229

I drink it occasionally at a cigar bar I go to. Fuck

>> No.4977255
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Anime is for neckbeards, completely different than fedoras.

>> No.4977290

I've never heard of it outside of Harry Potter

>> No.4977347

I would think Fedoras and Neckbeards = Atheism.

>> No.4977975
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Can someone post that recipe thats been going around on /ck/?

>> No.4977998

OH SHIT, you can homemake kvass? Better get on that shit, drink of my childhood.

>> No.4978006

Ya they switched blizzard fans and atheists

>> No.4978498

I'm from the balkans and have never seen a single bottle of mead there.

>> No.4978503
File: 90 KB, 900x675, miód.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mead is quite popular here in Poland. At the very least you can get it in most supermarkets.

You mostly drink it as you would a dessert wine.

Most decent ones take months or years to make and age though, homebrewing them isn't that big.

>> No.4978507

Just for reference, going from left to right those are a półtorak (8-10 years of aging), two dwójniaks (4 to 8 years) and a trójniak (one and a half to 4 years).

>> No.4978512

are you slav?

>> No.4978517

I will fully admit that I too have made some Joe's Ancient Mead, which is the recipe that /ck/ mostly uses. My batch came out great and my friends loved it too. The only thing I regret not doing was saving a bottle so I can age it for a year. Now that I'm talking about it, I want to make some more right now

>> No.4978520


There's a full on (and fairly successful) meadery in Columbus, OH called Brothers Drake whose customer base is anything but neckbeards.

>> No.4978548


mead is quiet poor people drink right now due they can get honey cheap.

>> No.4978555
File: 35 KB, 375x600, 375px-Flasche_Vitamalz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kvas is popular around europe not only in slavs areas dude.

the sell Kvass mixtures and Kvase yeast in most russian shops latelly. personally i prefer german version of it. its called Malzbier (malt-beer)

>> No.4978560


>aging meat

seriously? you like to drink piss? meat is at its best when fresh dude.

>> No.4978574


Also, see >>4978507

>> No.4978576

You really have no idea what you're talking about do you?

>> No.4978578

I have a batch of JAOM that's around 5 moths old and looking forward to drinking it at christmas.

>> No.4978743

4chan's use of stereotype slur words is like Fox news trying to report real news.

>> No.4979209

Vikings never had mead. It was very much a central European thing, summers are too short to make proper mead that far up north.

>> No.4979216

I liked Bärenfang.
It's like mead, but for men.

>> No.4979246

Not really on topic but don't want to make a new thread. Anyone know if I can bottle sparkling wine in beer bottles? or would there be too much pressure

>> No.4979260

pictures like this make me rage! that jug is filled way to much and will overflow once the yeast becomes more active hahaha

>> No.4979263

You can carbonate anything in beer bottles as long as there's still active yeast to eat the priming sugar, and you use the same amount of priming sugar that you would for beer. I believe Champagne is carbonated with much more pressure than beer, though, and if you wanted to match the same style you'd have to use stronger bottles, like champagne bottles. If you're ok with your wine having the same level of carbonation as beer, though, beer bottles are fine.
According to this thing you shouldn't go for more than 3 volumes of co2 in regular beer bottles:

>> No.4979297

Thanks, probably try a couple liters with my next batch of wine. Just don't have the money for the champagne corker right now.

>> No.4979303


>Vikings never had mead. It was very much a central European thing, summers are too short to make proper mead that far up north.

mead is made out of honey dude. vikings mixed also forest berries to it. Scandinavian countries have very warm ans soft summers due warm ocean streams. also mead was spread in all Europe and Asia from lower polar areas down to the China and South India.

also honey was used to make sugar up to modern times. all fucking bakery involving sweet taste was using honey.

>> No.4979325

Just buy swing topp bottles. They'll hold up


33$ for 12

>> No.4979328
File: 109 KB, 566x976, edgy retarded murrican.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck this fat fuck friend of mine from high school post about drinking mead, he is your typical metal head, pseudo intellectual atheist that constantly posts about how he hates religion and all that. He also post about how he is a fucking Viking or some shit and how he wants to quit his telephone job to be a fucking blacksmith. He also wears a trench coat and black band tees. Here is a screen cap I of something fucking stupid he said a few months ago. Also have to mention he hates America, despite living in fucking California.

>> No.4979337

this. he is like totes devastated. srslah.

>> No.4979363

didn't know they made ones for sparkling wine , thanks.

>> No.4979371


>> No.4979394

It already was.

>> No.4979412

Holy shit that doesn't even make any sense.

>> No.4979449

Fellow balkanfag, I've never seen it either, every imaginable herb, fruit or reptile stuffed into pure ethanol sure, but no mead.