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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 55 KB, 276x445, anthony-bourdain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4971045 No.4971045[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

On Rachael Ray
>"We know she can't cook. She shrewdly tells us so. So, what is she selling us? Really? She's selling us satisfaction, the smug reassurance that mediocrity is quite enough. She's a friendly, familiar face who appears regularly on our screens to tell us that 'Even your dumb, lazy ass can cook this!'"
On Paula Deen
>"She revels in unholy connections with evil corporations, and she's proud of the fact that her food is fucking bad for you. If I were on at 7:00 at night and loved by millions of people at every age, I would think twice before telling an already obese nation that it's OK to eat food that is killing us. Plus, her food sucks."
On Sandra Lee
>"This frightening hell-spawn of Kathie Lee and Betty Crocker seems on a mission to kill her fans, one meal at a time."
On Guy Fieri
>"I look at Guy Fieri, and I just think, 'Jesus, I'm glad that's not me.' You work that hard and there's not a single show of yours that you'd want to sit down and say, 'Hey, I made that last week. Look at that camera work. It's really good, huh? I'm proud of what I do.'"
On Alan Richman
>"Alan Richman is not a douchebag. He's a cunt."
On Vegetarians
>“Vegetarians are the enemy of everything good and decent in the human spirit, and an affront to all I stand for -- the pure enjoyment of food.”
Why is Bourdain so based /ck/?
You can't say he's not a cool motherfucker.

>> No.4971054

zimmern is more based, do you listen to those little monologues at the end of each bizarre foods episode? bourdain is definitely less approachable

>> No.4971056

He's a smug elitist prick but he pulls it off. I like him.

>> No.4971058

That's the thing though, he KNOWS he's a cocky, arrogant bastard. He says it several times throughout the No Reservations series.
It's great though.

>> No.4971080

>talks shit about people
>"cool motherfucker"
He may be right but that doesn't make him not a douche
I still love him tho

>> No.4971086

I'm not strictly talking about him talking shit about people, I'm just talking about him overall.
Usually people just talk shit on him here.

>> No.4971089

Can't wait until the contrarians show up to talk shit about Bourdain despite having never read any of his books.

>> No.4971092

>he KNOWS he's a cocky, arrogant bastard
Pretty sure that is the whole point of being cocky and arrogant - you know it.

>> No.4971107

Why is this retarded faggot famous?

>> No.4971108

Can someone please explain the "based" bullshit to me? What does it mean?

>> No.4971115

I need some context on the vegetarion quote, 'cause by itself it's one hell of a retarded statement

>> No.4971116

Anthony Bourdain creeps me the fuck out. He seems like the kind of guy who would say, "Hello, princess" to 14 year old girls outside a liquor store.

Nasty old man.

>> No.4971121

it's comes from some hiphop song by some nignog

>> No.4971124


Implying the children that blindly spit it like mindless bobble heads know what it means.

>> No.4971139

soccermom vegan detected

>> No.4971144

>Alan Richman
Who's this Alan guy?

>> No.4971145

being based means staying positive, being approachable to everyone, helpful and not putting yourself above anyone else.

Anthony bourdain fails at all of these. Zimmern 2014

>> No.4971149

How? Vegetarians are faggots

>> No.4971152

in his context and from watching his shows this is what I think it means:
-Vege/vegans are excluding a massive amount of ingredients when they choose not to eat meat
-PETA/vegans not only not eat meat, but force their beliefs upon meat eaters in the form of banning what they believe to be unethical foods, like foie gras

>> No.4971153

Food critic

>> No.4971158

Ok. Had to Google it. Thought OP was a tard and had mistakenly typed "Alan" instead of "Adam". Carry on.

>> No.4971162

I'm not a moral kind of vegetarian, but how fucked in the head do you have to be to think foie gras isn't unethical?

>> No.4971165

Because it's a fucking duck? Who gives a shit about a fucking duck.

>> No.4971170

But that's wrong, you fucking dipshit. Being based just means you don't give a fuck what people think.

>> No.4971172

Have you ever seen a foie gras farm?

Meat eaters tend to use the same ingredients for multiple dishes. Veganism just encourages a little more creativity. We really have no limit.

Anthony Bourdain is just too simple-minded to understand. He's so eager to hate, he does so before ever learning anything. And that's why he's so wrong about everything all the time.

He's like the Kim Kardashian of the food world. People love obnoxious idiots.

>> No.4971173

Bourdain is a smug self centered asshole himself, HOWEVER, I can't disagree with anything he said there. And, in spite of him being a smug douche, I'd still love to go out to dinner/on a food trek with him. I can handle douchebags, what I can't handle is mediocrity.

>> No.4971179

Shut up faggot

>> No.4971174

Who cares, if a 14 year old girl is hanging around outside the liquor store she's probably a whore.

>> No.4971178

>Have you ever seen a foie gras farm?
yes, and?

>> No.4971181

>Veganism just encourages a little more creativity. We really have no limit.
Except for the MASSIVE limitations you place upon yourselves. Don't try to pretend you're not limiting your diet when you choose to be a vegan.

>> No.4971182

People who aren't sociopaths and get a kick out of abusing animals, probably.

>> No.4971185

>muh animal rights
Who really gives a shit?

>> No.4971187

>m-muh animal abuse

faggot pls

>> No.4971188

Not all foie gras is obtained by strapping down birds and shoving feeding tubes down their throats. In fact, most of what is considered to the best in the world is not.

>> No.4971190

I'll be careful not to cut myself on that edge.

No one would say they aren't limiting themselves. But you are just too simple-minded to look at a limit the right way. Limits only encourage creativity if you are in the right mindset.

>> No.4971191

It's a rapist and a monster. It deserves everything we do to it.

>> No.4971192

Walking past a liquor store to get home from school.

The reason I was so specific is because I remember it happening to me. The guy reminded me of Anthony Bourdain.

Just a slimy character.

>> No.4971193

Sure bro, sure.

>> No.4971195

Yeah, I have seen a foie gras farm. The geese and ducks literally come running and line up to get "force" fed They fucking love it. Geese in particular will naturally gorge themselves. My family uses geese as guard animals, and those girls (we don't have ganders because we collect the eggs), are not only mean as hell to any strangers, but they will eat everything they can find. They eat the goat and cattle feed. They eat the barn cat's food, they eat EVERYTHING. We have to feed them first to keep them busy while we feed the rest of the animals. I don't agree with cage farms, AT ALL, but make no mistake, those birds love every morsel of their food and will happily gorge themselves to fatty liver paradise.

>> No.4971198

Are you my grandma? She talks exactly the same fucking way.

>> No.4971199

Watch that edge bro.

>> No.4971200

Nice buzzword faggot.
>not caring about a duck
>all of a sudden UR LE EDGY XD

>> No.4971203

I eat new food every day.

My diet has expanded. I've improved old omnivorous dishes with vegan "alternatives".

Omnivores really don't know what they're missing. It's funny to me because they're so closed minded and used to doing things the way they were raised they actually think we're the ones missing something.

>> No.4971205

Have you ever seen the foie gras farms where most foie gras comes from? I don't know what little farms you're talking about.

>> No.4971208

>omnivores don't know what we're missing
Aside from the fact that we can eat anything and everything we want, right

>> No.4971209

>no one is saying vegans have no dietary limits
>except for when I just said exactly that
>but they're only limitations if you know what limitations are

>> No.4971211

I know what the fuck they do the fucking duck
but the fucking duck doesn't have any fucking gag reflexes in its neck
And foie gras costs a shit ton all because of bullshit regulation
As does duck
fat duck+eating delicious liver, what's not to love, it's less wasteful than youd think, and, we're at the top of the food chain, you want to save a duck? have one as a pet, we didn't become the dominant species of this planet by faggot ass regulations and MUH NON HUMAN FEELINGS
not to mention those ducks tend to actually walk around the farm, unlike nasty caged cows n chikins n shit

>> No.4971213

You're the Kind Life guy, aren't you?

>> No.4971214

>Calls Paula Deen a sellout
>Did The Layover

Fuck you Bourdain. You were once my favorite, by far, food-related show host. A Cooks Tour is the best work you did, No Reservations was mostly good but since then it went all down the fucking shitter man.

>> No.4971215


Please stop feeding the troll.


Thank you for posting this. Anyone who has read Bourdain's books would read pretty much the same thing. He went to a farm and described the situation pretty similarly.

>> No.4971216

>yfw I can eat everything you eat and have a steak right after
Feels apex man.

>> No.4971218

You don't though.

When's the last time you made coconut whipped cream?

>> No.4971222

>veganism encourages creativity
Yes we have fucking vegans to thank for tofurkey
thank you for tofurkey
meanwhile I will skip the turkey because its too much work to make taste right, and have my veggies AND steak and NOT stinky broccoli farts

>> No.4971223

No, I'm not. Different vegan. There seem to be quite a few of us on 4chan.

>> No.4971224

I can whenever I feel like.
When's the last time you had something simple as a steak?
You'll never be able to eat Kuroge Wagyu as long as you're a faggot.

>> No.4971220

This is literally retarded. No "omnivore" is limited from enjoying vegan meals. Your diet expanded only because of your own habits, not because veganism has inherent varietal advantages, retard.

>> No.4971221

>Omnivores don't know what they're missing

Really? You honestly believe that? Do you understand what the word OMNIVORE means? We eat everything, including vegan food. Omnivores don't just eat meat and dairy (unless you're just a terrible person anyway). I'm a proud and happy omnivore, and I make vegan food often, as well as being able to cook the most perfect, succulent steak you'd ever have. As a matter of fact, my recipe for veggie burgers has been passed around ON THIS BOARD several times. Omnivores eat everything. We don't limit ourselves to a single category of food.

>> No.4971225

>Omnivores really don't know what they're missing.
But that's the point. We aren't missing anything because we can eat whatever we want, including your vegan food.

>> No.4971228

>a frequent and experienced traveler made a show about traveling after being on The Travel Channel for 8 years
>what a sellout

>> No.4971229

Don't lie to me.

>> No.4971227

theres more to it than that, fucking idiot i have over 300 confirmed lil b listens

>> No.4971233

Tofurkey? Tofuckyourself, I want some meat.


>> No.4971235

>lel look at me, i'm sooo coool because i'm a smug arrogant asshole who tries to look smart but in actuality am no better than Guy Fieri

>> No.4971236

>He went to a farm and described the situation pretty similarly
He actually featured it in one of his earlier shows.


>> No.4971241

Steak is not simple. It's a greasy, bloody, grissly mess coated in seasoning.

I actually rarely even ate steak as an omnivore. Wasn't my thing.

Literally the last thing I ate as simple as your greasy mess was a bean and rice burrito. Simple and perfect.

>> No.4971244

Guy Fieri > Anthony Bourdain


>> No.4971247

If you throw a couple more adjectives in there I'm sure you can make it sound even more complicated.

>> No.4971249

>greasy mess

You're dong it wrong, you ginormous fag.

>> No.4971250

I bet you're the kind of guy who cooked his steak well-done with a side of ketchup, then when someone cooked you Med Rare you complained about all the "Blood" and having no A1 or Hot Sauce within reach.

>> No.4971251

The thing is you can't just pick out the best farm and try to say all farms are like that. Look at the majority of foie gras farms and see how disgusting they are.
P.S. Didn't watch that video by the way or read anything about the farm because I don't have time.

>> No.4971252
File: 12 KB, 461x378, joseph gordon levitt screaming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


goddamn why are you guys so fucking dense

you encourage them to come in and shit up the board on an hourly goddamn basis


>> No.4971253

I like him because he has a varietized pallet and a similar appetite to mine
>unlike zimmern actually can appreciate the unique flavor of durian
>went to japan and got a chirashi bowl of sushi rice AND a fist full of sea urchin
here in Texas you get chirashi for 20-30 bucks and its rice and tuna, whereas for him it was around 15 for what would cost 60 here
>Isn't afraid to go to shitty alleys in 3rd world countries to eat the food they serve
And despite being really condescending, he's also a really humble traveller, so as a foodie I find him quite watchable

>> No.4971255

I never did it at all myself, because like I said it wasn't my thing. Only had it at restaurants or when other people cooked it for me.

>> No.4971256

>P.S. Didn't watch that video by the way or read anything about the farm because I don't have time.

>I didn't put any effort into understanding the topic I am discussing

Can you just delete your post, then?

>> No.4971258
File: 1.85 MB, 400x225, All the Fucks.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh rabbit food
>so eco-friendly
>no innocent animals killed
>saving the world one bite at a time

>> No.4971261

>had a friend who hated steak
>his only experiences with it were at shitstains like an all you can eat buffet where all they cooked were inch-thick pieces of JERKEY
>invite to party where nuttin but the primest of ribs
>friend is now enlightened
I bet your idea of steak is a bag of jack links

>> No.4971262

Please man, that show was just there so he could make more money. Any idiot could have hosted it as shown by "the departure". His new show is must worse anyways.

>> No.4971260

Uh, no.

I've seen horrifying foie gras farms. The main producers. I don't have the time or care to see some advertisement for a little ma and pa place.

>> No.4971264

You misread what I said you retard. I said no vegetarian/vegan would say they aren't limiting themselves.

>> No.4971268

I went to Wood Ranch and some places in Texas, some barbecue joints.

I actually think I would have preferred jack links to steak.

I wasn't a fan of the texture, no matter how it was prepared. Just grossed me out.

>> No.4971272

>I've seen stuff on the interwebs
>I'm ready to take down everyone and everything based on a limited view of the truth

Typical armchair warrior.

>> No.4971275

>I've seen horrifying foie gras farms. The main producers.


>> No.4971277

>everything on the internet is false
>except for stuff I post that serves as an advertisement for the company

Typical defensive omnivore.

>> No.4971279

not even i like many bbq rib joints ive been to because its mostly all the same, but like your tofu (which I like stinky, fried, or bubbling in a hot pot, ready to be fished out) ribs come in all kinds of flavors and textures, I myself hate tender ribs because I have teeth, and "fall apart in my mouth" grit is disgusting, but a honey-glazed non-dry-rub is some god tier shit

>> No.4971282

These are just some things I happened to have bookmarked. Feel free to look more into it but I have to go.


>> No.4971293 [DELETED] 

>caring how animals are raised/kept before being slaughtered
>feeling like you are making a difference not eating the meat
>feeling superior because you don't eat meat
>looking down on meat-eaters with judging eyes
>implying any of your actions will change how animals are raised, kept, and slaughtered
>implying your actions are meaningful
>implying your actions aren't mental masturbation
>implying humans got hear just by eating plants
>implying you are furthering the human race
>implying killing animals for food is morally wrong

>> No.4971307

any unbiased sources?

>> No.4971310

>feeling like you know better than vegans because you like to think they aren't changing anything in order to justify your inaction

>feeling the need to try to put vegans down in order to assure yourself that you are superior, but deep down everyone knows you're an insecure little ball-less shithead

>implying you need animals for food

>implying we haven't already changed how some animals are raised, kept, and slaughtered

>implying we aren't destroying our planet and our chances for survival through the consumption of animal products

>> No.4971311

>caring how animals are raised/kept before being slaughtered
>feeling like you are making a difference not eating the meat
>feeling superior because you don't eat meat
>looking down on meat-eaters with judging eyes
>implying any of your actions will change how animals are raised, kept, and slaughtered
>implying your actions are meaningful
>implying your actions aren't mental masturbation
>implying humans made it this far just by eating plants
>implying you are furthering the human race
>implying killing animals for food is morally wrong
>implying 'humane' treatment of animals that are being killed for food is a valid point

>> No.4971308

What "company"?
You're a brainwashed retard. I wouldn't be surprised if you're also a scientologist. You have zero real basis for your skewed belif system and bend everything to fit your extreme narrow definition. You're not only in the wrong, but you're also a fucking kookoobird. People like you shouldn't be allowed to access public forums.

>> No.4971312

The only ribs I like and can stand are Korean styled beef ribs. Everything else is just disappointing to me.

I'd rather take a shitty flank steak and fry it for a sandwhich.

>> No.4971314

>caring how animals are raised/kept before being slaughtered
>feeling like you are making a difference not eating the meat
>feeling superior because you don't eat meat
>looking down on meat-eaters with judging eyes
>implying any of your actions will change how animals are raised, kept, and slaughtered
>implying your actions are meaningful
>implying your actions aren't mental masturbation
>implying humans got hear just by eating plants
>implying you are furthering the human race
>implying killing animals for food is morally wrong

Why did you delete this?

>> No.4971318

Any unbiased sources that tell me that over-consumption of sugar causes obesity?

I don't trust these doctors. They obviously have an agenda to make me healthier.

>> No.4971325

>Why did you delete this?

>got hear

>> No.4971327

this thread is a fucking mess

i'm unsurprised when people say they meet bourdain and he's a dick, but his show is pretty good value. you know exactly what you are going to get, which is bourdain eating a bunch of rly good local specialties with some cool ethnic guide buddy.

show falls pretty flat on it's face when it tries too hard to be funny tho.

>> No.4971329

>claims life is sacred and should be protected
>doesn't eat meat

>murders plant life daily


>> No.4971335

Do you even know who Lil B is? He created the term and that's not what it means, faggot.

>> No.4971336

>tries to call out vegans for perceived hypocrisy and cruelty
>doesn't care about any cruel actions of their own

Shut up.

If someone cared about saving the plants they would be vegan because omnivorous diets kill way more plants than any vegan diet could.

>> No.4971355

Because that's totally the same thing right faggot? Doctors aren't trying to ban sugar.

>> No.4971363
File: 796 KB, 250x141, Frustration.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eating plants isn't going to save the world.
Stopping people from eating animals isn't going to save the world.

>obsession with saving the world

NEWS FLASH: mother nature auto-corrects itself. It has been doing to since the creation of Earth. WE don't need to do a fucking thing as the world can take care of itself.

Politely, fuck off.

>> No.4971374


Stop fucking responding. Just stop. Not only are you encouraging the vegan troll, you are legitimately stupid and embarrassing yourself.

Seriously. Just stop.

>> No.4971384
File: 1.72 MB, 203x118, This is gonna be good.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying my statements were incorrect

>> No.4971406

>save the world

Translation: preserve our current way of human life

People don't like change.
Modern society is growth-oriented.

These two things cancel each other out and people try to figure out how they can prevent the inevitable. They'll look at everything except the obvious problem. They will recycle, eat vegetables, use less electric and everything else, yet all we need is stability. That is a non-growth-based society. One that seeks to remain at one stable level instead of constantly growing.

But, as you state, mother nature is a great stabilizer no matter what you end up doing.

>> No.4971436

anthony bourdain rules. i wish i was him, or rather, i wish i had his job.
AB on eating meat:
>"Me and the PETA folks and the vegetarians have something in common, an area of overlapping interests. They don't want us to eat any meat. I'm beginning to think, in light of recent accounts, that we should, on balance, eat a little less meat."

>> No.4971461

>the PETA

AB siding with known terrorists

I've lost all respect.

>> No.4971479

>“Vegetarians are the enemy of everything good and decent in the human spirit, and an affront to all I stand for -- the pure enjoyment of food.”

With just one easy sentence, you too can derail any thread before it even begins!
Don't miss this exciting opportunity!

>> No.4971491

Fuck that fat faggot. He's annoying as shit. Him and his first-bite-crunch-audio bullshit he's always doing.

>> No.4971506

I'd like to know what he thinks of Alton Brown

>> No.4971526

still better than bourdain trying to be a 19 year old metrosexual hip faggot at 50 or god knows how old he is

ill fucking kill you str8 up you fuck with zimmern

>> No.4971544

I'm actually 99% sure that that quote is from Kitchen Confidential.

>> No.4971551

reactionary pls go

>> No.4971553

Who's the old fat TV chef from the UK with a moustache and a constant smile? I think he makes pastries a lot.

>> No.4971560

zimmerman is a smarmy, sanitized, middle-class traveler and eater. bourdain is a manifestation of authenticity and real culinary & cultural quality in the pirsigian sense.

>> No.4971574

no. you're wrong.

>> No.4971575 [DELETED] 

Anthony Bourdain is a dumb Jew who doesn't do anything other than bitch about everyone and everything (refer to: Jew). Oh shit you mean I have to go all around the world and travel and eat the best free food and drink the best free wine, awww no. Fuck Anthony Bourdain, he's a fucking faggot and not even good at cooking.

>> No.4971585
File: 2.89 MB, 290x154, hahyeah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound amazingly jelly.

>> No.4971588

oh, okay. good point.

>> No.4971594

>Middle class

You are aware he's a former hobo right?

>> No.4971602

They sound refreshingly truthful to me.

Anthony Bourdain is a bitch. He embodies pretty much everything I hate about American culture.

>> No.4971605

Anthony Bourdain is a smug piece of shit who doesn't seem to like anything beyond the smell of his own farts.

It grosses me out that I even know who he is.

>> No.4971615

>Veganism just encourages a little more creativity. We really have no limit.
literally not correct, your limit would be meat. whole creativity thing is just a bunch more categorical assumptions to thrown back and forth, neither is really more creative. vegans tend to be a lot richer though, general quality of food could be a class thing

>> No.4971630

you sound like an atheist

>> No.4971631

former being the [very] key word. he's middle class and caters his discourse to white housewives.

>> No.4971636

I think the point was that you could eat a completely different meal every day on a plant based diet. So the limit is only in your mind. You are CHOOSING not to eat certain foods, but that doesn't mean you can't eat something else equally great or greater. And it doesn't mean there's a shortage of variety.

Most of the vegans I've met have been fairly poor. It's not like you have to buy the most expensive ingredients to be vegan. Especially considering beans and grains are cheaper than meat.

I really don't know where this assumption that most vegans are rich comes from. Is it because the only vegans you people know who are outspoken are celebrities? Keep in mind that a lot of vegans are scared to say that they're vegan because of the way omnivores tend to react.

>> No.4971641

>down with the bourgeoisie

calm down there karl marx

>> No.4971643
File: 31 KB, 460x347, downsuperman1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you little, angry children do when you act like this in front of people and not a computer screen? I'm assuming by the level of instant outrage and passive aggressiveness that not a single one of you fucks in this thread could look someone in the eye and say a fraction of the bullshit you spew.

I wish you pathetic idiots would venture out of the house once in a while and act like you do here so you'd get the shit smacked out of you.

>> No.4971651

hey man, fuck you. who even asked you about shit. jesus

>> No.4971655
File: 28 KB, 400x405, fyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, fuck you. Man.

>> No.4971661
File: 10 KB, 245x251, saythattomyface.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4971668

say that 2 my face faget i will beat u up pusy

got that m8?

>> No.4971673

poor, as in college student, right? poor, as in grew up in a middle-class suburb? seems to me that there's the few and far between dead prez types, and a lot more people who have taken on a more 'natural' lifestyle, i.e. small apartments into their 30s, have gardens, avidly listen to and reference npr,etc. it's a stereotype of course, but a lot of vegans seem to have a social justice bend to their lives, it's pretty rare in extreme poverty.

>I think the point was that you could eat a completely different meal every day on a plant based diet.
we're all creatures of habit, i think. my life intersects with quite a few subcultures with a heavy focus on veganism, many of them will make the same salad every night, prepare the same portobello dish, and whatnot.
/ck/ seems like a particularly bad place to make this argument. most people here probably try to have something different each night. vegans and omnivores can eat the same thing every night, or a different thing every night. who cares.

>Keep in mind that a lot of vegans are scared to say that they're vegan because of the way omnivores tend to react.
i'm sure you're aware this is a very mutual fear. when it comes up in the media, vegans are painted as fanatics and omnivores as macho guys. from my experience, i'd say people are generally pretty reluctant to bring up diet at all, unless they're pretty militant. my image comes from being pretty open with a lot of people. vegans tend to be college educated, and are pretty rarely raised vegan. lot of sociological factors i suppose.

>> No.4971676

Do you enjoy being a worthless piece of shit anon?

>> No.4971683


>mfw PETA have been proven to not only eat meat, wear leather in public, and they actually euthanize more animals than shelters do.
>mfw PETA also funds eco-terrorists directly through personal checks for murders and vandalizations

Peta is evil, purely and simply

>> No.4971694


>vegans are so so strong to come out as vegans, so strong ;_;

Fuck you dude. Spend one day on /ck/ and you'll see how vegans act asshole.

>> No.4971697

PETA let the virus out in 28 days later, vegan animal fuckers will bring us all down

>> No.4971698

>says nothing about Gordon Ramsay

Wow, so maybe Gordon really does know how to cook unlike what 90% of this board wants to believe

>> No.4971702

this doesnt seem like what i said at all.

>> No.4971708

Gordon is so full of hypocrisies I can't even begin. I know you were raised in an abusive alcoholic family, but don't center your career around taking out that anger. It's quite sad when you realize his drunk dad beatings made it so easy for him to flip on the rage switch.

>> No.4971710

All irrelevant about his cooking abilities. He is one of the best in the world and should be recognized as such

>> No.4971715

Do you even sarcasm, autist?

>> No.4971727

>limits diet to one type of food
>calls omnivores closed minded

It's like you can't even into logic.

>> No.4971731

I love how the only thing being trolled is the Vegetarian thing.
Like no one is even bothering to defend Sandra Lee or Guy Fieri. I would assume you might get someone to defend Paula Deen based soley on the racism, because 4chan loves them some casual racism.

>> No.4971735

He doesn't cook anymore, frozen factory meals.

>> No.4971744

Why do I keep hearing things like "can't even into"?

Where did this wording come from and why is it so popular to talk like this? It sounds fucking retarded.

>> No.4971751


Paula ain't no dirty casual, she's in the esports of racism.

>> No.4971762
File: 79 KB, 598x900, girl-polish-national-costume-rzesz%C3%B3w-30679667[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I literally cannot imagine a diet different than what I was raised on and what society tells me is the gold standard
>No U are the close minded one
Language evolves. Deal with it.

>> No.4971765


>> No.4971771

image related, it is 'deal with it' meme :)

>> No.4971772


I heard Anthony likes Marco Pierre White the best out of all 'celebrity chefs'

>> No.4971782

Too obvious b8 m8. At least put some thought into it.

>> No.4971787

but muh memes

>> No.4971790

>""I think Alton Brown’s Good Eats was really valuable and smart," says Bourdain. "If the intention is to inform and get people to eat a little bit better, and possibly cook a little bit better, then I’m for you.""

Alton Brown is a fan of him as well

>> No.4971792

Basically food television is just one big popularity contest.

>> No.4971803

>tips fedora

>> No.4971811

Bourdain can be kind of a cunt when he's bragging about how he overcame heroin addiction and got rich

>> No.4971818

worst thread on /ck/ ever

>> No.4971839

I met Bourdain at a book signing. In front of the crowd you could tell he was really nervous and uncomfortable. He did a short reading and it was pretty damn awkward. Afterwards he signed books for about an hour I lingered in the store and made my way up pretty much last. I told him I was a sous chef at a local restaurant and told him i would like to buy him a drink and just shoot the shit restaurant style. We made our way to a bar and had some drinks . He was totally bro tier and hilarious. Told me some great stories of times in his life and had me dying. We shared war stories and had a good time. I really think Bourdain and his books and tv shows represent the working chef and their attitudes hes just a good dude overall.

>> No.4971870

War stories?

>> No.4971876

by war stories i meant stories of times in the kitchen hellish days that make or break men on the line who are making your dinner day in and day out.

>> No.4971886

Ah okay.
Hey, might as well ask you, I want to get into the business.
I want to work in the sweltering kitchens in a narrow corridor, working beyond my means witha bunch of other overworked and overwhelmed guys.
Is cooking school worth it? Or should I just work my way up from dishwasher?
Thinking of going to CIA.

>> No.4971910

baesd. these quotes are gold, and he is totally right about all of them

this is good to hear. He seems like a good dude

>> No.4971912

It wasn't bait though. There's not a single reason why you'd call vegetarians/vegans more closed-minded than any other choice of diet.
Why aren't you eating insects right now? It's eaten in half the world. Why are you so close minded?
What about dogs or cats? They're a delicacy in some Asian places.
Why do you eat cattle meat if one billion Indians are disgusted by the idea?
What you believe constitutes a proper omnivore diet (as opposed to a "selective" one you call us on) is entirely dictated by society and what you were raised on.

>> No.4971948

>Why aren't you eating insects right now?
i tried insects and they don't taste good.
>What about dogs or cats?
have not personally tried them but have heard the meat is stringy an not particularly tasty from people who have.
>Why do you eat cattle meat
tastes good.

>> No.4971993

>"I'm not a moral vegetarian"
>"...but a meat-based food that people like is unethical"
Hypocrisy is apparently a way of life for you.

>> No.4971996

>thinking of animals as other than human
>thinking this is edgy
You're doing it wrong, anon.

>> No.4972010

It's not edgy to think that animals aren't human, dipshit. In fact, it's normal.

>> No.4972015

perfect representation of the narcissistic, apathetic, culturally conformist mindset which has so ferociously infected our nation. what to do, what to do when folks like this young man are so unwilling to show some backbone and challenge their own suppositions and assumptions? a society of cowards with no passion, no dialogue with themselves and the issues in which they're mired has, i'm afraid, a dim future indeed.

>> No.4972032

Not watching TV>either of them

>> No.4972035

brother, you need to work on loving better. ducks feel pain. if you prick one, will it not bleed? ever heard the phrase "put yourself in someone else's shoes"? try it with a foie gras duck or CAFO animal of any variety. how do you expect to live in a progressively more just, verdant, and peaceful world if you don't embrace peace in your own life choices?
you're in my prayers.

>> No.4972042

this so much. my diet is more diverse by leaps & bounds relative to what it was before and definitely more so than compared to other folks i know.

>> No.4972062

Actually you're assuming animals feel pain like humans do, which they don't.

They don't have higher functions like emotions and the only reason they desire to live is to fuck.

>> No.4972088

>“Vegetarians are the enemy of everything good and decent in the human spirit, and an affront to all I stand for -- the pure enjoyment of food.”

I wonder to what extent he makes provocative, exaggerated statements like these just to make a quotable soundbite, and to what extent he feels real antipathy toward vegetarians/vegans.

I can see disparaging factual claims you dispute, but it seems hypocritical to decry a person's particular moral/ethical code of conduct, when they have their own objectively arbitrary moral code. There are things most anyone wouldn't do, regardless of the enjoyment it might provide. Would Bourdain eat dogs that were skinned alive? It wouldn't surprise me. But would he brutally torture puppies for eight hours before their death, just to improve their flavor? I doubt it. Would he eat people? Would he eat children while they were still alive, if he heard they were best that way? Those are different than just not eating animals, but they're all a question of what lines each person won't cross for moral reasons.

Inb4 "yeah but your morals are stupid."

>> No.4972159

There's a difference between not eating children still breathing and not eating animals.

>> No.4972200

i'm not assuming anything, except in the sense that i assume you can also feel pain. why do dogs and cats yelp when kicked? why do pigs squeal when their tails are snipped off or have their testicles removed? why do fish fight to escape the hook? think carefully, now. neuroscience is a pretty sophisticated thing, and it demonstrates that many animal species do have substantial memories and emotional bonds. i hate to see you lie to yourself, brother.

>> No.4972202

>Actually you're assuming animals feel pain like humans do, which they don't.

>They don't have higher functions like emotions and the only reason they desire to live is to fuck.

This is so very wrong. Out of curiosity, how many /ck/ posters agree with this anon? 2 claims:
"No living things besides humans experience pain"
"No living things besides humans have cognitive functions"

>> No.4972205

no shit, he said that in his post. you've obviously missed the point.

>> No.4972207

From his wikipedia page,
"Bourdain is also known for his sarcastic comments about vegan and vegetarian activists, saying that their lifestyle is rude to the inhabitants of many countries he visits. Bourdain says he considers vegetarianism, except in the case of religious strictures as in India, a "First World luxury."[44] He has clarified that he believes Americans eat too much meat, and admires vegetarians who allow themselves to put aside their vegetarianism when they travel in order to be respectful of their hosts."

>> No.4972209

Animals don't have a "higher purpose". They eat and reproduce. They have no spirit in a metaphysical sense.

Is it ok to love them? Yes, they were put here to be our companions. They are capable of loving you back to a certain degree. However, they were also put here for food.

As long as you can put them down with respect, then using animals for food is fine. Just don't forget where the food came from. Don't mindlessly put them down.

>> No.4972210

>sanitized, middle-class traveler and eater
>homeless drug addict that resorted to gay prostitution to feed his heroine and alcohol problem and managed to cook his way out of that life

>> No.4972212

>implying I can't enjoy a vegetarian burrito
>implying I wouldn't eat them all day every day, for the enjoyment of food

>> No.4972230

I think he meant that the way humans experience pain and the way non-human organisms experience pain are different not that non-human organisms feel no pain. While whether the poster believes this or not I believe to be irrelevant. I don't think I can rightfully deny that the animals we kill for food feel pain, whether it's in a manner different from ours or not. Animals can suffer. No argument from me. Worst yet, animals can suffer psychological torment. A story on that, if you'd like to know. It's Sarah-McLachlan-song-advert sad, so a warning if you don't wanna know.

>> No.4972234

>"resorted" to gay prostitution
Don't you mean
>relished every length of man meat he could get into his hungry, gaping holes

>> No.4972245

>culturally conformist

The world would be a better place if there were more conformists. Only through unity and order can society flourish. Individualism will lead to chaos and ruin as it always has

>> No.4972249

Thank you, all of Asia.

>> No.4972295


"Look at me, guys!!! I'm so punk!!!"

>> No.4972303
File: 168 KB, 587x604, 1375851459180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vegetarian doesn't limit your choices by a lot, just meat. That's it. Vegan yeah because dairy and eggs.
Vegetarianism is no big deal you whining retards. I'm sick of people mocking me because of a dietary choice. Fuck off. And yes I do it because I'm a moralfag that loves animals. I've never even dated anyone else vegetarian, people eat meat right in front of me. I don't care its not my plate and they aren't as bleeding heart over animals as I am. That's fine. Chastising people for not wanting to eat dead animals is shitty and you should fucking kill yourself.

>> No.4972306

why did people stop lurking?
why does everyone think we should explain everything?
why can't they use google?

>> No.4972307

what a bunch of dumb fucks.

I'd love to hear environmentally concious vegan's excuses for having children. theres probably nothing worse for the environment, animals and plants alike, that you can do other than breed.

>> No.4972316
File: 13 KB, 432x286, visualize.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, there's this:

>> No.4972320

not an eco-maniac
or fucking vegan
>mother nature auto-corrects itself
yeah, she will. But don't pretend our current way of life is in any way sustainable. Either science will find a way, or the auto-correcting will start by decimating us, either mother nature through climate change and missing ressources or we ourselves, through war and conflict.

>> No.4972321

you dont have to stop breeding all together to cut down the population by 5 billion.

>> No.4972326
File: 552 KB, 500x1962, mother-gaia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this seems appropriate

>> No.4972331

Since vegans have voluntarily lowered themselves on the food chain to the staus of prey animals, we could start by hunting and eating them. As a nice alternative.

>> No.4972338

>we really have no limit

But it's literally exactly what meat eaters eat but with limits!

>> No.4972350
File: 30 KB, 240x240, BASED DENG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Incorrect. There is only one Based One.

>> No.4972354

/sp/ no one knows or cares who that is, go to bed.

>> No.4972370
File: 438 KB, 500x378, mfw Any Pro Team in Ohio Wins a Champions Hip.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>We don't limit ourselves
>Except we totally limit ourselves
>But those limits aren't limitations

Cracker, WAT?

>> No.4972405


Somehow, I don't encounter such batshit stupid and insanity IRL. As a result, my reactions are more subdued.

>> No.4972410


Anthony Bourdain is a trainwreck. Have you read any of his books? Have you watched any of the perverted moments of his TV shows? I've heard him talk about drilling skulls and tentacle porn. He loves filth.

He's an interesting adventurer, I am not trying to take that away from him, but I would not give credence to his opinions about people, because he himself is a mess.

But if you're interested in chaos and absurdity, he is your man.

>> No.4972413


I hate that blue boards do not keep vigilant bait watch. This, ladies and gentlemen, is bait. Pure and simple. This poster has assumed the tone of the typical smug foodie knowing that it will push your buttons. The poster even threw in a pop culture reference. Seriously, this is bait. So why you takin' it?

>> No.4972433

You, sir, are blasphemous.



>> No.4972448

well, he knocks himself down a peg or two because of it. Just look at the Beirut special, he had that whole reflection about how he and rest of the hotel people were in such well off situation as opposed to the natives who were just getting fucked out there.

>> No.4972452

>I've seen what I've seen and I will now proceed to make sweeping generalization while rejecting any further interjections.

>> No.4972455

well, who else overcame heroin addiction, wrote a book about their everyday lives, and got fucking rich and get to travel all over the world?

>> No.4972466

not even that guy, and not even a chef, but half my coworkers in the place I work went to school and other half did the dishwasher/apprentice route.
Hell, Keller and Daniel Patterson started out dishwashing.
Guess you'd need to have that hungry drive and willpower to work your way up.

>> No.4972487

Interesting added info on his attitude toward vegs. I could see how refusing meat would be rude in certain situations (e.g. someone slaughters their only goat in honor of your visit), but those situations are so uncommon; most other situations could be handled tactfully or rudely.

I agree that vegism is a first world luxury to an extent. So is eating meat every day. I don't see that as making them either better or worse, it's just what it is. Bourdain seems to be implying vegs are spoiled for partaking in a luxury of asceticism, which is just ass backwards.

And I say "to an extent" because it would be a luxury to anyone anywhere to be offered meat and refuse it...there are wealthy people in the third world who eat veg too, and there are people in the first world so poor they can't afford to be picky.

>> No.4972523

> alan richman

thought for a second it was adam richman from mvf

>> No.4972597

>Why do I keep hearing things like "can't even into"?

Because you are on 4chan

>Where did this wording come from

It came from 4chan

I gotta say, you really do quality for "being new" with this post.

>> No.4973255


I BELIEVE it started last Thursday with the Mestball comics. The New York Mets are a perennial cellar-dweller laughingstock of a baseball team. A disgruntled Mets fan on /sp/ made some MS Paint comics featuring a Mets logo with eyes called "Mestball" that would do all of the stupid shit Mets management does and Mestball would speak in Tard for added comedy. Mestball's catchphrase was something to the effect of "WHY MESTBALL CAN'T INTO PLAYOFFS?"

>> No.4973270

I'm amazed that a grown ass man can be this much of a bitch.

>> No.4973284
File: 71 KB, 800x433, You're Welcome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Basically television is just one big popularity contest.

Fixed that for you.

>> No.4973345

Stop defining things from 4chan, listen to Lil B. Being based is about positivity and overall being chill.

>> No.4973364

>Basically life is just one big popularity contest.

Fixed that for you.

>> No.4973416

People on /sp/ started saying it because half of them are niggers and its spread to other boards.

>> No.4973708

Vegetarians are the Kim Kardashians of the eating world


>> No.4973745

Coated in seasoning?

>a little salt
>a little pepper
>cooked over hardwood coals

How the fuck do you get a greasy overseasoned mess if you're doing it right?

>> No.4974018
File: 96 KB, 800x451, f2df3fcd-8d53-4585-9171-c00de4115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are we talking about this chump when we could be talking about based chef john?

>> No.4974025

>Veganism just encourages a little more creativity. We really have no limit.

Except, you know, meat and dairy and honey and stuff like that. But hey, limiting yourself to a plant based diet isn't a limitation, somehow!

If you go purely by possibilities there are way more things you can do if you have plants, meat, dairy, and other animal products available to you than if you just have plants.

>> No.4974057
File: 324 KB, 150x179, michelle obama thumbs up.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so you have no limits? congrats, you just admitted you're willing to eat shit!

>> No.4974138

The japs have made shit burgers that are pretty high in protein. I'd actually be willing to try one

>> No.4974156
File: 88 KB, 1920x1080, Giada-de-Laurentiis-bikini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok but what about Giada

you can't say she isn't perfect
she's a qt and she can cook well

>> No.4974173

Her cooking is horrid. Her fauxtalian accent is horrid. Her bobble-head is horrid. Nice rack, though.

>> No.4974570

Based God from BT&H to be precise

Not sure of the direct origin, or how it came to hold positive connontation, but like all things 4chan, it originated as a snarky, sarcastic term

>> No.4974575

This. Below the neck is fantastic. That is literally it.

>> No.4974576

Or Lil B, not BT&H. I'm too white to know the difference anyway

>> No.4974604
File: 37 KB, 720x513, tumblr_md6mufMX4I1rikt3no1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has a nice body, but lots of grills do. I never really found her to be that attractive. I'd definitely bang, but shes not that hot.

I'm a Nigella guy myself.

>> No.4974940

He's basically all the things he accuses others of. I've seen him cook, his food is ok. Of course he'll tell you its awesome because he's a douchebag, but if you watch his cooking you'll see he's no better than Rachel Ray.

>> No.4975400
File: 87 KB, 900x1353, 52316-Nigella-Lawson-english-muffin-qPcs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm a Nigella guy myself.

who isn't