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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 371 KB, 900x1200, 7YABq6X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4955181 No.4955181[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

In America, the pizza boxes have gun targets on the bottom.

>> No.4955182

11/10 would buy, eat, then shoot

>> No.4955189
File: 109 KB, 900x738, Hunt-Brothers-Pizza-Shooting-Target-Box[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anyone tried the pizza? Is it any good?

>> No.4955220

That doesn't bad at al-

>United We Stand, In God we trust

Still, the concept is pretty ne-

>God, God, God, blah blah blah God

I mean, the box is all recycled and every-

>Jesus fish

Oh, come on.

>> No.4955225
File: 84 KB, 960x960, euphoria engine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*tips fedora*
You said it brother!
I don't need some fake fairy tale pedophile to tell me anything!

>> No.4955227

>having religious shit all over your pizza box

Funny how right wing nuts seem to forget about gluttony, pride, wrath, and sloth being sins, not 'murrkkkan virtues.

>> No.4955229

Not wanting religious propaganda on your pizza box =/= being an edgy neckbeard.

>> No.4955234

>be american
>buy pizza
>get shoot

>> No.4955239

Thinking any reference to religion is propaganda = being an edgy neckbeard

>> No.4955241
File: 384 KB, 502x800, zdwPLoN[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it does. It's not all over, it's underneath where most wouldn't see it and why even get upset if you could see it? It's not being imposed on you. You're choosing to buy the pizza. Your family is upset about how your turned out and wish you wouldn't get so aggressive when religion is brought up or present.

>> No.4955243

>What's so offensive about a pizza box reminding you to be good to others? Chillax.
I bet if there were Koran quotes you would be frantically posting on Foxnews.

>> No.4955238

Hunt Brothers Pizza is actually very good for fast food type pizza. Beats Pizza Hut as far as I'm concerned and totally destroys Little Caesars.

What's so offensive about a pizza box reminding you to be good to others? Chillax.

>> No.4955248

No, but someone who is the equivalent of you would be ranting about it.

>> No.4955254

Mohammed, Jesus, Save the Whales, who cares as long as it has a positive message?

>> No.4955298

> gun targets
Silly gimmick. They did good to remind people not to leave their bullet-ridden pizza boxes as litter with the recycle sign, though.
> Christian wankery
Whatever, so long as it keeps to the positive and not negative kind of Christ-pushing I can deal with it.
> Sustainable forestry
A meaningful gesture, I suppose, and not unexpected for hunting enthusiasts.

>> No.4955301

SFI is just a money-generating certification that means nothing.

>> No.4955583

so is their pizza good?

>> No.4955620

I wouldn't. It could fucking quote scientology as long as the pizza tastes good and the message is nice.

>> No.4955661
File: 224 KB, 598x423, where-the-fuck-is-my-cheesy-bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I could be wrong but isn't ordering a pizza delivery kind of contrary to the whole hunting lifestyle and philosophy?

>> No.4955666

b-b-b-but there is pepperoni, that makes me a man right???

>> No.4955672

Free targets, that's sweet.

>> No.4955677

yeah youre wrong. most people who hunt dont base all their life choices and decisions on a hobby

>> No.4955680

not really?
it's a hobby, not a lifestyle.

>> No.4955697
File: 68 KB, 620x465, v3-Melissa+Bachman+dead+lion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>killing is a hobby

>> No.4955703

that's what i said, yes.

>> No.4955707

I hope you get hobbied one day.

>> No.4955708


A great a veganfag shitting up another thread.

>> No.4955714

that's silly. you don't 'get hobbied', you take up a hobby.
it's a noun.

>> No.4955741
File: 86 KB, 394x549, Kali_by_Raja_Ravi_Varma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try, baiter. I don't eat meat because it's a "hobby" of mine. Sustenance is not a sport.

>> No.4955744

the act of going into the woods and killing an animal for its meat is a sport, though.
they're literally called game animals.
the meat is literally called game meat.

>> No.4955746


How am I baiting? Are you suggesting you still eat meat?

>> No.4955750
File: 77 KB, 500x375, 1366671403399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The act of going into the woods and killing an animal for its meat is a sport when you're not hungry, faggot. I bet you think Nascar is a sport, as well. You can call sucking dick a sport all you want, too, kid.

>> No.4955753

why would i go into the woods hungry?
starving to death in the middle of nowhere does not sounds like a good time.

>> No.4955754

Man, you suck at this. Maybe reddit is more your caliber forum.

>> No.4955757

you are dumb. Im not who you are responding to but i hunt when im not actively hungry but i dont do it for the sport i do it so i have meat through the year. about the only parts I dont use for something for either food for my family or my dog is the intestines (too difficult to clean properly though tripe isnt that bad) and the brain, kidneys. I boil the bones or give them to my dog. I cook and eat the heart, liver, tongue. my doge gets the eyes. the skin gets turned into leather by a friend of mine who is a tanner. hell i even eat the tendons of the meat (chewey but good) i dont waste shit and actually respect the animal im eating and wont waste it.

>> No.4955761
File: 2.89 MB, 290x154, hahyeah.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

city dweller detected. Maybe if your fedora wasn't so tight, you'd have better cognitive skills.

>> No.4955776


Sweet, sorry I don't meet your expectations of shitposting, or need to validate my ego by "winning" at meaningless arguments in a low traffic section of an imageboard catering mostly to fucking weeaboos. Your witty bAntZ must serve you well, a real vanguard of "board culture" you are. Maybe you should get off the internet a while, have some fresh air. Of course if the 3d doesn't suit you I'm sure there are many more places on 4chan you can pop in with hur >>>/rebbit/

>> No.4955791

I don't think there is anything wrong with this, at all. Actually, I find that exceedingly more honorable than most people today who just pick up their pre-murdered meat conveniently at a supermarket, without ever having to get a fingernail dirty or even give it a fleeting thought. It's hunting for the sole purpose of so-called sport or hobby that I find appalling and cowardly.
Obviously, I meant killing NOT for the purpose of meat or food or getting use out of the animal other than some sadistic hard-on guised as tradition and culture.


>> No.4955793

targets costs practically nothing

>> No.4955799

But do you have anything of substance to contribute to this discussion?

>> No.4955801

just because the animal is being hunted for sport doesn't mean the meat is being wasted. why do you even post?
do you act stupid until people stop replying, then consider it a "win" in your book of pointless arguments with no lasting effect? i bet youre the guy that couldn't believe mexicans thought of putting peanuts in coke before white southerners so you cried and shitposted the thread all night

>> No.4955812

I contributed my dick to your mom last night.

>> No.4955819

Congratulations, you've made the bottom of your pizza box look like the back of your pick-up truck. It's missing anti-Obama slogans though.

>> No.4955826


Are you mad?

>> No.4955843
File: 2.47 MB, 318x283, 1378172942933.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hunting is not a fucking sport. Hiding in the woods with a rifle and your face covered in shit doesn't make you an athlete. A sport is a challenge between competitors. Hunting and fishing are means of survival. Now, you can try and rationalize that until those heads on your wall whistle dixie.

>> No.4955849


What about competitive hunting and fishing?
What about "fishing/hunting for sport?"
If you think any fat fuck can sit in a tree stand all day, then have the ability to shoot a deer or whatever in the heart from a couple hundred yards out, then you're an idiot.

>> No.4955856

>Hunting and fishing are means of survival
if you are cut off from mainstream society and live in a buckskin tent in the middle of nowhere, sure.

if you drive out to the woods in your pickup, not so much.

>> No.4955857

Then why not hunt people? Legitimate question. Wouldn't that be the most competitive and sportsmanlike?

>> No.4955859

that's called paintball.

>> No.4955861

>implying I'm just tagging dear and geese with paint

>> No.4955864
File: 358 KB, 1178x881, cocobrookspizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's this place that plasters the entire box inside and out with inspirational, usually Christian, stories. And I don't even live in America.

Quality pizza though.

>> No.4955868

paintballs use polyethylene glycol, actually. paint would stain clothes.

>> No.4955877


What is to you, shrimp dick? Fuck off, or fight me IRL!

>> No.4955879

Cheeses Crust! That's even more depressing than missing kids on milk cartons.

Then why not call them polyethylene glycolballs, faggot?

>> No.4955887

same reason we call it a grilled cheese sandwich even though it's pan-fried.

>> No.4955899

That's a terrible story.

>spend life lamenting about your lack of wealth instead of working hard, retiring early and spending your wealth to attempt to improve the lives of the those around you and your community.

>> No.4955902
File: 221 KB, 401x341, 1366878183805.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you mean, pan-fried processed dairy food sandwich?

>> No.4955910

i prefer "processed cheese-food product"
aged cheddar is fine, too.

>> No.4955921
File: 213 KB, 900x600, 15-butter-on-bread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Present day & time
>not BBQing your sandwiches

>> No.4955923


Sucking dick isn't a sport because both teams always win.

>> No.4955929 [DELETED] 
File: 99 KB, 600x848, jesus-smiles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's too bad. Or you'd be a champ.

>> No.4955942
File: 99 KB, 600x848, jesus-smiles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sucking dick isn't a sport
That's too bad. Or you'd be a champ

>> No.4955943

No, he means grilled fucking cheese, because only a suicidal extremist would buy cheese food.

>tfw American cheese is only available in the generic brand in my grocery store

>> No.4956157

There's no single philosophy of hunting. Nearly everyone likes pizza.

>> No.4956170

> itt people who have never hunted (and some who don't eat meat at all) criticizing something they know nothing about.

Would order, eat, shoot and recycle!

>> No.4958177

But who eats lions?

>> No.4958407


Meat from trophy hunts is donated to local villages.

>> No.4958427
File: 31 KB, 449x321, 114625452874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4958551

ok so, on the topic here, which is apparently cheese and bread,
mom bought me some store-bought baked pizza bun things that are totally delicious.
super soft bread.
no tomato stuff, its just garlic (butter?) cheese cooked on top, and some sort of flakey spice like parsley or something. Anyone guess what the spice might be*? (*IAmNotAChef)

>> No.4959327

>dat Jesus fish

fuckin' Murrica.

>> No.4959424
File: 136 KB, 250x250, 1384715782655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a butt-ravaged, pizzaless yuropoor

>> No.4959439 [DELETED] 

>implying pizza was fucking invented in Italy
Go to school nigger.

>> No.4959444

>implying pizza wasn't invented in fucking Italy
Go to school nigger.

>> No.4959498

It doesn't remind me to be good to others, it's religious shit and I wouldn't want it on my food.

You wouldn't mind other religious symbols then? How would you react if there was a verse of the Koran and the Hilal are shown?
Propaganda is propaganda is propaganda.

Back to /pol/, all of you.

>> No.4959502

Not those anons but if the foods good, I couldn't care less.

>> No.4959511
File: 15 KB, 340x245, 4dff62a871794.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying America doesn't have the best pizza/everything in the world

Get stuffed, fagomatic.

>> No.4959540

american pizza is filth but your lardass doesn't know any better

>> No.4959547


no one cares, you dumb cunt. get over yourself.

>> No.4959553

No, I wouldn't mind because I'm not a big baby who begins to whimper the moment I hear someone talking about religion.

>> No.4959560
File: 497 KB, 1717x2230, 1355547740168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: Real Murricans

>> No.4959574

USA wins again, get on our level yurop

>> No.4959596

If someone writes something inspiring on a package of chips or whatever and happens to namecheck where they got that inspiration from I have no problem with that and am pretty sure that the only people that do are bigots. If it's an obvious message of intolerance (religious or secular) I wouldn't buy that shit and certainly not expect anyone else to.

>> No.4959598

>That feel when almost everything you need to buy has the pink ribbon on it

>> No.4959603

That gives me an idea for making pizza boxes with a parchese board on the bottom. Patrons could get complimentary items that could be used as game pieces.

>> No.4959604

I'll admit that I avoided betting at the tables the last time I went to a casino because all of the dealers were wearing pink breast cancer awareness shirts. Consequently a lot less money changed hands but at least the food was good.

>> No.4960699

>Implying that Sheep Mansef is Lion