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4952025 No.4952025[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If you're that guy infront of me in the 10 items or less line with a basket full or groceries, I hate you with a passion. I've got donuts rising at home.

>> No.4952032


>> No.4952036

Where I shop, the customer is always right, so no one would ever call out that guy in the wrong lane, not the employee or a manager, but if you make a sourpuss face glancing in the direction of the assistant manager over in the customer service counter area, you can bet there will be a new register opened within 60 seconds. So, basically, the point of a 10 items lane is getting out of the store fast, which happens anyway.

I shop at Publix.

>> No.4952040

>store gets a express lane
>people are too stupid to read
>express lane gets removed because nobody followed the rule
>now have to wait for ever for 5 items
>start shopping at 9 pm
>live is good again

>> No.4952089

>live in pacific northwest where everybody is autistic
>theyll stand at an intersection and wait for the crossing light before crossing the street even when they know there are no cars within 1 mile
>see people standing there counting their groceries and going "damn, one too many" and moving to the normal line

come home, white man

>> No.4952099

Too bad, faggot. The cashier told me to come through.

>> No.4952118

>store has those self scan things
>scan your stuff as you walk thru the store putting it in bags
>checkout by scanning some barcode, swipe your cards to pay
>walk out with a superior look on your face when you see those poor plebs in line at the regular cashiers
I haven't had to stand in line for 2 years
this shit is the greatest

>> No.4952120

I use self service checkouts because I'd rather not speak or interact with anyone when buying groceries.

>> No.4952126

If they removed an express lane, I'd just not shop there anymore.

>> No.4952137

>store near me is 24/7
>shop there at 2am
>nobody around

>> No.4952138

What pisses me off is when some faggot gets mad at you for having less than 10 items (say 7 or 8) in a less than 10 items lane. Some hick faggot was getting impatient behind me and complaining to his wife the other day and I told him to calm down and learn to read.

>> No.4952141

I haven't once been bothered by a supermarket checkout line. You got better things to worry about.

>> No.4952163

Did you mean being in line in the normal lanes?

I just go to whatever one looks fastest, which is what I guess you are attempting to say. The only thing they can get mad about, I'd think, is not putting your spacebar there to separate an order. Thinking having a small order segregates you to only using the 10 items or less lane is the same idiocy that assumes ONLY handicapped people are allowed to enter a handicapped accessible bathroom stall.

>> No.4952166

such a great feeling shopping with the store to myself.

so peaceful and quiet.


>meet that ONE other person in the store with you
>h-hey, oh yea, that yogurt is better
>"really why?"
>because etc. etc. etc.
>ok cool cool thank you!
>yea np i tried them both
>bump into them 10 more times while shopping, accidentally giving eachother advice like crazy
>never see them again
>its fine, they weren't my type anyway

>> No.4952170

I go there with my earphones in, nobody even attempts to talk to me.

>> No.4952218

>cross intersection once without waiting for light
>old guy comes right at that moment honking repeatedly stops calls me a bunch of names and yells at me and continues honking while driving until he's a street away still honking and driving.
>always raining so hard especially when you need groceries
>liquor and food is always heavily taxed

Fucking hate the northwest it's Terrible I should've never left California. Faggot Kurt cobain land.

>> No.4952225

No I was in one of the 10 items or less lanes and I had 7 items.The guy was getting impatient because I didn't have 1 item like he did. He sort of looked like one of those people with some sort of mental illness that makes them irritable so I kind of felt bad after I told him off haha

>> No.4952244

I wish there wasn't a 10 items or less lane. I brought up literally 13 items in a 10 items or less lane and the fat black cashier told me it was a 10 item or less lane and I had 13 items. She took the time to shame me but told me not to go to another lane when I tried to pick my items up. She then proceded to not say a word to me for the rest of the transaction. Nobody would have even been able to tell I had 13 unless they took the time to count. It was fucking ridiculous. I still get mad thinking about it.

>> No.4952247

Ohhh. I've been known to offer "want to go ahead of me?" to people mental like that. It's wrong, and they don't deserve it, but I like to solve problems. I see this alot from pushy ex-new yorkers in Miami, in the deli or restaurant lines of all places. They act like maybe they are ahead of you just to see if you're nonconfrontational or will argue back. And, I'll either just concede, so I don't get my experience ruined, or I'll make a show of my letting them ahead of me, no you're not ahead of me, but you really seem like you're under the weather/in a rush/ need the calories more than I do, or some other non-compliment that should burn in their brain or embarrass them in front of others. To a real con artist, they'll just mentally think "ooo, I won!" however.

>> No.4952248

Aww, I'd have reported her. She wasted everyone's time.

>> No.4952252

>I brought up literally 13 items in a 10 items or less lane and the fat black cashier told me it was a 10 item or less lane and I had 13 items

So you broke the clearly designated rule and got upset when someone called you out?

>> No.4952263

pick your battles you fucking sperglord
throwing a hissy fit because somebody didn't realize they had three extra items isn't worth it

>> No.4952265

> Drive car over bike lane
> Cop stops me and gives me a ticket
> It was "literally" only 100 feet
> This makes no sense
> I wish there wasn't a bike lane.

This is what you sound like.

>> No.4952269

I live in Washington and do all these things. Am I autism?

>> No.4952270


Hahaha, you are so mad. The guy broke the rule by going into a clearly marked line with 30% more items than he should have. I didn't say it's "worth it" to "throw a hissy fit," but he did break a rule and -- surprise -- there are consequences to breaking CLEARLY ADVERTISED rules.

>> No.4952271

I always thought the 10 items was like a basic suggestion
11 items fine
14 items fine
16 items go to other lane

>> No.4952276


>> No.4952279

>Not counting your items before getting in the express line

Thats like the ONLY rule of the store and you cant follow it because you cant count past potato

>> No.4952283

And, it depends on how the lanes are staffed. If I have 11 items and the 3 normal registers are filled with holiday shopping carts stacked for the next apocalypse? I'll go to the 10 items or less, but I wouldn't expect swiping one item past a scanner needs a lesson in counting from someone being paid to serve customers efficiently and quickly. You pay their salary. You don't need any lip. No matter which lane you and your purchases end up in, you should be able to exit a store within 5-10 minutes, and have it be a pleasant experience. If not, you complain up the ladder, or shop elsewhere. I'm used to service. If a cashier doesn't look up, make eye contact, and smile, or ask me a nice question or two, or at least hand me my receipt with eye contact, it was a bad experience where I shop.

>> No.4952288

>Shopping for the week
>Slide into line at a lane, two people in front of me
>Woman at very front almost done, paying
>Guy between me and woman
>Asshole guy has like 30 yoghurt cups and a bottle of juice, and has spread them across the entire fucking belt so instead of stacking them and taking up 1/4 the space he has literally used the entire belt for his shit
>Cart full of groceries. Have to awkwardly stand at the head of the belt where you'd normally start putting shit on the belt twiddling my thumbs
>Cashier looks up, looks at yoghurt cups, looks at me, looks legitimately sad but doesn't say anything


>> No.4952290


I gotta say though, your WaWa is probably the best. The nicest, cleanest, tastiest dairy, good coffee, most amazing convenience store of all time. No matter what diet you're on, from paleo to doughnuts, you'll find a healthy or delicious breakfast in seconds.

>> No.4952292

>basic suggestion
>sign says 10 items OR LESS

Yes. It's suggesting that you have 10 items or less you twat

>> No.4952295

Ehh, that's kind of a funny visual, but what's the big deal, she'll move the conveyor belt scanning, no faster than you can unload a cart when it's your turn.

>> No.4952297

>being this entitled as a customer

I hope you enjoy knowing that every employee of any retail shop fucking hates you with a passion.

You're not a special fucking snowflake, you don't deserve special treatment. They're cashiers, not customer service reps, not feel good buddies. Their job is to scan your items and collect payment, not make you feel better about your day.

>> No.4952300

Sorry. I forgot to mention that the woman at front was using a ton of coupons, so I was standing there waiting long enough that if Yoghurt McProbioticAsshole hadn't taken up the entire belt I could have unloaded my entire cart.

>> No.4952322

When I was a cashier at a grocery store I would have preferred to have the yogurt spread across like he did. That way you can just slide them across them scanner instead of having to take down stacks of yogurt before scanning. I've never seen anyone stack them actually....

>> No.4952323

Where I live people just put on on the belt and leave the rest inside the shopping cart

>> No.4952328

As a former cashier myself, I would have preffered them in stacks. Especially if it's all the same product. That way I can just only scan one and move that shit along much faster.

>> No.4952330


>> No.4952331

Implying businesses don't practice customer service to stay in business in a competitive market.

>> No.4952334

Dude it's the same fucking brand of yoghurt type in a number on your point-of-sale and scan one. And if you're so autistic that you can't just grab the top cup first then the bottom maybe you should find another job.

Also I really don't care how you prefer to take it off the belt, what I care about is the fact that I have to wait like a dipshit an extra 5-10 minutes before I can even start unloading my cart because some jackass with a digestive problem can't stack cups

>> No.4952339

Customer Service happens en-masse, not to some autistic asshole who never shops somewhere again because the cashier didn't smile and ask how his day was.

>> No.4952341
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Different guy, but at the store I cashiered at, we weren't allowed to use the quantity function when we scanned shit, so literally every single item had to be taken out, run over the scanner, and put back.

>didn't have the scanner guns either
>mfw people come in with like 5 bags of dog food or 10 cases of soda

>> No.4952366

It should be "10 items or fewer," right?

Couldn't you just count what they have and scan the same item x amount of times?

>> No.4952367

We weren't allowed to. We had to scan every single item individually, as a rule. I guess retards can't count and had been over or undercharging customers by fucking up the quantity of items.

>> No.4952392

yeah,I dislike it too, but you need to calm down. doughnuts or bread rising at home. that you might not ever see it again, after your stroke out. hope you got no kids or a pot boiling on the stove. you might need to adjust your schedule and attitude. If not for them, then yourself. and cashiers in stores are not refs. a buck or two above minimum. I bet you are delight to be around.

>> No.4952406

>above minimum
Ha, I wish.

>> No.4952418

see >>4952341

Even if they're the same brand, some products can have different prices and people will often try to scam the store by trying to get more expensive items at the discount price, hoping that you'll just scan one.

>> No.4952421

The signs at the Kroger I go to say "About 10 items," presumably for stuck-up twats like you.

>> No.4952424

>t-t-there's consequences for breaking the rules!
you are a fucking sperglord

>> No.4952468


>oh shit, he called me out

>> No.4952554

You're complaining that people are...thoughtful? Hell, there should be more people like that.

>> No.4952652
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>People who leave items where they don't belong before heading to the checkout lanes

A bag of Twix does not go with the bananas.
A frozen bag of ravioli does not go in the Customer Convenience cooler.
Gardening gloves do not go with citrus, nor are they a food.
A DVD does not fucking go with the peppers.

Will it really kill you to go put it back where it belongs?

I work as a 3rd shift stockperson. These have all happened.

>> No.4952682

I rage every time time too OP. I am that asshole who makes a snide comment every time too.

>> No.4952685

If that's the worst you have to deal with you're lucky as hell.

>> No.4952690

I have to deal with more than just that, however it isn't related to the topic of the thread in the slightest and is more griping about other departments than anything.

Grocery, we need L-carts too you know. Please share.

>> No.4952696

I used to put random items like dog food in people's shopping when they weren't looking

>> No.4952707

I have never worked in a grocery store, nor any store which holds a position for stocking/sorting/etc. and this shit still pisses me off. Especially when someone takes meat away from the coolers and leaves out to spoil for no fucking reason other than being too fucktarded lazy to take it back. Seriously saw a plate (the styrofoam with plastic wrap) of raw chicken breasts just jammed into the magazine rack near the register. HURR THIS WILL BE FINE HERE LOL. Fuck these people.

>> No.4952731

I noticed that my local grocery store changed the '15 items or less' lines to 'about 15 items' probably because no one cares about the limit

>> No.4952747
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I always go to the self checkouts and hit the spanish button, just to hear the guy shout

>> No.4952758
File: 12 KB, 156x156, oogabooga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Store has 15+ checkouts
>There are only ever 2-3 working at a time, even during high customer traffic

Bonus points for
>There's self check outs but they're all being used by senile old ladies that require 5 minutes of help every 2 seconds

>> No.4952760

>so literally every single item had to be taken out, run over the scanner, and put back.
That's to prevent any electrical infetterence.

>> No.4952766

infetterance pffffshshchchchsshhs

>> No.4952767


>> No.4952777


>> No.4952778


>> No.4952784

Just like everything else in life, when people put effort into making things more efficient for the average person, the average person quickly finds a way to undo it and make it slower than before.

>be at Kroger
>8 self checkout machines
>3 manned lines
>manned lines have no one in line, cashiers are standing at entrance to lines, trying to "drum up business"
>every stupid motherfucker on the planet goes to the self checkouts instead, even though they don't know how to work one goddamned thing with them
>*didoodup* noise that the user has fucked up, and an attendant is called over, constantly. sometimes multiple times real quickly before the computer seizes up
>whenever I get to a self checkout, theres ALWAYS a melanin enriched individual who comes and stands by my checkout. ALWAYS. when the other checkouts are emtpy, even. ALWAYS. And I mean STANDS BY. Not, a good distance away, but ready to pounce when I'm done. No. His balls are practically resting on the scale.

>> No.4952788

Oh, also:
>every time I go to the store, the checkouts have weird malfunctions.

>no cash
>cash only
>no cards
>broke (and some retard still trying to use it)

>> No.4952790


Cry me a river. It's not your store.

>> No.4952792

That doesn't make any sense.

>> No.4952800

>still using checkout lines
>not using the self-check machine
It's like you actually want to engage socially with a disgusting cashier.

>> No.4952801

a white supremacist is born

>> No.4952820

>Go to store for 2 fucking things
>Everyone buying cardloads of shit because ITS GOING TO SNOW THE WORLD IS OVER FUCK RUN GOD PLEASE SAVE US!
>I live in PA so it snows
>Try and buy two things
>People with a full card of groceries at self checkout
>Lines at the two open lanes back to the end of the store
>Wait in self checkout line cause its barely quicker
>15mins later some fat cunt and her 3 kids come up with a full cart of Coke and TV diners and cuts me off
>Ask her polietly to allow me to go ahead of her
>Get told fuck off
>Tell her she cut ahead and I am going before her
>Tells me to get back to her when I have kids
>Tell her I dont give a shit
>My hands are full, and I haven't moved
>Some guy pushes me over and pins me down
>Everyone behind me argues in my favor, but superhero mcwhiteknight doesn't care
>Bitch laughing
>Manager gets him off me takes me to customer service
>He checks the camera to make sure I didn't touch her, apologizes, and rings me out and gives me a $10 gift card

Fuck people. I am on the path to becoming a recluse.

Also best part
>Her three kids will grow up to be just like her

>> No.4952829

>people are nice and courteous

Washington here, we don't want you anyway.

>> No.4952832

Boo fucking hoo

What are you going to do about it? Nothing. That's why it happens you spineless prick.

>> No.4952845
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There'd be more lines open if we could find employees who'd pass a fucking drug test, plus if management would unclench thier asscheeks and give more hours to the employees who'd like them instead of catering to the people who whine about working on weekends.

>> No.4952852
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>be in 20 items or less line
>women in front of me clearly has almost 40 items
>she get another cart and splits it into 2 carts

>> No.4952863
File: 6 KB, 251x247, 1310411782978s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I worked at a gas station a few years back, and remember seeing my boss flip through the giant stack of applications
I shit you not. It was like a bad fucking joke. Also, the best part was that little part at the bottom that let you explain why. They'd always write in 'Will explain at interview'

You're not supposed to be discriminated against for your crimes, but c'mon.. these people honestly expect anyone to hire them after spending years behind bars for robbing a place of business

>> No.4952867

That's the worst part
why should those 3 kids have to be assholes because their mom was a cunt with limbs

>> No.4952872

Obviously no one cares. The whole "express lane" thing runs on the honor principle. Let people be and they'll mostly do the right thing, but if you keep bitching about donuts and "muh integrity" it undermines the whole principle.

>> No.4952873

>everyone in the midwest ever

>> No.4952879

This so fucking much.

This cutting labor shit has to stop. So many establishments now run on a fucking skeleton crew, but there's twice as many salaried managers working bank-hours as there were a decade ago.

Guess what, you need more people to work and serve the customer, not more people to kiss senior management and the owners' asses.

>> No.4952880

>theyll stand at an intersection and wait for the crossing light before crossing the street even when they know there are no cars within 1 mile
Fucking white people. My friend nearly had an aneurism when I jaywalked across a ten foot road leading from a dead alley. God forbid we disobey the holy orange hand.

>> No.4952887

Hey, at least we aren't walking DOWN THE ROAD at 2 AM in the morning, wearing all-black (and I mean all-black), swearing at the drivers that swerve around you or slam on the brakes.

>> No.4952892

That's perfectly reasonable though. Bike lanes are retarded, either drive, walk, or take a damn bus.

Bikes belong in small towns and offroad trails.

>> No.4952894

I smell some sour grapes in this post

>> No.4952896

Its not about the traffic. Its about plain clothed cops

>> No.4952910

You're completely wrong. Just so much wrong.

>> No.4952912

When I'm on foot, I hate cars, and when I'm driving, I hate pedestrians. But no matter what, I always hate cyclists.

>> No.4952922
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>feel like walking and trying to lose a little weight
>going for a nice long walk in the summer
>got my water bottle, feeling great, sunshine and fresh air
>people constantly slowing down and asking me if I want a ride
>"N-no thank you! I'm just walking..."
>they look at me like i'm a freak

>other cars swerving waaaaay out of the way or honking at me just to try to scare me

You just can't win.

>> No.4952931

understand, and don't work in a grocer store local food lion. a 3 lb pack od ground chuck jammed sidways and bleeding next to ritz crackers. I am not gonna buy that,
( the beef or the crackers) but we all pay for it. like theft. they will jack the prices to cover losses. some think its amusing. I don't

>> No.4952972

Without those rules, we would quickly become Mexico City, Mumbai or Harare.

>> No.4952977

R u a grill ^*-*^

>> No.4952999

very fany 10/10

>> No.4953008

>muh slippery slope

>> No.4953016

Bike lanes are retarded, but only because they're terribly built. Unless you go full ubiquitous Dutch separated infrastructure, the street is pretty much always the better place to be.

>> No.4953187


it's true though. one of the big differences between european culture and 3rd world culture is ORDER. that's why we're globally successful and you're not.

>> No.4953241 [DELETED] 

Everyone buying cardloads of shit because ITS GOING TO SNOW THE WORLD IS OVER FUCK RUN GOD PLEASE SAVE US!

This. What the fuck, PA?

>> No.4953245

>Butt I'm disabled elderly visible-minority low-income female speak no English you racist discriminatory scum!

>> No.4953250

What the fuck is the point in that? This is stupid.

>> No.4953645

I don't understand what's up with this. It snows every year, and everyone knows exactly when it's going to happen. How do you live for years as an adult in a region where snow happens, and not be entirely comfortable dealing with it?

I actually like driving in the snow. With the exception being that you can be born and grow up in the Midwest and never have figured out how to drive in the snow and rain. How do these people exist?

Also, I love it when a snowstorm is predicted and people are tripping over each other to clean out the stores of batteries and emergency supplies and shit. How are you people not prepared for a few hours to a few days of slight discomfort?

>> No.4954641

>Live in the South where snow hardly occurs
>One snowflake fell right before the kids get out of school
>Town is in mass panic running to the gas station/grocery to buy everything in bulk like fallout is going to happen
>No parking spaces
>Everyone running around in the parking lot
>Only three registers open, lines are packed with panicked soccer mom's on their phones
>Self checkout/10 or less is full of the elderly having an attendant hover over them at all times or people with much more than 10 items
>All the aisles have things strewn everywhere with the everyone blocking access to fucking everything
>The lights flicker
>People scream bloody murder
>All I wanted was some vegetable chips and a box of hot chocolate


>> No.4954706
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>Get in line after an elderly person who is basically almost done
>Pays with a check
>Spends 5 minutes writing the check

checks for anything but paychecks should be illegal

>> No.4955834


>> No.4955844

they should put up signs saying "please return items where you found them if you are not buying them so we can keep prices low"

at the entrance and exits.
>be 10 yees ole
>find best toy ever
>mom mom can i have this
>"NO but next time yes because im retarded"
>w-why Can i just have it now?
>no! next time i promise.
>i don't even
>hide it behind something in some isle in the store
>come back months later
>mom can i have a toy
>go to hiding spot
>best toy ever
>i dont remember what it was.

for food, i understand... but toys... they used to be worth buying.... toy section in stores don't even bionicle anymore.... its all sad and boring toys....

>> No.4956039



But I have to stay calm because its a customer service job.

FML.I'm going back to college.

>> No.4956059
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>Go grocery shopping at night
>No idiots in the parking lot
>Nice and quiet
>No idiots blocking entire isles
>No idiots in the checkout lanes

>> No.4956092
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Every goddamn time:
>buying 2 or 3 items
>only one person in line in front of me
>they only have 5 items, aw yeah!

Always old women complaining about technology loudly so everyone can hear their excuses for not using a card/cash.

>> No.4956189

chill with the language... such overused.... at least be creative, everyone says the same thing now.

>> No.4956228


You sound old.

>> No.4956231
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How would you make the checkout better /ck/?

And do those smartphone gimmicks really work?

>> No.4956245

has nothing to do with age, its just something i notice..

everyone is always like GD GD spamming that in every other word in the sentence....

that's all i wanted to explain.

>> No.4956261

>at least be creative
>everyone says the same thing now.


>> No.4956270

yea really

>> No.4956271

Now you sound REALLY old.

>> No.4956312

>shopping in America for "food"
>using primitive self-scan checkouts
>store not providing a handheld device to make checkout instantaneous


Why hasn't this caught on elsewhere?

>> No.4956329

>a cashier still has to rescan everything to make sure you haven't scanned your organic apples as regular apples or whatever

what is even the point

>> No.4956655
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>Scan a bottle of cider
>It's considered as alcohol, and the area was pretty busy so I had to wait for 10 minutes before someone had time to check it
>All this, for 0,5% alcohol

>> No.4956664

I do this ALL THE TIME at the self checkouts.
I also enter "1" as the quantity for everything.
If something is priced per lb I just ring it up as the cheapest item.
I also just bag things without scanning them, and when the machine asks me to remove the last item, etc, I just pick up a bag and set it back down. It always works.
I save anywhere from $2-$40 this way.

>> No.4956667
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This is fucking great!

>> No.4956669

At my work they're cutting part-timers down to 25 hours a week MAX. Usually they get about 20.

The assistant managers there make $56k annually and I don't even know what the store manager makes because he gets so many fucking bonuses. It's insane.

>> No.4956676
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35 cans of soup and 15 yogurts don't count as 2 items you daft cunts

>mfw the retard who bags at the lane across from express yells at people when they have too many items even though it's not his lane
>that anal anguish when fatties have to pick up the few items they already placed down and go to another lane

>> No.4956684

>cashier scans one can of soup and types "x 35" into the machine

this isn't even an issue.

>> No.4956685


Where I live we get 230 inches of snow on average. Everyone here knows how to drive in the snow, so you get people in small cars driving when it's snowing 12 inches in a day. It's pretty amazing how well everyone adapts.

>> No.4956693

combine it with the other 10-13 items they're "allowed"

>> No.4956701

i don't believe you.

>> No.4959316

>walking home from the corner store late at night
>negro wearing all black riding a bike with no reflectors comes bombing down the hill as I'm crossing the street
>obviously didn't see him
>"you need to watch the fuck OUT, homie! sheeit" I hear as he swerves past me

>perfectly good 4-lane street
>city in their infinate wisdom takes away one traffic lane on each side to make a bike lane
>implying cyclists couldn't be passed safely before the change
>implying motorists don't need a passing lane on a road frequented by industrial vehicles
>implying anyone's going to bike through the industrial park and corresponding ghetto

>> No.4959331

I am that guy. I also am Jewish. And I am also that guy who talks REALLY loudly on his cell phone in a faggy voice as though I have to scream for the other person to understand. I am completely serious and I just don't give two shits about others.

>> No.4959486

>smile and ask how his day was.
completely different point, but
came back from 3 weeks in the US of A, and that shit was everywhere and fucking annoying.
Because shit's faked almost all the time, of course who could be that fucking nice and happy all day long in a shit job like this, and only a small percentage can actually fake it like they mean it.
Why even do it then?

>> No.4959500

>first snowfall of the year
>drive to the shopping centre with a huge parking area at night
>have fun doing all sorts of shit, spins, different turns, etc.
>did this for the first 5 years I had my drivers license, just to get a feel for driving on snowy streets.

>> No.4959517

Was it your bike?

>> No.4960009

>we may occasionally scan all of your shopping
>but don't worry, there'll be always someone there to help you

What, a lawyer?

>> No.4960271

>drug testing required to bag groceries and stock shelves
>pot is the only substance that is really being tested for
>only the best and brightest can rangle carts in MY fine establishment