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File: 83 KB, 960x720, bison lamb meat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4921194 No.4921194 [Reply] [Original]

Cow gets boring. Tonight I'm turning this meat into burgers. You jelly? How do you burger? Pics or it didn't happen.

>> No.4921195

Oh I'm jelly! I'm MINT JELLY of your LAMBURGERS

>> No.4921204

50/50... lamb / bison
This is my first attempt of this. If it goes well it won't be the last.
I need a name for this concoction. Anyone have any ideas? I'll be sure to share my fortunes with you.

>> No.4921205


>> No.4921207

Blambson Burgers

>> No.4921212

>Delicious burgers

I mixed lamb with beef for burgers once, it was godly. Then they stopped selling lamb in my area, it's depressing. I need to try grinding some cabrito.

>> No.4921216

that fat fuck is making a lamb burger.
I'm making a Blambson Burger.


>> No.4921221

No problem. Let's hope Blambson Burgers catch on.

>> No.4921219

Just some tips for seasoning and stuff since you're including lamb

that fat fuck is also good chef btw

>> No.4921224

Aren't both lamb and bison quite lean? Sounds like a dry burger to me. A lamb/beef mix would probably be more effective.

>> No.4921227

I'm actually baking them (so that I can focus on football game). It's unconventinoal I know but I keep em low and slow and they're ready when I want. I just checked on them. Definitely not dry.

>> No.4921231

I had a bison burger once at a diner and it was pretty dry and bland. Though it might have just been the spot. It was a johnny rockets if I remember correctly.

>> No.4921254


>> No.4921271
File: 2.28 MB, 2112x2816, IMG_0223.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How do you burger? Pics or it didn't happen.

Like a boss.

>> No.4921278

Alright, this shit needs to go. Burgers don't need all that horseshit. This is like that one guy who shows up to a business casual dinner in a goddamn suit and top hat, and was dropped off in a limo. Looking like a goddamn douche.

>> No.4921277

My personal favourite when I'm feeling like a change is venison burgers, amazing with either redcurrant jelly or, surprisingly, with chilli flakes. Tend not to garnish with much since they have such a strong taste naturally they don't need much, perfect with a ciabatta bun.

Don't have any pics though sorry since I haven't made them in a while and tend not to take pictures of what I make anyway.

>> No.4921284
File: 64 KB, 640x384, 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell that to my trophy and see what happens, bitch.

>> No.4921290

ooo a lady

>> No.4921301

What exactly is a goth bitch going to do? Put the curse of Edward Cullen on me?

>> No.4921299

Other than the olive tomato bullshit I will have to disagree with you. Yea it does look a bit over the top but it does look delicious as well

>> No.4921307

No, he's right. That burger is ridiculous. More elaborate is not the same as better.

>> No.4921308

>navy nail polish

What are you, 60 years old? Go to bed, grandpa.

>> No.4921311

i know this is a burger thread and all but i see nails like those and want her hand wrapped around my cock

>> No.4921310

That looks awesome. Like it's an experience to have.


>> No.4921323

Lamb tastes like ass
Bison is god tier though

>> No.4921324

one time i found those 1lb packages of ground bison marked down to $1/ea. holy shit luckiest find. bought four of them (but not all of them because i'm an idiot) and had a burger party with co-workers. the besttt.

>> No.4921329

So your only standard is that someone has painted nails.

Nice, bro. Should be pretty easy for you to find some pussy.

>> No.4921336

Actually, just FYI, it was far from "ridiculous". It was exceptionally tasty, and in spite of how it looks, there wasn't any more on that burger than a normal burger, it was just done in a different way. Buns, mustard, lettuce, tomato, grilled onions, burger patty (beef and bison), cheese, and sauce (bone marrow aioli). The stuffed pepper on top was pure decoration, since we were being graded on presentation. Parmesan crisps work extremely well on burgers, they add a contrasting texture, while still being cheesy, and no, they do not crumble when you bite into it. Point being, it's not a fussy, overloaded burger, it's just well made.

>> No.4921344

Anything that elaborate in burger form is by definition fussy and overmade. It's a fucking burger. No need to derail the thread over it - I just see you repost those two pics fairly often, and I'm beginning to roll my eyes pretty hard.

>> No.4921359

>Parmesan crisps

I was wondering what that was. Is it hard to make? Is it an adequate cheese replacement for a burger, or is the texture so completely different that it's not even comparable to processed american cheese?

>> No.4921365

It's a female on 4chan. Recognition is all they have. Just let her have it. She's not getting it IRL like normal chicks.

>> No.4921369

What two pics, of the burger? That's the first time I've posted that since the competition. And, just to clear up any confusion, I've only posted the trophy pic three times, in total, (because I DON'T want to be "that person"). But it's fun to throw that out every once in awhile. You can roll your eyes all you want, that's fine, but after all the work and time I put into that, it's nice to be able to trot out a pic of a dish I did occasionally. It's all in fun, no reason to get upset about it.

>> No.4921372

Fair enough. I'm exiting the thread stage left before I rustle my own jimmies.

>> No.4921384

what is with all the misogyny? I could understand all the hate if she took a selfie with the hamburger but it's just a picture of a hamburger guys relax.

>> No.4921386

Ugh I tried that exact same Bison. It was pretty terrible. Didn't taste much different than beef but dried out incredibly fast and had no flavor. The fat is where all the flavor is

>> No.4921389

Well, no, it won't be comparable to american cheese. It won't have that melty texture. But, it definitely has the cheesy factor, just in a different texture. If you wanted to try them, you could always use both. Put the american on the burger itself, and then the parmesan crisp underneath the burger patty. Parmesan crisps are extremely easy to make. It's even easier if you have a silpat (silicone baking sheet), but you can use parchment paper on your baking sheet too. Just grate parmesan cheese, and form into rounds using about 2 tablespoons on your sheet, season with a little black pepper and/or cayenne or paprika, and bake at 300F for about 6 minutes. Let them sit for a minute before taking them off the sheet.

>> No.4921396

I had the bison a few times before. Settled on a skillet because they crumble on the grill. So very flavourful, I want some now.

>> No.4921405

Had to be something you did.

>> No.4921404

Can't be fucked typing it, here's a link:

>> No.4921441

> Jelly?
> Homemade Venison/wild boar burgers both fresh and in the freezer
> Not jelly at all

But really, lamb is very excellent. I used to live on a farm in Washington and traded potatoes for lamb every week. It was awesome.