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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 18 KB, 540x406, Screenshot_2013-10-29-19-35-57-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4906794 No.4906794[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What would you cook for Moot?

>> No.4906797

cook? no cooking necessary! my dick, his mouth

>implying you wouldn't do the same

>> No.4906800


So long as I get paid.

>> No.4906812

>So long as I get paid.
will you accept payment in the form of getting you dick sucked?

>> No.4906819

Rocky Mountain Oysters with wiener dogs!

>> No.4906872


>> No.4906878

I once cooked for Moot. He ended up copying my food, selling it, charging people for faster service, and then tried to open a couple restaurants with his own recipes that ended up going bust. Then he decided to really cash in on my recipes and become a vocal mouthpiece about it, as if he had anything to do with it in the first place.

>> No.4906885

Homemade pizza, because hes from New York.

>> No.4906891

Depends on the hours.

>> No.4906917

Arsenic-laced potatoes. Maybe I'd cum in them too.

>> No.4906920

Some kind of tea. Moot fucking loves tea.

>> No.4906965

I'm afraid of moot. his emotions aren't real. this site has tortured his soul. so obviously I would set down a bowl of soup and run. run so fucking far.

>> No.4906991

I'd just give him instant ramen

>> No.4906997

hey already got a free bowl of soup with that haircutc

>> No.4907030
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Pasta, homemade sauce, meatballs, salad, pecan bundt cake for desert. All with the least-crappy wine my money can buy.

Then this: >>4906797
But in reverse

>> No.4907050

ITT a lonely moot pretending to be one of us.

You're always welcome here, boss. Not that it's for me to say. But in a way, it is.

>> No.4907053

Whatever was cooking he'd have but if it was stuff he didn't like I'd make him something else.

>> No.4907056

a steak, cuz who da fuq doesn't like steaks.

>> No.4907061

ask him if he wanted a pizza or something
if not, I'd make stew because it's what I'm best (read: not total shit)at making

>> No.4907064

If I recall, Moot doesn't like steak. He likes salmon, though.

>> No.4907076

So we should grill a salmon stea- pipe a forcemeat of salmon into an roasted artichoke base?

>> No.4907078

I would ask him to dress up as a little girl and we would have a tea party.

>> No.4907093

I think he'll eat a salmon fillet or salmon steak (GASP!). I recall him saying he's basically pescetarian. Just put a salmon steak under the grill with some herbed butter and serve it alongside some sautéed asparagus, a simple risotto (or garlic fried rice) and a salad after. I don't know if moot likes asparagus or not, but if he doesn't, he's a very bad man.

>> No.4907111

I was being facetious.

Scottish salmon, pan-fried but left rare to medium-rare, I am seconding risotto but upping it to pumpkin risotto to suit the season, and yes fuck anyone who doesn't like asparagus.

>under the grill
What part of the world are you from? We usually call that broiling, no offense just curious.

If he's a pescetarian, I'm sure he'd love my asparagus crab soup. Or some maple apple stuffed trout.

I think we need feedback from Moot to cook for Moot.

>> No.4907138


>> No.4907163

Alright, now there's some offense.

*breaks bottle*

Let's go. Nothing across the face though, that's my moneymaker.

>> No.4907168

I would crack his head and steal his shekels.

>> No.4907180
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>> No.4907213

I'm not a very good cook, I'd be slightly embarrassed to cook for someone I did not know personally and had never met before.

>> No.4907214

vegan turd burgers and vegetarian butt pies

>> No.4907231


ahh come one. it was fucking cold morning that day.

>> No.4907233

probably some good burgers and rosemary oven baked fries.

>> No.4907240
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>> No.4907253
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>hey already got a free bowl of soup with that haircutc

>> No.4907257

I knew it!!!!

>> No.4907259

A big pile of shit.

>> No.4907270

look at that million dollar smile. I would let him eat this pussy raw.

>> No.4907272

Do not bring him back. Fuck him.

>> No.4907351

is it true what they say about you and steak

>> No.4907371


>> No.4907387

I've got some bad news for you...

>> No.4907406

Nothing, he can but me dinner with all his 4chan pass dollars.

>> No.4908580

I would cook a soup with tortillas.
Or sopes, it's hard to mess up fried masa.
With horchata.
It's okay if you don't look me in the eye, I won't get sad.

>> No.4908584

A bunch of desserts with perfectly paired teas because he's a sweetie.

>> No.4908762


>> No.4908770

>that Adam Lanza bone structure

Keep an eye on Moot, FBI. Well you already do, but be careful.

>> No.4908926

A deep fried dragon dildo covered in spaghetti sauce and semen. With PCP to wash it down

>> No.4908945

Anything phallic shaped

>> No.4908957
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I cook up some cheeseburgers, because we are both Americans. I would use Cabot Private Stock cheddar for the cheese, and get some nice bulky onion rolls for the buns. We'd drink Moxie with the burgers. He's probably never had Moxie but he'd love it and every time he drank Moxie in the future, he'd remember me.

Then we would laugh and talk about freedom and just get along fine. I'd break out a few bottles of Allagash Cureiux (sp?). I'd serve it in nice adirondak glasses and we'd get hella tipsy on those tiny bubbles.

Then we'd retire to my living room and watch First Blood together and drink eggnog with SoCo in it even though it's not Christmastime.

He'd share a blanket with me on the couch and we'd cry together during Stallone's monologue in the final scene of the movie.

Then we'd make gentle love on the couch, he would bottom obviously.

No homo.

>> No.4908963

Chicken and Leek pie, 'cause that's what I'm cooking next. Also, I'd probably go buy a cake. And then we'd have cake and tea/coffee for dessert.

>> No.4908967
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9/10 would have a beer with

>> No.4908970
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moot is a vegan or at least a vegetarian

>> No.4908975

/r/ing pic of moot eating the double down

>> No.4908976
File: 27 KB, 1015x120, moot is a chick-fil-pescatarian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4908979

Ok, you win. I'd be totally down for every bit of that. No homo.

>> No.4908982
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I think that was the quote I was thinking of

>> No.4908984
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>Snacks is probably dead

>> No.4909030

nah he's alive, he hosts a weeb radio show every tuesday night

>> No.4909032

a human being

>> No.4909069

>I once cooked for Moot. He ended up copying my food, selling it, charging people for faster service, and then tried to open a couple restaurants with his own recipes that ended up going bust. Then he decided to really cash in on my recipes and become a vocal mouthpiece about it, as if he had anything to do with it in the first place.

>> No.4909090

That's just a fake that Moot has hired with his 4chan pass money so nobody suspects Moot of having killed Snacks.

>> No.4909103

If your answer for this is not your dick, then youre lying.

>> No.4910013
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It's hard to believe the scrawny bastard can finish a meal, honestly. Scrawny.

>> No.4910035

I have tingles knowing he lurks here and might see this.

I recently learned how to make indian curries, so I'd probably try that.

Actually I'd be too afraid of fucking it up. I'd stick with the italian pasta dishes and cookies my mother taught me.

>> No.4910053

moot posts on /ck/ once in a while so...

>> No.4910056


>> No.4910059

>the image of masculinity has become so perverted

You sound like the kind of guy who also believes there's such a thing as La Reconquista and is always going on about how Christians are being persecuted right here in the Republic of Texas.

>> No.4910064
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I was just disturbed by a woman booking modeling jobs as a man. Messing up gender roles bothers me. Not a Christfag.

>> No.4910066


Androgynous looking models have been a thing since the 70s. Unless you work in high fashion or you intentionally expose yourself to those pictures because they titillate you, it shouldn't have any relevance to your daily life.

>> No.4910070

>androgynous models have been a thing since the 70s


>> No.4910073


Because the reptoids want your precious bodily fluids, anon. The have placed themselves in high fashion because it is an ideal industry through which to distribute the morgellons fibers (that and the male stewardesses who are actually chemtrail engineers).

Once they have seized your bodily secretions they will begin to control your mind and then you will break down and become gay.

I was not supposed to tell you this but you seem wiser than most humans. There is no point in resisting now so I recommend you side with the winning team.

>> No.4910080

seems legit

>> No.4911497

He tweeted a pic of a hamburger and a milkshake and another one of just a milkshake recently so we'd probably have that. And the milkshake would be lactose-free because he complained about stomach aches after both milshakes.

>> No.4911591

Because it's hot.

>> No.4911593
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>bodily fluids

>> No.4911606
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>moots face when

>> No.4911607
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>> No.4911609


Andrej Pejic is a man who does the same.

>> No.4911613

>implying it's not his dick

Also I really want to lick moot's chin. He has such a nice chin. Then I'd play with his nipples.

>> No.4911625
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>> No.4911652

Sushi and rice bowls.

>> No.4911659

Your gif is broken

>> No.4911660

I'm guessing they don't know what that means. I considered replying with

>static image

But figured that would only confuse the poor anon.

>> No.4911688
File: 37 KB, 608x466, mootskitchen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to use his kitchen to do it.

He came earlier this year looking for advice and he wanted to start a NY area cooking club. No one took him up on it...sad ;_;

>> No.4911689
File: 18 KB, 608x466, moots kitchen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was asking where a good place would be to conveniently store his pots and pans.

>> No.4911693
File: 29 KB, 1578x726, unban please.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we came up with this after he mentioned his counter is more like a bar that is sticking out of the wall.

>> No.4911719
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Nope, it's broken. It was supposed to have Shere Khan laughing, I don't know why he isn't.

>> No.4911733

Did he inhale that cigar like it was an ordinary cigarette? My lungs just gasped involuntarily

>> No.4911739

>implying the rage of hades can be constrained to health benefits
also he's the god of death.

>> No.4911771

>tfw MOOT hasn't popped in to this thread to talk with us ;_;

>> No.4911780

its as if he doesnt love /ck/ :(

>> No.4911783

now that would be spooky...
tfw no trick or treating with a pink cat.

>> No.4911853

No, merely the god of the underworld. Thanatos, son of Night (Nyx) and Darkness (Erebus) and brother of Hatred (Styx), Retribution (Nemesis), Discord/Struggle (Eris), Fate (Moerai), Doom (Moros), Senility (Geras), Nightmares (Oneroi), Fear (Phobos), Terror (Deimos), Deceit (Apate) Misery (Oizys), Criticism (Momos), Sex (Philotes) and Sleep (Hypnos), is the god of death.
Hypnos is sometimes called 'Little Death." Though he and Thanatos were twins, Hypnos was weaker, smaller and less powerful. His sleep could only affect for a relatively short time and it would eventually wear off.

>> No.4911863

I know that, but most people don't so I spoke in a way most people would understand.

Besides, we all know the sisters Hecate are the true masters of life.

>> No.4911865
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>> No.4911970

I tried making the breakfast moot posted on here once. Two open-faced sandwiches, one scrambled eggs+avocado, another sliced strawberries+almond butter.

I was impress, would cook again.

>> No.4912178


Do you have one of Ka'a eating Mogli?

>> No.4912202

hence I said he lurks here

he doesn't always use his admin trip either

anyway i ended up thinking about this for a while and decided on

- cream of mushroom soup as a starter (real cream, fresh mushrooms- if you've never had it, you don't know what you're missing)
- a ziti lasagne hybrid where you layer ziti and use both tiny meatballs and tiny sausage balls
- spinach salad with cranberries
- key lime pie for dessert, or possibly just black raspberries and milk

>> No.4913150

It's actually starting to feel like fall in Texas, so probably butternut squash soup, salmon steaks with lemon grilled over rosemary lengths, sum orzo salad and my specialty quadruple chocolate cake. People can't get enough of that cake.

>> No.4913191

Since it's fall, I'd probably make Cioppino (a seafood and fish stew similar to Boulliabase), with some homemade sourdough bread. I'd start the meal with salad, as well. And for dessert, either some simple tiramisu or lemon bars, or something like that.

>> No.4914326

What was that sauce that was a joke here for a while? Spanky sauce or beepbeep sauce or something, I dunno. But that. On a Ritz.

>> No.4914356


> beepbeep sauce on a ritz

Hue! Beepbeep sauce is much too thin, it would'nt adhere to the wafer, and would sully one's hands

>> No.4914378

>It's actually starting to feel like fall in Texas
>implying that it ever feels colder than a cool autumn day in Texas, even in January

I swear, one of these days I'm going to move out of this redneck infested, 120 degree summer ridden hellhole.

>> No.4914383

A nice long sausage, made of meat ready for consumption, no cooking required, other than a light warming by his mouth, and no prep other than his licking. He'd get a nice sweet creamy dessert as well, as long as he licked his plate clean.

>> No.4914386

quinky sauce aka semen

>> No.4914409
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I'll make a kawaii lunch so moot senpai will notice me!

>> No.4914444


There was a time when I would've loved to cook for Moot.

>> No.4914879

I'll cook Moot a rock.

>> No.4914938

>I'll cook Moot


>> No.4915413

spaghetti and meatsauce, its the only thing i know i can get tasty.

>> No.4915502
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Mediterranean style pizza with ice wine imported from Germany. Booyah!

>> No.4916257

I'd make him some tea and urinate in it slightly then I would proceed to dump said boiling urine tea in his face.

>> No.4916502

yes. but a moot point. i'd cook for anyone. would moot eat my cooking?

>> No.4916503


>> No.4916506

a full english breakfast

>> No.4916460


>dat cabinet handle lookin' like an earring

what a faggot

>> No.4918168

I'd feed him a man's beard and get pissy when he doesnt say thank you

>> No.4918195

a bag of dicks

>> No.4918219

top kek

>> No.4918786

What am I looking at here?

>> No.4918792


I'd give him a gallon of milk and force him to do squats until he stops being a little hungry skeleton bitch. That faggot made a huge stink about starting lifting like, a year ago, and he bitched out like a pussy.

>> No.4918807

don't forget the oats

>> No.4919447 [DELETED] 


>> No.4919485

This does not meet standard requirements for a bento.

>Im looking for a bento box, it cant be pinku (thats japanese for pink) or any girl color. It has to be of 2 or more kotoba (thats japanese for 2 compartments) and has be be chibi (small) sized. And has to be really kawaii (cute). Also It has to be about 10-20 bux. And you have to post pics of it first (i want to make shure it's kawaii [cute]). And it would be nice if it came with matching chopstick holder (WITH chopsticks). OH! and it CANNOT have any cartoon pictures, or be made out of plastic. It has to be made of ceramic, or something like that. Also it would be nice if it was made in japan. and not in china or corea (korea) or whatever. I have found a bento box similar to the one im describing in e-bay, but it was 1 kotoba, and i dont want my gohan (rice) to touch my other things (it can get wet and i would not like that, plus 2 compartments looks more kawaii)

>> No.4920168

I'd wouldn't cook him any thing, but I'd hit him smoke my cock..

>> No.4920290


Why is the guy in the back intensifiying instead of the moots???

>> No.4921789

>I don't want to use his kitchen to do it.
>He came earlier this year looking for advice and he wanted to start a NY area cooking club. No one took him up on it...sad ;_;
The kitchen turned out pretty awesome, actually. Thanks for the help, /ck/!

And a bunch of people expressed interest, but I realized it was probably a wise decision to not be around knife-wielding 4channers. I hope someone else arranges one though.

>I tried making the breakfast moot posted on here once
>I was impress, would cook again.
Pretty tasty, eh?

>> No.4921812

Moot, how is your progress going with getting /fit/? What gains have you made?

Please respond

>> No.4921816

I'm glad the kitchen worked out moot.

>> No.4921833
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I'd make you beans and beer moots. Come over anytime.

>> No.4921842
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>don't notice it's a .gif
>open it, looking around the kitchen
>mfw face pops up

>> No.4921867
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What are your thoughts on poutine? I'll make you some if you want.

I also make a mad risotto if you prefer.

>> No.4921926

Crab Legs

>> No.4921932

Something that insinuates pedophilia.
Maybe a hot dog crammed into a pineapple ring using ketchup as "lubricant"
All done on a bed of edible Japanese flowers.

>> No.4921935

A ribeye with gorgonzola cheese, mashed red potatoes, and steamed broccoli and carrots

>> No.4921936
File: 63 KB, 600x450, 1249950641919.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would make him some homemade chicken nuggets and barbecue sauce. For valentimes of course.

>tfw several months until valentimes and I know I'll be spending it alone

>> No.4921945
File: 146 KB, 515x476, steamed_hams.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Steamed hams!
Old family recipe!

>> No.4921947

>The kitchen turned out pretty awesome, actually. Thanks for the help, /ck/!
>/ck/ in charge of designing a kitchen
Unless ricecookers and huge pizza ovens are what you were looking for, I don't really believe /ck/ can design a decent kitchen

>> No.4921963


>> No.4921991

Can we get moot itt now?

>> No.4922044

I love you.

>> No.4922078

Something simple, I'll judge a book by its cover and say he doesn't like complex food.

Potato and leek soup entree

Crispy skin salmon with chat potatoes, brocollini, dutch carrots and a beurre blanc

Two tiered panacotta - vanilla bean and raspberry, garnish with fresh fruit and mint.

>> No.4922086

You are just the worst.

You and I both know why you are here.

>> No.4922700

>was impress
>tasty, eh?
Sounds like a breakfast I'd like to see!

Requesting the recipe, please.

>> No.4922707
File: 31 KB, 285x248, 98-lb-weakling-285x248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Knuckle sandwich

>> No.4922735

I'd make moot some kosher lamb with much rosemary along with some matzos. Then we could discuss how to use the 6 Billions he made from 4chan pass to further subvert the goyim.

No /pol/o.

>> No.4922868

Yeah? What's the link? What type of material does he do?

>> No.4922907
File: 146 KB, 816x1222, hugh-jackman-bondi-beach-d01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck believes this is the ideal man, except faggots of course?
Also alphabet soup.

>> No.4923499


>> No.4923511


>> No.4923533

what the hell does robot have to do with anything thats not a fucking link let alone a link to a thread that will send me there. man thanks.

>> No.4923544

You're welcome.

>> No.4923553

Pizza with extra razor blades.

>> No.4923594

Fresh Bagel with Lox & Cream Cheese, Lobster & chicken nugger.

>> No.4923743

Knife-wielding. Get over yourself. You may be e-famous but I doubt people really give two shits about you irl beyond your novelty value.

>> No.4923750


>> No.4924182

Knife-wielding assburger detected.

>> No.4924457

You are just he worst.

You and I and moot both know why you are a faggot.

>> No.4924482
