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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4857860 No.4857860[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Too much food

>> No.4857879

the american south is a dangerous place

>> No.4857912

Too much food, too little birth control.

>> No.4857922

she'd actually be kinda qt, but those legs man

>> No.4857924


>> No.4857952

Why are Amerilards so disgusting?

>> No.4857957

> All Americans are like this
> no other human being from a different place looks like this ever

>> No.4857960


It's just that they have such a high obesity rate compared to the rest of the developed world, it's gross.

Why can't Amerifats just not eat so much lard and grease? Is it so hard to have a little self-respect?

>> No.4857962

She's well within banging range, maybe even datable.

>> No.4857964

power and glory of being the best in the world europoors.

>> No.4857980

Kill yourself.

>> No.4858009
File: 39 KB, 552x388, 1381315089391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you could never tell she ever bought shorts that didn't fit. Very unfortunate hand placement in the vicinity of that child's genitals fyi.
I'm pretty sure even if she was pretty and had a reasonable weight she'd still take retardedly tasteless family photos.

>> No.4858023

Nah bro, ALL Americans look like this.

>> No.4858024


>lard and grease

That plays a part, but it's more the bread and potatoes.

>> No.4858025

You're not supposed to eat the child.

>> No.4858028

I'd fuck her, but probably wouldn't tell anyone.

>> No.4858041

>It's just that they have such a high obesity rate compared to the rest of the developed world
you have to understand it varies greatly based on race

the obese people in america are as follows
white people who are descended from the english

they make up the vast majority of overweight people here

>> No.4858052

She probably gained 80lbs during her pregnancy

>> No.4858056

so where did the other hundred come from?

>> No.4858060


Don't try to obfuscate the issue. The White obesity rate in the US is 24%. It's still way too high.

>> No.4858069

that's pretty average compared to most developed countries, actually that is on the lower side

>> No.4858075
File: 62 KB, 354x283, 1378691305366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>it's normal for one in four people to be obese

Is this what amerilards actually believe?

>> No.4858083


Depends on what you mean by "normal". If you mean "normal" in the mathematical sense, then it's certainly true. That's what >>4858069 seems to be saying--it's consistent with the statistic average of most developed countries.

OFC it's not "normal" in a health sense though.

>> No.4858089


No it's not normal. Look at France: 18% obesity. Look at Switzerland: 17.5 % obesity. Look at Sweden: 18% obesity. America is significantly fatter than more developed countries.

>> No.4858119


Do you fail at statistics?

18% is similar to 24%.

Also, you are cherry-picking low examples. When discussing averages you must look at the whole sample set. Consider also Finland, Luxembourg, Ireland, UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Chile, Mexico, Dubai, UAE, etc.

>> No.4858121

It really depends on where you live. Blame the south for that statistic.

>> No.4858133



Wow, just when you think amerifats can't get more retarded they surprise you with something like this.

Also 18% is different from 24%. The first means one in five persons is obese, the second means one in four is obese. One is much more acceptable than the other, fatclap.

>> No.4858137


Obviously one is more than the other. But it's less than one sigma away. For the sake of discussion, it's similar. Clearly it would be best if there was ZERO obesity. Obesity is certainly a bad thing and the rates need to drop. But I'm not sure what that has to do with whether nor not the US is average among fat rates? Even if they were below average it's still too high--but that's not what we're discussing here.

Anyway, I see you griping about mexico. Why are you ignoring the other countries I listed?

Keep on cherry-picking!

>> No.4858729

thats what eurofails do
gloss over the UK, and australia (which compound the fact that most fat white people are of english descent)
and keep looking for exceptions

>> No.4858751
File: 311 KB, 571x500, obesity-in-Europe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some reason 1st world countries (excluding Japan) all have an obesity problem . Even with the EU's strict regulation on foods and fast food very stupid expensive. They still have weight problem not because of GMOs but because food is cheaper. When the EU has the price levels of the USA then you expect very similiar obesity percentages. Also

Eastern europe women> Western Europe women

>> No.4858762

>For some reason 1st world countries (excluding Japan) all have an obesity problem

It's a very obvious reason, really: wealth.

First world countries are relatively wealthy. When people have more wealth that opens up the possibility of eating out nearly every meal rather than being forced to farm or buy groceries and cook them before eating them.

Under which situation is it easier to over-eat? When you can hit the drive-thru and get a massive amount of calories worth of crappy food for just a few bucks, or a situation where if you want to eat you have go to the market, buy food, take it home, cook it, then eat.

Of course there's nothing preventing a person living in a 1st world country from cooking for themselves, but people would rather text their friends or waste time playing video games than they would planning a menu, shopping, and cooking so they eat out and buy processed food instead, and there's where the health issues come from.

>> No.4858765
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>Eastern europe women> Western Europe women
>map shows more eastern european countries in THE RED ZONE
>uk doesnt really count as western europe due to being illiterate inbred savages
so do you prefer fat chicks or are you illiterate?

>> No.4858785

That's how it is in America. Whenever we have a problem in the country then it's the minorities' fault.

>> No.4858939

Food, wine and thin women? Italy, here I come.

>> No.4858949

Mexico also has an obesity problem but they are not wealthy but the food is very very cheap. So they can afford to spend more on these items.

>easier to over-eat?

When the average person visits fast food once a month? Europeans have a problem with obsesity and they do not have the same American fast food culture. Not only that butr they are more likely to eat at home but they are still fat

Eastern european women have low weight averages. While western europe you will come across very large women

Nope avoid western european women they are the worst

>> No.4858959

>low weight averages
>nearly 30% of population obese
so you are telling me the other 70% amount to a pile of twigs? if you dont have a handy infographic proving it then i dont give a shit about your paranoid delusions
guess what? everyone in eastern europe is a communist!

>> No.4859015

>Europeans have a problem with obsesity and they do not have the same American fast food culture

This is changing, which is making the obesity rates change along with it.

My parents are from Denmark (where I was born) and England; my parents and all my aunts and uncles all cook from scratch for every meal--the good 'ol European tradition. I picked up the same love of cooking from my parents. However all of my cousins have not; the ones on the British side subsist on takeaways and the Danes eat fast food and reheatable meals.

They don't have the same level of "fast food" as in the US but they certainly are growing, and frankly the UK "Takeaway" seems to be their equivalent of the US "Fast food". It might not be the same brand names as American fast food but it's just as bad for you, and just as massive a portion which is readily available. In the US we have big-name chains like McDonald's and Pizza Hut. The Euro equivalent is chippies, kebabs, etc: cheap, crap quality food that is widely available and thus more attractive to people than cooking from scratch with healthy ingredients.

>> No.4859034

Corn syrup: Not even once.