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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4851996 No.4851996 [Reply] [Original]

cookin for 50 minutes at 300

then eatin heartily.

do you have a pork and brasicca dish?

>> No.4852012

>do you have a pork and brasicca dish?

Pork chops, cooked very well done, put into freezer for 15 minutes, removed and served with macaroni-and-cheese w/broccoli. when the fats on the well done pork chops cool down and are chilled they change in texture and mouthfeel. I love it that way.

>> No.4852019

>bottled lemon juice

Ugh..people use that cook with? I tried using that once and it smells horrible.

It would have been a lot better with fresh ingredients if you had the time

>> No.4852023

>I tried using that once and it smells horrible.

It normally isn't a good thing to smell or taste single ingredients. Imagine someone taking a nose full of cayenne pepper scent or knocking back a few squirts of Tabasco sauce then complaining that they are shit. That's how you sound.

>> No.4852039

You really have no idea what you're talking about.

You need to get the fuck out of here. Now.

>> No.4852051

lol too funny. actually i figured id get ridiculed about the crappy ragu sauce. im just making this shit up as i go so who knows what it will taste like. my palate can take most anything these days. especially food thats goin out of date yesterday.

>> No.4852137

where the results at

>> No.4852176

It is true though. You sound just like someone that smells basil and goes "eww I hate basil! i'd never eat anything with basil in it!!" yet loves basil-based pesto.

>> No.4852189

I did something similar to this the other night, but used an entire bottle of bbq sauce instead of the Ragu, with onions and cauliflower and garlic on top. Wrapped it all up in a tin foil pouch and threw it in the oven for an hour at 350.

I seared the pork at the highest my burners would go beforehand for like a minute just to try to get some colour on the outside before putting them in the oven.

Juiciest pork chops I've ever had in my life.

>> No.4852192


Doesn't change the fact that bottled lemon juice is disgusting. It tastes like chemicals to me.

>> No.4852200


First off, I think you're misreading >>4852019. He said used it and after doing so it smelled horrible. In other words, he put it in his food and was put off by the results, and concluded it was a shitty ingredient. He didn't mention tasting it by itself.

Second, in response to >>4852023. I disagree completely. It is absoloutely vital to taste ingredients. If you don't taste them then how are you supposed to judge their quality and potency to know how much to use? Sure, I wouldn't go snorting cayenne pepper, but that's just being silly. You should taste ingredients to understand how they work together as well as how much to use and how to alter the preparation if needed.

As for>>4852176, I disagree. He sounds like someone who tried cooking with bottled lemon juice once and learned that it is indeed shite--at least it was that time he tried it.

>> No.4852229

No, I've actually used that brand of lemon juice. Others have a sickly sweet smell.
I wouldn't recommend that to be used on meat/fish, but to each their own.

>> No.4852241
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that is so epic OP
you will always be remembered here

>> No.4852242

I'd imagine it would taste like "chemicals" because citric acid is a chemical itself.

>> No.4852244

>citric acid is a chemical itself.

It is a chemical compound made up of chemicals.

>> No.4852257
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neighbor interupted my face stuffing.

>> No.4853099

What ingredients did you use?
Porkchops, salt + pepper, calliflower, brocollli and lime juice?

>> No.4853117

man you guys on this board cant cook for shit. youre even less competent in your field than /fa/

>> No.4853289

you forgot the ragu, and its lemon juice.

a board full of hungry college kids. i post cheapo semi nutritious crap that can be cooked in a toaster oven in a dorm room or whatever.

that guy thinks we're all professionals lol.

im just a carpenter that has fun on the webs sir.