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File: 456 KB, 2679x2014, wonton-soup-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4841379 No.4841379[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


Lets talk about fucking delicious soups

whats your favorite soup?

whats the soup the you hate the most

post pretty pics please

>> No.4841385

Mushroom teriyaki soup.

>> No.4841382


>> No.4841389
File: 197 KB, 1600x1200, Pho+&+Bun+023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pho is my favourite. Is there anything better than pho? The only time I don't like it as much is when they throw a ton of onion on top cause they're cheap about adding more meat.

>> No.4841398

pho is ayte
all the flavor comes form the powdered shit that they use, which you can use to make superior soups

>> No.4841419

I made some pumpkin soup a couple days ago. It came out too uniformly smooth, I shoulda' left some chunks of stuff in. It was tasty, though.

>> No.4841420

Unless you know

Go to a pho place where they don't use powdered shit. They're few and far in between, but the place I go to at least once every two weeks makes their pho fresh. It is delicious. MSG free, mix free, delicioussss

I don't like the tripe or tendon, but I guess that's just me. My friends who do like tripe and/or tendon have told me that they have good tripe and tendon there. It's just not my style.

Not the guy you replied to, but Pho is right up there with Matzah Ball Soup for me.

>> No.4841422

chicken noodle with thick homemade noodles, well simmered and flavorful veggies

if there is one thing I regret it's not getting the recipe from my grandmother before she passed

>> No.4841424

I love all soups equally (though it took me a while to get a taste for miso soup). Soup is truly the best meal.

>> No.4841427

I like pho and the bowl in that guy's picture >>4841389.

>> No.4841430

Seconding this.
Be it soup, stew or chili it had better have a liquid base

I also count curries as soups

>> No.4841432

There's a lot of shitty soups where it's like 95% water and some floaty bits swimming in it. Seriously, I'm Polish and there are soups in Poland like that. I pretty much hate all Polish soups.

>> No.4841437
File: 1.48 MB, 3648x2736, Hot and Sour Soup 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll just leave this here.

>> No.4841439

>Hating Zurek
>Hating Rosol

Nigga you wat now?

>> No.4841441

zurek is ok, but I only eat it like once every couple of years. It's probably the only redeemable soup in Poland.

Rosol is just a shitty version of the many chicken soups from around the world.

>> No.4841508

goddamn wonton soup is good
i want some now

>> No.4841514

Homemade cheese and broccoli soup. I make it once every month or so.

>> No.4841517

You got me in the mood for wonton soup. Here's what I put in mine:

ground pork
minced water chestnuts
minced mushrooms
minced green ends of green onions
grated fresh ginger
soy sauce
dash of cornstarch

throw em in broth with some chopped bok choy and green onion.

>> No.4841524

>not sure

>> No.4841542

mfw I don't eat soup on principle

>> No.4841544


>regards every finn

>> No.4841557

Love me some hot and sour.
Lentil and bean soup is god tier
Chinese chicken and rice soup is delicious, still haven't gotten around to trying the noodle one, but it's a cheap soup full of rice, veggies and grated ginger I ask them to add. And hot chili oil.
Egg drop is top tier, along with milk less clam chowder and fancy ramen with toppings and miso.

Back when I could eat it, broccoli and cheese soup was my absolute best soup of all time.
Any soups sucks if not made with love.

>> No.4841658


What's the principle?

>> No.4841703


Chinese here. I love a lot of the soups my parents make.

pork bone, watercress, abalone is probably my favourite

>> No.4841705


>modern society


>> No.4841721

your recipe I'm craving this

>> No.4841747

miso is the best

>> No.4841762
File: 76 KB, 628x471, chilatole de espinazo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

summer is over and autism autumn is on
don't listen to all the weebs in this thread
Broccoli soup is alright
chilatole de espinazo for the win

>> No.4841796

>asian cuisine
>MSG free,
they love that shit
had an asian friend during high school and his mom and grandma both shoveled that shit into their dishes everytime I ate there.

>> No.4841812
File: 311 KB, 1200x900, Cream-of-Mushroom-soup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mushroom cream

>> No.4841815

My grandmother makes a great pork and bean soup. I should ask for her to make some the next time I'm over. New England clam chowder is my usual favorite.

>> No.4841819
File: 278 KB, 700x467, loaded-potato-soup 22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MSG noodle water

why are you so pleb /ck/?

>> No.4841824

I love me some tom yum, also norwegian coastal fish soup.

>> No.4841839

soups can be good but for some reason i don't usually like them. i think it's the potatoes that tastes shitty in soups, but im not sure

>> No.4841840

Vegetable beef
Ham bone soup Lima beans with the left over ham, for those who don't know what that is.
Does Gumbo count? Fuck you yes it does

>> No.4841843
File: 63 KB, 612x415, thai soup_thumb[4].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coconut curry soup.
So fucking delicious.

>> No.4841851

Strawberry pepper soup

>> No.4841855

know'cha mean. without that chunk it just ain't got the funk

>> No.4841863
File: 171 KB, 1024x682, kjötsúpa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Icelandic meat soup

>> No.4842032

Portuguese quevas soup

>> No.4842045

Chicken rice stew is da bes

>> No.4842052

I've been to at least 15 different Pho restaurants and have never had anyone skimp on meat.
Any places that do that are just greedy and cheap as fuck.

>> No.4842057

>mushroom flavored oil

>> No.4842065


probably just a fat merilard who thinks that thin slices of beef floating on top is "skimping"

>b-b-but there were noodles too not just a huge ass bowl of beef, muh munny's worrrrrtttthhh!

>> No.4842066
File: 2.57 MB, 3872x2592, 1358842674210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's the hot water. Burns him every time. Hang in there, retardanon! You can conquer hot water!

>> No.4842078

Have you tried pho with the chocolate cubes yet?

>> No.4842135

whats a good chinese soup to try(other than wonton soup)?

i havent tried chinese soups for the most part

>> No.4842139
File: 289 KB, 1000x750, 15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what my favourite soup is. I love so many of them. Pic is one of my favourites that I cook myself, catfish fillet bihon curry laksa.

My least favourite soup has got to be dinuguan and any other blood soup save one. I'll eat them, but I don't particularly care for them. The only blood soup I like is chiiramen.
I had it once because I thought it was kogashiramen and I can't read Japanese and I saw someone else eating it and I asked the waiter for "a bowl of that, please" because I couldn't remember 'kogashiramen' and wound up being served chiiramen and it was good. Only had it that one time and no other, but I enjoyed it.

>> No.4842144

hot and sour, if you like hot food at all

you got a recipe?

>> No.4842231
File: 8 KB, 259x194, borsch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably borsch. Beet soups are amazing.

>> No.4842233

I was thinking of making borsch tomorrow, it seems a little plain though. How do you make yours?

>> No.4842241

I usually use whatever I have lying around, so it's different every time. Stuff I tend to add often:
roast beef
dunno, stuff that makes it more hearty. Maybe I'm bastardizing it, who knows.

>> No.4842243

The British Navy conquered most of the world while living on split pea soup, or at least its equivalent.

>> No.4842250

I hadn't thought of roast beef. I might give that a try.

>> No.4842260

Seconded on the recipe request

>> No.4842280

sounds awful

>> No.4842288

Korean style seafood soup with: squid, white fish (I use sea bass), scallops, pre-browned tofu, kimchi, kai-lan, chilis, and mushrooms in a fumée base.

>> No.4842363

I'm craving a good Broccoli Cheese Soup, can you get us a good recipe?

>> No.4842392

i love wor wonton am i a bad person

>> No.4842505

My mom's vegetable beef soup

>> No.4843714

Favorite soup is chocolate rice soup.

Least favorite soup is pea soup.

>> No.4843773
File: 698 KB, 2469x1213, c3a4rtsoppa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not much of a soup eater, but...

Best soup: Swedish pea soup with LOTS of pork, the broth so rich that the soup goes rock solid when it cools. The pork should be seasoned with whole black pepper, allspice and bay leaves (removed when strainging the broth of course) and the pea soup itself with thyme. Eaten with god-tier "skånsk" mustard and a glass of warm arrack punsch. GNNNNNHHHHH!
Moose meat soup with dumplings is great too.

Worst soup: Potato & leek soup. my wife loves it but I find it vile.

>> No.4844062
File: 429 KB, 1600x1553, Chicken Tortilla Soup 4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chicken tortilla soup

>> No.4844071
File: 2.92 MB, 3000x2000, IMG_3587s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Picture is a bit too dark, but it'll do. It's a potato-broccoli-cauliflower soup I made the other day. I pretty much eat creamy vegetable soups only, normal ones are too bland for me.

>> No.4844226

>Broccoli soup is alright
only if you strain it before serving

>> No.4844260

Add some sour cream too. It's really yummy