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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4830498 No.4830498[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I ate two sweet potatoes tonight and I didn't really enjoy it

How do you make these things taste good without compromising their healthiness?

>> No.4830506

Peel the skin and cut them into fries, then bake them.

>> No.4830509


Any spices you recommend? I actually like the skin the best, the orange part tastes so weird to me, but I soldiered through it tonight

>> No.4830510

I like a shitload of garlic on mine.

Also, I usually leave the skin on my potatoes, but sweet potato skins seem to turn into leather after they've been baked or fried

>> No.4830512

fries and hash browns, deep fried not baked. And soups

>> No.4830513


>but sweet potato skins seem to turn into leather after they've been baked or fried

Baked mine for about an hour, the skin was awesome and had syrup all on the inside of it from the caramelization

Then I try to eat the orange part and it just tastes like a really gloopy potato that has candy corn mixed into it

>> No.4830537

Peel, cut into fries, coat with a little oil, toss with salt, pepper and flavouring of choice e.g. paprika then roast until cooked.


>> No.4830540 [DELETED] 


They're not particularly healthy. If you don't like 'em, leave 'em for those who do.

>> No.4830541

Slightly related but loads of american recipes for sweet potato add sugar. This seems kind of weird to me, especially the ones that add marshmallows....are you supposed to eat it as a side with savoury things?

>> No.4830545


>They're not particularly healthy

You having a giggy? They're very healthy


That phytonutrient content is ridiculous, on top of the standard vitamins and minerals

>> No.4830631

>Any spices
allspice, nutmeg, cloves and the likes. Maybe cinnamon and whatever goes well with pumpkin.

>> No.4830643


bitch, pls. i can say nice things about your mom too, but that doesn't mean she's any good.

>> No.4830650

Sweer potato tastes like shit.

>> No.4830657
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u talkin shit about sweet potatoes, son?

>> No.4830661

No, when you add marshmellows and cinnamon it becomes a dessert. Look up sweet potato souffle, it's basically like you're making that but just with one for yourself.

>> No.4830666


I loved that thread

>> No.4830723

I usually stew them with meat, I like their taste a lot when they're done that way

>> No.4830730

Sweet potato are so god damned brittle, it kind of pisses me off.

>> No.4830735


you mean soft?

>> No.4830737

I think sweet potatoes go well with sweet and sour sauces. I also find they're good as replacements for carrots such as in stews.

>> No.4830739

Maybe, they break apart when I chop them at work.

>> No.4830756

I love roasted or baked sweet potatoes with with cinnamon and salt. Almond butter is actually amazing on baked (or microwaved) sweet potato as well.

>> No.4830762

Use a fork to "peel" them apart after you bake them with some salt on it to draw out the moisture.

>> No.4830771


never happened to me.

>> No.4830853

I bake mine a long time in the oven. I bake them whole and uncovered. This reduces the water content a good bit and caramelizes them a little bit. In helps to increase their flavor and sweetness. Then I either eat them like a baked potato with some butter or use them in recipes like pies, breads, or cookies.

Also, you need to select sweet potatoes that have been properly cured. Those will have tougher skins and will be really flavorful. Most stores carry sweet potatoes that are not cured properly and as a result they taste rather bland.

>> No.4830856

>They're not particularly healthy.

They are one of the most healthy tubers you can eat. Most people cook them too death and add tons of sugary crap to their recipes. The healthiest way to eat them is to lightly steam them and that's it.

>> No.4830858

Use a thinner knife and go a little slower. They can be rather brittle when fresh and you are forcing a slice too quickly.

>> No.4830864

Every vegetable and fruits are healthy.

>> No.4831068

>Make a puree with onions (bacon/rendered pork fat optional)
>Make a soup with a bunch of other veggies
>Cut into slices or fries, season with steak spice mix and roast

>> No.4831085


Brooke Shield ate the red berries and you know what happened to her.

>> No.4831090

This is, "/ck/ - Food and Cooking" and we are talking about sweet potatoes.

>> No.4831131


Still. Bitch ended up half-dead in front of the Stone God 'cuz she ate the red berries.

>> No.4831403
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>> No.4831409

i have horrible memories of sweer potatoes

>5 yees ol
>ma name ic jeffry
>pudding pops a badompadomp
>sure anon
>they go to the stroe
>come back home
>"anon we got you that pie you love"
>take a bite
>its imitation sweer potato pie that the stroes always seemed to place literally next to the pumpkin pies
>family just simply and unactual fudge stupid to stop for one second and read the label
>they get mad at me
>never trust them again/always make my own food/go to the store for food i want.

>> No.4831412

this was a long time ago btw

>> No.4831415
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>"but anon its the same thing"


>> No.4831435

>I'm 13
>my mom asks me to get her cool whip
>I buy her cool whip
>"No, not that"
>she wanted whipped cream in a can
>she gets pissed at me

I fucking hate you, Mom. Enjoy dying broke and alone because you can't hold a fucking job for longer than 6 months.

>> No.4831444

Holy shit, the issues. You're a real fuck knuckle.

>> No.4831445

have you ever BBQ one?

>> No.4831458

This isn't even the tip of the iceberg.