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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4830422 No.4830422[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are they really as bad as everybody makes them out to be? I mean, the Kitchen Nightmare's episode really seemed stage. What kind of business owners scream and insult their customers, takes over 2 hours to serve food and demands payment even when no food is given?

>> No.4830448

take it to /tv/

>> No.4830453

Reality tv is fucking scripted and staged.
It's for entertainment. Not saying that business people who are psycho don't exist, but it's fucking tv.
The show probably even went so far as paying people to write reviews about the restaurant too, seeing as though they paid people to go dine there.

>> No.4830460

I'm talking about the restaurant, not the TV show. I only used the TV show as reference as to how bad it supposedly is.

>> No.4830459


An american one

>> No.4830571

Reddit had an AMA thread with the chick they fired back when that episode aired, she said it really was that nuts.

>> No.4831254
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>> No.4831287

people that crazy exist so probably. she's a polished fuck toy married to a grandfather who is basically her sugar daddy and she lives in a fantasy world where she's an amazing chef. also her children are cats

>> No.4831337

>What kind of business owners scream and insult their customers, takes over 2 hours to serve food and demands payment even when no food is given?
the kind that is just a money laundering front for the mob.

>> No.4831341

Anyone that thinks any episode of kitchen nightmares ever isn't scripted are the people the TV execs bank on.

>> No.4831347

Sounds like an episode of Hell's Kitchen

>> No.4831384

I watched the whole thing, way back when.

First of all, you should know Ramsey is an uneducated prick who attacks owners without tact. Always. He's not an expert on American food, let alone in the nice suburbs in the American southwest strip mall, nor business nor american clientele.

In this specific case? He interjected himself in a couple's relationship. He personally attacked people with no regard for consequences. He was the reason for slow service the night of taping. What an ass. Then he got his neat little episode format ruined, because a couple with money told him to go to Hell and leave, as they should. At which point he had to scramble to make filler.

>> No.4831392


>He's not an expert on American food, let alone in the nice suburbs in the American southwest strip mall, nor business nor american clientele.

Uh what? He runs several successful restaurants in the US.

>> No.4831404

>He runs several successful restaurants in the US.

>> No.4831430

>He interjected himself in a couple's relationship. He personally attacked people with no regard for consequences.

Because they were so well balanced to begin with.

Case in point:

>> No.4831547

>He personally attacked people with no regard for consequences. He was the reason for slow service the night of taping.

So the owner screaming and almost jumps a guy while trying to make him pay for something he didn't get, isn't the reason?

>> No.4831549

>Kitchen Nightmares


>> No.4831556

>Uh what? He runs several successful restaurants in the US.

He doesn't. Competent people do that job. He just plays with them.

>> No.4831560

>Case in point:


>> No.4831568

They have a pretty outrageous contract.

Did you know that anyone who works there has to sign a contract that says if they get fired or quit, they can't work anywhere within 50 miles of the restaurant?

>> No.4831588

You know, that makes a lot more sense. I stand corrected.

>> No.4831607

Sounds like an easily disputed contract.

>> No.4831636

What scares me is that it looks like they've done their homework. It wouldn't surprise me if some parts of the contract are actually legal/valid, no matter how horrible.

But the part about not being able to work within 50 miles of the restaurant does sounds like easily disputable bullshit.

If they work in a different restaurant within 50 miles of Amy's Baking Company, that is a very clear "violation" of the contract. However, if they are no longer employees of Amy's Baking Company, then I don't see what Amy could do. What are they gonna do, fire them? Nope, already did that. The consequences have been paid before the action even takes place.

>> No.4831637

Season 1/2
Ramsay only saved 2 out of 21 restaurantson Kitchen Nightmares.
Yea reality TV.
Source, google: kitchennightmares open or closed US/UK, and you'll see a ton of info

>> No.4831640

>I don't see what Amy could do.

Sue for breach of contract, obviously.

why do people who have little knowledge of law insist on discussing it?

>> No.4831646

>Ramsay only saved 2 out of 21 restaurants on Kitchen Nightmares.
What you gotta realize though, is that these restaurants typically have their deep, dark secrets caught on camera, and displayed on national television.

Why would I want to go to a restaurant if I already know that the kitchen is dirty, they cut corners on ingredients, and the staff allow personal problems to affect the business?

Sure, Gordon "fixes" them, but how likely are they going to stick to new habits? Without Gordon guiding them, there's always a chance they'll revert to what they were originally doing, which I believe is the reason why most of these restaurants end up closing. By the time Gordon's up and left, the only thing that could be different is that the interior looks pretty and maybe they'll try out the new stuff they learned for a few weeks.

>> No.4831648

>why do people who have little knowledge of law insist on discussing it?
Arizona is a right to work state, dummy. It's invalid both ways.

>> No.4831649

Then Amy could technically sue her employees for using their cellphones during work, as that is also a breach of contract.

Actually, never mind, that was a bad example. Amy's probably crazy enough to do it.

>> No.4831653

They are clearly unstable people. The yelp, reddit and Facebook pr fiasco was proof enough of that. Amy reminds me a lot of my mother actually. Nice enough one minute, psycho bitch the next, unable to see herself ever doing anything wrong. But yeah, the tv producers noticed this all and purposely exacerbated it. The Girl who got fired confirmed as much.

>> No.4831669

>Gordon Ramsay "reality TV"-frames a woman just to cause drama to get more viewers or probably to get back at her after getting told real hard off-screen

>All of internet gangs up on the woman who did nothing wrong

>/ck/, the tools that we are, call the woman an anti-christ

The gullibility of the main populace... It's just sad really.
Few basic reality TV editing tricks and everyone gets fooled.

>> No.4831676

90% of restaurants in his chain are bankrupt.
Yet he is for some reason still a "respected" chef.
He's all about marketing HIMSELF.

He's Donald Trump of cooking.

>> No.4831686
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>> No.4831690

Wrong. She's been doing this shit way before the show, and people on the internet gave her bad reviews because of it.

The whole reason for the episode was because of bad internet reviews and internet bullies.

>> No.4831692

Do you have any proof?

>> No.4831709

Yes, watch the show. She said that this stuff has been happening since 2 years before the show.

>> No.4831715

Oh yes. The show. That sounds like an unbiased source that wouldn't make anything up.

>> No.4831721

She says it herself.

>> No.4831732

Editing does wonders.

>> No.4831735

This shit happened ages ago. Give it a rest already.

>> No.4831741

Ha ha ha lets all dog pile on a woman because everyone else on the internet is doing it
ha ha ha memes and internet movements are so cool.

Just leave her alone already.

>> No.4831742

So you're just going to close off your ears and go "LALALALALAL CAN'T HEAR YOU" no matter how much proof you're given, huh?

Go find old facebook messages. Go look at all of the old reviews before 2013. I've already given you more than enough to go on, so the burden of proof ends here.

>> No.4831743

Not to that degree it doesn't.

Case in point:

>> No.4831745

>because everyone else on the internet is doing it
Or maybe because she's batshit crazy, refuses to listen to reason or take any criticism and thinks she's the best chef in the world despite the fact that her food is store-bought, frozen and not very good.

>> No.4831747

So far you haven't even given any actual proof.

The show is full of reality TV editing so it is not valid proof of any sort.

>> No.4831752
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>> No.4831758
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>> No.4831768

>"Oh it must be canned anyways cuz lol internet memes."
They aren't even willing to give her a chance to fix her ways...
They are already dog piling on her so she must a be a villain no matter what she does.

Just maybe she just got a stock photo to go with the post and the actual ravioli has nothing to do with canned foods?

Not everyone has the money to buy cameras and courses to make professional level photography of fucking ravioli.

>> No.4831771

Go back to bed, Amy.

>> No.4831776

Not Amy.
I just think everyone deserves a second chance to put things right.
But the internet just won't let her since the mass hysteria has already taken hold and she is now automatically a villain no matter how hard she would try to apologize and make up for her mistakes.

>> No.4831780

She's had ever since 2006 to make things right. Have you even see the episode? She refuses to acknowledge the fact that she's the problem. If she makes a bad meal, it's not her fault, it's the customers fault for "not eating right."

>> No.4831786

One day she will be accepting her mistakes and she will try to put the things right but the internet just won't let her since they have all already ganged up on her and decided that she is the woman selling canned food.

It's just like when CWC tried to apologize and asked people to leave him be but no, /b/ had made him their target that's what he will be for the rest of his life no matter how much he regrets his past deeds.

>> No.4831794

Nearly all contracts are shit to scare you and only work so long as someone doesn't go, "lol nope." They rarely ever stand up in any kind of court.

>> No.4831811

Amy, plz go

>> No.4831823


Fuck the stupid contract anyways.

Who would be stupid enough to work there after reading that? I'm shocked that they find people stupid enough to work there at all. If I went in there for employment and saw that I would run for the fucking hills because the owners would have to be completely insane.

>> No.4831828

Uhhh... So where's the proof that it is the actual contract?

>> No.4831836

I worked for a bakery in the US while at uni.

My work contract stated two things I found a tad bizarre at first.
1) I may not open my own bakery until 5 years after I've stopped working for that bakery.
2) I may not photograph nor video/audio record anything in the BoH.

They each make sense, though.

>> No.4832248


A lot of them are also deep in debt when he actually come around, serious debts in the hundreds of thousands of dollars range, and some of them almost a million in debt. They sell and close just so they can have something to pay to the banks to keep their houses. no matter how well they start doing, it takes time to pay a debt like that off.

There was that one ep where the land owners came and retook the property after Ramsay came, nothing the business owners could do.

>> No.4832273

I don't think you quite get how people who are genuinely mentally ill feel. They're not regretful because they think they've done wrong, they're regretful because the backlash hurts them. If you consider that worth of accepting, good for you, but I sure wouldn't.