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File: 24 KB, 460x276, steak-tartare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4798891 No.4798891[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are the chances of food poisoning from steak tartare?

>> No.4798894

Even if you get it you probably won't have to go to a hospital unless you're incredibly fucked up right now

>> No.4798902

Higher than steak. It's a definite risk but the chances of being permanently injured are low (but still present). It massively depends on the source.

>> No.4798904

fucking retarded

>> No.4798930

Let's find out:


>all those beef recalls and outbreaks int he past few years

Oh my. You know what? If you live in the USA, I'd not eat steak tartare unless it came from local grass fed, unstressed beef and the egg came from a local large pastured, unstressed chicken.

>> No.4798953

Live in the eu or get your beef from the uk or ireland?
Almost non existent
Anywhere else?
Risk worth being aware of
Might as well hang yourself now, and reduce your suffering

>> No.4798959

Everything about that food makes me want to puke.

>> No.4798962

France has the highest toxoplasmosis infection rate in the world due to their love of raw beef.

just something to think about for your /int/ shitpostan

>> No.4798965

God that looks delicious....now mash all of it together and put it in a mini pan, in the oven, and 350 for a little bit...and make some gravy to top it with too

>> No.4798966

Holy non sequitur batman!
The ultimate factor is where you source your beef, not if it's raw. In fact, frances toxo rate has been proven to be because they've been unknowingly eating horse meat mixed into their beef.

>> No.4798971
File: 65 KB, 600x599, mettbroetchen[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it true americans don't eat raw meat?
>picture related, delicious mettbrötchen

>> No.4798972


Im an american and the only raw meat I hate was fish.

>> No.4798977


american here, we used to have a place in my city that sold mett and it was the best thing ever, but they closed up shop and moved to the philippines for some reason.


autism much? just because toxoplasmosis doesn't fit what most people think of as food poisoning doesn't make it irrelevant. the subtext of op's question is, "is it safe to eat raw meat". the fact is you need to worry about more than just diarrhea.

whether it's horse meat or cow meat, if you order a plate of "steak tartare" and it gives you a parasite, I'm not sure most people are going to be splitting hairs over blame. they just want to know whether there's a risk. which there is.

>> No.4798985

>autism much? just because toxoplasmosis doesn't fit what most people think of as food poisoning doesn't make it irrelevant. the subtext of op's question is, "is it safe to eat raw meat". the fact is you need to worry about more than just diarrhea.
What the fuck are you rambling about?
You're literally ignoring everything I've said
>If you source your meat, it's fine
The EU mandates you must be able to trace your meat. Ask the restaurant who supplies their beef and enjoy your tartar if it's a reliable source, order osmething cooked if you don't. Fuck off.

>> No.4798994
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lol, what the fuck was in your coffee this morning? I wasn't really ignoring you, I was aiming my response at op and not you and your extremely specific definition of "food poisoning" and your belief that everyone everywhere wants to personally interrogate the chef about the name of the cow that the beef came from before every meal.

but now I will be ignoring you. take your medication and go find a support forum to get some help with your condition.

>> No.4799000

>be objectively wrong
>ur autistic XD

> your extremely specific definition of "food poisoning"
Which is? I didn't even so much as >imply what is and isn't food poisoning, in fact I didn't approach the topic at all
Grow up

>> No.4799025

Correct. It is too dangerous to eat industrialized meats in the USA for fear of food poisoning and parasites. Just look at all the shit that happens with millions of pounds of beef in the CDC link in >>4798930

>> No.4799030

>The EU mandates you must be able to trace your meat

OK, fine, that's nice. But that doesn't do anything to account for whether or not the meat was safely handled after it was slaughtered. How was the hygiene in the kitchen? Was the meat kept at a safe temperature? Did the cooks make sure they used a clean cutting board and knife so there was no cross-contamination? Did one of the waiters cough on the plate while he was serving it to you? Did you wash your hands after you touched the doorknob, the table, and the menu? All of these things are potential food poisoning risks and have nothing to do with whether or not the meat was traceable.

>> No.4799035

You sure you understand that word?

>> No.4799047

>>all those beef recalls and outbreaks int he past few years
I don't eat tartare myself, but this is a horrible analogy why. Nearly all recalls concern factory preground processing into frozen burgers and bulk used in fabrication of processed food. Anyone with a brain understands how you get e.coli introduced into the food supply, from vegetables to beef, and as such, would never be caught with using any of these products. A tartare is made from a fresh primal, excluding cuts, knicks and surface area. Furthermore, the average consumer, in the US at least, buys ground meat from a grocery which utilizes their own small batch grinding freshly several times a day. This cuts down bacterial growth down to a level killed by well done practices.

>> No.4799082

>the average consumer, in the US at least, buys ground meat from a grocery which utilizes their own small batch grinding freshly several times a day.
lol no. No no no no no.

>> No.4799084

Being able to trace food products is pretty much the first and most important step in pinpointing the causal agent of an outbreak.

>> No.4799115

I work in a grocery store. We grind the meat.

>> No.4799117


I work in a grocery store. I cum in your meat. I don't give a fuck.

>> No.4799124

from a restaurant? wouldn't worry about it

making it yourself? make sure you know the cows name

>> No.4799245

well, you would be wrong.

>> No.4799300

>>the average consumer, in the US at least, buys ground meat from a grocery which utilizes their own small batch grinding freshly several times a day.
>lol no. No no no no no.
96% of the US lives within 1 mile of a top 10 major chain grocery. Only 22 million out of roughly 333 million have to travel further. Clearly a majority.

>> No.4799324

I'm not sure what that has to do with the argument. most "top 10 major groceries" are going to get their meat from a distribution center that does all the butchering and grinding. if you live in the US, 9 times out of 10 your "butcher" is actually just a guy in a paper hat and apron who sets out the cryovac meat and rotates it for expiration dates.

>> No.4799330

> friend marries thai chick
> over at their house one day
> she pulls raw pork out of the fridge
> eats slice after slice after slice of raw pork

what the fuck man

>> No.4799343


>> No.4799345

>I work in a grocery store. We grind the meat.
I'm curious, do you grind it several times a day, as a prior poster suggested?

>> No.4799349

assistant manager at a grocery store here, I know for sure they grind meat at last one a day

>> No.4799361

fucking vegan trash

>> No.4799368

>guys I've never hunted or set foot in a forest but let me tell you about how things really are


>> No.4799376

Dude the chances of getting sick is like 0.000001% if you know where it's coming from.

I've eaten raw chicken salads and raw chicken sashimi many times and no issues at all.

>> No.4799452

they get toxo from cats

>> No.4799578

dammit I was in France in July and thought about ordering steak tartare but didn't get around to it before it was time to leave :(
not sure when I'll be back

>> No.4799611


Does the internet exist where you live? Because I can look up independent beef farmers in my area where I can buy good quality steak where you actually do know the cow's name. That's how I make tartare.

>> No.4799824

ya, except I figured for my first time I should have it prepared by someone that knows what they're doing
But if it really is just quality ground + egg, then ya I think I could handle that locally :)

>> No.4799832

I've worked in them before too and most don't grind their own meat. It comes pre-ground from some packing plant in 7 gallon buckets. We just spoon it out into the meat grinder which just makes it look pretty in the display packaging after we shrink wrapped it. As opposed to it looking like we spooned it out of buckets.

>> No.4799846

>France has the highest toxoplasmosis infection rate in the world due to their love of raw beef.
The primary vector of toxo is exposure to cats (feces).

>> No.4799850


So French people just eat more cat shit than most people?

>> No.4801042

I only eat steak tartare in high-end Michelin star restaurants for this very reason. Which isn't very often anyway, because I tend to find steak tartare to be somewhat flavorless.

>> No.4801176
File: 96 KB, 500x299, 152053461_b9dc1e8898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>professional cook here
from a reputable restaurant, VERY low.

The thing you have to be careful of is oxygen. A primal cut is huge and has lots of surface area where bacteria can fester and grow, however it cannot reach the inside of the meat. So cooks keep that in mind, and unless a cut is seriously damaged, like a skewer went through it or a blade from teh butchers shop, a reputable restaurant would recognize that kindof mistake and often discard or be refunded. Anway when I cut primal cuts down I eat raw beef and fish all the time, however we only serve a tuna tartare in my restaurant.

>> No.4801381

for real? that sounds awesome

>> No.4801402

I'd say it depends on where you live. If you are confident in the quality of the meat and the egg, go for it.

>> No.4801415

> not serving your tartare just below MR just to be safe.

>> No.4801418 [DELETED] 

If you're gonna eat some hipster looking shit like that, your main concern should be "how to avoid getting the aids." That looks pretty artsy, vile and disgusting.

>> No.4801419

I can't handle all this edge.

>> No.4801420

I don't understand why anyone would eat that... I'd imagine it would taste like blood jelly.

>> No.4801421
File: 2.02 MB, 3264x2448, 1378759019654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4801422 [DELETED] 

homo much?

>> No.4801424

Look out, guys, we've got a badass over here.
Please don't hurt me, mister tough guy.

>> No.4801426

i never had tartar but would love to try it.
i used to get a great carpaccio from a place called portfinos in santa rosa. had a roommate that turned me on to raw steak from the market and soy sauce. so good

>> No.4801427 [DELETED] 
File: 23 KB, 400x255, Conan-TheBarbarian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuckoff back to your mother's basement where you think that food is about looks. Maybe that's about sales to a certain demographic that likes the hoity toit, they're sure fun to make fun of though.

Do you have ebola up your ass?

>> No.4801430

>being this much twelve years old

>> No.4801431

Just enjoy your Wendys. Leave the cuisine to grown ups, hmmm?

>> No.4801437
File: 49 KB, 640x369, 1378686634809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4801438 [DELETED] 

Got your monthy flow going on extra hard?

There're places for people like you to get cured, in NY there's one called Creedmore.

>> No.4801440


>> No.4801446 [DELETED] 

How often do you suck on t4mp0n3?

>> No.4801451
File: 294 KB, 470x470, 1376959034394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4801455

Yes yes we get it, you're 12 and you're bored so you're trying your hand at this "trolling" thing you've heard so much about, it's cool. We've all been there.

>> No.4801467

Every time I can get my hands on some. They're not that great just straight out of the pack, though. Kinda dry and cottony.

>> No.4801475

Marinade that shit, yo.

>> No.4801485

cat shit eating surrender monkeys

>> No.4801525

It tastes like mushy beef, actually.

>> No.4801559

It tastes like rare steak.

>> No.4801562

>steak tartare
The ultimate hipster food

>> No.4801566


>> No.4801586

>The ultimate hipster food

I didn't know they made avocado sriracha steak tartare

>> No.4801590

>I didn't know they made avocado sriracha steak tartare
You probably never heard of it.

>> No.4801593

Dude you're going to hate me, but I have actually had that, and do you want to know something? It was fucking incredible.

>> No.4801597

That sounds really really good.

>> No.4801606

it's a popular staple of low tier restaurants in france, it's pretty much the opposite of hipster

>> No.4801618

It was invented in France in 19th century, because normal cooked food was too mainstream not romantic enough. They needed something new and oldschool. So they had to come up with story of barbaric horseman tribes, who ride all day and eat raw meat.

Hipsters are not anything new, only back then they called themselves bohemians, drank absinthe and smoked opium instead of cappuccino and weed.

>> No.4801620

>The modern version of steak tartare with raw egg was first served in French restaurants early in the 20th century. What is now generally known as "steak tartare" was then called steack à l'Americaine.
>barbaric horseman tribes, who ride all day and eat raw meat
Your story checks out.

>> No.4801625

The chances are 0 unless you make it yourself using the garbage they sell you in supermarket, in your shitty kitchen filled with your own filth.

>> No.4801636

probably not. enjoy your tapeworms though

>> No.4801671


no it doesn't. not at all.

>> No.4801673

You're right rare steak taste better.

>> No.4801826

Any of you guys ever cook hanger steak? I got some yesterday and it's sitting in a basic marinade I made, but I'm not sure how much different it is to cook than, say, a sirloin, since it's so thin.

>> No.4802935

If you are stressed out your are more prone to disease. The same goes for animals. The only difference is you don't typically live in your own(and others) filth.