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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4777995 No.4777995[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Yesterday, I took a dump at work and when I looked down the toilet bowl was red. Not dark red, but blood red. My shit was reddish purple and it was pretty gruesome.

After thinking I was bleeding out or had cancer, I remembered that I ate lots of beets a couple days before. That is when I regretted flushing.

I work in a federal building and it would be hilarious to leave weird shits in the toilet for my unsuspecting coworkers.

What are some foods that will help me do this? Not just smell, but looks.

I'm going to eat lots of beets on the weekend and try again for Monday. I'll also eat lots of asparagus and leave a horrible piss in the toilet and of course coffee piss as well.

Ideas? I'd like weird looking dumps - a snaker that pokes out of the water or circles the bowl would be ideal, but can one plan for such miracles?

Thanks /ck/

>> No.4778017
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Eat a whole bag of baby carrots and drink about 3 Red Bulls.

>> No.4778022

Do carrots change the color of your shit? This could be good.

What about Red Bull?

>> No.4778026

Don't do stuff like that unless you work in a really large building. You don't want the boss to endorse a locked door / sign in policy on the bathroom, it's hellish.

>> No.4778027

I have no idea. Better make it 4 Red Bulls.

>> No.4778032

Eat blueberries. Choke down some koolaid mix.

>> No.4778038

When I juice beets, my shits are like a deep reddish purple for a couple days.

>> No.4778040

What's worse than the shit is that people actually eat beets. Vile root.

>> No.4778043

It is a very large building but only 3 bathrooms on my floor. The bathroom I use has 6 stalls, so no worry about a locked door policy.

But I would stop before it got that bad.

>> No.4778045

One time we had a cake for my younger brother's birthday that had blue frosting. Everyone was shitting green after that.

>> No.4778048

They taste awesome and have lots of sugar. Perfect for roasting. I like to grate them eat them as a salad with a bit of carrot and a nice vinaigrette.

>> No.4778050

>koolaid mix.
Good idea. Maybe I can shit different colors everyday.

>> No.4778073

They always tasted like dirt to me.

>> No.4778085

Try roasting them to the point of caramelization.

>> No.4778110

My first full American shit during my trip to the US was strange.
It was half blue, half green and the very tip was brown, also much longer than usual.

I don't mean a little bit blue, I mean bright sky blue and grass green.


>> No.4778118

I just enjoyed the thread subject being about weird shits, and then seeing Fieris face. How fitting.

>> No.4778128

what... whats wrong with you?

>> No.4778133

I drink shitloads of coffee on a regular basis, and have yet to ever smell a 'coffee piss'

>> No.4778140

Every time I got a tuna wrap at the cafe at work, my piss would smell like tuna. Only from the cafe. They were pretty big.

>> No.4778141

There is something in some Indian and Mexican food that gives my piss a weird smell. I'm not sure if it is cumin or chili powder or something, but it is distinctive.

>> No.4778151


>> No.4778186

This has never happened before until I experienced the American diet.

>> No.4778204

>eat something
>instead of drinking soda like a fat fuck drink red food coloring
>shit devil red
it's not that complicated retard. You don't have to go out of your way to shit different colors.

>> No.4778225

>it's not that complicated retard. You don't have to go out of your way to shit different colors.
I would, because I am not a child that drinks soda, let along soda colored with intense food colorings.

>> No.4778237

>eat a ton of asparagus
>pee in the toilets/urinals/sinks
>don't flush

Stinky pee. Stinky pee everywhere.

>> No.4778248

Yeah but you're a child who can't read apparently. He said to drink food coloring. Not soda with coloring. Are you fucking stupid or what.

>> No.4778256

every food in america is available in your country.

maybe you shouldnt have eaten only shitty food on your vacation

>> No.4778261

>drink food coloring
>are you fucking stupid
Not sure if serious.

Also, OP wasn't just talking about shit color, but other characteristics.

>> No.4778265

A local Vietnamese restaurant has an eating contest where you have to eat 5 pounds of pho in 30 minutes. It's a fucking fishbowl. Anyway, when I tried, I was close, but had a cup or so of broth left over. My stomach was in bad shape for an hour after that, and I thought it was done. I woke up in the middle of the night, my stomach in knots, and ran to the bathroom. I took the most bizarre dook ever. It smelled super sweet, and was bright orange, like a Jarritos log. I kind of looked at it for a little bit and laughed at it. So yeah, eat 5 lbs of pho as fast as you can.

Also, when my little sis was 3, she had a penchant for eating play-doh. Some of my earliest memories involve my mom calling me into the bathroom so we could laugh at the little green and red toddler turds.

>> No.4778266

>every country has ammonia ground beef, arsenic chicken, azodicarbonamide, olestra, brominated flour, BHA, rBGH, etc. for sale

lol no

>> No.4778274

If you want bright as holy hell, try very bright frosted cupcakes. The variety you'd buy from a Walmart/Sam's bakery. I ate two bright green ones a back, only later to shit out technicolor logs 8 hours later.

I can only attest to the potential in the green frosted ones but reds and blues might work too.

>> No.4778281

>this projecting

Maybe if you didn't eat shit food you wouldn't have shit shits, you ever think of that?

>> No.4778283

All that is is food coloring. Skip the calories and go straight to the source

>> No.4778298

How is this projecting? I am projecting that I eat foods that aren't available where I live?

Are you sure you know how to use the word projecting? Pretend you are saying, "hurrrr no you" and see if the context fits.

Also, I'm not the guy who "got the shits". I am responding to your statement that "every food in america is available in your country".

Please stay focused.

>> No.4778306

Sure, it's available if you dig deep enough, it's never on the breakfast menu of a hotel though.

>> No.4778322
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>Also, I'm not the guy who "got the shits"

Well how am I supposed to know that?!

>> No.4778327

I am the guy that got the northern lights shit.

>> No.4778328

Because there is more than one other person in this thread and I was responding to something you said that wasn't relating to the "getting the shits" context.


>Well how am I supposed to know that?!
Projecting much?

>> No.4778334

You guys are seriously arguing about how one other guy can make his poop weirder.

Fucking 4chan

>> No.4778342
File: 89 KB, 754x1014, 1376028469540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah ah ah.....that was my first post in this shitty thread. You weren't responding to me anon.

>all this projecting of projections

>> No.4778350

Can I buy a quarter?

>> No.4778410


You've probably got wicked tolerance. If it doesn't give you diarrhoea any more, you've got a caffeine tolerance.

>> No.4778443

same happens to me sometime after eating canned tuna. sometimes chicken as well, although the scent isn't as strong since it has a subtler smell than tuna to begin with.

Not sure if this worries me. I was always led to believe that urine only really contains protein if your kidneys are malfunctioning.

>> No.4778480

Eat crushed glass and your shits will be red as the devil's dick

>> No.4778535

naturalnews pls go


>> No.4778675

Enough Guinness or other real dark porter will make you shit black. Like, jet black. It's weird.

>> No.4778677

...how much porter are we talking about? I'm fond of the stuff and I can't say I've noticed this.

>> No.4778680

Like, over six pints. It helps if you don't have a lot of other food in your stomach, as well.

>> No.4778681

The berry cereal made my poop purples, green, and blue when I binged on them.

>> No.4778786

you could just drop some food coloring/koolaid mix into the toilet before you start your poo

>> No.4778808

Eat some corn as well, for that little sparkled effect.

Man the best part of the day is right after my second mug of coffee, it gives me the smoothest shit ever. Not even diarrhea, just a smooth shit that I don't even have to wipe after. It's great because it's always the same time of the day.

>> No.4778926

Naturalnews? Do you not think these things are banned in other countries?

>> No.4778954


go eat some dragon fruit

the little black specks in the water will confuse people, and the fruit is a diaretic so the more you eat, the more that will come out at one time

also asparagus for the smell of your urine

beets like you mentioned before

lots of curry

so do this

eat stirfried beets and aspargus in curry, try not to chew the aspargus those long strips of fiber are what you want.

then finish it off with a bunch of dragon fruit

a short time later all of it will go flying out of your bowels at ones and when it does, the combination of blood fre, long stringy work like fibers little red dots, the smell of aspargus urine and the curry will be so horrific you will have people demanding that a security guard stand watch outside the door.

good luck and god speed.

>> No.4778976

I've never been to /ck/ before.

Like half of the other boards, it's just never something that occurred to me to do. Never crossed my mind. But just a few minutes ago, as I was writing out my shopping list, I thought to myself "what are some delicious meals I could make? You know what, why don't I check out the Food & Cooking board for inspiration!"

This thread was the first thing I saw.

And all I did was nod, /ck/. All I did was nod.

>> No.4779049

licorice for green shit

>> No.4779062

OP here, thanks a lot.

I appreciate all the suggestions, but I like to eat healthy, so I won't be eating straight food coloring or anything like that.

The curried beets and asparagus sounds really good for shitting, but not for taste. Maybe I'll just make some curried chick peas and eat roast beets and asparagus as a side dish tomorrow.

I haven't eaten dragon fruit to the point that I have seeds in my shit. I'll experiment.

>> No.4779093

>asparagus and coffee pee
you are an evil person

>> No.4779110

Don't worry anon, I came here, saw this, thought to myself "Good lord what has /ck/ come to?"

Now I can't stop laughing reading about how people are shitting rainbows.

I love it.

>> No.4779112
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ITT: Troll feed.

>> No.4779172

Ok OP, this is what I did to my cousins toilet.

I went to the bulk supply store, bought some blue food coloring. I drank 2 cups of this, take note I felt like I was going to die. I fucking felt bad I Wanted to vomit but I held it down, the for the rest of the day I ate only corn, and watermelon. Now the watermelon i ate in specific way I cut it into long strips, and mashed the juice out with the roof of my mouth and let it slide down my throat as whole as possible.
So what he got was a blue veiny cord studded shit. I left that one for him You should do it oo.

>> No.4779219

OP pop a couple pills with guafasin in them, something like Primatene. Your piss will smell like a meth lab for the first few days. For the shits, drink a dark purple colored soda. That mountain dew pitch black stuff was the best, made my shits evergreen.