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File: 1.74 MB, 1936x2592, mandarina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4775645 No.4775645 [Reply] [Original]

do you guys like this stuff?

$0.69 at the local grocery

>> No.4775647

Never cared for anything Jarritos.

>> No.4775664

there's one in every crowd

>> No.4775666

That's not Sangria.

>> No.4775669

The Jarritos Toronja is the GOAT soda.

>> No.4775680
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>> No.4775707

I love their lime flavored soda

>> No.4775722

mandarin is GOAT

>> No.4775725
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RIP tray tray.

>> No.4775748


shit son, i haven't had jarritos in a years - dat nostalgia. I like the orange colored one :(

>> No.4775846


>> No.4775854

I drink Dr. Pepper in glass bottles

>> No.4775860

I mix the lime with yellow cake mix to make really fluffy caps to cobbler

>> No.4775897

Tamarind jarritos is like the best drink in the world.

>> No.4775903

Of course its delicious.

>> No.4776562

The drink of the Mexican. Oh how great it is to be darker than cardboard.

>> No.4776569

Grats on being the worst kind of racist, the kind that dismisses awesomeness because "shitskins" enjoy it. That may be the best soda I've ever had. No, it is the best soda I've ever had.

>> No.4776578

I don't drink pop often, but if I do, it will always be Jarritos. Me gusta la fresa.

>> No.4776580

This stuff is great. I get a bottle every time I go shopping.

For one, the Mexican Cola flavor is much better than regular Coke, which I do not even like.

And two, tamarind is the best flavor. It is pretty weird if you are not used to it, but you should definitely try it. I have never had it in an American soda before, and this is sad, because it is great.

>> No.4776584


I am blessed to live in SoTex, with all the delicious Mexican treats.

>> No.4776597

Costs 3 dollars at my local burrito place. I knew I was getting scammed. Just not that bad.

>> No.4776615

What are you talking about. I am Mexican and I drink this all of the time. My skin IS darker than cardboard.

>> No.4776617

Pretty good
I grab one every now and then

>> No.4776664

>>4775645 that shit is amazing

>> No.4776684


fuck you that tastes like shit

>> No.4776710

I'm a pale Slav and I love that shit too, almost all of the jarritos are good but tamarind is fucking top notch

>> No.4776717

they only have the orange, green and brown at local safeway.. but that sounds delicious. i like grapefruit soda, at least the izze grapefruit soda

>> No.4776730

and by brown, i mean tamarind. i've never had it, but based on the responses in this thread, i think i might have to try one tomorrow

>> No.4776860


Found this stuff and I love it. I'm glad I can't find it except at budget groceries, I'd be one of those idiots who guzzle soda daily if it were more common.

>> No.4776897

I had the pineapple one and it was amazing, then I tried the only other one the vending machine had "helado" (maybe short for te helado or iced tea) it was fucking awful. if what I drank was iced tea soda then im glad no one else makes it

>> No.4776912
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Tamarind soda. Do you understand what that means? Soda-- delicious, carbonated, sweet liquid that tastes like tamarind.


>> No.4776917

I've tried mexican coke, it's exactly the same.
I've had plenty of people try it and wow over how different it was. It's coke with sugar instead of hfcs.

>> No.4777049

I agree, best part is that they cost me 25cents because the Mexican store always over stocks them.

>> No.4777053

They sell Tamarind paste bricks at the Vietnamese store across the street from me. I eat that like candy.

>> No.4777083
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God-tier soda thread?
God-tier soda thread.

>> No.4777275

that sucks man...pineapple is the best. It will make you ejaculate rainbows.

>> No.4777349

too lazy to post pictures:

Hot Lips Pear Soda
Hot Lips Cherry Soda
Hot Lips Raspberry Soda (honestly, all of their flavors are good)
JOIA Pineapple/Coconut/Nutmeg Soda
Virgil's Black Cherry Cream Soda
Virgil's Root Beer
Abita Root Beer

>> No.4777352

oh yeah and Mr. Q Cumber
that stuff is surprisingly good

>> No.4777651

no, actually, it is a thread specifically about Jarritos

>> No.4777663
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este es mi wey

>> No.4778168
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> blessed to live in SoTex

>> No.4778180



>> No.4778193
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>> No.4778196
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do you have more of those?

>> No.4778201
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>> No.4778206
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I've got the original and one where he goes in the Berlin (?) wall but it was too big to post

pls have more

>> No.4778208

dont think so

>> No.4778214

too much sugar

>> No.4778228

oh man i loved those things. always felt nice having one in a restaurant growing up.

>> No.4780422

I love mandarinas

>> No.4780437

The only flavor I like.

>> No.4780492
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fucking love tamarind soda, guava is fuckwin too

>> No.4780517

Best mass-produced soda I know of. Relative to usual Murkan soda, Jarritos are bigger, for a lot less money, have a good variety of flavors, and don't make my throat feel lingeringly sticky in the same way as corn-syruped drinks.

Still a few flavors I haven't tried, though. Guava, at least.

>> No.4781208

Jarritos also seems to be more carbonated? I like to burp through my nose--ilove that burning/tingley feeling and Jarritos provides ample opportunity to indulge.

>> No.4781360

That soda is fucking godly

>> No.4781382


amazing stuff. i used to drink it in lebanon all the time but to my dismay found no importer of lebanese tamarind carbonated drinks in or around my area. so i rely on this brand jarritos!

>> No.4781399

>mfw mexican coke and jarritos give my pop dem feels of how America was when he first immigrated into the country.

>the sound of glass bottles clinking as we put them into the fridge
>the sound of the bottle cap hitting table after opening

>> No.4781558

>$0.69 Shit's like free..

>> No.4781567

Drinking sweet shit is for children. Eat shit and die pleb.

>> No.4781599

wow check out the autism on this guy

>> No.4781614

I-I want to try these..

>> No.4781623

It's pretty good. Try the tamarind flavor, it's sweet but also pleasantly bitter.

>> No.4781652

Tart, not bitter.

>> No.4781657
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The goddest of tiers soda, jarritos is good but THIS

>> No.4781674

When I tried it, it seemed a little bitter to me, but not in a bad way.

>> No.4781683
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>> No.4781753
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>> No.4781929

these are only in the little mexican products store my mom goes to and it tastes like pennies

>> No.4781949

I love the taste but goddamn, Jarritos makes me feel so bloated.

>> No.4782078

Well, it IS sold as candy by Asians and Latinos alike.

>> No.4782084

Helado? Not sure. The only thing I could possibly think of that'd also be called helado other than tea is ice cream or some other cold dessert.

>> No.4782590

you sure that was Jarritos?

google is not being very helpful here

>> No.4782633

ausfag here,

this shit shit literally 7 bucks each over here.

>> No.4782688

I didn't know that. Learn something new everyday.

>> No.4783002
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I love these, I get em every time I have a burrito, but check out those nutrition facts, this stuff is fucking TERRIBLE for you.

Pic related, on my desk.

>> No.4783017

Shit's good, I like both Jarritos and this. Feels good to be from Barbados.

>> No.4783026
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This place over here sells them. It's ok, it's no Ting mind you.

Ting is top tier elder GOAT fizzy.

>> No.4783053


>> No.4783079


don't sully my ting with your childish twitter acronyms

>> No.4783095

I like Jarritos,but all I am willing to drink from them is their strawberry. I really love strawberries. Tamarind kinda scares me a tad.

>> No.4783097

Did not mean to quote.

>> No.4783126

>local tescos doesn't stock ting

>> No.4783759

mexicunt here

as my mom said "no, that's just some sugary mujado bullshit" followed by a rant of stupid fucking mujados and ugh how they dress and blah blah

still >>4775846 is legit. I just don't drink sodas much.

>> No.4783764


americunt here who happens to be an expert in your culture. the word is "mojado". lrn2 spell.

>> No.4783913

why do mexicans smell funny. or really strong like bleach detergent

>> No.4783919

Cheap laundry detergent is really pungent

>> No.4783934

they all use the same brand though, like every single one. And they reek like the entire bottle is used for one shirt. It's a mystery to me your way of life

>> No.4783946

why do mexicans throw their used toilet paper in the trash?

>> No.4783959

lol i used to go to school as a kid in l.a and this mexican girl wanted to show people how many worms she had in her shit and was really proud of it. Probably why they put their used paper on display.

>> No.4783967

that is utterly disgusting

>> No.4784068

the plumbing in mexico can't handle it. people grow up there doing it, immigrate, have kids, and the kids learn the same habits. the guys i work with at a landscaping compnay do the same thing our only bathroom because they just simply don't know they can flush it

>> No.4784113

only shitskins do it, top tier mexicans have good plumbs

>> No.4784130

this, I am pretty much white washed so I flush, but my parents know they can just flush now (they have lived here for decades and I was born here)

it grosses me out to see that though...like a lot.
real good generalization m8, you must be real smart.

>> No.4784192
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Actions speak louder than words.
My next action will be to buy six instead of 4. I am not a paid spokesman. at all. But it's not too sweet. very good. if you like pineapple or orange Now i must figure out what to do with the bottles. I know, give them to a friend that makes home brew. caps are cheap and the bottles are great. Many people don't say it, and they have big problems, But Mexico is good. as are 98% of the people. like anywhere else, It's the 2% that gets the news. I apologize to any Mexicans I have offended . I do like the influence you have had on my cooking and life.

>> No.4784277
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as a mexican,it feels nice to read this.we are a hard working people and the pay off comes when you see things like this

>> No.4784410

I always get a bottle of the mandarin and a bottle of the pineapple when I get a burrito for lunch.

For those in Boston, Taco Locos on Broadway in Somerville (the Sullivan Square end of the street) has the best burritos in the city. The baked fish is also fantastic, just be sure to get there before 12, because they have a huge lunch crowd.

>> No.4784425

mah beaner
best 2 flavors

>> No.4784446

Is it at a meximart OP? There is one of those near my house with massive 4 dollar burritos that I get 4-5 times a week. So fucking good. When I order, I hide out from the chefs for a bit though because they usually hook up mexicans and not whites.

>> No.4784474

No, Safeway - Parker Ave, Rodeo, CA

>> No.4784668

Great cheap soda that uses sugar instead of crap. What's not to love?

>> No.4785212
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I'm a beaner on the inside where it counts. will eat the fuck out of chili rolled mango and tamarind rolled pops (vero mango and corn are the best), lucus is awesome too

>> No.4785259

I drink these too much OP, but the Tamarindo. So I don't get it often

>> No.4785270

sangria > tamarindo > manzana > *

>> No.4785290

>not crap

>> No.4785342


Where could I find these in America?

>> No.4785348

Fuck yeah tamarindoooooooooooo

>> No.4786397
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hrmph. no tamarind today, but i've never tried strawberry before

>> No.4786405

Toronja > Tamarind > Lime > Mandarin > everything else

>> No.4786528

All my store has is Cola, Tamarind, Lemon, Strawberry, and the weird fruit punch. None of that Guava and stuff, but it sure does look good.

They also have non-alcoholic Sangria which is great, has a twist off lid, because I hate waiting to get home so I can open my soda.

They also have those chili cover lollipops and stuff. They taste fine, but that tears the crap out of my mouth, not quite worth it.

Oh, and what are those white discs? The are wrapped in plastic and often have pictures of roses on eh front. I adore the Mexican candy section.

>> No.4786577

its not the same.

>> No.4786602

The discs are wafers with cajeta inside (basically god-tier caramel.) The wafers themselves are tasteless, but they add a nice bit of texture.

>> No.4786605

its this powdered pastry. Really fucking dry, but its alright. Not for everyone though.

>> No.4786608

Oh shit, I was thinking of the wrong sweet. I need to go back to the market.

>> No.4788481

the white stuff isn't meringue?

>> No.4788941
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ok, so i was really looking forward to this after reading all of the comments about the glory of tamarind.
it tastes so weird. i don't think i really like it and i'm not sure if i'm going to finish this one.

>> No.4788993

>i'm not sure if i'm going to finish this one.

To each their own, but you are basically a huge wimp for not properly appreciating the "weird."

>> No.4789258

i can accept that. what i could not accept was the taste. too much like tangy, moldy, sweetened dirt.

>> No.4789529

You are a gigantic pleb, but at least you were willing to try something new so I'll give you that.

>> No.4789539

LOL OMG I red this wrong on the 1st try LOL it said I thought it said "DORITOS" not Jarito's HAHA!

I thought it said another word: Doritos not Jarito's

It was an honest mistake I had made.

I am sorry.

This was a post by Darion.

>> No.4789573

This is why you should not listen to Mexicans in the first place since they over exaggerate everything. Tamarind is a strange flavor

because he didn't like it? Mexicans are sure prideful for this beverage

>> No.4789614

Please check my post for a hilarious story of mistakes and intrigue!

This was a post by Darion.>>4789539

>> No.4789991

Jones, Zuberfizz, Virgil's, Jarritos.

>> No.4790002

mandarin is the best flavor. i love it!

>> No.4790004

THIS. Same with Sioux City.

>> No.4790019
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>> No.4790028

Once you get over the novelty of the bottle, so basically right away, you realize it is just shitty sugar water.

>> No.4790033

This. There's no appeal at all to the drink itself, and you can't reseal it like you can with a screw on cap.

>> No.4790049

who's going to re-cap a 6 oz drink?

also: ramune comes in some unusual flavors

stop being such a cunt

>> No.4790057

Not liking your weabbo garbage makes me a cunt? Also the fail spoiler tag makes me think you might be more at home at

>> No.4790090
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come on guys...cumin soda is where its at

>> No.4790113

Wow I want to try that.

>> No.4790120

its like lemon lime soda with a roasty cumin flavour and a hint of salt and coriander

its fucking delicious with kebabs

>> No.4790125

Sounds disgusting
But I really want to try it
Can I get it in the UK?

>> No.4790127

that doesn't make you a cunt. you were a cunt when you were born

>> No.4790162

your in the uk,you have a big indian/pakistani population so you should be able to get it
look for it in Indian/pakistani groceries. Its called cumin soda, Jerra masala soda, jeera soda or some combo therof..if they dont have it they should have the spice mix for it

>> No.4790275

Yeah. Biggest disappointment of my life.

>> No.4790282

The curry flavored one was interesting, but most of them just taste like sugar water.

>> No.4790293
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Always preferred pic related.
But Jarritos is always good.

>> No.4790295

Their ginger bear is god tier.

>> No.4790300

>6.6 FLOZ
Alright taste, but the price to amount ratio makes ramune meh tier.

>> No.4790324
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>> No.4790339
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>only available in Canada

>> No.4790345


Ting is pretty damn good. Not a fan of the pink one, though.

>> No.4790435

Well, I am incredibly white. Like, a full on unironic enjoyment of line dancing honky.

But whatever, Mexicans that I have met are pretty rad.


I can only find the apple ones of these. THey are a little sweet for my taste, but otherwise good.

>> No.4791420

that looks interesting.. seems like it only comes in apple flavor?

>> No.4791446

what? I`ve seen it in convenience stores here in Oregon

>> No.4791580
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Fruit Punch is pretty cool guy. So far, i think the Mandarin is my favorite flavor

>> No.4792977


>yfw tamarind jarritos tastes EXACTLY like lemonade and unsweetened tea.

>> No.4792980
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it is tolerable when it is poured over ice.

i would never buy it from the grocery.

also whenever i am at the mexican place i get the horchata anyhow. because i fucking love dishwater and cinnamon.

>> No.4793405

you wot mate

>> No.4793505

it does not taste good

>> No.4795284

has the Jarritos thread finally run it's course?

>> No.4796212

i started this thread last week.
i think it's about finished