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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 45 KB, 500x333, crusts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4769276 No.4769276[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"That pizza was good, Anon. Where can I throw these crusts away?"

>> No.4769279

this is totally dependent on the pizza. Some crust just sucks.

>> No.4769280

Garbage can's under the kitchen sink.

>> No.4769284
File: 101 KB, 258x304, 1369940404712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>throwing crusts away

>> No.4769287



Thin crust pizza and those shit ones that fags cut into square slices can be thrown to the birds

>> No.4769291

Any bad crusts can be mended with some garlic butter.

You truly can't prove me wrong.

>> No.4769297
File: 223 KB, 1024x683, TZA9ZCMh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making pizza with crusts on it

>> No.4769306


8/10 only because you're guaranteed replies with that sad looking abortion

>> No.4769307

this is what separates the fatties from the... everybody else

>> No.4769361

marinara sauce
balsamic vinaigrette
extra virgin olive oil and cracked pepper

plenty of dippin's for that breadstick you got there

>> No.4769392

Chop them up for a makeshift panzanella.

>> No.4769397

>Some crust just sucks.
That's probably true, but it shouldn't be. Any dough worth using should make the crust tasty as hell, even if it is drier than I'd prefer being done thin-crust.


>> No.4769407

>mfw i eat the crust with ranch when I'm feeling extra fat

>> No.4769536


give them to me and i will destrpy them

last time i got pizza i only ate the crusts, and i put the rest in a box for my sick housemate to eat for breakfast

>> No.4769537


you don't get fat by liking butter. you get fat by doing stupid shit like drinking juice instead of water

>> No.4769569

no, you get fat by staying in one place and eating too much. I've gained weight since I lost my job, and my eating habbits stayed the same, except when I had my job juice was always on sale, now its rarely ever cheap. its not the juice.

>> No.4770009
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>> No.4770014
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>throwing away flavored crust

this is why you'll be alone forever

>> No.4770019

over there in the trash bin where we've all been throwing our crusts away.

>> No.4770023
File: 67 KB, 800x426, 6a0120a8551282970b017c31c68833970b-800w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thin crust
>having actual crust
I see you don't alpha-demigod tier saint louis style

but generally as a rule, thinner crusts are better/harder to fuck up

>> No.4770025

Complely understand. If it was "real" italian pizza you just scrape the toppings off with a fork and eat it. And thin crusts are the same way.

trash bin is under the sink.

>> No.4770039

What's with America and the hate of crunchy bread?

>> No.4770060

not just drinking one cup of 100% juice, not that "1% juice co/ck/tail with corn syrup inb4 trollstorm"

>> No.4770062

THE BEST PIZZA CRUST: is both soft, chewy, and crunchy.... in a way you don't know exists until you try it.

>> No.4770093


i just mean people who choose to hydrate with very sugary drinks

but that was just one example, i just mean poor attitudes that are overlooked due to faulty notions of healthfulness or just habit

>> No.4770124

>people not eating the crust
>you not asking if you can have it if it's from a cutiegirlie

>people cutting away the crust of bread
>people peeling carrots and cucumbers

>> No.4770153

wait, you can eat carrot skin?
how safe is it?

>> No.4770166


Are you being serious here?

>> No.4770185

yes please tell me

>> No.4770190

Nah, you're a troll. You have to be.

>> No.4770192
File: 56 KB, 358x400, 1378130686167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>order pizza with bread sticks
>eat all the bread sticks and the dipping sauce
>eat the pizza but leave the crusts


>> No.4770194

>wait, you can eat carrot skin?

I for one never knew people actually peeled carrots until I came to America.

>> No.4770200

Peels is usually where all the chemical shit concentrates. Carrots don't need peeling, but cucumbers are loaded with shite, m8.

>> No.4770201

i always peel carrots before eating them RAW, BUT i have left the skin on to cook soup

but please tell me if its safe to eat the carrot skin RAW

im not trolling, im just a good accidental troll.

>> No.4770208

to be fair, it looks like i'll chip a tooth or two on those.

>> No.4770213

Not in my garden!

It should be fine. The only time it would be bad would be if the soil they were grown in was loaded with unseasoned/unaged "hot" manure or the carrots were left to get nasty in a fridge or transportation somewhere. The later can happen with or without skin obviously.

There's also no sickness outbreaks from carrots reported to the CDC: http://www.cdc.gov/outbreaknet/outbreaks.html

So, it should be quite fine. Just wash them.

>> No.4770223

What do you mean how safe is it? Why would you peel carrots? Just pull it from the ground, brush most of the dirt off and munch down.

>> No.4770224

> just wash them

This, is the important step a good wash for most and an extre scruba-dubdub for the fugly ones.

>> No.4770225

>Not in my garden!
Well obviously. When I'm eating home grown I never peel vegetables. Sadly most of us rely on fucking supermarkets.

>> No.4770275

Horse shops sell carrots very cheaply and they're much nicer than supermarket ones. You just need a place to store 10kg of carrots.

>> No.4770309
File: 73 KB, 1131x630, just_a_little_salsa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ITT: kids that are used to throw food away because mommy would never make them clear their plate

This is almost as bad as people that will only eat chicken fingers at restaurants. Or people that can't even hold knife and fork properly. Fucking kids.

>eating ramen more than once every other week
>eating fast food more than once every week
>"Ewww how can you eat liver?"
>"I want my meat done cause i dont want no bacteria crawling in my skin"
>"Can I have some ranch with that"

>> No.4770331

Thirding this. I usually munch my carrots by washing them unless they look physically disgusting.

Just jerk them off for a bit under some water and your fine.

>> No.4770335

>>ITT: kids that are used to throw food away because mommy would never make them clear their plate

Glad my parents didn't hate me and didn't force me to eat things I didn't like.

>> No.4770341
File: 92 KB, 500x374, MUH MANNERS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Or people that can't even hold knife and fork properly

>> No.4770343
File: 13 KB, 259x194, Utterly repulsive.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people eating pizza with a knife and a fork

>> No.4770344

And now you're a spoiled manchild. Thanks, parents!

>> No.4770345

how do you hold a knife and fork "properly."

>> No.4770347

That would be my hillbilly cousins right there shoveling chili in their gullets while hunched over the bowl, occasionally coming up for air.

>> No.4770349

Dat visual

>> No.4770350

You rip your pizza or eat it like a giant sandwich or something?

>> No.4770353
File: 26 KB, 400x330, folded-new-york-pizza-slice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet he's a folder.

Just get a calzone, buddy.

>> No.4770413

You dumbshits really don't understand how to eat pizza without a knife and fork? You pick up a slice and you eat it you braindead clowns

>> No.4770418

Manners [ ]
Cultured [ ]
Ritalin [x]

I hope at the very least, you washed your hands.

>> No.4770430

So you slice that pizza buy staring at it?

>> No.4770439

Do you eat bread with a knife and fork?
Do you shrimp cocktail with a knife and fork?
Do you eat bacon with a knife and fork?
Do you eat carrot sticks or celery sticks with a knife and fork?
Do you eat sandwiches with a knife and fork?

If not I hope you washed your hands you unmannered uncultured swine.

>> No.4770440

Wait, people eat bacon with their hands?

>> No.4770441

>You dumbshits really don't understand how to eat soup without a spoon? You pick up the plate and you drink it you braindead clowns

>> No.4770447


well when you cook it properly and its not a limp soggy piece of fat, the fork tends to at best be useless as it falls off, and at worst just break it.

>> No.4770449

>being this incompetent with a fork
You're right, manual dexterity and coordination take too much work, let's just grab the thing and stab our mouth with it. Much easier. Fuck civilization.

>> No.4770450
File: 7 KB, 174x200, pizza cutter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yes you dingus, by staring at it.

>> No.4770451

I've never had problem cutting or eating bacon with a fork and knife. Even if they are burned to a crisp.

>> No.4770452


>soup = pizza


>> No.4770454

How is that any different from just cutting it with a regular knife?

Never understood those things. It's not like it's brain surgery to use a knife and fork to slice pizza.

>> No.4770455


of course they do, and you know it.

>> No.4770457

Bacon goes on salad and I've never seen anyone eat salad with their hands. So, I'm going to say, no, people don't eat bacon with their hands. They use forks.

>> No.4770459


i'll never understand who brainwashed you people into thinking the only way to eat food is a utensil, hands are perfectly acceptable with plenty of different dishes.

>muh culture
>muh manners

have a real defense not based on made up fantasies designed to entertain the rich?

>> No.4770460

No. I've never seen any of my friend doing it when at the table.

I mean, I get taking one as a quick little bite. But not in actual breakfast/lunch/dinner situations.

>> No.4770461

it's a shitload easier? pass over with the blade once or twice for each line, or tediously cut through the entire pizza? unless, that is, you have a gigantic knife which can cut a pizza in one go. even then, using one of those is easier.

>> No.4770462

The toppings on my pizza are too high to use one of those correctly. It'd end up just shoving toppings ahead of it like a snow plow. That's why using a knife is much better and easier.

>> No.4770463

>pizza = sandwich

>> No.4770464


because i'd rather pick up and eat a triangle than after a one time cut then pretend i'm eating a bready cheesy steak

>> No.4770465

I use regular knife and fork, but I'm not retarded so I've never had any problems.

Do you bring it with you or something if you visit a restaurant?

>> No.4770469


why lie online? no one eats breakfast bacon with a fork.

>> No.4770470

I get slicing a pizza and eating it with out hands, that's what I do. But I've never seen why you need a special utensil to do it.

>> No.4770472

what restaurants do you visit where they don't cut a pizza into slices for you?

if you're talking about eating slices with a knife and a fork then you are correct (because the utensil isn't meant for that in the first place) that it would be easier. still retarded, but a bit less retarded.

>> No.4770466


they make large ones. also, if a round blade is going to ruin your toppings then so is a knife blade

>> No.4770468

>because i'd rather pick up and eat a triangle than have to actually use cutlery

>> No.4770475


great logic there gizmo, people only eat bacon on salads.

>> No.4770476
File: 69 KB, 448x419, muh journal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not dipping your crusts in your cola

>> No.4770477


they cut it for you at restaurants and you know it
you slimy little monkey guy

>> No.4770478

>no one eats breakfast bacon with a fork.
Me and my friends?

I mean. It's there. You are already using a knife and fork to eat the other breakfast stuffs. So I don't see why I would put down my fork and grab a bacon slice with my hands.

The only time I've eaten breakfast bacon with my hands is when I forgot my fork.

>> No.4770482


yes that's correct, i'd rather not use cutlery on a dish that doesn't require it, just like i don't use cutlery on my sandwiches.

>> No.4770483

Must be a cultural difference.

Usually the places in my country leave it to the customers so they can decide how to eat it instead.

>> No.4770488


>forgot my fork

where the hell are you taking your fork? you take it with you when you go out? and if you're at home you don't forget a fork, you just walk to the drawer and get one

>> No.4770490
File: 92 KB, 554x530, knife-fork-chocolate-bar-seinfeld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

children eat bacon with their hands.

are you a child?

this is as bad as adult eating candy bars with their hands.

>> No.4770495

>In America the server determines what portions you should be eating and cuts the pizza according to their own discretion., not yours.

Land of the Free

>> No.4770492

usually the service industry in my country doesn't make you go through the extra effort to do the exact same thing you could do at home for free.

>go out to eat
>have to help prepare the food

>> No.4770496

Sorry. Meant knife.

Went to the TV in the next room and said fuck and just used my hands.
Used a fork for the scrambled eggs.

>> No.4770497

No dish actually "requires" cutlery, you can pick anything up and bite off mouthfulls, it's just incredibly rude and uncultured.

>> No.4770499

Is there something stopping me from eating multiple pieces?

>there are people autistic enough to care about how their pizza is cut

>> No.4770500

>i have to have my food cut up and chewed for me

>> No.4770501


children also wear pants, should i stop wearing pants?

>> No.4770502

I'm my country they don't force you to eat a pizza the way they want.

>> No.4770503
File: 14 KB, 260x260, restaurant+travel+pack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not taking a travel pack of silverware with your when eating out.

LOL wait wait wait. You don't take flatware and plates with you when you eat out?

>> No.4770506

there is a fine line between foods that benefit from cutlery and those that don't

>pizza does not

>> No.4770507

please refer to

>>there are people autistic enough to care about how their pizza is cut

>> No.4770508

I bet your one of those faggots that eats extra slices and doesn't eat the crusts then ends up short changing everyone else because of your anti-crust faggotry.

>> No.4770510

>short changing everyone else

>implying i don't pay for what i eat

if i could spoiler, i'd shock you with the fact that i actually EAT my crusts

>> No.4770511


>be eurotrash
>go to local fine cultural dining establishment
>have raw meat delivered to table
>prepare my own fire, singe my own animal flesh
>have waiter bring over some ore so i may fashion mine own utensils, some timber that i might prepare a place to sit
>waiter asks if i'd like to make use of the shaker of pepper
>leave in a huff at the babying implication that i wouldn't grind my own from a hefty pungent rock of the stuff

this is what you sound like.

>> No.4770512

Yes there are. Which is why they don't cut the pizza.

If you want them to cut it I'm sure they would be willing.

Some like them thinner so they are easier to eat. Some like them semi-folded. No discrimination.

>> No.4770517

>i need to have food chewed by someone else and regurgitated into my mouth for me
This is what you sound like.

>> No.4770521

literally using the exact same ruse as the previous post

you're not even trying anymore

>If you want them to cut it I'm sure they would be willing.

and here, if you don't want to cut it, they would be more than willing. whoa crazy, i know.

>> No.4770522


who's culture, brah?

manners are made up brah

>> No.4770524


so you fork and knife sandwiches?

>> No.4770526


you already said that guy, repeating the post that i responded to near verbatim isn't helping you any

>> No.4770528

>tfw I've actually been to a fancy restaurant that has a special server/chef that will grind salt or pepper for you and you are not supposed to touch the grinders yourself.

Those places don't even have seasonings or sauces on the tables because it would be an insult to the chef. So, any seasoning that gets put on by your request is first okay'd with the chef. If he doesn't okay it then you don't get it.

>> No.4770530

>manners are made up brah

Everything humans do are made up.

>> No.4770533



>> No.4770535

>travel set for two
>dat feel when you only have a travel set for one

>> No.4770540

I added "regurgitated" this time, learn to read.
And since the point has not been disputed, nothing new needs to be said.

>> No.4770541
File: 119 KB, 500x276, Spot_the_differences.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't reply to him. He probably failed these tests as a kid.

>> No.4770542


>I added "regurgitated" this time

>near verbatim

learn to read.

>> No.4770548 [DELETED] 


what point? that american's need their food chewed for them? here's your disputation: They don't. This doesn't happen. It's an intention exaggeration designed to anger strangers online. There ya go Trixie.

>> No.4770552


what point? that americans need their food chewed for them? Here's your disputation: No, they don't. This doesn't happen in restaurants and is a clear exaggeration designed to anger strangers online, a pure fabrication. There ya go, Trixie

>> No.4770566

But apparently you have to have your food cut up into pieces for you.

>> No.4770576

you probably get pissed off when subway cuts your footlong in half, you fat fuck

>> No.4770580

>being this mad
>projecting this much
There is no need to be upset.

>> No.4770583

>I WANT SQUARES!!!!!!!!!

Somehow, I think this includes a majority of pizza eaters on /ck/.

>> No.4770585

Does your Subway do that?

If so, why did you get a foot long in the first place? Just get two half foot sandwiches instead.

>> No.4770589


opposite end of the spectrum there, brah, i'm skin and bones.

regardless, cutting large pieces of food into sensible portions is something we like done here in the first world, no need to tell the wait staff.

>> No.4770590

>Just get two half foot sandwiches instead
>paying $3 extra for the same thing

this is why you're poor, europe.

>> No.4770592


I don't live in that country though. I'm American. I don't even think Subways are in Europe.

>> No.4770606


Wat? That's common practice. Even when I was in New York the Subway guy did that.

>> No.4770609


yes, they are

>> No.4770611

Give them to me. If you aren't shit at cooking pizza the crusts are my favorite part. And they better goddamn well have some garlic butter on them.

>> No.4770656
File: 35 KB, 300x272, okay-meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>order foot long sandwich
>guy makes a foot long sandwich in front of you
>then he cuts it in half before giving it to you
>get two half foot sandwiches
>you go ahead and pay for two half foot sandwiches


>> No.4770660


But that's not how it works. I know that you're just joshing with me but some people might really think that.
Say you're getting a BMT, that's something around 4€, don't remember anymore. Making it in a footlong is 2.50€ more. They'll cut it in half so people can actually eat it without looking like retards or having to fold it like New Yorkers do with their pizzas.

>> No.4770722


do you also get mad when your fries come precut?

>> No.4770726

If you were autistic they'd make you a new one for free and be all over the news for doing a good deed.

>> No.4770729

I save my crusts for the end and people always think I'm going to throw them away.

>> No.4771711

I do the opposite. I eat the crusts first, then roll my pizza like a fruit roll-up and dunk it into garlic butter.

>> No.4772566


Good Lord.

>> No.4772704


Yes you can eat carrot skin cooked or raw. It's not poisonous, perhaps a little bitter if your carrots are old, but perfectly edible. The same goes for cucumbers.

You can also eat potato skins, although not raw in large amounts, cooking breaks down the solanine, which is what can poison you in large enough doses.

>> No.4772722
File: 391 KB, 500x557, OSP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


get one of these

>> No.4772741

using your thumb and middle finger to hold it and your index finger to stabilize it.
not with your whole fist

>> No.4772746

I don't understand people that use silverware to eat pizza.

>> No.4772749

Oh god I remember that. Fucking ridiculous.

>> No.4774497

Crusts are disgusting from chain pizza stores. Even dunking it into large amounts of garlic-salt sauce is just off-putting.

Crispy crust all the way.

>> No.4774519

>Giving your dog poison

Go fuck yourself

>> No.4774524

>Eating yourself full on crusts and leaving the tasty and more expensive stuff on the plate.

>> No.4774541

Crust is usually shitty.
Plus did you know how much bacteria is on your hands? You might as well be eating everything you've touched.

>> No.4774544


>Plus did you know how much bacteria is on your hands?

Almost none. You should try soap and hot water some time.

>> No.4774547

Imagine the baker, they don't give a fuck and go out and smoke and come back in and work on pizzas, and that's just the tip of the iceberg

>> No.4774549


>> No.4774563

It's not that they don't eat the crusts, it's that they usually take more slices than everyone else. While every other socially adjusted person is finishing their entire slice the crust shirker is gobbling down as much meat and cheese (or whatever topping) as they can handle. Don't bitch about pizza quality or calorie quantity, pizza isnt known for being at the pinnacle of taste and health.

>> No.4774602


I have OCD but ironically am not even bothered by things like this. I love crust, I would always eat other peoples when I was a kid

>> No.4774603

>tactical kilt with tactical sporran
what the fuck

>> No.4775374

My dog won't even eat crusts. I didn't realize any dogs did. They just sniff it, look at me like "wtf do you expect me to do? I ain't eating this shit."

>> No.4775381

Do you even eat the crusts on a fucking sandwich?

>> No.4775398

>meeting at work
>dozen pizzas ordered
>someone ripped off pizza and left it in the box
>crust still slightly attached to other slice

You couldn't have just taken the whole slice and done that on your plate? Fucking slobs

>> No.4777355

I cut the crust off bread

>> No.4777555

>Where can I throw these crusts away?

Oh, the trash can right over there. I dislike crust too anon.

Or we can give them to our fat friend who will eat the crusts even though we've been slobbering all over them.

>> No.4777595
File: 44 KB, 345x258, pgpic_2822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I know people peel carrots, but cucumbers? Where do they peel cucumbers?

I keep the skin on potatoes if they're fresh.

>> No.4777644

>Where do they peel cucumbers?
on the outside of the cucumber. cucumbers can have bitter peels, there is some sort of waxy residue that is built up on the outside. Also, you don't want to eat an unskinned cucumber because it may have been up someone's butt or inside of their vagina before you get to it.

>> No.4777718

But that's where all the vitamins are!!

>> No.4777750

Over the sink. I peeled cucumbers before I juiced them but that was probably a useless step.

>> No.4777768

what if it's a pizza whose crusts genuinely sucks?
I mean, sometimes the toppings are the only redeeming factor

>> No.4778352

I'll give the benefit of the doubt that a really terrible pizza crust may not be worth eating IF there is nothing left.

>> No.4778380

american here. I never ever peel my carrots. Just seems like a waste of good carrot, and less work is always good.

same goes for cucumbers, potatoes, etc.