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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4768037 No.4768037[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Just finished eating a well done steak and ate it with some mashed potatoes, garlic, horseradish and ketchup. I love steak!

Pic semi related kinda how my steak/ketchup looked.

>> No.4768043

You're not even trying.

>> No.4768047

10/10, guaranteed replies, even if it is the same shitty troll all day e'ry day here...

>> No.4768052
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I am not trolling. I just don't understand why you people can't just let people eat steak the way they like. People that are so elitist and don't like people who eat their steak a certain way are homosexual. You're like pretentious wine connoisseurs.

"Ahahahaha he drank Louis Jadot 2008 Bonnes Mares Grand Cru red wine with his white fish!"


>> No.4768056

>please somebody pay attention to me

>> No.4768059
File: 82 KB, 558x602, Food poisoning .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Agreed OP

Chart related

>> No.4768062


You are too pretentious

>> No.4768066


Looks pretty good. I prefer eating chicken over steak though. Chicken is tastier.

>> No.4768068

i bet you didnt even roast the garlic and that makes your steak gross as hell even if you did honor it with wonderful ketchup.

>> No.4768076
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>go to burger place with family and SO
>place has really interesting burgers based off rock songs
>they recommend a beer to go with each burger, and recommend burgers be cooked medium rare
>go with it
>blow it out both holes the next night
>tfw hippies made you stray away from medium well

>> No.4768092

>ground meat
>anything but well done
Yeah you should have been smarter than that bro.

>> No.4768097

Why did you ruin perfectly good ketchup with a steak? That ketchup belongs with a burger, hot dog, eggs, or something else that will honor it's integrity, not a pleb steak

>> No.4768143
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what the fuck is up with you americans and putting ketchup and mayonnaise on every fucking thing?

i had some american friends over and i made them some gourmet eggs with bacon and tomatoes and they poured that shit all over the place

you disgust me

>> No.4768148

sorry Mr Eurofag the only Americans who know how to cook live in the godawful uninhabitable south because only really poor people have to learn how to cook most Americans can afford to buy pre-prepared food their whole lives.

>> No.4768157


I actually did roast it.

>> No.4768163


Because it tastes really good.


Horseradish isn't mayo idiot.

>> No.4768164

has nothing to do with cooking, its just that you do not smear some sugar filled chemical tasting paste on a delicious meal

ketchup and mayonnaise should be reserved for shitty unhealthy food like fries and burgers

>> No.4768170

I bet you are cooking "sketti" right now you sick fuck.

>> No.4768173


Actually I am Canadian and currently I am cooking some perogies.

>> No.4768175

Gourmet bacon & eggs
Lol, seriously?

>> No.4768176


Shut up you faggot

>> No.4768171

nobody was talking about the horseradish you cunt

>> No.4768188

eggs with bacon and eggs are not what you fucking idiots call "bacon & eggs"

>> No.4768195


My typical breakfast is 2 scrambled eggs, a couple strips of bacon, one german or italian sausage, a scoop of beans in tomato sauce, some fried mushrooms and tomatoes and a slice of toast with melted cheese.

>> No.4768213

do you add any fucking ketchup to this?

>> No.4768215


Nope. Also I am the OP by the way. Sometimes I will have an extra slice of toast and dip in some Maple Syrup but that's after I finished eating all the savoury food cause the taste of maple syrup in my mouth would kinda ruin eggs for me.

>> No.4768217
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this is what i am talking about

>> No.4768218

Enlighten me

>> No.4768220

i am going to sound extremely racist and ask if you are canadian

>> No.4768227


I already said I am.

>> No.4768237

bacon & eggs is you frying up some fucking eggs and slapping some greasy burnt bacon on top of it

scrambled eggs with bacon and tomatoes are properly scrambled eggs with small pieces of properly prepared bacon and small cubes of fresh tomatoes mixed in them, then garnished to your liking (fine salt + roughly ground pepper + strong oregano is what i did)

wish i had a picture

>> No.4768240

tell me then, what do you NOT put maple syrup on? is it really a "goes with everything" kind of thing in canada?

>> No.4768251

Just as I thought
Scrambled eggs with bacon & some diced tomatoes is a far fucking cry from "gourmet"
Go get your self a dictionary & a cookbook sweetie

>> No.4768254

>Gourmet may describe a class of restaurant, cuisine, meal or ingredient of high quality, of special presentation, or high sophistication.

now go fuck yourself with a rake

>> No.4768258


> is it really a "goes with everything" kind of thing in canada?

Absolutely not. That is a pretty stupid stereotype. The people who eat it usually use it on things like pancakes, waffles, French toast/powdered sugar, and other sweet things.

>> No.4768265

And you consider scrambled eggs to be a meal of high quality?
You must be british or from the deep south

>> No.4768269

>high quality, of special presentation, or high sophistication

1 out of 3 ain't bad in euroland i guess

>> No.4768279


If you use high quality free range organic eggs, yes.

>> No.4768278

you must have never had a high quality dish of scrambled eggs with bacon and tomatoes

>> No.4768288

That may be a well done steak, but it isn't burned to all hell and actually looks moist. Good job.

>> No.4768289

Just because a meal is simple does not make it of lesser quality. Are you going to say that there is no such thing as a gourmet pizza because it is a simple dish?

>> No.4768315

Depends on the ingredients
How fresh the dough is
Where the toppings came from, etc..

But we all know your "gourmet" scrambled eggs & bacon were just a carton of eggs & a package of bacon you purchased from the supermarket

>> No.4768318

so for you it is just about ingredient quality?

>> No.4768328

except for the salt and pepper everything was bought at farmers market you retard

>> No.4768339


>bought at farmers market

Lol, yuropoors.

>> No.4768340
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>> No.4768349

Not at all
Even if your eggs came from a golden goose & the bacon came from a pig blessed by mohammed himself
Its still just fucking scrambled eggs & bacon
A dish that an 11 year kid could make

>> No.4768371

that is because age does not fucking matter you peace of turd cunt fuck shit retarded nigger faggot

>> No.4768376



Underage b&

Also reported for racism/homophobia

>> No.4768381

>/ck/ still falling for a fifty billion year old pic

how is this place not /b/?