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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 84 KB, 500x340, 4122-20-08-13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4734477 No.4734477 [Reply] [Original]

Okay I've been making this sauce for my burgers for the last 29 years of my life, I call it Quinky Sauce. It's just 3 parts ketchup, 2 parts Sayosauce, and 2 parts Mustard.

Anyways tonight we had burgers, and my daughter wouldn't eat my Quinky Sauce so I punished her by making her go to her room for a time out.

My wife get's all pissed at me for doing this, If my daughter doesn't want to eat the food we make in this house, why should I be the bad guy for punishing her?

I'm gonna continue making Burgers the way people in this family eats burgers, but I think maybe I could mild down my recipe a bit, I was wondering if you guy's had any recipe's or variation on Quinky Sauce that would be suitable for a child?

>> No.4734482

i realize the high probability of troll but...

>stop not liking things i like

You're the only one that is being a child here, OP. Grow up. Not everyone has the same tastes

>> No.4734491

Oh alright then, but I'm not 100 percent what her taste buds are and tweaking Quinky Sauce will be strange for me because I usually enjoy it no matter what.

A child like her gets fussy so I'm thinking that tweaking will save alot of arguments.

Unless I just let her power through and learn to like it.

>> No.4734497

>ck raises a child

>> No.4734496

People like different things on their burgers, including sauces. Your quinky sauce sound disgusting btw.

>> No.4734500

How about you give her a burger with nothing but a bun and she can have whatever condiments and toppings she enjoys?

>> No.4734501

>eat it or starve

problem solved

>> No.4734511

Why not let her eat the burger without the sauce? Does it affect you that much? It's not like its some secret recipe sauce you literally took the world's three most common condiments and mixed them together.

>> No.4734515

That's just a matter of an opinion, and opinion's change, I think the smell turns her off, if she took a bite she'd like it.

And it's just a matter of opinion whether it sounds disgusting or not.
Like I said she's a fussy eater, if she learns she can get anything she wants it'll be counter productive. But I'm opening to tweaking the original recipe.
I'm not gonna abuse my child, I just want her to learn to like it

>> No.4734516

The thing about that is that children will just not eat it, even if they get really hungry. I have two kids and I think you're underestimating the determination of a child.

>> No.4734524
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if she doesnt like the quinky she can have a taste of my winky

>> No.4734531

>"Quinky Sauce"
>3 parts ketchup, 2 parts soya sauce*, and 2 parts mustard
>getting upset your kid doesn't like your retarded shit sauce and punishing them

How the fuck did you procreate?

>> No.4734535


I wouldn't let my son have a Star Wars toy once while we were at wal mart, and he kept saying he wanted to die, and all this stuff because I didn't get him his toy.

He grabbed the fucking wheel out of my hand and ran it into the cars.

After I yelled at him, he began crying.

Kid's are stupid, and if they decide they wanna die, they'll stupidely try it too.

>> No.4734537

Why are you so adamant on her ingesting this sauce? If she doesn't want to eat a burger as a main course thats one thing, but this sauce business is ridiculous. It sounds like you're imposing your interests and tests on her.

>> No.4734543

he wants her to ingest his secret ingredient he never mentioned

>> No.4734544

What I do with my kids is they have to try at least one solid bite and if they still don't like it, I won't bug them about it anymore. I had a lot of food sensitivities as a kid and ended up throwing up a lot. I could usually tell from one bite of something that it'd make me feel sick later after awhile, but I couldn't really explain that to anyone. Even without food sensitivities though, I think it's a fair system. Kids are people too, after all, and they have their own preferences, thoughts, and feelings.

>> No.4734545

Well I just don't think it's that bad, I'm sure once she's tried to and given it a proper go she'll love it.

I'm willing to tweak the recipe, but I'm not gonna have her getting her way whenever she wants just because she might not like something.

>> No.4734552

>> I'm not gonna have her getting her way whenever she wants just because she might not like something.

I hope you think about what you just typed.

>> No.4734553

>being the embodiment of a /ck/ food autist

You're almost as bad as that fast food trash man with the social anxiety disorder.

>> No.4734556

There's nothing wrong with trying something and not liking it.

>> No.4734558

>I'm not gonna have her getting her way whenever she wants just because she might not like something.

You are FUCKING RETARDED. What kind of douche imposes a certain retarded sauce on all people eating hamburgers? You put condiments out and let people do it themselves. How the fuck do you not realize that you are trying to force the world's shittiest burger sauce on your daughter? What the fuck is wrong with you?

Your daughter is a lot smarter than your dumb ass.

>> No.4734563
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fucking this

>> No.4734565

Why? My daughter would probably enjoy it, I don't really think she'd hate it, and I think she's making a big fuss over nothing, if she tried it, she'd probably like it. It'd be a valuable lesson for her to realize she enjoyed something she thought she didn't. She'd learn to be more open minded.
But like I said, there's a lesson to learn if she tries it

>> No.4734560

I'm envisioning a Buffalo Bill vibe with you OP.

>>It puts the sauce in the mouth or it has to go without.

>>. . . .


>> No.4734568

What is soyosauce? Is that soy sauce AKA shoyu?

Also, why don't you just leave the sauce on the side?

>> No.4734571

I'm convinced this is a troll, otherwise you need to talk to whoever raised you and ask them where they went wrong with your upbringing.

>> No.4734569

Battling a kid over what they will or won't eat is bullshit.

There are only two options:

-Present everything as the kid's chance to participate in something good and wonderful


-Ride out their fussiness for the ten or so years it takes them to realize they don't know shit about food and don't even remember why they disliked all the things they used to.

Girls are tougher than boys. Took my mother over 6 decades to come around on eggplant.

You can tell her she's wrong and needs fixing; I joke with my niece that way. But as her father you'd have to joke about that very gently, because girls are sensitive.

My son fucked up my cooking for about six years by being a fussy little prick. Now he's a good cook. Some people just go through that phase. Don't encourage it, but you can't fight it.

Also: Your stupid burger sauce sucks.

>> No.4734573

It's your opinion that it sucks, it is not a fact, I'm just trying to open my daughter's eyes to the views of the world, I'm willing to tweak the sauce but I'm not gonna let her get the get up just because she cries and whines.

I think it'd be good for her to have a switched up opinion about something she thought of as gross, and actually finding it to be delicious

>> No.4734575

You sauce sounds like shit and your daughter is going to end up getting pregnant at a very early age due to your shit parenting.

Have fun with all that.

>> No.4734578



>> No.4734583

Ya, like some daddy dick? You fucking disgust me, this is power tripping on a whole other level. Instead of allowing her to form her own tastes and opinions you impose your own tastes and preferences on her, and if she doesn't break, you just keep insisting that she doesn't (dis)like what she think she does. Put her up for adoption, I can't even imagine what else you forcibly impose on her.

>> No.4734584

i hate when people make me put cheese on my burger. it takes away from the meaty goodness

>> No.4734586

I'm trying to present her to something good, but she will not have it.

I understand that tugging them will cause them to push back, but I just want her to enjoy it because it's what my mother ate and what I ate. And I know she's just being fussy because she's like this almost all the time when we eat dinner. And even then if something is good like Quinky Sauce she still rejects it, so I know she's being difficult.

I'll try and get her to try some before bed to see if she will change her mind.

>> No.4734589

>>something good

Theres your problem, you believe that this sauce is infallible, and it fucking isn't, NO sauce is. Go to bed you shit troll.

>> No.4734591

I hated A LOT of the food my parents gave me as I was growing up, and they were mostly understanding. Thing is, much to my own surprise, I gradually grew to like some of the foods I used to hate. Just the other day I discovered I liked (well made) cole slaw, when I had hated it for years and years.

And OP, I hope you realize that your sauce has VERY strong flavors in it. Both soy and mustard are fairly strong, and corn syrup laden ketchup doesn't help things any. A child's taste buds should be sensitive, and throwing that many strong flavors at them all at once, it's no wonder she doesn't like it.

There's no "scaling it down" or whatever, that kind of stuff is powerful. I like what another poster said, give her a burger and condiments and let her build it herself. I get that you don't want her to think she's getting her way, but YOU made an issue of this, not her. It's your responsibility now to make amends with her. Sit her down to a meal and calmly tell her that you may have gone overboard and that you're sorry, then explain to her as simply as you can how much that sauce means to you and how much it'd mean to you if you could share something you love with her. Then tell her that if she doesn't like it, that's okay, and if she ever changes her mind about it, you'll always have some ready.

>> No.4734595

Say she won't have dinner unless she tries one bite. If she doesn't like it, then you'll do the normal adult thing and give her one without the abomination you put on burgers.

Pro tip, children like plain, bland food. They don't really have a refined taste to enjoy flavor. What they want is "fun" food. Your weird-colored goup is unappetizing to not only your daughter, but probably your wife as well, who indulges you because 1) she loves you and 2) because you're such a fucking proud autist about what is one of the most disgusting sounding things I have ever contemplated putting on a burger.

So, ketchup, yellow mustard and soy? How do you get any flavor of soy between the mustard and ketchup? How does the soy interact with the HFCS in your ketchup? What flavors are you trying to achieve?

Why not try tomato paste, ground mustard seed and ... fuck, I have no idea. I hate ketchup.

Tomato paste, ground mustard seed, ginger, roasted garlic and possibly something to make the paste less paste-like. Any idea co/ck/s?

>> No.4734597

She's going to be difficult because maybe her only avenue for expressing herself as a separate entity from you and your wife is by refusing to eat some of the horrible shit the two of you eat.

The bottom line is she isn't rebelling against something healthy like veggies or beans. She's rebelling against some bullshit you made up that's mostly salt, vinegar and sugar. Why the fuck should you care?

>> No.4734598

You sound like an enormous faggot, OP.

>> No.4734603

So, your entire point is that you believe this sauce is great. That it's good and she will love it if she takes a bite.

So what happens if you do somehow by the grace of god get her to eat it and she hates it? Tell her she doesn't know true flavor and force her to eat more?

Jesus, dude. What is wrong with you? Present the sauce as something "cool." Make it something she WANTS rather than something you're FORCING on her if it's that important that someone at a "fussy" age enjoys.

Your parenting seems atrocious. I feel horrible for this child. Examine yourself and how you look at others, especially your children. She is not a projection of you, she is her own person that you are trying to guide into someone who can function in normal society. Wanting to eat normal food is a good sign. Not wanting weird sauces put on it is a normal sign. Children don't like things with complex/bold flavors.

>> No.4734605

The try it and then say you don't like it theory is fine. After she's put it in her mouth and isn't into it, let her stop eating it.

That said, your sauce sounds disgusting and based on the shitty name you made up it sounds like you're one of those people who thinks they're clever and interesting but has as much actual appeal as a turnip.

>> No.4734607

Realize this is probably not a serious post but if it is dear god please don't call it quinky sauce ever again.

>> No.4734609

I have a middle aged friend who is actually a pretty decent cook. Unfortunately the dish he and his wife fell in love over is some hideous version of spaghetti involving Ragu sauce, supermarket Italian sausages, Kraft cheese, canned California olives and a ew other foodcrimes I can't remember.

His constant attempts to push this on his daughter as a "family tradition" led to at least a year of her being a vegetarian.

OP: keep some shit between you and your wife, especially when it may suck, and you really have no good reason to inflict it on your kid.

>> No.4734614

>OP claims this shit is good

You know what? Fuck it. BRB making some.

>> No.4734618
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>Quinky sauce
How the fuck did you get that name? Don't force food on your kid too, if she doesn't want the sauce don't make her eat the god damn sauce.

>> No.4734621

Pretty sure Quinky Sauce is OP's slang term for his semen. We should probably involve the authorities.

>> No.4734622

Just tried some myself. It's interesting, let me know what you think.

OP, your sauce is okay. I found it to have a rather string sour flavor. I was eating it straight, but I imagine even on food it'd be pretty damn strong. Perfectly fine for an adult palate, but as was mentioned earlier, children have much more sensitive taste buds. It would probably taste like complete shit to them.

More importantly, you don't get to throw a tantrum and punish your daughter just because she didn't like your cooking and it hurt your feelings. If she doesn't want the fucking sauce, don't give her the fucking sauce, you dick.

>> No.4734625
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H-here I go.

Okay. Well, I only had spicy brown mustard, so itns not exactly what OP makes.

It tastes like salty cocktail sauce. Most likely from the horse raddish. It might be because of the mustard, but you cannt taste the ketchup at all. You're hit pretty hard with the soy taste and the mustard up front, then there's a weird back taste of sugary sweet. Not ketchup, but sweet. It tastes like bad cocktail sauce.

>> No.4734627

>I found it to have a rather string sour flavor
Kids have trouble with sour and bitter. I think they like string, though.

>> No.4734636
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>Quinky Sauce

>> No.4734637

I fucking hated mustard as a child and I fucking hate mustard now.

>eat this vile sauce
>she must eat it or else she will never learn that sometimes in life you just have to eat vile sauce


>> No.4734638

That looks like someone sneezed a part of their brain out.

>> No.4734643

Fucking 5 star post on /ck/, motherfuckfaces.

>> No.4734644


There is still a strong, lingering taste in my mouth of soy, as well as the hints of ketchup starting to break through the mustard. As I said before, it's close to cocktail sauce. But that might be because my recipe for cocktail sauce is ketchup, horseradish, lemon juice and a few drops or Worcestershire. So, somewhat similar to this.

OP, I suggest you try again in a few years. Keep it available and mention how tasty it is but do not offer it to her/force it on her. Kids are curious. If you pique her curiosity, then you'll get through to her.

What do I care, you've left the thread.

>> No.4734646

I hated mustard as a child, then I found out later in life that the putrid yellow shit that I thought of mustard as is just like thinking kraft singles is the definition of cheese.

Some nice spicy beer, chipolte dijon, or stone ground etc are all good in certain places. Hell, I'll even put some yellow on a hot dog with the works these days in small amounts.

>> No.4734652

It takes kids about 15 times to try something before they get used to it OP

Just mix it into her food without her knowing

Instead of putting Quinky sauce on the burger, mix it into the meat when you cook it (you do cook your own burger patties right)

>> No.4734657

Yeah, it didn't look too great. It becomes a pretty gross shade of dark orange once it's all mixed together. I threw a little bit more ketchup after the picture because it seemed closer to 2:2 than 3:2.
I actually think OP has something buried here but he needs to reexamine what he wants this sauce to do. It has an identity crisis right now. He obviously wants a tangy kind of sauce, and the soy cuts that by making it overly salty. I'd question what the soy sauce brings and what it's trying to accomplish. Right now it cuts and overpowers the other two pretty significantly, and even if you cut it back I don't see it complimenting the dish at all. But I don't know what would go with a combination of mustard and ketchup except mayo. But then you've basically just taken the three most common wet condiments and thrown them together.

>> No.4734662

If it was ketchup and worcestire, it'd probably be better.

>> No.4734671

Not the anon you're replying to, but isn't that basically steak sauce?

>> No.4734672


I'm the other guy that tried it.

It's a bit different without the horseradish. It's less like a cocktail sauce and more like... I don't know quite how to describe it. It was like eating a more savory version of a Warhead.

It actually might be half-decent on a burger, but I certainly wouldn't put it on anything else and I don't really care enough to do even that much.

captcha: the CPayste

>> No.4734674




>> No.4734675

Yeah, that's actually a pretty good idea. I still feel like it needs something though.Maybe... ginger? No.

>> No.4734686


>> No.4734688

You mean like A1? Not quite. Given, the first thing you taste in steak sauce is worcestire, it's not quite the same as just ketchup and worcestire.

>> No.4734698
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>> No.4734700
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>> No.4734701
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>savory version of a Warhead

>> No.4734702
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He should just twerk it.

>> No.4734703

Im hope not serious, but you never know. aside from the sauce ( not too bad , my mom was a school cafeteria worker - equal parts ketchup, mayo, and mustard - thouand island dressing, add sweet relish, you got mikydees special sauce. you know - two all beef paties etc. but yeah, you have messed up you cannot force feed a child or anyone anything. you say we are having burgers, want one? let her piut her own sauce on. or none. if she says I don't want any burgers, then you say you are excusced to your room breakfast ( or next ,meal) will be at whenever. but it seems to me you are forcing a point. your buissness, not mine. unti ll she turns about 15, hooks up with the first guy that treats her halfway decent, and gets pregnant . I might be stupid, but not blind. you are about to have a dauughter that dislikes you, a cold wife , if she is there, a son in law that doesent like you and a grandbaby you will never know. all because of "quinky sauce"? shall I book the reservations for dr. phil or jerry show or would you rather wait for the Maury show. I hope this is a joke.

>> No.4734704
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>> No.4734713
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FUCKING!!!!! TWEAK!!! IT!!!! AND!!! TRY!!! AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.4734714

Anyone else think OP is the same autistic dude you see posting bullshit like this all over this board?

>> No.4734720
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>> No.4734735
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>> No.4734747

Okay I'm back, I started considering what you guys said about letting her make her own decision's so I went into her room with a left over burger and asked her if she'd like to try what she didn't try at dinner.

She refused and started whining and cry some more so I've put her to bed. If she doesn't want to eat dinner even after I've brought her food I didn't even have to bring her then we'll talk about it at breakfast.

>> No.4734756

See? It's that strong sour kick that I think she'd like. I've tried given it to her numerous times tonight and not a goddamn thing.

I'm gonna try again in the morning and see if she'll try it out then, no cereal, no eggs, she's gonn have the food she wasted tonight if she wants to be that way

>> No.4734758
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good choice bro

>> No.4734762


You are a terrible father.

Hope your wife goes behind your back tonight and give your daughter food.

>> No.4734764

You're a douche op and an unfit father. Just sayin

>> No.4734777 [DELETED] 
File: 227 KB, 800x1020, d8816e79f46f97b188fcad8a9c8b35c1d771fc80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is anyone else getting genuinely creeped out by this thread

>> No.4734794

>See? It's that strong sour kick that I think she'd like.

>> No.4734798

I'm not sure if this started out as a troll thread, but it's definitely ended up as one.

>> No.4734799

You're a goddamn shitty parent.

>> No.4734838

lel this troll thread is great

>3 parts ketchup, 2 parts Sayosauce, and 2 parts Mustard.
>Quinky Sauce

meh sides

>> No.4734845
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You keep repeating yourself, OP.
You're willing to alter the sauce slightly, but she still needs to ingest this concoction that you find so world-changing. Why? Why would you force a kid to eat something that two of the three ingredients are those that kids don't like?
Kids like ketchup. They don't always like mustard and soy (sayo?) sauce. Don't ruin ketchup forever by marring it with those incongruent ingredients.

>> No.4734849

That was great. I don't have the patience to talk sense into this OP of megafaggotron proportions.

>> No.4734852
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>> No.4734854
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>> No.4734858
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Zap Comics are Squinky Comics! But I doubt this moron is a big Crumb fan.

>> No.4734871

lots of raisin paste in steak sauce.

>> No.4734878
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I love turnips...
OP's sauce sounds gross
Only thing that could make it worse would be some mayo

>> No.4734879
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You with the CAPS: Fuck off!

>> No.4734896
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Is this real life?

>> No.4734904

10/10 i salute you OP
best troll i've seen in a while

>> No.4734906

Deny all forms of nourishment, sustenance and communication to the outside world until your daughter has a crushing and overwhelming compulsion to have all of her bodily fluids replaced with the pinnacle of existence: Quinky sauce.

>> No.4734910

Fucking Quinky sauce. This thread.

>> No.4734924

Your daught just doesn't want to get her stomach pumped.

Have you ever considered how just because you daughter has your DNA doesn't mean she shares your tastes? Furthermore, she could have an allergy to something in there, I dunno.

The only reason you're reacting the way you are is because you projected expectations of pleasing your daughter with your creation but she hasn't yet developed the complex thought process of sparing your feelings.

Everyone here doesn't seems to like your Quinky Sauce (hell the sound of that, if not the OP picture is triggering my gag reflex).

I'd go with some of the anon's though. A child has to grow their tastes, you're shoving her into the deep end before she even tried out the kiddie pool in terms of building her palate.

>> No.4734927

wow people are still earnestly replying ahahahaha

>> No.4734962

Turn sexual assault into a way to let her out of the sauce,but with consequences. Everybody wins.

>> No.4734996

Were you trolling or are you for real?

>> No.4735010

He didn't. It's just a troll that made a troll thread. Stop replying to these.

>> No.4735025
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>> No.4735037

I can't wait for OPs daughter to grow up hating him.

>> No.4736410

fyck this thread and fuck you OP

>> No.4736798
File: 410 KB, 599x536, Quinkysauce.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This whole fucking thread

>> No.4736830

Christ, it's a fucking burger, you retard. That's one of the few things in the world that an adult can have any way they want. You aren't teaching her shit except that you're an aspie who tries to force his tastes and shitty sauce on other people and throws a whiny little bitch fit if they don't like it. I hope your wife fucked another man and that poor girl isn't your spawn.

>> No.4736842

>been making this sauce for 29 years.

Sweet, must be great.

>its 3 parts ketchup.

Thread hidden.

>> No.4736927

If your daughter is under 5 years old then I feel like she gets a pass on being picky.

>> No.4736942
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>this fucking thread
>it's still here

>> No.4737487
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How have we spent this much time talking about the sauce when this man is putting what appear to be macaroni and cheese and macaroni salad onto a burger?

>> No.4737516

Did you not also notice it's half a burger pattie, on a hot dog bun?

>> No.4737548

Oh, I did. I just felt pointing out the double helping of macaroni toppings was more important to this fever dream of a thread.

>> No.4737549

Child abuse. That is child abuse. Forcing your daughter to eat a disgustingly salty sauce is equivalent to rape. Please turn yourself in to the police.

>> No.4737552

>Anyways tonight we had burgers, and my daughter wouldn't eat my Quinky Sauce

That could be taken a few ways

>> No.4737562

are you sceak or something? o.O

>> No.4737568

Nope, I am myself.

>> No.4737598
File: 67 KB, 640x427, teriyaki burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post some motherfucking sauces on motherfucking burgers.

>> No.4737601
File: 90 KB, 620x388, thai chili sauce burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pork burger with thai chili sauce

>> No.4737602
File: 228 KB, 630x420, doucheburger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for OP, a doucheburger with BBQ sauce infused with coffee beans shat by a civet.

>> No.4737603
File: 104 KB, 600x400, lentil walnut burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something that appears to be cute, harmless, quirky, and defenseless, but is truly a kinky animal in the sack

By any chance, sauce has jizz? Pic related, from "quinky sauce" image search. Yogurt-cilantro sauce on sad vegan burger

>> No.4737606
File: 115 KB, 1024x682, turkey burger with raspberry sauce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4737619

Just quinkied my dinky.

>> No.4737639

This was all an elaborate ruse to get people to try Quinky Sauce.

>> No.4737682

What the fuck is sayosauce?

>> No.4737694

Oh zany Elliot. You should never have listened to Frank Yang

>> No.4737879

.... I think he means soy sauce. sounds fucking nasty, wouldn't fault the kid at all

>> No.4737936

Pics of loli daughter, OP

>> No.4737969

>there are people in this thread who think that the "eat it or starve" method won't work

so sad that parents these days are a bunch of goddamn sissies who are too afraid of their kid being in a shitty mood to discipline them

>> No.4737971

Hello OP

Your Quinky sauce recipe did not turn out well. A missing ingredient perhaps? BRB will add jizz.

>> No.4737973

I'm not sure why I found this thread so funny.

>> No.4737975

you're not in gitmo. forcefeeding shit sauces could land get you a court martial.

>> No.4737983

not OP. i fully believe that dumbass should give the kid a plain burger and let her decide. way i see it, as long as they're eating the substantial part of the meal, they can put whatever the hell they want on it.

but if they refuse to eat the burger and expect me to make some goddamn chicken fingers, the kid can go hungry until they decide the burger looks good.

>> No.4738007
File: 244 KB, 1600x1064, 1338685829086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Children often have more sensitive palates than adults. As we grow older our taste buds' sensitivity mellows out and we enjoy stronger flavors. You are forcing a highly flavored sauce on a child, it probably tastes stronger to her than it does to you. Especially with the salty soy sauce and the strong mustard. Leave it off her food, if she is interested in it she will eventually taste it on her own. Forcing her to eat it will make her hate it and not ever want to try it on her own.

What has worked for us it I cook one dinner. I have three items in the dinner usually. Two vegetables and a protein. Everyone is required to try at least two bites (normal bites) of something. There is no crying, it is a reasonable arrangement. They don't even have to take the two bites first. They can eat them at any point in the dinner, but they have to try them. If they don't like it they don't have to eat it. They eat the rest of the dinner instead. In this scenario. I would not dress her sandwich, but I would ask her to cut two bite size pieces that the sauce can be added to and allow her to smear the sauce on the two pieces. Before dinner is served you could also ask her to help you with an "experiment". Get her involved in the creation of your sauce. Ask her to help you mix it in a manner that would be milder for her. Ask her to also develop her own, different, sauce for the family to try for their two bites that night. Having a child help with the food preparation is a good way to get them to try what they have made. If she doesn't like it after that, then you need to see she isn't "getting away" with anything. She just isn't ready for the strong flavor of the sauce yet. Give her time and don't get mad about it. It is kind of a stupid thing you are insisting in the first place.

>> No.4738792

Could use some molasses.

>> No.4738994

>Like I said she's a fussy eater, if she learns she can get anything she wants it'll be counter productive.
Or you can force her into eating what you want her to eat/think she should eat and give her a food thing for life and make her an insecure fatass. Be grown up enough to let your child have their own preferences and stop living vicariously through their taste buds.

>> No.4739009

Stop feeding your kid sugary ass "quinky" sauce Jesus Christ it sounds terrible make her get used to eating veggies instead of being a fatty mixing up terrible ingredients for a salty sugary concoction

>> No.4739030

LOL this thread will never die

>> No.4739085

My parents thought I was a fussy eater.

Turns out they just can't cook for shit outside of meat and baked goods.

>> No.4739087

>over breakfast

good idea, put Quinky sauce on her cereal, that will wake the little bitch up

>> No.4739470

OP this sounds like a totally marketable sauce, especially for kids and retards

>> No.4739535

On labor day I'm gonna make dry ass BBQ, invite people over and make sure the only sauce available is quinky sauce. If they don't like it they can leave.

>> No.4739549

make sure to ask if they want any sauce and if they say know. tell them tobad nigger your getting some anyways

>> No.4739567

>if they say know

>> No.4739586

noe know! no!

>> No.4739616

He should give her a plain burger. And let her choose any sauce. But if she chooses the wrong sauce, he should kick her in the stomach until she pukes.
She'll be eating the quinky in no time.

>> No.4739619

i had two miscarriages so never had kids.

not real sad but kinda i dont have a kid to yell at for not liking my broccoli coleslaw.

>> No.4739657

:( sorry to hear that lady.

>> No.4739680

even better would be to serve her a bowl of quinky sauce and be all "their you go! now you dont have to worry about the sauce being on the burger! enjoy aye!"

>> No.4739685

i donate sperm 5 times a day. you can have some if you want.

>> No.4739702

OP did the right thing. She should be punished for not TRYING it. Although being forced to try a SAUCE is a bit harsh. My parents required we TRY anything they prepared for us (didn't have to finish it), but condiments were always free for our choosing.

>> No.4739735

I'm assuming OP is trolling but I can't help find it hilarious because IRL it's years of inane senseless power-tripping bullshit like this that eventually leads to patricide.

>> No.4739736

I always despised smoking. The smell and everything made me gag. My mom finaly told me i couldn't sleep unless i had a whole cigarette. Turns out I really like them and i can't get enough, I have them all the time now. One of my favorite things. The point is forcing your kids to try things they don't like might lead them to a benificial life changing experience. I think if you tell her everybody loves quinky sauce except her and she's a weirdo she might like it. If that doesn't work, tweak

>> No.4739743

If premixed ketchup, mustard, and soy were really that good then someone would have already marketed it.

But it really isn't, and your daughter's right to assume it's terrible.

Maybe instead of OCDing over some shitty condiments mixed together you should learn how to cook a proper burger that won't need overpowering with your shit sauce.

>> No.4739753

i tried cigarettes all on my own. i liked the good ones but the government said nope! you cant enjoy them. here now all you can get is shitty ones. now i dont even smoke the shitty ones because they are to shitty and taste like fuck

>> No.4739764

You sound like a shrill voiced pussy father manlet small dick working a deadend job and you fantasize about the perfect little new thing that will set you free from your worthless nothing of a pathetic shit life.

>> No.4739866

Fucking liberals are gonna ruin good American food values.

>> No.4740201

Quinky Sauce is the one and only choice in my household

>> No.4740219

It affects his ego

>> No.4740404

I wonder how quinky sauce is

>> No.4740423


Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of 4chan are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bit to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

>> No.4740431

We do that in our house, that way people make their own burgers so they get what they want.
Saves the cook some time also.

>> No.4740738

Not even my abusive shitty excuse for a father would force me to eat stuff I hated. OP needs to have his daughter taken from him.

>> No.4740747


Holy shit, these people actually exist in real life.

>> No.4740750

>>Good American food value
>>Force a child to consume something they don't want to, a fucking condiment no less

>> No.4741781

You against American food values?

>> No.4742144
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>> No.4742164


>> No.4742223

Dad used to make something with Worcestershire and ketchup. He also put in lemon juice and garlic. I loved that stuff.

OP, you remind me of my mother. She, like you, was an objectively horrid cook and frequently insisted we eat strange shit she had concocted. When I was about fourteen she put something particularly onerous on the table and pressed the issue. IIRC, it was rice swimming in milk, sugar, garlic powder, paprika, and onion powder. She made some variant of that often enough. When I wouldn't eat it she told me there were starving children in China. Dad fell out of his chair laughing when I told her their moms were probably feeding them crap like that, too.

>> No.4742248

Unnecessarily forcing your child to consume something offensive to them, be it condiments or cockroaches, has a significant impact on the family dynamic and paints you as a cruel ogre in her eyes. Is your sauce more important than your relationship?

>> No.4742618

The fuck is that?

>wouldn't eat my Quinky Sauce so I punished her by making her go to her room for a time out
...I don't even.

>> No.4742712

Add some mayonnaise and call it (daughter's name)-sauce.

>> No.4742726

So you're basically punishing your kid for having better taste than the shit sauce you're putting on burgers. Instead of quinky (a stupid word, BTW), you should call it pukey.

>> No.4742914

My favorite tangy condiment is andalouse.
Mix tomato paste, fresh onions, lemon juice, pimentos, mayo, and a dash of Worcestershire + fresh ground pepper.
It'll taste 1000% times better than that shit.
Hell even Thousand Island would be an improvement.

>> No.4744365

I thikn I just barfed in my mouth

>> No.4744485

OP is a great troll or a colossal dick.
I'm a father of two and one is a picky, fussy eater. I'd never insist that they "learn" to like something. Everyone has different tastes.

>> No.4744500

requesting sticky

>> No.4744540

>if she learns she can get anything she wants it'll be counter productive

Refusing to eat the burger and demanding something else be made would be counter productive. Enjoying what everyone else is enjoying, but within their personal preferences (say eating a burger without OP's horrendous fucking sauce on it, but say pickles and cheese like they preper) would be within a normal, productive eating relationship. Making issues where there aren't issues is the worst kind of fucking parenting. You're raising a demanding, dramatic little shit if you want to play the make-everything-a-problem game courtesy of your good example.

>> No.4744593
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>> No.4744698

quinky sauce, jesus christ. This whole thread left me in tears. God bless you all.

>> No.4744721

she didn't eat it because your food's crap faggot OP

>> No.4744801

What's funny is that when I was a kid mustard was the best thing ever to me. Soy sauce was the same as it is now; good for rice and... that's it.

Ketchup? KILL IT.

But, >>4734747, try two things.

One, don't be a cock about it. If you do (and it sounds like you already are.), then she'll not only resent the shittily-named sauce, but also the person who is attempting to force her to eat the shittily-named, and frankly unappealing sauce- that means you, OP.

Then there's this sauce- quite literally- looks like a turd.

that's half the problem. You can't expect someone- let alone a child- to like something that looks like what comes out of their ass.

The other half is the sauce itself; the color is the problem... Kids avoid stuff like soy sauce like the damned plague, literally on SIGHT, even if they've NEVER seen it before.

So try altering it. Namely; kill the fucking soy sauce. That much salt, with the mustard? No. For you, yes. For a kid, no.

Try a milder variant of the Quincy sauce, if she outright REFUSES to touch it as is.

And if not; Oh well. She doesn't like the stuff. Big fucking deal.

>> No.4746798
File: 399 KB, 640x480, quinky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Blood becomes quink
My life force, now yours to drink
Bury me in quinky sauce --
My eternal liquid tomb
Unbirthed back into the world's womb
I return from whence I came,
My lifeless husk now free to maim
I too shall become quinky sauce
As everyone does, no death truly a loss.

>> No.4746877
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>> No.4746883

Children have over active taste buds compared to adults. It litterally doesnt taste the same to her you great big man child.

>> No.4746921
File: 66 KB, 300x300, dog-you-said-what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyways tonight we had burgers, and my daughter wouldn't eat my Quinky Sauce so I punished her by making her go to her room for a time out.

This is the type of person that calls other people, "picky".
This is the type of person that posts on /ck/.
This is the type of person that posts their opinions about how others should eat food.
This person has produced offspring.

>> No.4746932

I haven't been on here for a few days and find this. Goddammit, /ck/, my sides have just launched into space.

>> No.4746935

This was some good reading, damn it boy.

>> No.4747091

>stinky yellow hot dogs
I get the feeling this is an allegory or something

>> No.4747305

This is the thread that never ends.
Yes it goes on and on anons.
Some people made some quinky sauce not knowing what it was.
And they'll continue puking it forever just because...

>> No.4747723
File: 445 KB, 1439x764, arts_movies_022113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This quinky sauce... is an absolute good. The quinky sauce is life. All around this burger's toppings lies the gulf.

>> No.4747762
File: 930 KB, 1280x720, moemouthsagape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Quinky sauce

Op I almost couldn't eat my ramen noodles because I was laughing so hard. Good God.

Just hope your daughter never tells her teacher that her daddy is forcing her to eat his "quinky" sauce.

>> No.4749315


But I'm glad I went through the catalog and found this

>> No.4749331
File: 76 KB, 500x419, 1376093805067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm laughing so hard reading through this thread. The fact that this guys sauce is called "Quinky sauce" and how everyone is so serious is such a great feeling. Hilarious.

>> No.4749356
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>> No.4749362
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>> No.4749375

>Quinky: Something that appears to be cute, harmless, quirky, and defenseless, but is truly a kinky animal in the sack.


>> No.4749382

>everyone has to eat like ME!

Are you the OP of >>4734477

>> No.4749421
File: 1.94 MB, 230x175, liotta.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

10/10 op

>mfw I read it in clip related's voice

>> No.4749461
File: 13 KB, 207x142, 1373887710137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this fucking thread
The best part is the people that are seriously responding to the Op

>> No.4749513

Once this thread 404's I'm going to repost everything from it.

Forever and ever, /ck/ will be quinky.

>> No.4749521

Do you remember that gravy sandwich thread or whatever the hell it was? Don't be that person.

>> No.4750232
File: 35 KB, 258x320, peggy hill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean you dont want some spapeggy and meatballs?

>> No.4750242


>> No.4750250

OP Here

I just noticed you guys keep typing


That is where you mix mayo and soy sauce together, my Mum invented it when I was a kid and she likes it by herself.

>> No.4750252


>> No.4750255

The Sogwich.

>> No.4750258
File: 19 KB, 500x281, Mybonerisnowdiamond.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear god that's hot. Source?

>> No.4750610
File: 343 KB, 1095x1195, 1366961266559.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4750635

>yfw quinky sauce is /ck/ maymay
captcha: meortte vileness

>> No.4751054



hello new friend

>> No.4752381

All hail the quinky sauce

>> No.4752384

i remember when my parents used to make quinky sauce burgers every night. We don't like to talk about those days very often...

>> No.4752851

that is a ton of gold leaf on that burgah

>> No.4752851,1 [INTERNAL] 

rock on