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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4728350 No.4728350 [Reply] [Original]

Poorfag/lowbudged /ck/ing

What are the best things to buy if you're constantly low on money?
what makes you most full while costing the least amount of money?
pasta, rice etc?
but what to make of it?
and btw I actually care about my nutrition

>> No.4728362

get lentils

>> No.4728369

Rice and motherfucking beans, nigger.

Where's the /ck/ guide to cooking at home without going broke?

>> No.4728387

great idea

Its pretty tough to eat rice without any sort of sauce or whatever, and thats usually the more expenisve part.

>> No.4728391

Get over it. Not ever meal needs to be a symphony of flavor; that's something you're going to have to accept if you don't want to spend $100 a week on food.

>> No.4728395

Rice and beans
Whole, raw chicken, you should be getting several meals from just one then making stock for soups.
Most root vegetables
Frozen vegetables

Look for on sale items to supplement your diet, as well as growing your own where possible.

>> No.4728398

>Its pretty tough to eat rice without any sort of sauce or whatever
looks like dis nigga never learned how to properly prepare/enjoy rice. Stay murrican.

>> No.4728424

I always use franks hot sauce to liven up my rice.

>> No.4728429

Have a rice cooker? You should, but it doesn't really matter. No matter how you do it, there's one thing.

You know those bullion cubes of meat-flavor that you use to make soup stock if you don't feel like being arsed to boil bones for eight hours or whatever?

One of those. Put one of those in with the rice while it's cooking. Maybe a shake of pepper. You are welcome.

>> No.4728435

Oatmeal is great and cheap for breakfast.

I also like that I can prepare it the night before, let it cool on the stove, and warm it up in the morning

>> No.4728451

>What are the best things to buy if you're constantly low on money?
Bulk frozen food is far cheaper than fresh ingredients.
>what makes you most full while costing the least amount of money?
Kraft Dinner
>but what to make of it?
Noodles, cheese, and ground beef or chicken.
>I actually care about my nutrition
You'd be shit outta luck in my country.

>> No.4728471
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>> No.4728474
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>> No.4728477
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>> No.4728483
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>> No.4728499


Look up stuff on pasta. There are actually a lot of pasta meals that are relatively easy and simple to cook and rely more on seasoning than sauces or whatever.

>> No.4728501

>I feel the writefaggotry overtaking me... it is a good pain!

Allright motherfucker, time to step it up and quit being a culinary bitch. Those boxed dinners you've got on the shelf? Pitch them. The cans of soup lying around? Drive around downtown and throw them at homeless people. The stack of pizza boxes from the place that knows you by name? Arrange them into a pyre outside and sacrifice them to Alton Brown.

We're going shopping. Write this down, because you're too damn stupid to remember it on your own:
Gather these foods. Introduce yourself to them. You're going to build a relationship with these foods, so start off on the right foot. Don't be a faggot either; get all this stuff raw. No "ready in 2 minutes", no "Parmesian cheddar okra apples and cinnamon garden fresh hurr durr I'm a faggot flavor", no nothing. Raw, one ingredient, in as efficient (cost/volume) a quantity as possible.

Now head back the the produce section. Get anything that's on sale or in season. Fruits and vegetables, nigger, get anything you love and more of what you don't. We're going to expand your pallet faggot. Don't be a jackass and get the stuff in bags or boxes either, get it raw and whole like a real man. Want salad? Get a head of lettuce. Want fruit? Get the whole damn fruit, not precious little cups of bullshit. Too much of a queer to peel and cut your food? Shoot yourself in the head, punch Satan in the face, bring yourself back to life, and get over it.

Now get some peripheral shit. You'll need oil to fry, so get some Canola. It's cheap and healthy. Get some eggs, and a gallon of milk. If the store has a bakery, get some bread. Don't get the nigger-tier bread that's 90% air and the remaining 10% corn syrup, get some real fucking bread. Get some peanut butter if it's cheap. That kind of shit.

>> No.4728508

When money's short, I subsist on a lentil, carrot and chicken stew:

4 large onions
3 large carrots
1 head of garlic
A few thai birdseye chilis
Ground cumin and whatever spices I feel like
500g toor dal
2 chicken legs
chicken stock

This lasts me a couple of days, eaten with rice. The stew's pretty flavourful so it pairs well with rice. I know I'm probably missing some nutrients, but whatever. I buy chickens whole and take them apart myself, so in this instance the amount of stock is from a whole chicken's frame and misc veg.

I also render my own cooking/spreading fat - either from the chicken skin/fat, in this case, or chunks of pork fat sold cheap because no-one wants them. It's not nearly as unhealthy as you've been led to believe.

If you're fond of bacon and good, crusty bread, making your own is a lot cheaper and a neat skill to learn.

>> No.4728516

>Eating on the cheap
>Eating meat
Pick only one. Your broke ass is turning vegetarian. Don't like it? Suck dick for money then. Meat is just too damn expensive for the nutrition received. Keep your diet down to staples like beans, lentils, rice, etc and fruits/vegetables to round out the meal.

>> No.4728522

If you, as a poorfag, ever buy tinned rather than dried beans, I will personally smack you with those cans.

>> No.4728580

That depends entirely on 1) how poor one is 2) prices of meat in one's location.

It's possible to incorporate meat on a tight budget. It will rarely, if ever, be the focus of the meal, though.

Would you save a couple of bux going full veg? In all probability, yes. Is it necessary to do so? Depends.

>> No.4728621

I am, in fact vegetarian.

why would I do that?

couldn't have got it more wrong dude, I appreciate your advice but could you guys stop trying so hard to try and guess what kind of person hides behind a post, can't you just leave it with some good tips?

There is a huge gap between spending $100 a week on food and eating rice au naturel

huge thanks for all the tips, some are really useful!

>> No.4728644

I don't care about my nutrition. I just bought 24 packets of Ramen Noodles for $6 and 10 boxes (containing 4 pairs of pastries each) of generic poptarts for $8 at my local grocery store. Then all I need is some weed and I'm good to go.

The dollar store also has a surprisingly good selection of foods if you can find a larger one. They even have refrigerated stuff and fresh fruits and vegetables and cuts of meat.

>> No.4728648

>Epic Meal Time devotee and aspiring copywriter for Powerful Yogurt, the Yogurt for Men.

>> No.4728652

Pet peeve of mine. I've seen too many poorfags complain about how hard it is to eat cheaply, when it turns out they've been wasting their money on shitty, sodium-laden tinned beans.

>> No.4729177

Rice. Boil it correctly and it tastes pretty good. Just don't go TOO cheap or you may get plastic pellets mixed in with your rice.

>> No.4729210

Enjoy your scurvy and/or anaemia.

>> No.4729313

Rice, beans, potatoes

>> No.4729327

This is how I rool when I'm poorfag.

Rice & Lentils (Season with salt, pepper and cheap spices)
Rice & Beans/Chickpeas (Same)
Oats and Milk (Gud and filling)
Hardboiled eggs (You can mix them with rice and BAM you have a meal)

Buy flour and make simple tortillas on a pan (Very basic flat bread). You only need to learn how to knead. Buy whey/casein powder, it seems like a great expense but with only a shake/day they last a long while.

Do it fagit. Buy bulk potatoes and boil them, season with any oil, salt, pepper and BAM slide a fried egg on top and BAM you have another cheap meal.

Buy carrots too and sautee them with zucchini and potatoes and BAM you have a meal. Frozen spinach and peas are good too, blend that shit and make minestrone puree nigga.