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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 83 KB, 777x455, Hahahaha no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4709512 No.4709512 [Reply] [Original]

Look at this, look at this shit. Alcohol prices are a fucking joke in Canada...well Manitoba anyway.

>All 12 packs minimum of $20, "premium beer" $25
>Spirits, minimum of $22
>Rum starting at $25+

>> No.4709543

Jesus christ, I can buy a 6 pack from one of the best craft breweries around for only $7.29

>> No.4709548

That is about the price of a single craft beer here.

>> No.4709550

hory sheet!
i bought a 12 of blue moon the other day for $17 & a 12 of yuengling for $13

>> No.4709553
File: 142 KB, 959x741, beer tax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats crazy, why do you let your politicians do that shit? thats worse than the south

>> No.4709556

thats crazy. id move.

>> No.4709560

>a 12 of yuengling for $13
thats not even remotely a good deal

Yuengling is mediocre macro tier, no reason anyone should pay over $.75 per 12oz for that stuff

>> No.4709564

So far the funniest I have seen is Rolling Rock. When I lived in NY I could get at 12 pack of that for $8. Here, they are $26ish after tax and deposit.

The best part is that, you can't even get drunk off of the 12 pack.

>> No.4709570

>Legal weed
>no wars
>free health care
>beautiful scenery

Canada seems great, why wouldn't you...

>expensive as fuck beer

Always a goddamn catch...

>> No.4709574

I live in the U.S. but have worked in Canada for the past four years.

American beer has always been much more expensive in Canada. The opposite is true here; Canadian beer is a little cheaper than American beer or right around the same price. We're talking about brands like Bud, Coors, Molsen, Labatt's, etc.

>> No.4709577

lel taxes

>> No.4709578

Ontario for March 1, 2013 to March 2, 2014 Tax rates.

Draft Beer: 58.10 ¢/L Non-Draft Beer: 74.02 ¢/L

>> No.4709599

Why are Canadian beer taxes so high? American liquor laws are mostly relics of prohibition that no one bothered to repeal.

>> No.4709603
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Moral tax, to prevent lewd behaviour.

>> No.4709610

official line is high booze prices keep consumption down and therefore alcohol abuse down.

but i mean the money don't hurt the government none either, nawmeen.

>> No.4709628

>tfw Wisconsin
>tfw alcohol taxes haven't changed since the 70's and the tavern league is a powerful political force preventing them from being changed

Ahh... I'm all for chronic drunk drivers being punished, but for the rest of us it's possibly as good as it could be in the U.S.

>> No.4709642

Because Canadians will take being opressed.

>> No.4709649

you guys should watch the prohibition special on pbs

it's a 3 part series and fun to watch if you care about history

>> No.4709698

I figured with how shit the alcohol prices are in NY they'd be much higher. Huh. Also the south, wtf man.

>> No.4709699
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Wiscosnin surely is the best place for an alcohol consumer to live

lowest prices, and probably the best beer selection of anywhere with New Glaurus, Bells, Founders and Three Floyds all sold at every grocery store

>> No.4709703

i think NYC might have its own taxes, the map only shows state level taxes (in addition to that I think about $.33 per 6 pack goes to Obama)

>> No.4709710

>beer at grocery stores

Fucking jelly. You can only get beer at the LCBO or Beer Store here. At least I can buy alcohol at 19

>> No.4709716

Whoa. Well NYC is a whole nother story. That shits crazy. I was talking about Rochester specifically, got all kinds of crazy mafia shit going on there. Theres a seperate liquor tax I think and a bottle deposit. They sell 6 packs of say yuengling for like 8 bucks. After all the other shit its like $9-9.50 plus dat 8% sales tax.

>> No.4709719

For reference, the same 6 pack is 5 bucks in NJ

>> No.4709721

It is outrageous what we pay for alcohol here. Going to the states is like a dream while I walk through the liquor store aisles.

I am going to Vegas in 4 days and even on the strip I am saving money compared to home

>> No.4709722

you can get beer pretty much anywhere in Wisconsin, grocery stores, liquor stores all over the place, the vast majority of gas stations too

and also awesome, Wiscosnin is the only state where a craft beer outsells bud light (but thats half thanks to Miller utterly dominating Bud here)

>> No.4709726

>like $9-9.50
damn, like top of the line craft beers cost that much here

>> No.4709727

That really speaks volumes, because the strip is a straight ripoff.

That one bar about 1/4 mile off from Wild Bill's has decent prices though.

>> No.4709733

I think I read recently, about 40% of the price of the average beer purchase goes to the government at some level

Those asshole politicians love to hide taxes so people don't notice them by charging the brewer and distributor

>> No.4709769

I live in Quebec and a 24 of bud is around 24,99/25,99.

>> No.4709777

But budweiser is shit

>> No.4709788

>Not just going to Wisconsin and bootlegging all your alcohol

>> No.4709803

i think thats his point

>> No.4709858

even my state is ass backwards but we could still buy beer at grocery stores

your stores probably just didn't get a liquor permit

>> No.4709871

No, in some provinces alcohol can only be sold at special government controlled stores, or specially built cold beer vendors.

>> No.4709897

Cheaper than Canada.

When I was in Texas I got a 60 for like $30 I think. Incredible!

Thing would be probably $80-100 at home

>> No.4709906

Yeah I was only saying our price, I wasn't pretending it was a good beer

>> No.4710123

Only marginally better in BC. That same 24 pack goes for 36.99 here.

>> No.4710126


>> No.4710132

Says the country with the NDAA, patriot act and wiretaps everywhere.

It's surprisingly hard to lower alcohol prices because every time people try there's moral outrage and shit drummed up against them, as if lowering alcohol prices would somehow turn everybody and their dog into an alcoholic.

>> No.4710134
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>> No.4710137

>legal weed

Wtf are you talking about? It's more legal in the states

>free health care
Lol, no. Also, break your leg and sit in the hospital waiting for 8 hours

>> No.4710149
File: 71 KB, 788x493, Only the dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah...well...yeah.

>> No.4710150

>break your leg and sit in the hospital waiting for 8 hours
That's SOP in the states also

>> No.4710153

Are you in MAssachusetts?

>> No.4710155

disregard the mass question, I didnt read the second sentence. I am retarded

>> No.4711167

That is truly outrageous.

>> No.4711186
File: 669 KB, 1000x555, Beer Church.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never would have though canada was more like the south than the civilized part of america

>> No.4711194

Alcohol tax may be higher, but in general the cost of living is a lot cheaper.

I'd rather pay 48 cents extra on my beer if it means my cost of living is going to be cheaper.

Not defending it though, taxes suck anyway you cut it.

>> No.4711202
File: 63 KB, 341x609, australia_beer_prices_dan_murphys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's about the same as what you pay in Australia for 24 bottle/cans in a slab/crate/case whichever.
We don't have 12 packs, but 6 packs average of $15. Our standard measurement is 375mls btw, usually for the crap like Bud, VB, Carlton.

Spirits assume you mean 700mls, 37.5% alc? Starting at shit vodka rate of $25.

Similar politics, similar laws for smoking, tax incentives, social policies.

>> No.4711206
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>thinking tweets are an appropriate way to measure data
>anno domino 2013
shiggidy doo nigga.

>> No.4711210

do you have any data that contradicts the trend in the map?

or are you just dumb?

>> No.4711211

Weird that the red nearly perfectly correlates with the negro population centers.

Why are negroes so religious?

>> No.4711213

>Countries known around the world for boozing
>Most expensive alcohol prices on the planet

The irony.

>> No.4711216

Tax included, exchange rate u figure it out for US.

>> No.4711219
File: 93 KB, 740x422, vodka_australia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot pic

>> No.4711223

i think it has more to do with income than race

now of course race is also correlated to income, but poor white southerners (which includes almost all white southerners) are extremely religious too, and consume way less alcohol than their civilized northern neighbors

>> No.4711224

everything costs more on islands

that coupled with ridiculously high minimum wages inflates the price of just about everything in Australia

>> No.4711230

I was pointing out that that map is as useless as tits on a warthog. A much better study would be to count the number of bars against the number of churches in each county.

>> No.4711232

Drinking alcohol is quite uncivilized, though, you should know this.

>> No.4711233

Then why do rich people and high society people drink it?

>> No.4711239
File: 134 KB, 800x495, Craft_Breweries_Per_Capita_(US) (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was pointing out that that map is as useless as tits on a warthog
I am not trying to write an academic paper on it. The map is just interesting, and surely reflects actual trends

>> No.4711241
File: 203 KB, 950x1300, 110314-Beer-Clear-2-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drinking alcohol is quite uncivilized
well all of human history pretty clearly contradicts that concept

>> No.4711243
File: 194 KB, 651x492, brfss_alcohol-consumption.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is a very strong correlation between income and alcohol consumption

The vast majority of alcohol abstainers are poor southerners

>> No.4711245
File: 35 KB, 450x359, map-poverty-02.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

compare to

>> No.4711248

>mfw I live in second-to-lightest blue

Times are a changing. Craft breweries are opening up everywhere now a days.


Also, as a christian who drinks good craft beer as well as brews his own, I take offense that you would assume those who go to church do not know how to enjoy "the proof that god loves us and wants us to be happy"

>> No.4711250

Since when is it cool to hate poor people? I guess the rise of libertarianism brings these things, Ayn Rand 4lyfe.

>> No.4711251
File: 75 KB, 886x643, ChurchBodies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not christains in general, its baptists

>> No.4711255
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>> No.4711256

sounds like the words of a very sheltered person that has spent his entire life in the upperclass suburbs of new england

>> No.4711260

Yeah, because nothing screams authoritarianism more than high alcohol prices.

>> No.4711261
File: 124 KB, 746x961, 1366815119052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BREAKING NEWS: Blacks are poor religious teetotalers who like to commit crimes.

>> No.4711262

>Since when is it cool to hate poor people?

Since I grew up and realized I lived in the real world.

>> No.4711263

It does, because it shows that the government doesn't trust its people enough to regulate their own drinking and behaviours while getting drunk.

>> No.4711268
File: 322 KB, 1920x1080, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw "Christian" is a church body

>> No.4711265

Exactly, Northeasterners have the biggest superiority complexes. They're always shitting on every single other part of the country.

>> No.4711269

but white southerners are almost as bad

>> No.4711270

so, we went from beer price chat to why black people are terrible

oh boy

>> No.4711274

>on vacation driving for the south
>ask what sorts of craft beer they have
>person has never even heard of craft beer
>he suggests yuengling
never again

>> No.4711277

/ck/ is the new /b/, haven't you heard?

>> No.4711279

It's the godwin's law of 4chang:
>beer prices lead to comparison of canada vs south
>explanation of why the south looks like such shit

>> No.4711280

Can we turn this into a beer general?

>> No.4711282
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>> No.4711283

Only if you talk about how expensive it is.

>> No.4711286
File: 113 KB, 375x500, 4303924982_6511f7b808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one and only local brewery in central Florida also led me to experience the glories of the fresh local craft beer.

/ck/, What was the first beer you had that led you to grow out of the shitty watered-down mass marketed beer?

>> No.4711287
File: 62 KB, 480x699, New Glarus Wild Sour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought a 4 pack of this for $8.99 thanks to Wisconsin's awesome beer prices and low alcohol taxes

>> No.4711290
File: 7 KB, 225x225, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fat people die faster
>why is this relevant

>> No.4711299

the relevance was just showing its not all about race as that map is only for white males and all of these geographic trends still hold true

>> No.4711297
File: 84 KB, 979x648, 1325541408541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just under 90 percent of black women are overweight or obese

>> No.4711300
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This is about $50 worth of beer. Feel free to laugh or cry for me.

>> No.4711301

I paid $70 for a 24 of twisted tea in Winnipeg. Shit's insane.

>> No.4711310

>live in Wisconsin
>every single stereotype ever says we are just about the fattest state
>in fact we are below the national average

also Alesmith just started showing up on store shelves here. I know I have to try the speedway stout, any of there other stuff I am likely to find a must try?

>> No.4711312

Boulevard Pale Ale introduced me to craft beer, but Tallgrass 8-Bit Pale Ale showed me just how great it could be.

>> No.4711315

Obesity is higher in that area across all races, but it is much higher for blacks than whites.

>> No.4711317

However, the one on the far right was fantastic. So was the Trappistes.

>> No.4711318

You just made me spit out my afternoon ale.

>buying twisted tea
>not making your own tea w/ lemon and adding vodka to it

>> No.4711322

I understand

Exactly like all of these other trends

The are worse with blacks than whites, and more blacks live in the south than anywhere else, but the same geographic trends hold true amongst whites alone to only a slightly lesser extent

>> No.4711329

good old tremens

im going to look for Southern Tier Pumking later.

>> No.4711332

why dont you buy in usa? i live in mexico and duty free stores are amazing for alcohol

>> No.4711334

>Caring what I drink

>> No.4711337

>paying $70 for a case of malt beverage
>expecting people not to care

>> No.4711343
File: 531 KB, 1920x1200, 1365476182135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They sell hard luquor in grocery stores and even walmart.

WA bro here.

Fireball Whiskey was 14 dollars last time I checked

>> No.4711344

Unless you live in a border city, you have a minimum of 1 hour drive to the border. Then there's customs and all that extra bullshit.

Also this:

Duration under 24 hours: CAN$200
Not claimable if goods exceed CAN$200.
Alcohol and tobacco cannot be claimed.

And when you pass 24 hours: 1.5 L of wine or 1.14 L of liquor or 24 x 355 ml cans or bottles (8.5 L) of beer or ale.

In short, not worth it.

>> No.4711352

>They sell hard luquor in grocery stores and even walmart.
thats normal isn't it?

Its only the most backwards of states that don't allow that I think

>> No.4711350

Down in the south we have a regional god-tier grocery chain called Publix, they just started opening liquor stores although it is next door to each publix, not inside them specifically (due to laws i think).

>> No.4711354


one of the only good things florida is good for

>> No.4711355

>Its only the most backwards of states that don't allow that I think
Like most New England states.

>> No.4711358

i live in the border and i think you can bring certain amount of alcohol, i think 1 liter or 24 beers. of course you can smuggle a little more and no one will notice

>> No.4711359
File: 7 KB, 259x194, Shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dat feel when you only have liquor commission stores in your city
>Cannot buy liquor past 10pm
>One beer store that is open late and they charge a premium on everything because of it

>> No.4711363

The one downside of Wisconsin's usually awesome beer laws is that the bar lobby is so powerful that they got politicians to make laws forcing stores to stop selling at 9pm so you go to the bar instead

>> No.4711364

>That feel when buy anything at any time because walmart is open 24/7 and sells liquor

Even sundays.

>> No.4711367

>Still caring

I had somebody pick it up for me. I didn't know how much it would cost until they got back (I'm from Ontario, it's cheaper here but everybody's always out of stock).

>> No.4711369

Wait, 355ml? That's a little bigger than a coke can. What the fuck, why would beer come in a tiny can like that?

>> No.4711370
File: 873 KB, 1008x2136, 1352580773554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since we started going down this path might as well post this.

This is my first time postin on /ck/ too.

>> No.4711373

>local walmart is open 24/7
>big sign in front
>sierra nevada ipa and more coming soon


>> No.4711375

thats 12 oz

the exactly the same size as cans of pretty much everything

>> No.4711376

thats 12 ounces you idiot

>> No.4711378

The alcohol sales won't be 24/7 though. They are still restricted by what your local municipal gov't says (typically 2am for most places).

>> No.4711384

Was okay. Tasted a tad to medicine-y to me.

>> No.4711389

Those are tiny, only softdrinks come in those sizes. Is it normal to get beer in childrens cans in Canada? I have never even heard of beer coming in such a small can.

>> No.4711394

Belgium, the only place in europe with good beer, often sells theirs in 11.2 oz bottles instead of the standard 12oz size

>> No.4711397

Canada and the US, yes.

>> No.4711398

where are you from?

12oz cans and bottles are extremely common

>> No.4711399

oz-fag detected.

>> No.4711400

Fucking this. I go to canada to legally drink, but none of the convenience stores actually sell liquor. And fuck buying $4 half-shot drinks at shitty restaurants.

>> No.4711402

Must be Euroland, since 90% of their beer comes in 500ml cans/bottles.

>> No.4711409
File: 248 KB, 449x500, What - Elephant man.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the only place in europe with good beer

>> No.4711410



It's surprising.

>> No.4711411

i should say the only place in europe where good beer is common. If you know where you are looking you can find it in a few other places

>> No.4711413

thats why most cheap american beer is sold in 30 packs.

>> No.4711414
File: 50 KB, 498x357, 1373384496792.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised more Wisconsinites don't drink New Glarus. You can get it at any grocery store for a good price. Fuck, even most gas stations carry it. pic related, mfw drinking a glass of delicious Belgian Red

>> No.4711415

I know where I live (Florida) beer gets too hot too quickly if you're enjoying it in the outdoors. Better to have more smaller cans than fewer bigger ones.

>> No.4711421

>I'm surprised more Wisconsinites don't drink New Glarus
Spotted Cow outsells Bud Light in Wisconsin

Their fruit beers and limited release beers aren't super popular (which is for the best for people like me that buy them), but their more "entry level" stuff is very popular, they have managed to get spotted cow on tap at just about every restaurant in the state, hell they even sell it at national chains like Qdoba here

>> No.4711422

Hey, a fellow 204fag. Nice.

Whereabouts do you live?

>> No.4711437

That surprises me, considering Spotted Cow is pretty average.

>> No.4711446

>considering Spotted Cow is pretty average.
thats why people who are used to drinking shitty beer embrace it so easily. People like my parents who have only been drinking Schlitz, Pabst or Miller products since they were in high school are converting in droves without New Glarus even needing to advertise.

its familiar yet better than what they are used to.

Plus New Glarus sells their 6 packs for about $7.29 which is awesome

>> No.4711452

i live in florida and always prefer pint cans or larger. drink faster you pansy.

>> No.4711491

In your mothers ass.

>> No.4711497


When I'm at home I serve myself a liter of fresh homebrew straight from the tap.

Step it up fellow sunshine-state fag

>> No.4711500


If you want to get hammered fast then why are you bothering with beer at all? Liquor is quicker.

>> No.4711504

drinking quickly enough that your beer doesn't get warm is not the same thing as trying to get drunk quickly.

>implying your homebrew tastes any better than some shit a prisoner made in a toilet.

>> No.4711516

>>implying your homebrew tastes any better than some shit a prisoner made in a toilet.

Oh shit nigga you just fucked up. Friends and family all over my community are constantly asking for the next six-pack of my delicious brew. I'm starting to have to charge because I cannot keep enough to myself.

Stay mad, though. I'll enjoy fresher, better tasting beer daily than you ever will and I do it for a fraction of the cost.

>> No.4711517

>drinking quickly enough that your beer doesn't get warm is not the same thing as trying to get drunk quickly

Fair enough, I assumed you were talking about getting drunk due to the phrase:
>>drink faster you pansy

>> No.4711520
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Almost the same price as a sixpack of Buds in Norway

>> No.4711523

you can make a homebrew not having any clue what the fuck you are doing, as long as you sanitize shit it will very likely taste better than Bud Light at the very least

Homebrewing a decent beer is not particularly tough

>> No.4711530

I know that, but clearly the chucklefuck from my state doesn't. Probably isn't even a Florida native.

>> No.4711965

It's like that everywhere in Canada.

However we have disposable income so we can deal with it.

>> No.4711966

>Lol, no. Also, break your leg and sit in the hospital waiting for 8 hours

As someone who works in healthcare I can straight up call bullshit. Maybe a sprained ankle you could be 4 hours, never a break though. In RGH you'll be down in DI in less than 20 minutes.

>> No.4712287

Most of the main "beer stores" where I buy craft beer at started getting CCB's Good Gourd, and Pumking in, so I'm getting anxious to try those when I go back to school.

>> No.4713044

Manitoba a shit.

>> No.4713059

Wouldn't recommend arguing about public healthcare with a 'murican. Most of them seem to consider crusading for the cause of destroying social safety nets and other forms of "socialism" in foreign, sovereign nations they have no right to tamper with their god-given mission.

>> No.4713074

Alcohol SELECTION is a fucking joke in Canada.

>ask for whiskey recommendations on /ck/
>get a good number of mid-range recommendations
>go to the liquor store
>they only have super-cheap disgusting shit, or super-expensive fancy shit
It's hard to find average whiskey in Canada.

>> No.4713080

>forty creek
>alberta premium

it ain't all bad.

>> No.4713092

Do you Canadians that live RIGHT on the border ever cross over just to drink on weekends or something?

>> No.4713093

The store I go to is like this:
>Jack Daniel's
>Crown Royal

Then it suddenly jumps to:
>Johnnie Walker (all the way up to Blue label)

>> No.4713107

>can't even get decent canadian whisky in canada
