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4707749 No.4707749[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else not like Coffee or Alcohol?

I can't stand coffee, turns out I like French Vanilla Creamer and some coffee to cut it with.

I can't drink most beers, I really only like brown beers like Newcastle or Bocks and Doppleboocks, will swill some PBR's or Old Style if I'm a show or something...don't really like Ales or anything with a noticeable hop to it

I've found very few wines I can drink, usually Pinots, we saw the movie Bottle Shock and picked up a bottle of Chateu Montelena Chardonnay and that is the best wine I've ever had

What else do can't you eat/drink, even though you wish you could?

>> No.4707770

maybe you haven't had good coffee or good beer

>> No.4707783

Most beer tastes awful. Even the good stuff is an acquired taste.

I'll never understand the pride so many typically lower-middle class men have in their high-calorie, low-buzz alternative to drinking urine.

>> No.4707787

It's called being too much of a pussy to overcome bitter taste.

Yes, it's a natural response, as in nature bitter taste is associated with poisons, but once you can overcome this fact then you can expand your culinary horizons.

>> No.4707795

Coffee gives me a headache, unless it's very weak or I only drink half a cup.

I like the smell of coffee, and coffee in cakes is usually okay.

>> No.4707845

i bet she could suck a trailer hitch

>> No.4707853

I don't drink coffee and never have, despite being 30 and having been in the military and worked rotating day/night shift jobs for the last several years. By the time I put enough shit into it to make it palatable, I may as well be drinking a Pepsi.

I like some hard alcohol on occasion but most beer tastes like shit. All of my in-laws seem to survive on nothing but Coors Light; I think it's possibly the most disgusting, vilest beverage ever spawned in the vats of Hell itself.

>inb4 someone suggests I've only ever had shitty "mainstream" beers

I live in Portland, Oregon. We have like 3 microbreweries for every citizen. I've tried probably 200 of them over the last few years and found perhaps 3 that were possibly worth ordering again.

>> No.4707863

You guys might be bitter tasters. I watched a show about this. Basically, your taste bugs are more sensitive to bitter flavors than the average person.

>> No.4707870

It really is he bitterness that gets to me. All of the rare beers that I actually tolerated were much lighter and sweeter.

>> No.4707897

I can't stand anything bitter either. I'll drink coffee/beer or whatever if I have to, but that's more out of courtesy rather than preference.

>> No.4707907

>I live in Portland, Oregon

W-where in?

>> No.4707915
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Coffee guy here. I chug the shit by the gallon.
Usually 2-3 pots a day. (4+ if i'm off work that day)
I love it. The smell, the taste, that 'relaxed' feeling it gives me.
I've always thought it was wierd, seeing how most people get all ... 'jittery' or some shit from drinking it, but it just chills me right out.

Can't stand alcohol though. The smell makes me retch. As long as i'm drinking something where I can't tell its in there.. i'm cool.
Like a frozen margarita, or other bitch drinks.

>> No.4707920

I'm technically in Vancouver, Washington, but no one knows where the fuck that is so I always just say Portland. I'm literally about 5 minutes from the Columbia.

>> No.4708008

Coffee is the shit, but admittedly it took me a while to get used to the taste without any additives. Hell, even now I still prefer a little sugar just to take the edge off.

As for shit I wish I could eat but can't? Hot dogs. Even real high class ones still fuck up my stomach something fierce, and I have no idea why. It didn't used to, but every time I try and down one it just leaves me laying on my bed, swearing.

>> No.4708044

d-do you want to get something to eat? I can drive up there no problem (unless you need a passport or something to cross the border)

>> No.4708050

You're about 20 minutes late. I literally just ate some leftover tacos.

>> No.4708054

>Bocks and Doppleboocks
It's Doppelbock, and Doppelböcke in plural.

>> No.4708077

Wine is vile, can't stand the stuff
Beer is ok, it's odd but the darker higher percentage stuff is a lot smoother and tastes better
Coffee, well I fucking love the smell, but I just don't like drinking it hot. I can drink an iced coffee though.

>> No.4708090
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I love both but have bipolar disorder and anxiety issues. I got sick of my doctors giving me crap for not cutting back before but I haven't had coffee or alcohol in a few weeks and I do feel better. Otherwise I'd continue to drink coffee all day, miss the stuff.

>> No.4708759

w-w-what about now

>> No.4708775

I don't like alcohol. Coffee is okay but I need to cut it with a lot of milk otherwise the tannins in it dries out my throat. The same thing with tea. Tastes fine but not worth having to wash it down with water.

>Friends want to go hang out for coffee or tea or some place just meet up and chat

>> No.4708781

Honestly, it's a matter of being accustomed to it. I went on a really strict diet program to lose weight when I was younger.

When you're hungry, you care less about what you consume. This carries over to pretty much everything; hungry? Well, you can drink straight gin, you'll still gag, but you'll ultimately go through with it.

Do it enough, and you get used to whatever it is.

Although, coffee gives me the shits.

>> No.4708789


I don't think you have friends, you delicate little flower.

>> No.4708877

If you want to buy some Cutco knives, sure. I'm currently doing sales calls.

>> No.4708899
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I love whiskey, gin, rum, and red wine.

I love coffee and espresso.

I also like pipe tobacco.

>> No.4708904

> Well, you can drink straight gin, you'll still gag, but you'll ultimately go through with it.

I don't really mind straight gin

>> No.4708934

I like coffee and beer.
I can't get into whiskey as much as I try. Pretty much any hard liquor is awful. Rum and cola is good. Vodka redbulls are okay.
Tequila is the only hard liquor I really enjoy. Everything else is awful (to me).
Oh wait, Fireball whiskey is good because it tastes like cinnamon candy.

>> No.4709829

ok lets do it.

>> No.4710107

>2-3 pots a day. (4+ if i'm off work that day)
How often do you pee?

>> No.4710125

Can't stand coffee, it tastes like bitter shit. I don't mind bitter since I recently got my taste back for pickles again, but coffee is just fucking awful unless you smother it in other flavors.

Alcohol is mostly bad as well, but light beers are very tolerable and the stronger drinks(rum, vodka, etc.) have a nice sting. It's a shame that the actual aftertaste is awful.

>> No.4710142
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iced toddy with 7 shots of espresso

>> No.4710145

Both coffee and beer don't make me feel well.
Occasionally a really dark beer is nice.

I like hard alcohol much more.

>> No.4710157


I hate pickles, they're just so strong.

>> No.4710168

Hotdogs give me headaches for some reason.

>> No.4710172

I can't really drink coffe unless the majority of it is milk.
As for alcohol I hate every single alcoholic beverage, but I really like the effects, so I just do shots, because you can get those down really quickly without really having to taste them.

>> No.4710384

I never thought I'd see the day when somebody hates coffee.

even the cheap sachet ones taste good. oh maybe you're too poor to even buy coffee, maybe you've been drinking shit the whole time

>> No.4711939

Yeah, I don't like the taste of alcohol or coffee. It's okay as an ingredient though, in small quantities. Coffee + chocolate = mmmm.

>> No.4711950


OP it sounds like you've got a case of the pussies.

>> No.4713372

I hate the taste of coffee but I love how it smells, and it can be used (sparingly) in some recipes to great effect.

I don't drink, and the smell of beer sickens me. So you're not alone bro.

>> No.4713374


>somebody doesn't like something
>hurr durr poorfag

This was posted by someone who makes less than 25k a year and probably lives with at least one parent.

>> No.4713379

I'm still struggling with beer. I don't mind Miller's Chill, but I know it's filth. Singha is nice too. Alcohol just really does not agree with me.

I do drink coffee by the liter, though. I've just started adding Frangelico to coffee, and it's bretty good.

>> No.4713412

I absolutely love coffee. I brew it strong and drink it black. Beer, though, I'm not a huge fan of. To be honest, I haven't tried a massive variety. The "best" I probably had was guinness when I was in Ireland for a couple of days, and I found it tolerable but not good. I guess I'm just not a beer person.

>> No.4713456


>> No.4713458

ITT: people who put ketchup on their hotdogs (or would if they could eat them without getting headaches

>> No.4713474

>Anyone else not like Coffee or Alcohol?
I'm with you 100%, OP. It honestly gets old having to explain it, though. I'll occasionally drink both in social settings just because it's annoying to have the "oh, do you not drink for religious reasons?" or "have you ever had GOOD [coffee/beer]?" questions, followed by the skepticism when you state that you really just don't like the taste.

I like the smell of coffee, and the taste of sugary, milky fake coffee drinks, but even the smell of most alcohol is just fucking nasty, beer especially.

>> No.4713477

I feel like you're trying desperately to troll, but that doesn't even make sense.

>> No.4713568

I am a line cook and don't drink alcohol and receive endless shit about it from my coworkers.

>> No.4713586

It's honestly weird to me how much people put stock in drinking alcohol. I know plenty of people who don't drink grapefruit juice or tomato juice because they think it tastes like shit, but people don't get all bent out of shape about it. You tell someone you don't drink, and you've got fucking leprosy.

>> No.4713589

What do you think of Cider?

>> No.4713590

Agreed. Especially in a kitchen. Like you've broken some unspoken commandment.

>> No.4713591

i adore cider

>> No.4713594

..What do the non-beer guys think of cider, is what I meant

>> No.4713596


I think there's a pretty big distinction there. Grapefruit juice or tomato juice or whatever is ONE specific thing. Of course it's possible someone may not like it. Buy saying you don't like "alcohol" is like saying you don't like "vegetables". There is a massive variety of alcoholic beverages with every flavor imaginable. I can completely understand that someone might not like a specific one. Saying "I don't like Tequila" is one thing. But saying that you don't like ANY of them is a bit unbelievable since there's such a huge variety.

>> No.4713598

Alcohol has a definitive taste.
The degree to which you cover it up isn't relevant

>> No.4713602

What if you have a family history of alcoholism and you got to watch it completely rip apart your family growing up? Is it appropriate to tell people about that as your reason for not drinking or is it better to just claim to not like it?

>> No.4713609

As a beer hater, I don't mind it, but I don't love it. It's one of those things that I'll drink a little of in a social situation because it's just more trouble than its worth to turn it down.

>> No.4713612

I just don't drink anymore. I was well on the path of being an alcoholic. Some shit happened, I pulled the stops out on booze and haven't had a drink in almost half a year. For me, that's very significant. And I love beer and whisky a ton

>> No.4713613


That's totally reasonable, but that's not the same as "not liking it", that's "I fear that I may become an alcoholic because I have a family history of alcoholism and therefore I am choosing to avoid it because I don't want to risk becoming an alcoholic like my dad/mom/whomever"

>> No.4713614

>Buy saying you don't like "alcohol" is like saying you don't like "vegetables"
Fuck, I don't really like vegetables OR alcohol. Seriously.
>Is it appropriate to tell people about that as your reason for not drinking or is it better to just claim to not like it?
I'm with you. That's a really valid question. If you're out with people, you turn down a drink, and somebody starts pressing you on the issue, what the fuck are you supposed to do? Personally, I just don't like the taste of beer, but I have a good friend who doesn't drink for that exact reason, and I've seen it go down before in social situations and it even pissed me off, despite the fact that it didn't really affect me.

>> No.4713616

>That's totally reasonable, but that's not the same
But both are valid reasons.

>> No.4713617


Maybe this is simply a case of different people have different tastes then. I can only taste "alcohol" if its cheap shit. If it's good quality liquor or wine, or if it's low ABV like beer or mixed drinks I can't taste the "alcohol" at all. You are right though, the "alcohol" taste of low-grade booze is awful.

>> No.4713622

one thing i'm noticing in this thread is that, even here, people who drink alcohol are more concerned with non-alcohol drinkers than coffee drinkers are with non-coffee drinkers. i've turned down coffee plenty of times, and i've never had anybody question me. if i turn down a beer, though, it almost invariably creates a weird situation.

>> No.4713627

Yea, I avoid the topic if I can now, and if I'm out with friends I just say I'm the dd and 'most' people leave me alone.

>> No.4713628

I think it's mainly the hops in beer that I dislike. The same thing goes for tannins in wine. If you try some Belgian beers that actually have higher alcohol content, I find them to be less bitter overall and more enjoyable.

As for coffee, I can't drink it at all. There was a study done some time ago that verified my own hunch. The taste of coffee actually induces the same effect as lavender. This means that the flavor or aroma become just too powerful. In my case, it means bitter and dry.

>> No.4713668

I'm not a regular coffee drinker but I never understood the people who don't like it. It doesn't taste overwhelmingly bitter to me but then again I always put sugar in.

Beer and wine I had to acquire. I started off with shitty light-colored beers like Corona, then Blue Moon/Shock Top clicked with me, now I'll drink most styles. I thought wine was gross for a long time but again it just clicked with me one day.

I used to be one of those "why should I force myself to drink this thing until I like it" people but once you do acquire the taste you'll have no regrets.

>> No.4713692

Because people think it's weird if you don't enjoy a buzz. Same reason pot smokers roll their eyes people who say they don't enjoy smoking.

>> No.4713698

Also they probably think you're judging their alcohol consumption if you don't participate.

>> No.4713741

>Also they probably think you're judging their alcohol consumption if you don't participate.
I honestly think this is key, but I don't think these people who act this way really think it through. If I was judging you for drinking, I probably wouldn't have come to your party or to this bar with you.

>> No.4713799


Dislike both.

>> No.4713872

I can tolerate coffee with enough cream or sugar. Most alcoholic drinks are pretty unbearable to me, though.

>> No.4714067

What kind of person would pester the DD to drink?

>> No.4714069


>> No.4714074

Everything bad comes from Amerikkka, ok ok I get it. But seriously though, who would do that?

>> No.4714075

Obviously you've never been a DD.

Honestly, though, one benefit of saying you're the DD, even if you just don't like to drink, is that many bartenders will just give you shit---cokes, juices, tea, coffee, whatever.

>> No.4714076
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>go to work in the morning
>that first cup of coffee before starting

>leave work
>eat, shower, put on some music
>go sit outside, enjoy the sun and drink some beer

Every day.

>> No.4714083

I drink my coffee hardcore and black.

But I hate the taste of alchohol, yet I love the feeling of being drunk, so it's a struggle. Vodka literally makes me vomit.

>> No.4714084

I can't stand coffee but I love beer and alcohol.
I think it's mostly because i'm not a morning person.
Coffee just tastes like pure shit and it's always too hot to drink. By the time it cools down it's too late for me to give a shit.

>> No.4714086

Also coffee makes me have to shit shortly after I drink it. I just don't see the point in coffee at all. Quite the miserable experience.

>> No.4714091

I can't stand coffee/tea and most alcoholic drinks. The taste is just extremely displeasing. Why force myself to like them? I'm not a tool. It's as stupid as starting to smoke cancer rolls to be one of the "cool" kids. Absolutely retarded.

>> No.4714095

I'm not a big coffee person myself, and when I do I usually load it up with stuff that coffee conisquers would absolutely despise me for. I do, however, enjoy tea. As a Southern, sweet tea is my weakness.

>> No.4714096

The drunk driver's inner demons

>> No.4714099

Coors Light is fucking vile. I think most people who say they hate beer have only tasted either Coors or Budlight.

>> No.4714101

What the hell is the mature cup? Cheap burnt coffee?

>> No.4714134

Fellow southerner who agrees with every single thing you said.

>> No.4714170


And you'd be wrong.

I've tried:

Bells, Founders, New Glauras, Belgium, Odell, Sweetwater, Abita, Stone, Rouge, Great Lakes, Buckeye, Goose Island, Ommegang, Brooklyn, and even more forgettable names

Most of it tastes like cat piss smells.

>> No.4714175

i've generally found that no amount of beer will satisfy beer snobs. i frequent a belgian bar with some friends (the food is outstanding), and i used to always take a sip of whatever $15 a glass beers they were drinking.
>yeah, but you may like THIS one!
>still tastes like piss
I finally just quit trying. They're still unsatisfied, but at least I'm not drinking crap I hate.

>> No.4714176


I'd say you might want to stay away from hoppy beers. A good German beer might be better for you. Salvator - a doppelbock - perhaps.

But if you're soured on beers for now then no need to force it, there are plenty of other things to explore.

>> No.4714181


I'm not much of a coffee either. I can't see myself drinking it every morning or constantly like some people. It's nice to have from time to time, but not always. If I have it in the morning, it can't be with my breakfast, because it makes my stomach hot or something and it's too heavy and just doesn't go with anything. Only after breakfast, and a good bit before I do anything. It's just too acidic, magn. However, it's really good at night, after a meal, or with dessert though. When I do drink coffee, it's with a touch of milk and a bit of sugar, so I can taste it but not with all that bitterness. When it's with dessert, I like it black as midnight, actually preferably espresso, because the combo of bitterness plus sweetness is absolutely GOAT.

Tea is the best though, seriously. Nothing like a smooth cup of tea in the morning, absolutely nothing. It's so soothing and relaxing, whereas coffee makes me jittery and hot. Especially rooibos or a strong as fuck black tea, like English or Irish Breakfast, god damn it's off the hook. Then there's sweet tea, which, as a Southern boy, is basically my water. There are few things more lush and refreshing than a tall glass of sweet tea with a squeeze of lemon on a hot day.

>> No.4714210
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>Especially rooibos or a strong as fuck black tea, like English or Irish Breakfast, god damn it's off the hook.
Holy shitballs, Batman. Are you me? Seriously. If I was at home, I'd take a picture of my pantry, with my prominent stash of rooibos, english breakfast, and irish breakfast. Fucking A, man.

>> No.4714213

>still tastes like piss/catpiss
Nah, you're a manchildren. I haven't had a $15 glass of beer but you typically need to pay around 4-5 for a decent beer. Paying more will not magically make it taste less like beer.

>> No.4714216

>you don't like what i like
>therefore you are a "manchildren"
Cool argument, bro.

>> No.4714225
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Remember where you are.

>> No.4714229

I love coffee, I had to stop drinking though because it gives me the worst of headaches ;_;

>> No.4714246
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Woah bruh, is this life

>> No.4714288


That's the most generic thing that I have ever heard. You are a person with a blank face, Richard.

>> No.4714547

have you ever tried just drinking straight liquor? straight vodka, straight gin, straight scotch?

>> No.4715065

>generalizing all of the possible flavors of beers as "piss"
>not childish

Back at you. If you are new to anything you neither go for the cheapest nor most expensive. This is common sense. If you say that "all" beers taste like piss this tells me all you've ever had is light American-style lager. I'm not even a beer snob and I've tasted plenty experience different styles of beer, none of which taste like piss.

>> No.4715142

It's so depressing when /ck/ reminds me I live in an expensive city. $4-5 beer is something you can only find at happy hours and real dives here.

>> No.4715344

Well, I live in a college town but there is beer culture around here. I can really cheap beer on tap at $2.50 so I guess I'm blessed.

>> No.4715349

At that rate I would drink at home/find house parties and perhaps drink out once every other week. That's nuts!

>> No.4715394
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not really /ck/ related but

>> No.4715985

>your subjective, non-quantifiable experience is different from my subjective, non-quantifiable experience
>therefore i know that your subjective, non-quantifiable experience is objectively wrong
Man, your arguments just keep getting better and better.

>> No.4715999

>lists foods that you don't like/can't eat
>posts examples that you can eat
You're just picky Anon
Alcohol is pretty poisonous and unpalatable but seems to be a valuable social lubricant.
Coffee causes the most intense coffee breff and mudbutt.