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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4685689 No.4685689 [Reply] [Original]

This came out of my printer tonight, the allergy attention whores are getting worse.

>> No.4685692

I know that feel
enjoy your empty pie crust, you fuckshit customer

>> No.4685702

Wait, they order a blueberry tart and complain about the blueberries?

>> No.4685712

You don't want to aggravate the people who make your food.
I worked in one kitchen where the main line cook was this perpetually angry guy who would give food the 'garlic powder' treatment if food was brought back with some bullshit complaint.

>> No.4685716
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Pic related.
It was the garlic powder.

>> No.4685720

I'd bash a mother fucker if I knew I ate their dandruff.

>> No.4685727

She could eat "cooked" berries, but not raw.

>> No.4685746

If you're allergic to blueberries, why would you even contemplate ordering something called a "blueberry tart". I mean I'd just order one of the other desserts to not be a dick.

>> No.4685750

I can't even.. Compute wtf mfw (no face just due to stupidity) can't even give adjectives or verbs to even.. Or finish senten....

>> No.4685795

that makes no sense

>> No.4685802
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>tfw had a guest claim to be allergic to salt

>> No.4685804

I know it's stupid for anyone that's allergic to salt to be going out to eat but is that even possible?

>> No.4685806

Yeah these people exist. It isn't a histamine reaction, but they can black out if they take in salted foods or even too much meat.

There's also nightshade allergies (tomatoes, eggplants, tobacco, peppers, and potatoes).

>> No.4685814

It's the fuckin vidya I tell ya. Kids these days are weak faggots cow they spend all their time indoors and eating white bread bullshit. I've taught kids who were allergic to grass and carpet, and worked in schools where some nuts are blanket banned. How can we evolve if the human species keeps getting weaker ;_;

>> No.4685819

Fuck that. I'm raising my kids like my parents raised me - vegetables and other good foods are required, they're playing outside at least an hour a day, and they only get "allergy" exceptions if it causes a significant reaction. If their only reaction is increased levels of bitch, then they're not allergic. They're just fussy.

>> No.4685821

no you cannot live w/o salt. it was funny the server came back and told me and i stared at her blank for a second then said something to the effect of " well is he a fucking zombie?"

bullshit i understand needing a low salt diet but no fucking way is it an allergy. You need sodium to keep a proper electrolyte balance.

>> No.4685838

There was a study that showed that children that lived in an environment that was constantly disinfected, with the anti-bacterial hand sanitizers, etc...were 33% more likely to develop asthma and allergies than children that weren't raised in the "more sterile" environments. So yes, overprotective parents really are screwing up their children.

>> No.4685840


>> No.4685855


Well it's like when you get a coffee to go from a cafe and it's labeled "Caution Hot", same kind of idiot.

>> No.4685857

you can't be allergic to salt that's just being sensitive. An allergy is an adverse immune response to a protein.

>> No.4685859

I sell packets of nuts at work, small writing on the packet says "warning may contain traces of nuts".

>> No.4685860


more than that, your brain needs it to function properly. The level of sodium needed is quite low, achievable by anyone, even on a low salt diet, except maybe super-raw-foodist-vegan types (the ones who don't seem to eat anything but green plant smoothies) but it is absolutely needed.

>> No.4685863

What did you do about it? Did you still serve them?

>> No.4685866

gguguhhhh I haaate this shit and these fucking people who make this shit needed

>Don't place hands under mower while blades are in motion
>Aim AWAY from face
>Caution, bleach is not for human consumption

>> No.4685870


I'm not that guy, just throwing in my 2 cents on sodium.

Low potassium also stops your brain from working properly. eat your bananas kids.

>> No.4685874

Thanks, Grandpa!

>> No.4685875

go for some figs
lots moar potassium, and more interesting cooking potential

>> No.4685877


you're welcome, Billy.

>> No.4685878

>Blueberry tart
>with no blueberry
>with no flour

I'm pretty sure they were just trolling.

>> No.4685900

>Flourless cake
Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.4685904

Probably means wheat flour.
People avoiding gluten and things like that can use spelt flour, kamut flour, rice flour, ect.

>> No.4685905

OP, how do you make a blueberry tart without any blueberries?

Did you send her a pie crust with butter and sugar in it?

>> No.4685914

man, bluberrys are aweome faggot

>> No.4685921

No, flourless cake is a well established recipe and it's delicious. People don't make it, because people are allergic to wheat gluten.

>> No.4685929

its actually kind of common friend has the same thing he can drink apple juice but not eat apples

>> No.4685943

There is probably an enzyme they are allergic to that cooking/pasteurization destroys

>> No.4685954

Get off this board you bloody shitter.

>> No.4685969

Are you Crendurr?

>> No.4685999


what a wanker, its this reason I hate most chefs. They have such pent up anger, if you don't enjoy your job fuck off elsewhere. When I'm cheffing I accommodate as much as I can and don't moan, I don't need stress in my life...but it seems alot of chefs do.

>> No.4686004


how are you expected to knock up a cake just like that though, especially in the middle of service?

>> No.4686014


>> No.4686035

>Blueberry tart
>No blueberries

I'm not good with food, but I think this isn't right.

>> No.4686143

I'm one of the wankers with allergies. I mostly go to boring a few national chain restaurants where I've studied the fine print of ingredients (and google weird chemical names) in online menus. I don't get the people with very lethal allergies, more dangerous than my own, who go out to eat at restaurants where they trust strangers who don't realize the details of allergies with life-and-death decisions. I mean even if a recipe calls for no seafood in a dish, maybe the waitperson doesn't realize that kim chee contains fish sauce, or the cook who was asked didn't realize the guy on the previous shift threw some tahini into a dressing, or that "casseine" in that "soy cheese" is actually a dairy protein.

My most frequented restaurant is actually Subway, because in addition to studying the fine print of the online ingredient lists, I know all their bread is made at 3 or 4 centralized factories in the US and shipped to the stores, reducing the chance of a minimum wage lackey improvising, and I can actually see the food being prepared in front of me.

>> No.4686159

>I don't get the people with very lethal allergies, more dangerous than my own, who go out to eat at restaurants where they trust strangers who don't realize the details of allergies with life-and-death decisions

I don't either. One of my best friends has a near-deathly allergy to capsicum, meaning anything that's even been in the same time zone as a pepper of any variety can cause her to break out in hives and make her throat seize up. She just outright refuses to eat at a restaurant unless she's carefully studied it online and determined that there are at least a few dishes there that she can eat without risk.

>> No.4686204

reminds me of my favourite ticket
>wrap !gluten allegery!
>so they just want a salad?
>talk to waitress
>end up talking to customer
>doesn't seem to understand that gluten is in any wheat product, asked for bread instead of wrap
>figured retard was on some trendy gluten free diet but didn't really understand what that meant

>> No.4686207

Jesus Christ almighty, it never ceases to amaze me how fucking stupid people can be. Why would you voluntarily go gluten-free? It offers no conceivable benefits. I live in the land of coeliacs, so I have quite a few friends who genuinely cannot have gluten, and it's shit for them, they'd love to be able to eat normally. Can't understand why someone would go through that of their own accord.

>> No.4686217

>Work at a sushi restaurant
>Tempura prawns are extremely popular
>People will come up with the most bullshit excuses to get more of them without paying

The best one I've heard was a woman claiming she was allergic to prawns, so if I could just switch them out with tempura prawns then it was fine, when I pointed out that just because they are battered in bread, it wouldn't make them less poisonous to her, she just blurted out that her doctor had told her she could eat them...
Also, people who claim to be allergic to gluten, but have no problem gorging themself with tempura.

>> No.4686223

My old boss was coeliac and she used to eat bread and stuff on occasion, she said it just gave her a bad case of the shits later on. I wish she never told me that.

>> No.4686235

I don't think it's like that for everyone, though. There was this one kid on a class trip in high school who had recently been diagnosed with coeliac disease but decided he was gonna risk eating toast anyway, and he projectile vomited all over the hall we were doing activities in.

>> No.4686248
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I have some news which is going to come as a shocker to you guys. Females are very sensitive about their appearance and the last thing they want is to be perceived as "on a diet" or "trying to lose weight", or to be asked about it.

Most women have a stock excuse for why they ordered the iceberg lettuce with nothing on it. It may be "gluten", it may be "this paleo thing", it may be "I just had surgery to make my sloppy gash tighter and the doctor said blah blah blah". Whenever you hear a line like that and you find it unbelievable, well, now you know what it actually means. If you want to be a dick you can call them out but that's up to you.

>> No.4686282

You can be allergic to water so why not salt?

>> No.4686290

You'd be surprised how many people come to Bubba Gumps with seafood allergies..

>> No.4686385
File: 243 KB, 1024x687, 1322909139073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Allergic to Seafood
>Go to Seafood restaraunt

>> No.4686396


I have friends who a coeliac like that, really bad shits, often gut pain. it doesn't sound fun.

>> No.4686408

>You can be allergic to water
No you can't.

>> No.4686414

Uh huh. Also, you can be allergic to oxygen.

>> No.4686415


because it's like being allergic to air. people that are allergic to things like water and salt, which our bodies have in abundance and require to live, are some kind of mistake of genetics, their own bodies are toxic to them.

also, an allergic reaction like hives, rashes and swelling can be provoked psychologically. In rare cases, people aren't allergic to things, but had a traumatic experience associated with it and now their brain flips all the danger switches whenever they come into contact with the object/food/substance/person.

>> No.4686439

Did you just say that people that need to avoid gluten should use spelt flour?

>> No.4686466

You'd be a terrible parent, aside from the nutritional food part of your post.

>> No.4686478

And you're a pussy. Enjoy your asthma, gluten allergy and general bitchiness.

>> No.4686506

But Anon, I don't have any of that. In fact, my immune system is so healthy that I get sick once a year on average.

If you'd like an explanation on why your parenting style would be horrible, it'd be that you're forcing something on your children that they may not want. Getting them to eat their fruits and veggies is good, but being controlling of their actions can do a lot more harm to a child's confidence and psyche than a lot of people would like to think. It's never a good idea to make your child feel controlled, and many studies have proven this over the years. A good parent should have a firm leadership role while also recognizing that their child isn't some pet or some object for them to mend into their own "proper" image. They're real individual personalities with their own individual wants, and often times those may be different from what YOU want.

Also, it's not a good idea to kill off the introverts. We NEED introverts. There's this kind of negative social stigma associated with being introverted, but it's highly unwarranted.

Suggested educational material:

tl;dr - Being a control freak is no better than being an overprotective parent. You need to strike balance between the two.

>> No.4686525

Adding to this a little, telling your kid to "suck it up" if they're complaining doesn't help the situation. It puts a wall between you and your kid. It could give off the message that you don't care about their feelings, and that you're not a reliable person to share their concerns with. If they get shut down with answers like that, how are they supposed to feel confident in talking to you about various problems they're facing? Why would they bother? So they can get a "you're complaining too much" or "you're whining, stop it" response from you? That doesn't solve the issue they're having at all.

You don't have to accept their bullshit excuse, but instead try to help them. Be more understanding of it, correct them on their misconceptions. "I'm allergic to beets! I can't eat them!" shouldn't be responded to with "No you're not, eat your fucking beets and shut up." There are a number of ways to approach the situation. Obviously they dislike beets, make sure you show them that you take that into consideration. You don't have to baby them and say "It's okay, papa will take the mean ol beets away forever!" but you can still work it out with them, because they are people and they can be reasoned with without the use of your superiority complex.

Treat them like intelligent young adults, it does a lot more for them than treating them like your property.

>> No.4686548

>has mommy/daddy issues
I'm sorry your parents were so shit.

>> No.4686674
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yeah i just didn't add any extra salt to anything. I'm not going to call out a guest on their "omg pay special attention to me!" bullshit b/c at the end of the day they are still paying the tab.

no it doesn't work that way

>> No.4686681

>no it doesn't work that way

Why not?

>> No.4686706

so much reddit

>> No.4686710

>I'm allergic to beets! I can't eat them!" shouldn't be responded to with "No you're not, eat your fucking beets and shut up."

Unless they aren't allergic to beets. How the fuck would they know unless they went to a doctor. You're what's wrong with the world. More people like you should get abortions.

>> No.4686750

I'm allergic to strawberries but I don't go and pick out shit with them in dishes or desserts and say lel, I'm allergic 2 strawberries

>> No.4686754

Children are not young adults but infact as the name suggests children. You cannot expect to get logical adult responses out of a child.

>> No.4686781
File: 45 KB, 543x453, 1205344287904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aquagenic urticaria, also known as 'water allergy' and 'water urticaria', is a rarely diagnosed form of physical urticaria. It is sometimes described as an allergy, although it is not a true histamine-releasing allergic reaction like other forms of urticaria. The defining symptom is a painful skin reaction resulting from contact with water. This may also be the effect of different temperatures of water, such as cold or hot, and can flare with chemicals such as fluorine and chlorine.


>sometimes described as an allergy, although it is not a true histamine-releasing allergic reaction

This is a non histamine reaction. The hives appear on your skin with contact to water not the ingestion if it. You need water to live so if you fucking order a soup no water severe allergy your full of shit.

>> No.4686863

You're not going to get adult responses out of them, but that doesn't mean you should disregard their individuality and assert superiority over them. You're picking at the wording and not the argument itself. The point remains that they are their own individual intelligent being in the end, regardless of their maturity, and they're not your property. Look up the psychology behind children raised with authoritarian parental figures.

>> No.4686864

>immune system is so healthy that I get sick once a year on average
That you think this is a good thing shows how ignorant you really are. Try going years without so much as running a fever.

>> No.4686871

Most chefs are dicks but... that shit's taking it way too far

>> No.4686874

A lot healthier than people I know, I can tell you that. I guesstimated because I don't remember the last time I was sick or even went to a hospital for that matter, and I get sick really rarely. 1 year average is at the most, and the times I do get sick are usually just the common cold which I recover from within a day or two.

>> No.4686876

I am amazed at how intellectual the internet has become.

>> No.4686890


>> No.4686904
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>Work at an "upscale" pizza joint
>lady comes in with her son
>he's allergic to dairy and garlic

>> No.4686910

It really sucks because I've got an issue with onions. Any time I eat them my stomach gets wrecked, and it'll persist for a day or two at most. But I like the flavor, and there's pretty much no restaurant you can go to without getting some form of onion in a dish.

God damn it /ck/, I want to like them!

>> No.4686912

Shoulda done the kid a favor and offed him right there. At least he'd die with some good pizza in him.

>> No.4686920


Weird. My father can eat apples just fine, but apple juice gives him diarrhea. It's a great mystery.

>> No.4686944

But bleach is mostly water, and were mostly water!

>> No.4686979

>no you cannot live w/o salt. it was funny the server came back and told me and i stared at her blank for a second then said something to the effect of " well is he a fucking zombie?"

Historic moment - a snail was being served instead of somebody being served by a snail.

>> No.4686988

Apple juice gives a lot of people diarrhea. A lot of people get it from eating too much fruit too. Think about how many apples you'd need to juice to get a glass. Also, most juice is incredibly sweet and made from overripe fruit, and that might have something to do with it too.

>> No.4687082

like monosodium glutamate allergy, completely psychological

>> No.4687088

There is no such thing as a gluten allergy.

You have digestive disorders/diseases where gluten can cause issues, but no allergy.

>> No.4687104


Therefore, we are bleach.