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File: 163 KB, 556x313, skittles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4663956 No.4663956 [Reply] [Original]

Candy thread. To start off, how long until Skittles gets rid of Green Apple and brings back the best flavor, Lime?

>> No.4663971

>best flavour of anything

It's like second-worst after lemon.

>> No.4663985

>not Grape
nigga u srs

>> No.4664023


this, artificial grape and orange are fucking disgusting

I love grapes/grape juice and oranges/orange juice but ALMOST all the artificially flavored versions are just disgusting

>> No.4664038
File: 937 KB, 773x561, 1352674384971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigga knows. Grape is always the worst flavor, they just keep it to keep the ethnics happy.

>> No.4664052

I don't eat skittles that often, and the other day I bought a pack only to have my tongue assaulted by that awful "green apple" flavor. I hope they bring back the lime flavor and toss that nasty green apple flavor into some other bag of shittles that no one else will buy.

>> No.4664054

By process of elimination, strawberry is the only edible one.

>> No.4664059
File: 108 KB, 1000x1000, Scottish_Tablet1t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. strawberry is best.

since this is a candy thread... anyone into candymaking? taffy and tablet are on my to-do list.

>> No.4664063

There are no grape skittles you retards.

>> No.4664072
File: 3 KB, 109x125, dafuq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are no grape skittles you retards.

>> No.4664075

>In the UK, purple Skittles are blackcurrant.

>> No.4664084


Sweet tarts were better when they were lime instead of green apple too. Those never came back though op. its a sad day.

>> No.4664092
File: 168 KB, 500x375, Smoothie Mix Skittles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These were the fucking best Skittles ever.

>> No.4664105

Oh god, I remember the summer of that change. I was so depressed.

>> No.4664107

I was about 9 or 10... And i literally am still depressed about it.

>> No.4664111

Trayvon Edition when?

>> No.4664381

Skittles have an aftertaste. Jellybean throw-out-the-black-ones master race.

>> No.4664471
File: 588 KB, 217x199, america.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Artificial green apple flavor needs to fucking go and die already. Absolutely fucking unacceptably disgusting.

I haven't bough Skittles in a while but as long as this shit's around it looks like I won't ever be doing so again

>> No.4664486
File: 272 KB, 1024x965, CC_Wrigley-Skittles-Darkside-NEW-candy-package-December-2012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the green apple. I also like this lime. Fucking skittles are crack to me.

>> No.4664528

Skittles are only nostalgic to me. I really don't like them.

Does chocolate with a low cocoa content count? If so Chunky bars are best candy. Otherwise, bit-o-honeys.

>> No.4664561

That is like the worst bag of Skittles you can buy. I mean, you're entitled to your opinion, but I personally can't enjoy like any of those flavors.

>> No.4664565

i put skittles in my oatmeal and pancakes. way better than blueberries
theyre sweeter and have this awesome gooey texture when theyre warmed up. ever have hot skittleS? try them.

>> No.4664572

What's the best temperature to eat certain candy? I ate some Sour Patch Kids and Gummy Bears that had been in my warm car for a day and they tasted better than when I get them right from the store.

It had to do with consistency, too, I think, is this normal? Should all gummy candies be warmed a bit before eaten?

>> No.4664583

if you put skittles or hard candy in the fridge, it makes the shell harder and gives it a nice crunch when you bite into it. also makes it sorta melt in your mouth

>> No.4664584
File: 369 KB, 1000x1000, Kirino vidya.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like how curvy your arrow is, OP.

>> No.4664601

But that's whta makes them good, the fact you CAN'T get that cloyingly sweetness anywhere else, cherry is often like this as well. The Strawberry, to me, is fucking gross, I like all the others even apple.

>> No.4664605

Freeze your chocolates. All of them.

>> No.4664638

Put your gummy candy under your ass on the way home from the store, seriously, adding that amount of warmth is good for gummy consistency, if you eat it straight from the store it's gonna be too cold and the consistency won't be right for maximum enjoyment.

Trust me, I've been eating gummy candies since the 60's.

>> No.4664641

noooooooooo. nope. nope. fucking idort

>> No.4664642

>MFW my mum mails me a big box of skittles
>MFW been deployed for 4 months without skittles
>MFW I attempt to make my favorite Sprite flavored combo, line and lemon
>MFW it tastes fucking horrible

Fuck you, skittles

>> No.4664671

>not enjoying crunchy, tart chocolate that melts slowly as you chew.

>> No.4664675

I never really recognized skittles as actually having individual flavours.

>> No.4664680

You gotta eat gummies frozen and chew the shit out of em. Get that jaw strength up.

>> No.4664722

The green apple flavor is good, anyway.

>> No.4664738

there is nothing better than frozen nestle crunch

>> No.4664757
File: 120 KB, 728x90, justicefortrayvon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4666692

Candy, it's great!

>> No.4666697

Fuck skittles.
M&Ms are the best

>> No.4666789
File: 1.99 MB, 403x234, 1371697919720.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying chocolate and fruit candy are in the same league

>> No.4666795

if you guys were skittles i'd eat you all

>> No.4666915

I got some skittles at work a few weeks ago and was very displeased with the shit tier green apple flavor.

On a side note, ive filled a sousaphone with skittles before, the eatings were good.