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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 16 KB, 384x384, icedtea1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4650644 No.4650644 [Reply] [Original]

I hear Europeans aren't much for icing their drinks. What's the matter, afraid of a refreshing chilled beverage?

>> No.4650646

The EU took weaponised dihydrogen monoxide more seriously than most, and banned all solid forms of the substance.

>> No.4650651

eurotrash haven't figured out refrigeration yet

>> No.4650658
File: 700 KB, 3500x2321, ueyuropea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After WW2, Europe was ruled by a military dictator supported by the USA. In order to conserve vital energy required for rebuilding the shattered infrastructure, rumors were spread that ice could steal your life essence.

Younger people are more skeptical about these traditions, of course.

>> No.4650660 [DELETED] 


Hmmmm. Delicious solid water slowly watering an already diminishing amount of liquid.

Get in me you fine-ass ice cubes.

>> No.4650670

I'm pretty sure it's simply due to a lack of abundance in fresh water in certain areas of yurop, same reason they charge for water.

>> No.4650678

Health and safety

Ice cubes are dangerous for our loose, wobbly teeth and we might choke.

>> No.4650682

Not to mention they could produce quite a nasty bruise if used as a weapon

>> No.4650684

As evidenced by the fact that they're dying in 86 degree heat because they're too stupid to use air conditioners.

>> No.4650690
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There are still places in Europe that charge extra for ice, it was very prevalent back in the 90s

They're just literally too poor

>> No.4650693


It's going to be 95 this Wednesday.

I don't bother with air conditioners or fans. Just open doors and windows around the house so you get a good circulation of air.

>> No.4650696
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>exceptionally hot

>> No.4650700
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o hai murrikah

>> No.4650699
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american culture is truly trash, and such

>> No.4650701

depends on the humidity yo. I'd love to see the vast majority of you do ANYTHING when it's in the mid 90s with 100% humidity.

>> No.4650702
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>not being able to use both
>thinking Kelvin isn't the best

plebeian pls

>> No.4650705

>implying we don't use both

What is with everyone thinking we don't use the metric system at all? We do. And we also use imperial, but usually just at home/casual shit.

>> No.4650706
File: 2.38 MB, 320x200, 1370832741159.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I worked as a landscaper in Texas. 100% humidity, 108 in the shade. Never fazed me, it's just shitty as fuck.

That job built character. The worst was laying mulch under shrubs that had been baking in the direct sun (the bags work like mini-greenhouses so the temp inside is probably around 120+) and that have been rained on. Dat burning steam.

>> No.4650717
File: 361 KB, 400x528, 1357001060241.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying the moon landing happened at all

>> No.4650720
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>some shitty conspiracy theory is your only response

You can see the landers and tracks through telescopes ;)

>> No.4650724

I roof in that weather on the daily...

>> No.4650726
File: 287 KB, 680x476, 1362859331969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your country is so lame that you don't even have a name for yourselves.
America is the name of the continent.
United States... meh bro, United States of what? Of America? Then that's a fucking lie, because you don't represent all the continent, do you?
And you cannot be the "United States" alone either... many countries in the world are made up of united states. That doesn't give you an identity.
You're so lame that you cannot even find a name for yourself, because you don't have a fucking identity. Proof is, you don't even have culture. You've just taken a generic name that could apply to any country in the world, because you assume that you can represent any country in the world. That's how conceited you are.
Even just south of your border, Mexicans at least have a real name.
Why don't you petition your hurr durr representatives in order to get a real name? But no, you just stay in front of your screen, happy with your moronishness.
Your lack of proper identity is just proof that your country is at the bottomest of bottom of the shit-tier list. It's actually out of the list.

>> No.4650727


the continents called north america dummy, and the the 50 states are indeed united together

>> No.4650728


>> No.4650729

Rankine is better than Kelvin. The difference between degrees is smaller, and temperature is usually measured to the nearest degree. This means that a referenced temperature in Imperial is slightly more accurate than a temperature referenced in Metric. Of course, if you have decimal points, than the point is moot, but temperatures rarely have decimals.

>> No.4650733
File: 37 KB, 248x187, Angie-pic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Angie are you back?

>> No.4650734
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>> No.4650737

The original point was that we DIDN'T have a national identity, we had a state identity. Lots of countries have states, but the whole point of the US was that states had far more local power than the federal government, creating a decentralization of power that didn't exist in Europe. We do have names for ourselves. I'm an Ohioan.

>> No.4650746
File: 177 KB, 762x1048, sparky_changed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a Michigander and I just returned from a trip up to the Sleeping Bear dunes north of Beulah Michigan, I took a number of sand pictures which I hope to incorporate into a few images i want to do, do Arabian Desert backdrops with a F-22 Raptor of the United States Airforce engaging MIG-29 Fulcrums and Mirage III fighter aircraft, including enemy planes to be engaged over the Arabian Desert include MIG-15 Fagot, MIG-21 Fishbed, MIG-23 Flogger, MIG-25 Foxbat, Mirage F1, TU-22 Blinder, Pilatus PC-7 Tubro Trainer( Armed in assault mode), Hawker Hunter FGA-59 Ground attack plane, SU-25 Frogfoot, SU-22 Fitter and possibly MIG-17 and MIG-19 Farmer Fighter aircraft. Most of the aircraft engaged are of Russian origin with a few French considering these are all Iraqi Airforce aircraft or Iraqi Airforce Aircraft being flown by mercenaries and Rebels whom got a hold of former Iraqi equipment and weapons and aquired other aircraft and weapons from Syria and included are former Egyptian machines. These Rebels and Mercanaries are actually a mixture of different Arabs and different Arab groups in the Middle East whom have gotten together to fight against the west and the United States Military and F-22 Raptor Air Dominance Fighters and A-10 Thunderbolt(Warthog) CAS(Close Air Support) Aircraft are sent back in quell this Group of different Factions and cells whom are former pilots and soldiers and mercenaries belonging largely to the Iraqi Armed Forces, but also to the Egyptian,Syrian, United Arab Emirates(UAE), Bahrain, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Libyan, Iranian, Pakastani, Afghanistani and even Algerian Military and Armed Forces. They have over a thousand Aircraft all painted in Iraqi Airforce Camouflage and Markings, even though they are from all over the Middle East(Southwest Asia) and North Africa and come from every country in that region.

>> No.4650755
File: 141 KB, 774x1032, foreverial_tiedup_basil_by_rafe15-d2zlswg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have to do more research on the Planes and other machinery weapons that the Iraqi,Egyptian, Syrian Militaries had or still have, I know those three countries have had mainly Old Russian or Soviet Weapons, Aircraft and equipment with a mixture of French Hardware, including Mirage 5, Mirage F1 and SA-342L Gazelle. Even though they wont have Mirage 5 Fighters, they will have the earlier Mirage III Fighter instead, most likely aquired from Pakistan and the black market, they will have Mirage F1 Fighters and SA-341 Gazelle Attack helicopters though. Besides I drew a landscape image, although not great quality, I hope to color it in and add to an image as a background. Plus I am working on the armies of the Malevolent Warlord IscaAsMrunyei( A white Fox) and have created a Pine Marten Officer whom commands his Armies of Weasels,Stoats, Ferrets and Ermines in the field, still havent drawn his enormous Fortress with all the spots where the Archers can shoot arrows from. I havent drawn IscaAsMrunyei yet, but I plan on it soon and I hope I will actually get off my Ass and submit the image, all I know right now is that he is a white Fox and his Sword wont be like the primary soldier sword of his armies.

>> No.4650763
File: 173 KB, 737x1083, tiedup_bondage_tbone_rightside.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I have a lot of plans, also I may have to put these plans on hold as I have to return to College, esspecially so I can continue and finish my education and graduate and get a full time well paying job. If that is possible to do, But I know somehow I am gonna have to do that sooner or later, cant stay at my Dads House for the rest of my life. I really have a lot of plans and hopes and hope my plans and hopes as well as that hope comes to fruition, including that hope and plan. Rebels and Mercenaries from all over the Middle Eastern and North African and possibly South African region being engaged by US and British and other coalition forces and an enormous Armies commanded by a pine Marten officer under a White Fox Warlord whom has his own Enormous Fortress which is heavily defended and fortified. So many ideas popping into my head and so little time, even though they are not really new ideas. Well I cant think of anything to say, so

>> No.4650825

Texan living in Arizona here. 110-115°F and 65-90% humidity for my summers. Get on my level, eurotrash.

>> No.4651338
File: 25 KB, 480x349, american problems.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4651342

>putting ice in your drink
>wanting proportionally less actual fucking drink in your glass
>wanting your drink to get watery if you drink it slowly

Just chill the glass if you're that anal about it.

>> No.4651472



>> No.4651656

Fun fact: There is a bit of Velcro stuck on the inside of an astronaut's helmet so that they can scratch their nose with it while suited up.

>> No.4651670
File: 235 KB, 450x298, cowwash2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


imagine if the whole inside of the space suit was a cow brush

>> No.4651678


Seriously wot

Also, misplaced Texans and inland Californians are what ruined Arizona. Go home.

>> No.4651711

Europe doesn't all have clean drinking water so that's why you should drink only sealed beverages no ice.

>> No.4651734
File: 27 KB, 600x602, stuckInOhio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>living in Ohio
Fucking retard

>> No.4651787

That post made my day. Thank you anon.

>> No.4651790

As a former Ohianon, I can't describe how happy I am about this picture.

>> No.4651794

I took the smart route and got the hell out of that shithole of a state the moment I graduated from high school.

>> No.4651795

>using bags

I'm skeptical anon.

>> No.4651829

>dying in 86 degree heat

That's so comfortable though.

>> No.4651840



lol this is why I'm so glad I'm american

>> No.4651894

well actually kinda. the Nazis tried to do nuclear fission with heavy water instead of refining.

i dont like a lot of ice. but i make fruit juice ice cubes for mixed drinks. is dry ice cold enough to freeze liquor?

>> No.4651913

To freeze it solid? Let's see. The melting point of ethanol is -173.2°F (-114°C), and the temperature of dry ice is -109.3°F or -78.5°C. So no, it isn't cold enough.

>> No.4651922

is that for pure ethanol? what about 40%?

i remember chemistry class had an equation for this kind of thing

>> No.4651932

You make a good point. I just looked it up and found:
24 proof liquor freezes at -6.7°C (20°F)
64 proof liquor freezes at -23.33°C (-10°F)
84 proof liquor freezes at -34.44°C (-30°F).

So it seems that you could freeze some liquor with dry ice if you were so inclines. Were you going to put that in drinks of the same type so that it wouldn't get diluted as the cubes melted?

>> No.4651957

What the hell is wrong with this board? I occasionally come here to see if any threads pique my interests, but right now there's like 3 different /pol/ metathreads up. Is this normal?

>> No.4651960
File: 982 KB, 285x171, 1372619068205.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck u europeons gtfo!

>> No.4651969

We're on 4chan and the American kids are awake.
Ofcourse it's normal.

>> No.4651972

that would be awesome. would be cool to do for a party.

nice. i was planning on getting some dry ice to try flash freezing fruits in a few days. now i have to get ice cube trays too. i suppose you couldnt really save them in the freezer... lol. but ill try it small scale

>> No.4651974

Cool. You should post a thread to document the experiment, I would be interested in seeing the results.

>> No.4651976

>implying yuros don't shit post about America the first chance they get

>> No.4651977

lolololololololol its 90 here in Pittsburgh, with 85% humid. We dont even break a sweat

>> No.4651982

No, i just don't give a shit if it has ice cubes or not. The main point is to get drunk so, eh, eh, eh.

>> No.4651979


We bought mulch and it was shipped in on pallets in bags.

>> No.4651980

We don't have the same shit over on our board. The quality of the posts diminishes significantly, but there are rarely threads like this.

>> No.4651988

>We dont even break a sweat
Probably because you are all fatass urban whales that don't exert any energy outside.

>> No.4651990

The other day it was 40+ Celsius and I don't have air conditioning. Not a single fuck was given.

>> No.4651998
File: 20 KB, 375x375, 1371914576531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


be more buttmad

>> No.4652004

>hot weather doesn't bother me when I sit indoors with the AC on

Cool story.

>> No.4652005


try again, and just because you dont care doesnt mean there aren't an assload of yuropeens dieing because of your shit tier infrastraucture

>> No.4652006


You must be suffering from autism and obesity.

>> No.4652009

>try again

>yuropeens dieing because of your shit tier infrastaucture
Not European. Also, "dying" and "infrastructure". Let's talk about American infrastructure next lol

>> No.4652011

That's only 8 above freezing. Dumb eurotrash.

>> No.4652176

Monsoon season. It was 67% humidity when I posted that.

And yes, "monsoon season" here means "it'll be slightly damp and rain once for a few minutes a week".

Currently 36°C/96°F at 39% humidity, 20 minutes to 8pm. Looks like it could get back to 110°F by week's end. Good times.

Funny, all the Arizonans I talk to blame California and Mexico (mostly California). Maybe the Texans are invading Tuscon and Flag and Phoenix just doesn't see the problem.

>> No.4652353

They cannot afford ice as they pay most of their money to the government in taxes. They can barely afford a little bit of food, much less a luxury such as ice.

>> No.4652353,1 [INTERNAL] 

They have over a thousand Aircraft all painted in Iraqi Air force Camouflage and Markings, even though they are from all over the Middle East(Southwest Asia) and North Africa and come from every country in that region.