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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 55 KB, 800x534, waiter-taking-order-28924214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4634859 No.4634859 [Reply] [Original]

>"Do you have a children's menu?"
>"'ll have the chicken fingers with french fries"

>"Anon, I didn't like the food at this restaurant"

>> No.4634883

I have the vaguest idea what this thread's about.

Polite sage.

>> No.4634886


Children are on /ck/. Impolite sage.

>> No.4634898

>TFW I will order chicken tenders depending on the restaurant
>TFW I see nothing wrong with going to a generic chain restaurant and ordering them
>TFW they're fucking tasty

>> No.4634968


if they make their own chicken fingers, and dont use those premade frozen ones than sure, y not get them???

besides if the restaurant has a childrens menu chances are its not a fancy place

>> No.4634985

>going to the restaurat to pay for the same thing yuo buy at the supermarket for 10 time less.

seriously, children menu = froezen Kraft food.

>> No.4635000

It does seem silly that people are afraid of trying different foods.
My BIL is like this, and his BIL is even worse.

My BIL will pick stuff out he doesn't like, and to be fair he will try new stuff, but it's like he's already made up his mind that he won't like it.
His BIL could go on freaky eaters.

>> No.4635012
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>Go to dinner with family
>Step-mom orders fillet of beef 8 times out of 10
>Always orders it well done

>> No.4635017
File: 25 KB, 400x400, sweerpotato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sit at the restaurant with your young son, he says he is hungry. You agree to get him dinner. You open up to the kids menu, your child is far to young for adult food. Chicken nugger stares at you from the page. You don’t understand. Your palms get sweaty and your son complains. He says he is hungry. Your mind strains, searching for an answer in a world of sweer potato and french fried. You try to order the chicken nugger, but you cannot. The words cannot escape your lips. Your son is hungry, he complains. The waitress stares at you, her head a spinning chicken nugger, her arms swinging french fried. Your son cries the tears of a chicken nugger-less child. In your mind you scream. It is raining sweer potato now, you have french fried engraved on your left temple and you do not understand. Your son weeps in the corner, he is starving. Starving for the chicken nugger.

>> No.4635022

"Hey, group of friends, I know you wanted to go out for dinner but I just want to stop by the grocery store real quick to grab some chicken. Is that cool?"

Yea, fucking reasonable, right?

>> No.4635026


I legit know a girl who has this same dining habit. She only eats about 4 different things, and chicken tenders and french fries are one of em.

I am so proud of here when she tries new things, like hamburgers (no joke). One of these days she'll graduate to the real menu.

>> No.4635029

Or you could try eating real food and not bland crap made for picky suburban kids.

>> No.4635031

how white people feel about meat being cooked.

>It's gotta be bloody because that's where the juice and taste is.

>> No.4635033
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>implying you're not a walking joke to your friends for ordering a kids meal because youre too fucking afraid to leave that little island of taste that your poor parents have taught you and you try to justify it with "muh freedumz"

>> No.4635038
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>> No.4635039

is that really a white thing?

>> No.4635043

>ooga booga abobo zipity dop dop

how black people feel about meat being cooked.

>> No.4635053
File: 34 KB, 240x200, 1358636647521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why you gotta be a dick?
If I'm going to a restaurant I'm going to order something I either haven't made, can't make, or can't be arsed to make.
Not fucking chicken nuggets which any prick with a pair of scissors, a baking tray and an oven can make.

I know people don't want to spend money on food they're afraid they might not like, but fuck........
If McDonald's is the only restaurant you can go to where you like the food on the menu it's time to step the fuck up and expand your palate and yourself as a person.
If you can only eat chicken nuggets when you go to a restaurant, people are going to think you're an uncultured prick, and you probably are.

>> No.4635067

Chicken fingers/strips/tenders aren't necessarily from the kid's menu...sometimes I just want some chicken strips, jeez. Not like I get it all the time.

>> No.4635084

Most fast food resturants serve them so why bother getting them at a fancier place?

>> No.4635089
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Or I could eat whatever the fuck I want because it's my money and my food and my meal, at the end of the day.

Feels good to like what I like, /ck/

>> No.4635100

This is Murrca you moran

>> No.4635106


Holy shit, look how cool and assertive you are. You must be a real confident person defying social norms like that. You certainly took the red pill didn't you? Buying into that "maturation" process is for sheep who are afraid to truly express themselves and "like what they like" huh?

Please tell me more about how you only do what you want to do and only like what you really like. I really wish I could escape this prison of appeasing people and doing things I dont like for any other reason than myself.

>> No.4635113
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>he ordered chicken strips again

>> No.4635119

I bet you apply the same logic to your fedora you faggot.

>> No.4635123
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picky spoiled little bitch

>> No.4635145

Holy shit is /ck/ mad right now
Do you really even care what other people order? When you see your friends order something you personally don't like do you judge them privately or do you call them out on it then and there?

>> No.4635153

Do you really even care what other people wear? When you see your friends walking down the street in assless chaps and a buttplug do you call them out on it then and there?

>> No.4635155

Call them out, leave the restaurant and cancel facebook friendship. Never explain why. Plebs wouldnt understand.

>> No.4635163


I usually make my friends feel like shit about all their mistakes because Im an insecure little bastard who has nothing going on in his life except for a above average culinary knowledge/skill.

Also, /ck/ has ALWAYS bee snobby. It's the uncultured swine that come here and try and lowbrow all the regulars here who have worked hard to achieve this level of culinary expertise.

>> No.4635168

Not really. In the right settings I've seen my friends wear some weird, weird stuff. I really try not to judge the outfit someone chooses because I've gone out in public or had to wear dumb stuff to work

>> No.4635180

The fuck is a bill?

>> No.4635181


Wow you are so accepting and open-minded. I bet all your friends and acquaintances really appreciate your non-judgmental attitude.

>> No.4635188

I'm judgmental as fuck, but I like my friends

>> No.4635205
File: 587 KB, 500x281, tumblr_m73sr5QSk11qewsw4o2_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>take a family road trip with BIL from flyover state
>drive past all sorts of good looking restaurants
>vietnamese places, greasy spoon burger joints, mexican dives, etc
>BIL demands to eat at Outback Steakhouse for the blooming onion and gets his way

>> No.4635206


Get the fuck out of your you hyposhite. You wouldn't know the meaning of tough love if your boyfriend came up to you and dickslapped you in the face for being such a double-minded little shit stain.

People like you are the reasons we have cringe. People like you are ruining the culinary tradition by dumbing it down for their friends. Absolutely disgusting

>> No.4635219

Next time I order chicken strips at a restaurant, I'll do it out of spite and think of you, anon, while I enjoy my tasty fried chicken. And they'll taste amazing and I'll have no regrets.

>> No.4635230


Next time I see a lil bitch ordering mud tier food at a restaurant, I'll think of you anon and silently fume. One day I'll snap and shiv that little cunt and I hope it's you. You wont think you are so cool then.

>> No.4635233

Your gloating will be your down fall.
Be wary anon.

>> No.4635238


>> No.4635240

If people shouldn't be ordering chicken nuggets or chicken strips then they shouldn't be on a menu in the first place.

>> No.4635247

they shouldn't be on the menu

fuck off /threadfag

>> No.4635250

It's been a long time since the phrase 'Internet Tough Guy" came to mind. Congratulations, anon, you're almost as cool as a white knight.

>> No.4635253

Lick my balls, bitch, is what's on the menu today.

>> No.4635257

You two wouldn't be so bitchy if you started eating well done steak and got medicine for those tapeworms.

>> No.4635260

to cater to the faggots with no tastes that their friends bring along

>> No.4635267

>out with friends at some TGIF
>everyone orders various sliders to trade and try
>waiter is nice and friendly, suggests if we want the burgers well done we should order medium or medium rare as they are so tiny and cook so quick
>one girl is finicky bitch
>"No! I hate blood! I got food poisoning from a not-well burger! NO!"
>We're all like "ok, whatever. order yours however you want"
>"But you're all ordering it with blood! It's not fair if I can't try yours too!"
>waiter tries to appease
>bitch not having it
>must have her way
>waiter comes back after argument
>bitch is pissy, orders buffalo chicken or something
>pissed entire evening
>she leaves early
>thank god

>> No.4635269

it's on the kids menu because kids can be finicky bitches and some parents hope to go to a restaurant and eat nice food without getting in an argument with their little brat

>> No.4635273

>It's not fair if I can't try yours too!

>> No.4635310

did you patiently explain to her that the red juice in meat isn't blood after you kicked her in the cunt?

>> No.4635328

>Go to casual walk up to the counter sandwich place with friends
>They're huge $8 sandwiches and I'm a small eater
>Order the children's roast beef which is just a 1/2 sandwich
>But I just want to order a half-sandwich
>We can't do that
>Order full sandwich
>Eat half
>Other half sits there and the toasted bread gets stale/soggy
>Have to carry it around the rest of the night in a bag

>> No.4635329

no, we murdered her

>> No.4635638
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>your AGM allowing adults to order off the childrens meno

>> No.4635705


I hate when places enforce that rule though. If I want something small, and not a footlong fucking sandwich, I'll order off the kids menu.

Although I've been to a burger place and ordered the random Steak teriyaki they had on the kids menu. Shit was SO cash.

>> No.4635715

>be birthdaying
>have reservations at my favorite restaurant, bistro praha in edmonton, ab
>two people can't make it
>gf's friend is late, texts ahead and asks if she can bring her two lady friends from red deer
>ffff strangers at my birthday dinner fuck whatever
>we order tartare, escargot, pickles, schnitzel, all kinds of rad stuff
>they hem and haw and complain about the lack of edible food on the menu
>I stare blankly as two suburban classless fucks complain about the lack of mainstream fried food at a place that specializes in fucking schnitzel, the most accessible fried meat in the universe
>they get green salads and blather loudly over all of my guests, embarrassing me so much that I can't return to bistro praha for weeks
>happy birthday jim
>they don't even chip in for my meal

>> No.4635717

>Feels good to like what I like, /ck/

just stop it ok, JUST STOP IT

>> No.4635725


Heres the problem, they are Canadian. After spending years in Toronto...I have never met a nation of less reliable people and more uncultured people and thats saying a lot since I come from the US.

Where is it OK to cancel last second on meetings/planned dinners via text? Canada.

Where do you never eat food outside your ethnic group. rural Canada.

>> No.4635733


urban Canada is rad but that's like 1% of Canada

suburban and rural Canada are about as shitty as the shittiest suburban/rural areas of the deep south

>> No.4635743
File: 993 KB, 267x150, laughing austrians.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ how autistic can you get?

>> No.4635844


That made me laugh.

>> No.4636165


I once was in a little bakery that made fresh donuts and coffee each morning, it was owned by a small petite old asian, and on one of the little signs for the donuts, it said "Barbarian Cream Filled."

I wonder if she honestly thought that's what they were called, because she considered all the fatass white people to be barbaric.

Probably not, but that's the joke I told my brother.

>> No.4636187

She was stupid and didn't know enough English to know it was Bavarian.

>> No.4636229

Seriously, what the fug are you doing on /ck/ with this train of thought?

>> No.4636250

Smarter than some donut munching cock gobbler like you.

>> No.4636298

the whole point of a kid's menu is to accommodate the more diverse needs a large party (in that case, a family). If you go with a group of friends you should be able to order from a kid's menu. it's bad business to repel a whole group by being inflexible with one person.

>> No.4636306

white's and most asians go in for rare or medium rare. i'd assume black are more across the board, the few times i've observed them order a steak it's always well done but i'm not sure i'd want to WHITE GUILT generalize.

>> No.4636350

I like my meat from medium rare to medium
but my dad always has to have it well done [read as: shitty and tough]
I never ate steak because I always assumed that it tasted like the way he cooked it, but I had a medium rare burger once and decided to try it another way
he's always going on about the dangers of uncooked meat
I could understand if it was pork
but he would always go on and on about how the white folks at his college would open up a steak and just dig right it
'damn near raw with blood everywhere'

>> No.4636355

Not white, just more of a first world thing. Obviously in poorer countries (lets face it, predominantly brown/black people countries) meat is hard to come by, not everyone has a fridge, and if the meat is wild or not carefully farm raised, you never know what kind of parasites and diseases could be there.

You have no choice but to cook it to well done.

>> No.4636370

i appreciate and respect your tastes, and understand they reflect your own unique individuality. truly you are a child of the cosmos.

now if you'll excuse me, i have a not guilty verdict to be celebrating.

>> No.4636380

>lets face it, predominantly brown/black people countries
Yeah dude, Austria, Greece, Nepal, Poland, Slovakia, Mongolia, and several others are living the best of the world while Brazil, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Dubai, Israel, Bahamas, and a shitload of others are living on huts. Fuck off to /pol/ for ignorant, stupid, insipid assertions based on assumptions you massive mongoloid.

>> No.4636384

>calls him out for being racist
>calls him a mongoloid

>> No.4636393

>implying I called him a racist
I don't know what post you read, I called him stupid regardless of the theme discussed. Maybe you should consider browsing tumblr instead if you tend to stamp watered down insults when you lack a proper assessment on the situation.

>> No.4636395
File: 44 KB, 657x600, owmyballs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Austria, Poland, Slovakia into huts
>Mongolia not brown
>Bahamas strong
>Oil money everywhere

>> No.4636401

you could tell which post i read because it is linked, dumbass

>> No.4636406

>takes a facetious statement literally
>he builds his reply on that ground
So, what is it? Were you born mentally challenged or did you eventually developed acute stupidity?

>> No.4636557

>cock gobbler

I prefer cock goblins. Why would you mix a rooster and a turkey?


>> No.4636559

I literally only order Chicken or steaks from resturants

>> No.4636618


The American pallet enjoys leather boot like steak piled with muh frush cracked black peppah and extra salt to mask the flavors of a non existent steak.

Anyone who orders steak well done has no fucking palette.

And you don't need to order rare.... Just get it medium rare, the perfect steak.

>> No.4636646

>want some yummy chicken fingers
>everyones angry I didn't order something fancy
I just wanted some deliciousness is that really so wrong?

>> No.4636890

1. If you want chicken fingers don't go to a place that specializes in fancy food

Granted I could understand if you didn't want to eat there and were dragged along, though if you were taken there specifically to try the restaurant and discover new things then yeah, that's a pretty terrible thing to do.

2. The point isn't even that "ordering chicken tenders and fries off the kids menu at a place the specializes in fancy food is bad" it's "If you go to a place that specializes in fancy food and you order chicken tenders and fries off the kids menu, then you have absolutely no right to complain about or judge the quality of the food at the restaurant."

>> No.4636891

>you don't need to order rare
And then there's this faggot.

>> No.4637146
File: 14 KB, 490x276, vlcsnap-2010-01-01-18h11m43s21GK2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just got home and saw this thread
>take girl out to dinner
>she tells me she is a vegitarian, never knew
>can't go where I had planned
>no problem, there is great vegitarian at the chinese
>doesn't like chinese, indian, lebanese, or pasta
we went to subway for dinner

>> No.4637155

No, absolutely not

>> No.4637158

>I'm sorry dear, next time we will go to something a little more your place, like Mcdonalds or KFC.

>> No.4637159
File: 583 KB, 1024x681, leamingtontomato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I live in rural Canada
>tfw we have some of the most authentic mexican/italian restaurants in the country
>tfw we actually have class because we live so close to the USA, our business are in competition with theirs

feels good man

>> No.4637165

>authentic Mexican

>> No.4637167

damn, I thought this was the one board that wasn't full of ignorant pieces of shit... anyways here's how I'll map it out for you.

>i live in the tomato capital of north america
>we have more mexicans than anywhere else in canada because they are all working in the fields etc.
>yes, we have authentic mexican you dumb twat

>> No.4637193

What do you consider "authentic mexican food?"

Just for my own curiosity...

>> No.4637199
File: 76 KB, 533x400, tacostony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont need to justify myself, sir

>dat hot homemade jalapeno guac poured on everything
>dem cow tongue burritos with beans n rice

just look at this storefront, need I say more?

>> No.4637200

o sweer lord mah seids

>> No.4637204
File: 23 KB, 363x413, 1364767366748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


usually people in flyover land (which includes canada) think authentic mexican food means tacos made from "exotic" ingredients like meat that isn't tenderloin, tortillas made of corn, and real tapatio.

ask them if they've ever heard of epazote or papalo and you'll receive the unblinking stare of someone who thinks the arrival of a filthy taco truck is proof that his little meth town is finally "with it".

>> No.4637215

>i dont need to justify myself, sir
First off the isn't reddit so you can stop with that "sir" shit

Second. Yes you do.

What that store front is showing me is a lot of tex-mex and little authentic Mexican food.

I know it's hard to understand being from Hatland, but most of those people have probably never BEEN to Mexico or had REAL Mexican food.

Just because they speak Spanish, and are brown doesn't make them from Mexico, understand?

>> No.4637222


Perhaps I'm understanding this more clearly than you are:

>has never heard of "migrant workers"
>people travel to and from mexico seasonally to fucking support their families

jesus christ you are dense man. I'm done.

>> No.4637237
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>staying at a hotel that has one of those "come up and order then take your food to the register" things
>kid in front of me with parents
>the chicken tenders are frozen, thrown into a fryer
>but the hotdogs/hamburgers are cooked right there on a grill, nice.
>father says "wow, it's good to see that a place like this is actually cooking it's food right here"
>proceeds to order his family chicken tenders

>> No.4637241


>> No.4637245
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>> No.4637264


I'm pretty sure that's Leamington and your dumb as fuck for everything in your post . no you don't have authentic restaurants, no you're not in competition with the us your a small town an hour and a half from fucking sketchy ass detroit. Go pick tomats with the immigrants you hick.

>> No.4637272


I'm sorry. My ex was like that too.

>> No.4637274

I have a friend who literally orders chicken fingers no matter where we are.

>> No.4637286

>mfw my cousin is 25 years old and still wont eat anything but chicken fingers and mountain dew.

>> No.4637288

Give her the chicken nugger, son. Give it to her hard.

>> No.4637298

that made me laugh so much

>> No.4637321

Who gives a fuck what someone else orders?

>"Do you have a children's menu?"
>"'ll have the chicken fingers with french fries"

>"Anon, I didn't like the food at this restaurant"

"They don't specialize in making chicken fingers, you should have known they wouldn't be that good. I'm sorry you didn't enjoy where we ate, next time you can choose the restaurant."

>> No.4637323


My room mate in college only ate shredded Kraft cheese on tortilla chips that had been microwaved.


I literally did not see him eat anything else in the 2 years we lived together. He would eat that 3x a day; breakfast, lunch and dinner. He never went out to restaurants to my knowledge. Never saw him drink anything but Sprite or beer.

The weirdest part was, the guy was pretty well-adjusted otherwise and seemed normal. But seriously. All he ate were "nachos"

>> No.4637332


Also, I knew another guy who's diet was primarily hot dog, no bun, covered in ketchup and shredded parmesean cheese.

He'd eat normal food at restaurants but when he was home that's pretty much all the guy ate. His fridge was literally 90% hot dogs and shredded wal-mart brand parm.

>> No.4637338

Child alert

>> No.4637442

that's a lot like my roommate, 3 years now we've lived together, I hardly see him eat anything but raisins, juice, candy, bagels and microwave dinners. My girlfriend is a great cook and has been staying with us for a few months now, she makes dinner and offers him some one time. We were having some pork stir fry with vegetables, he only ate the rice.

He's a nice guy, but damn he has an awful diet. I once saw him eat a jelly sandwich.

>> No.4637526

by jelly you mean what brits call jam, right?

What's wrong with that?

>> No.4637536
File: 9 KB, 213x300, SMUCKERS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean that motherfucker squirted a quarter bottle of this shit on a hamburger bun and ate it.

>> No.4637563

>I am a flamboyant queer / sassy black woman.
>I can do what I want to do and ain't nobody gonna stop me.
This is a sub about cooking, here you can expect people to question your pickyness.
>Troll bait anyway 5/10

>> No.4637610


You sound like a pretentious person who absolutely no one likes. I pity that you're this insecure, and that your life is so pathetic.

>> No.4637628

You sound like a sheltered uncultured person who absolutely no one likes. I pity that you're this ignorant, and that your life is so pathetic.

>> No.4637631

>comes on food forum
>gets feelings hurt when people expect him to be at least somewhat cultured

>> No.4637637


>> No.4637643
File: 88 KB, 768x1024, 1345179838918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't you dare talk shit on the blooming onion

>> No.4637685
File: 54 KB, 649x503, pancake cunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't talk shit on the what now?

>> No.4637697

Sold a $44 n.y. strip steak last night
Well done with a side of ketchup
I had to ask the chef to repeat himself when he fired the ticket out of sheer disbelief

>> No.4637698
File: 46 KB, 451x392, tumblr_l9qogwRLac1qzzud0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"authentic mexican"

>> No.4637700


>go to restaurant
>look at children's menu
>"Can be ordered for children up to 14 years old"

Why are they doing this to me.

>> No.4637717


Know what's funny? You can always immediately recognise Tumblr gifs without looking at the filename.
Low framerate, yellow or blue filter, yellow subtitles, Sherlock Holmes or Dr. Who. If you can tick at least two of them off, you got a Tumblr gif.
And they all suck.

>> No.4637719

Sheltered uncultured people will always have people like them. Thick people prefer to be around other thick people.

>> No.4637722



What's that.

>> No.4637726


>> No.4637735


It's short for "guacala" meaning disgusting. White people trying to be down with the beaners hear wetbacks say it every time they walk past the dirty shitty "hole in the wall" that the whites think is legit because it's dirty and they read on tumblr that dirty = authentic = good. Eventually the owners of such establishments caught on and put "guac" signs in the window to attract gullible whites who want to brag on the internet that they're too cultured for Chipotle.

>> No.4637760

My god now I want Chipotle but it's 2 hours away!

>> No.4637821


my name is Jim, I've never gone out for a meal with friends for my birthday!

>> No.4637861

My dad is like this and it's infuriating.
>only eats (in terms of main proteins) chicken, beef, and fish
Within that:
>only like chicken about three ways
>only likes burgers or steak
>only likes salmon
>when ordering pizza, we can only get extra cheese because he won't eat anything else

Mom's an enabler, so growing up that's all I ever had.

...I wrote this hours ago, never posted it, have finally come back to the computer and forgot the rest of my point.

>> No.4637867

you sad little person

>> No.4637881

OP here, point 2. here is what I was trying to convey.

You know how even a fancy seafood restaurant will have a token burger somewhere on the menu to appease the one guy that bursts into flames at the thought of seafood? If you're that one guy, and you order the burger, you're opinion does not matter when judging the quality of the restaurant.

Sorry for being a faggot guys

>> No.4637909

I have an uncle who is from Galicia, Spain and is an excellent cook.

He has been driven to fits of rage by his three sons who, even in their late teens, will not eat seafood and what little they do eat, they drench in ketchup.

It's kind of funny but I feel sorry for him

>> No.4637922
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I don't get it, why do you give a shit about what people order?

I mean, I understand that some of you are probably autistic and get angry over different tastes, or just really have gotten into the pretentious and easy art of cooking, but why do you care? Obviously they aren't going to eat things they think tastes like shit just because they have a friend who's a massive asspie over food they probably aren't paying for. Not to mention most of the shit picky eaters eat costs a lot less than a raw steak smothered in some shitty sauce.


I've gone to resteraunts and had my bill offered to by paid for and have gotten free food. You're either a kike, spic, or a nigger.

>> No.4637974

nigga's got a french flag painted on his window

>> No.4638023
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What kind of fucking autist takes his young rape victim to a restaurant?

>> No.4638028


>> No.4638031


I thought it was an Irish flag

>> No.4638036

I'm surprised niggers wouldn't want raw meat, seeing as fire is unheard of in Africa.

>> No.4638089
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Have fun with that.

>> No.4638245

I just wanted to add another reply

>> No.4638251

>Your mind strains, searching for an answer in a world of sweer potato and french fried
I thought it started faggy but this made me lol

>> No.4638256

Call them out

People like you might think it snobby, but a restaurant has a variety of dishes, and coming from a no taste family and having someone order for me before because I didn't know half the menu, it's a nice gesture for someone to encourage new food.

It's not as if anyone is going to slap someone for ordering chicken nuggets

>> No.4638264

Sounds like a winner

You can feed her the cardboard boxes from your Amazon purchases

>> No.4638292
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>doesn't like indian
B-but that's the only good vegetarian.

>> No.4638306

>>"Anon, I didn't like the food at this restaurant"

Tough titty said the kitty

>> No.4638321

What the fuck does that have to do with ordering food?
He is being kind of an idiot, since there is no reason NOT to try something new out and see if there's food he maybe likes even more, but if he has a familiar food he likes to eat when he wants to just feel comfortable and escape a little but, what's the problem?

>> No.4638325

People seem to be acting like it's a problem that you order the chicken nugger because they personally don't like it and other people will judge them and you for being childish if they order it, but the real problem is if you don't try out new food you'll never know if there's maybe something new that you love even better than the chicken nugger.

Just try out something new, and remember, this is advice, no one is ordering you around, just do what makes you happy.

>> No.4638484
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>Mexican restaurant
>"I'll have the Burger"
>"Anon, that place was shit"

>> No.4638488

Urban Canada includes Toronto so it automatically sucks.
Social Justice Warriors: The city

>> No.4638489

>famous local hamburger dive
>"I'll have the side salad, no meat. And ranch.

>"anon, that wasn't a very good restaurant.

>> No.4638494

Why do these East/West coast fuckwads have such a massive, throbbing superiority complex?
Are you fucking kidding? Get over yourself.

>> No.4638497

It means guacamole you pretentious shitskin.

>> No.4638505
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>mother always wants to go to mexican restaurants
>always orders shit we could have gotten at anywhere but a mexican restaurant
>"That meal was awful I just really don't like mexican food."

>> No.4638518

>have little sister
>go out to eat with the family
>is 20 years old but still gets shit like hamburgers and french fries or chicken tenders
>the food here is so plain, anon. I don't want to eat here any more

now I can't eat delicious indian because my bitch sister didn't get the curry

fuck this gay earth

>> No.4638545

I live in the middle of the Albertan prairies - and not in Calgary - and one of the more recent delicious things i've had to eat at a restaurant was coconut crusted chicken with curry sauce, with risotto and veggies. For the record.

Also, sometimes I love going to Earls and getting chicken tenders with plum sauce. And they are so far above the crap that comes out of a box, it's absolutely worth it.

>> No.4638577
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>> No.4638588


>implying mexicans aren't found everywhere in north america

>> No.4638590
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this fucking game
But really, blooming onions are great onions

>> No.4638627

>go to Mexican restaurant with family
>ask for the guacamole and sour cream separate
>get it slathered on top of the "salad"

One job Mexico. One job.

>16 year old brother orders chicken tenders and fries
>complains about being hungry not ten minutes after getting in the car

Well you faggot you shouldn't have ordered off the kid's menu.

>> No.4638629

>living in Canada

I feel so sorry for you, friend.

>> No.4638656


it's like america but with none of the downsides. Seriously I never visit america because your food laws scare me and I'd have to drive through detroit.

>> No.4638775
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>> No.4638779


Obama runs your country, im not even /pol/ but that is scary as fuck.

Based Harper, future based Trudeau because of american liberal shit.

>> No.4638879

Thats some good cuil theory pasta right there.

>> No.4638883

Get out of here, tumblr post

>> No.4638905

Jesus Christ guys, it's Italian.

>> No.4638919

Why does it have to be off the kids menu?
Is a restaurant not allowed to make good chicken fingers?
Do they always have to be frozen prepackaged shit?

>> No.4639000

I've never had a good frozen chicken finger in my life.

>> No.4639002

It's much better than the faggot that orders a grilled chicken sandwich.

If you've ever ordered a grilled chicken sandwich you're twenty times fucking worse.

>> No.4639004
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What about chicken fingers on the appetizer menu?

>> No.4639013

>in Australia it is legal to buy a child alcohol with his meal

>> No.4639070

That law's intended to let your 17 year old have half a glass of wine with dinner, not to get your 4 year old roaring drunk.

>> No.4639188
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I dunno man, if you really go around and get some chicken tenders everywhere, There are some really good chicken tenders out there.

Source: I god damn love chicken tenders and fires

>> No.4639193


>> No.4639216


>> No.4639278

>not to get your 4 year old roaring drunk
But then how will they sleep

>> No.4639291

A little whiskey puts the little fuckers out every time.

>> No.4639428



>> No.4640115

In all seriousness, what's the point of a children's menu to begin with? At home you don't do separate meals for your children, you just give them a smaller portion of what you're eating. Why is it different when you go to a restaurant?

>> No.4640181

but Del taco has one of the best fast food cheeseburgers in existence

>> No.4640192

Any easy way out for parents who don't want to have to put actual work into making sure their kids grow up with a healthy and varied diet and palette. Whats the point in wrestling Jr. into eating steamed broccoli and herb roasted chicken when we can just order him a plate of chicken nuggets and ketchup slathered french fries? He'll definitely eat that and we don't have to do any parenting during our meal.

And we wonder why kids are fat little shits that live off of nuggets, fries, burgers and Pepsi. If parents put effort into introducing delicious and wholesome foods into their diet a young age I'm certain they'd grow up eating them.

>> No.4640204

I wonder why people don't really know about the awesomeness of the Bacon Double Del.

>> No.4640205

I think you over-estimate the mental fortitude of most modern parents. They probably serve their kids chicken nuggets at home, too.

>> No.4640383

Calm down dude.
Have you considered paying for your own dinner when you want Indian food?

>> No.4642691

Me again. Mom decided to make fish tacos tonight. Bought some avocados (sadly she's allergic so I actually made the guacamole via her instructions) for guac, Dad's comment was "Where's the mayo?" as if any guacamole ever in the history of the avocado has had mayo in it.

>> No.4642781

My uncle and his gf, when they stayed with my mom and me, used to deep fry chicken nuggets and fries 2-3 times a day, every day for their 3 and 6 year old kids. That's almost the only thing those kids would ever eat as they were that picky. Just nuggets, fries, and ketchup. It's like they gave no fucks for their health or development at all.

>> No.4642803

I wish I could have some of your mom's fish tacos.

>> No.4642809

>they were that picky
Well, they didn't get that way on their own. They're fucking kids. Did they go to the store when they were six months old, buy chicken nuggers, and cook them up? Then decide they'd never eat anything else? Fucking parents, how do they work...

>> No.4642849

People who can't raise children shouldn't get them in the first place

>> No.4643081


>> No.4643090

Holy fucking shit

>> No.4643126

>eating at a place with kid's menu
>wanting anything classy

Oh wow.

>> No.4643880

what the fuck?
I'm argentinian and a KG of meat is cheaper than a box of ravioli.