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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4602778 No.4602778 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/, I've come to you with a problem.

I have pretty much all the meat off of a 6 month, 300(?) pound calf sitting in my freezer

What do?

>> No.4602779

Ask yourself where your life went wrong.

>> No.4602781

buy some charcoals

>> No.4602785

And then what? Roast it?

I have so much fucking meat how do I even handle this

>> No.4602787

I don't think you have a calf, enjoy your cannibalism.

>> No.4602792
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You're absolutely right

>> No.4602794

You could trade it to farmer buddies for fresh produce.

>> No.4602805

I'm already pretty well connected with farmers, that's how I got this entire damned calf so I don't need to trade anything to get good produce since 9 times out of 10 i'll get it for free anyway

I'd really like to figure out how to eat this though.

>> No.4602808

Just wondering - I don't have solid advice in mind, but clearing this up might help - is it a whole carcass, or has it been butchered? If so, do you have the bones, organs, and so on?

>> No.4602818

Butchered. The organs were weird, from what my friend told me, so they tossed those and kept the meat that was good. I MAY have the bones though, I didn't open the packages they wrapped for me, but they usually do tend to leave the meat on the bones.

>> No.4602824
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>the organs were weird

You threw out perfectly good calf liver because it was "weird"?

>> No.4602827

Not me, the people who butchered them. I didn't ask what was up with the organs, I just accepted the meat they had.

>> No.4603068


>> No.4603096

What if not everyone likes liver?

>> No.4603127

OP Update:

I asked what was wrong with the organs. The calf had some kind of thing wrong with the organs, they didn't know what was up but everything looked strange and they didn't want to chance it. They think that's why its heath was suffering so poorly before they decide to butcher it.

They say the meat's still good and I trust them, since they've been a family friend for years.

>> No.4603153

start jerkin your meat