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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 22 KB, 600x421, fat-guy-eating-grapes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4578628 No.4578628 [Reply] [Original]

So what is /ck/s opinion on obesity being a disease?

Are you fat? If so do you consider it a disease?

>> No.4578634

I'm not fat but my dad has been since I can remember
6'4 450lbs

its just eating too much crap and not moving enough

anyone who says its a disease is lazy and wrong

>> No.4578636

It isn't a physiological disease, it's a mental illness/eating disorder, though.

>> No.4578637
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Anyone read this? Does it seem legit to you?

>> No.4578641

That book would be correct if it was just called "Carb Belly". Simple carbohydrates do make you fatter since they're broken down almost immediately into sugar unlike proteins and starches which break down through the day. You cannot feel full on carbs because they're broken down in the mouth - protein and starches fill you up so you know when to stop eating them.

If people didn't eat a lot of chips, bread, rice, etc., obesity would be less prominent.

>> No.4578643

Fa/tg/uy here. I don't consider it a disease. Laziness for the most part. I'm sure there are people where genetics plays a part against them (looking at the fat fruit in my family tree, I may be one of them), but I still believe anybody *can* get fit, if they apply themselves.

That said, I don't. Yolo, or whatever.

>> No.4578644

I'm obese. It's not a disease. I just don't care. I eat McDonald's and frozen Pizza almost every day. And I never move away from the computer other than to go eat/buy groceries or to take a shit.

>> No.4578647

It's another nanny state excuse to tax people.

>> No.4578665

Obesity is not itself a disease, but it compromises your body and internal organs in such a profound way that it the effects will likely kill you, just as being extremely underweight will also do

You die from complications related to obesity, but not from obesity itself

>> No.4578667


pretty much this. as a former fatty, binge eater, videogame and drug addict and now underweight guy I know a thing or two about addictions

>> No.4578668


Those 'complications' are also called symptoms you fucking idiot, caused by an illness (in this case a psychological illness in the form of abnormal eating habits)

>> No.4578680

I am fat. 5'11 300lbs though I don't necessarily look fat. I'm just really fucking dense (ib4 retard) like seriously I accidentally crush items just by resting my arm too quickly. I literally get 0 exercise and used to be a lot heavier but in the past 2 or so years I've been eating somewhat healthy (I do drink beer almost every other night) because I am broke and depressed.

>> No.4578681


Trust me, you look fat.

>> No.4578707
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It's a lifestyle

>> No.4578714

>5'11 300lbs though I don't necessarily look fat.

Not a chance. You look fat as fuck, everyone but you knows it. Good on you for losing some weight though, keep it up.

>> No.4578716

Dinner and lunch need to be switched actually.

>> No.4578722 [DELETED] 

If fat people start getting healthcare just for being fat, I'm going to stop paying taxes and dare the feds to come get me; fuck that shit. It's bad enough that I have to subsidize shaniqua's brood of fatherless little shits all the way from birth until they go to prison for life at age 17, pay farmers to NOT grow crops and also pay for illegal wars that I don't want fought in the first place, but I draw the line at subsidizing scooters for people whose only disease is not having enough goddamn self-control to put down the fork.

>> No.4578730

>I am fat. 5'11 300lbs though I don't necessarily look fat.
I think I know what you mean, but by certain standards you *do* look fat afraid to say.

I'm a might taller than you and weigh less (about 40lbs) and I look somewhat fat to some people.

>> No.4578735

being obese = eating too much and moving too little and that's it. fuck it being a disease. americans are just lazy. i hate this country.

>> No.4578742

Westerners. Its a "growing" problem in most relevant countries.

>> No.4578753


im literally half your weight same height and i feel fat

>> No.4578761
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>diabetes is a symptom
>heart disease is a symptom

I mean, I know you're trolling but you still got me.

>> No.4578767
File: 192 KB, 318x246, 1370580033019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like those asians right, heard they're obese and junk

>> No.4578771


welp, you didnt fall for it

nice alakzam image, too. I love that guy.

>> No.4578779

There are fat asians, don't be retarded. And anybody poor enough to be eating mostly rice in asia is also working their ass off to keep their family sustained, so they're burning off the calories instead of just lying around doing nothing.

>> No.4579274

Why can nobody admit this on TV?

>> No.4579281

I'm like 160lbs at 6'1 and I'm still like jello. it's really weird. I kinda feel "fat".

Oh god. Am I a woman?

>> No.4579295

Manorexia is a thing, bro.

You sound like you just need to eat better and work out. Tone your shit, etc.

>> No.4579298

Fatass here. I hover around 220-230.
Eat lots of taco salad, drink lots of tea and soda.
Addicted to chinese food.
...but no, its not a disease. I just love eating.

You eat a lot = you get fat.
Cause and effect.
No disease. No excuses. No blaming it on your financial situation or where you live or any other bullshit.
I'm poor as fuck, but I could still eat heathy 'if I wanted to'. I just 'choose' not too because .... fuck it. I love taco salad.

>> No.4579302

I'm laughing at you with a mouthful of food right now.

>> No.4579303

Carbs don't make you fat. Fat makes you fat. Our bodies aren't good at processing sugars into fat. Durianrider only eats fruit and he's got less than 4% body fat.

>> No.4579315


As a former fat guy, its not a disease, but it very well could be a mental health issue. The hardest part about getting thin was the near constant cravings to eat, and eat bad foods.

It was almost torturous the first few weeks. There's a feel you get where you aren't actually hungry (you could have just eaten!) but you feel like you should be hungry, and so you want to eat.

Add on top of that the constant desire for fatty/calorie dense foods like ice cream, or pizza, or fried foods. It's really bad.

Even these days, I have to prevent myself from going out and binging on 4 or 5 McDonalds hamburgers or something along those lines. But it's always there in the back of my mine.

>> No.4579318


It's not carbs or fat or anything. It's fucking volume.

You can argue that carbs mean you get hungry faster or whatever, but that doesn't matter for shit. Being hungry is okay if you've already had all the calories you need for the day.

It's all a matter of will power and knowing when you've had enough for the day. Eat whatever you want, but eat reasonable amounts.

>> No.4579331

Yeah I'm starting to do that right now. Running and lifting.

>> No.4579372

Well, you have to account for the fact that people are fat for different reasons. Some people are just pigs and eat too much. Some people really do have a metabolic problem. Some people have hypothyroidism, which causes severe weight gain. Some people are on medications which cause severe weight gain, like Prednisone.
I'll use myself as an example, since it's the best I know. Three years ago, I was swimming a mile a day (36 laps) and was in the best shape of my life. Then, my back was injured in a car crash. I was basically immobile for about 6 months, and then could only do basic movements like walking, sitting, lying down for another 6 months or so. I gained a shit ton of weight from that. I got anxiety from that weight gain, and my doctor put me on beta blockers. Well, I didn't know that beta blockers could cause asthma. I suddenly developed severe asthma, which took another 6 months and multiple treatments with prednisone and several hospital stays to get it under control. I gained a metric fuckton of weight during that. I couldn't exercise at all, because I couldn't fucking breathe. I was on 4 breathing treatments a day, plus predinisone, plus I still had severe back pain. By the time that was all said and done, I was considered obese. Now, I'm back swimming again, and I know I can eventually get back to my former health, but it's a LONG HARD road. Weight goes on a lot easier than it comes off. (And, I still have chronic back pain. Fuck my life.) My point is, just by looking, you never know why people are so fat. There's all kinds of problems out there.

>> No.4579384


Getting injured is no excuse for getting fat. You got fat because you didn't adjust your diet for the fact that you couldn't exercise anymore and continued eating as though you were actively working out.

>> No.4579390

Fuck you. Seriously. It wasn't just being injured. Can you even fucking read. I know you're going to sit and argue with me, because you're looking for that sort of thing, obviously, but I don't fucking care about your ignorant opinions, shitstain. So you can fuck right off.

>> No.4579396


>I'll use myself as an example, since it's the best I know. Three years ago, I was swimming a mile a day (36 laps) and was in the best shape of my life. Then, my back was injured in a car crash. I was basically immobile for about 6 months, and then could only do basic movements like walking, sitting, lying down for another 6 months or so. I gained a shit ton of weight from that.

Yeah, I read, you ate too much and didn't move because you couldn't. You should have eaten less while you were injured.

>> No.4579398

I'm 5'6 and 142 pounds.

I'm not "fat" but I'm getting there.

>> No.4579400

So, you only read a select part of the post. You're an idiot.

>> No.4579409


Oh? You mean how you're being fat caused you to do a bunch of things that caused you to get even fatter?

Your initial fuck up was your own damn fault, everything else was just bonus padding.

>> No.4579415
File: 84 KB, 500x368, 44321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh GOD, how can someone be this ridiculously STUPID. You're not even worth responding to.
0/10 try harder.

>> No.4579424


Once again, you stupid fuck, you don't NEED to exercise to stay thin. You just need to not eat like a person who is actively exercising. Everything you posted in your rambling list of excuses of why you were a fat ass is about why you weren't exercising.

You were consuming more than you could burn. End of story. You are fat because you made poor dietary decisions based on the amount of calories you burn in a day. But keep making excuses for yourself.

>> No.4579425

like homosexuality, anyone can say no to sucking man dick and getting fucked up the ass

>> No.4579436

I guess you've never taken medications where weight gain is one of the primary side effects, you fucking cumdumpster. THERE'S MORE TO WEIGHT GAIN THAN DIET.
God, I'm so sick of ignorant people who can't think outside their own retarded though loops.

>> No.4579438

bloomberg and hillary and their henchmen and cronies need excuses to tax people and trample on the consitution, this just one more way. Some of you people are too stupid to understand that.

What bloomberg should do is tax is turkey neck. And hillary tax herself for screeching like a socialist banshee.

>> No.4579442

When did I EVER say I made poor dietary decisions? I never even mentioned my diet because it WASN'T a factor in my weight gain. It's not like this was my first rodeo with fitness and health, dumbass. I've played more sports and been more fit over the years than you could ever hope to. That why I posted that. It was BEYOND the scope of self-cpntrol.

>> No.4579444

Nobody's perfect and no American's need some faggot government from here or some UN homos telling us how to live our lives.

Our folk didn't fight wars to have some faggots from the UN telling us what to do.

>> No.4579447


Bullshit, I know this may surprise you, but you don't just magically start gaining weight from no where. You gain weight because the meds fuck with your metabolism.

People aren't plants, your body can't just start photosynthesizing and start producing calories out of thin air.

Cut the calories, take vitamin supplements, no weight gain.

>> No.4579454

Who cares? Live your own life, I'll live mine. Get the pont yet? You don't tell me what to do and I wont tell you what to do, this is 4chan ya know.

>> No.4579458

you are like 1% of the people who are fat
the rest are just lazy fucks

>> No.4579465
File: 178 KB, 1349x1012, brawndo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bu bu but Brawndo has electrolytes, it's got what plants crave!

>> No.4579473

>You gain weight because the meds fuck with your metabolism.
Exactly. My. Point.
You can only cut calories so far before you're starving yourself. Starving yourself, losing muscle, AND gaining weight.
I seriously hope no one has to learn what it's really like the hard way, but fuck you, maybe someday you'll find out how this shit happens.

>> No.4579482


Are you really that fucking dense? If your body is storing the calories, its not burning them. You starve because your body wants to burn more calories but doesn't have access to them.

If you are gaining weight, you are not starving because your body is putting away those calories since it doesn't need access to them. If it were using those calories, you wouldn't be gaining the weight.

>> No.4579513


Fat here... not a disease and its not a mental disorder. Its a choice... I know exactly how I got fat and I know exactly how I'm losing weight right now. Fucking despise that they are labeling it a disease... as if Fat people don't get enough flack from the masses, notch up another hatred checkmark for fatties.

Also, don't give me this its genetics bullshit... I've seen tribal communities with 100s of people and not a ONE of them is fat or even close to fat... its eating the wrong food and too much of it.

Anything or anyone that says otherwise is trying to make money off of fatties.

captcha: famine hehe

>> No.4579530

I was fat.
I went from 290lbs to 170lbs.

It sure as hell was a disease, but it is everyones own fault.

>> No.4579533

Fat people SHOULD get flack.

>> No.4579537

How come it's so wrong to be fat but it's A OK to be a cock sucking sausage smuggling homosexual?

I'm a little fat myself but where does this end, we might as well become clones as dictated by the UN or some bizarroworld government freakazoids. They always spread away and cower like rats when the spotlight's turned on them.

>> No.4579545

Why? Why do you personally care? Did some fat dude fuck you up the ass or something?

Fucking douchebag.

>> No.4579546

Because homos don't drive up health insurance rates or take up 3 seats in any mode of transportation

>> No.4579548

Sure they do, they got the full blown AIDS and other assorted STDs.

>> No.4579567

They're a burden on society.

>> No.4579568

You could of course also choose, this is the plot, to not use that insurance company. Or are you some socialist homosexual? Nobody's forcing you use a specific company, if you don't like their policys tell them to piss off and pick another. Nobody is forcefeeding you some made in commie land soviet cabbage rolls.

>> No.4579580

Ever tried meth? No? Fuck your made up addictions. I sucked dick for meth, and on it's own. I like to suck dicks.

>> No.4579583

No, they're not. It's all mathetmatically to guarantee a profit, and then reinsurance companies kick in. It's all paid for and done. It's costs nothing extra.

I could make the assertion that uptight people like you get more heart desease because instead of living your own life you want to stuff your fists up other people's butts. It's you people that actually die sooner and cause more in health costs.

I'll drink, smoke, and tend to my own life. I chill out and dollars to donuts, I'll live longer than you.

>> No.4579592

I'm fat. 6', 230. It's just laziness. I mean, I gained weight during the worst depressive episode I've ever had, but I haven't been keeping up with my diet and exercise since I got on meds.

I would be willing to be that most people get to 350+ through addictive emotional eating. You pretty much have to force feed yourself. Every person I've ever known who was super obese clearly had emotional problems. My little brother has a friend who's easily that heavy and the kid has a terrible life. He gorges on McDonald's when he's feeling down. He tries to get my brother to go with him late night, like 11 or 12PM, and my bro says he orders like 8 hamburgers. That amount of food isn't normal. It's not fun for the eater. It's like punishment or release for them.

It's the same way that you can get blackout wasted at a party every once in awhile, but there comes a point where you're abusing yourself with alcohol in order to cover something up. An activity that's potentially fun turns into a negative experience. It's all about when, why, and how often you do something.

I'm not a medical or psychological expert but that's what I think. Most people who you see riding in the scooters at Wal-Mart aren't dumb fat and happy. They're in serious emotional and mental pain and are met with contempt.

>> No.4579600

Problem is that you're going to wal mart in the first place and you don't realize that as the problem.

>> No.4579606

I don't shop at Wal-Mart, brobro. Haven't set foot in the place in over a year. Personal boycott. I'm just using that as an example of a giant building full of human despair and judgmental behavior.

>> No.4579647


They smell awful, they're a burden on society, and they take up more than their fair share of seats.

You ever sat next to a fat person on an airplane or a bus?

>> No.4579699

>get chubby
>get lazy
>eat less because too lazy to make food
>after a while stop being chubby
>everyone tells me I need to put on weight because I'm getting too thin

It's so easy to not be fat that you literally don't have to do anything. The lack of gorging yourself on shitty food will eventually lead to weight-loss

>> No.4579760

there is no ay that 5'11" at 150 pounds is in any way 'fat'

>> No.4579783

There are mental and genetic reasons for obesity, but a sedentary lifestyle is what makes the majority of us fatties fat. Obesity isn't a disease, but it is an epidemic.

>> No.4579810

It's rough to be fat but also be very active.

I talked to my doc about it and got a diet change reccomendation which has made me feel better but can't tell if there's weight loss.

I am on my feet 8-10 hours a day, eat pretty balanced healthy meals, exercise on my days off, dress well, do my makeup and hair nicely, and still get looked at like a disgusting cow and I'm not even that fat.

Shit sucks man. My doc has suggested bloodwork but I don't want to do it and discover I've got some kind of fucking hormone thing and start to use it as an excuse.

All I want is a nice body and a qt 3.14 fit boyfriend to cook carb free meals for.


>> No.4579847

I just saw this shit on my local news, and came here to post it.
Like, holy. fucking. shit. seriously.
>In what may be the first lawsuit of its kind in the country, the family of a 14-year-old Amherst girl is claiming her diabetes is linked to high fructose corn syrup.
The family is suing six manufacturers of high fructose corn syrup in U.S. District Court in Buffalo and seeking $5 million in damages.


>> No.4579935

I don't think so. Im diabetic and i'll clear you up:
You get Diabetes Type 1(Genetic Type) from an Auto-Immune Disease which is passed on to you by someone. Your immune system thinks the Insulin Producing Beta-Cells in your pankreas are evil and terminates them.

The Second Type is Diabetes Type 2.
In this Type the Beta-Cells are just not working as much or as effective as they should be.
This is the 'fatty' type. So when someone gets fat, they naturally stuff their face with more and more food, thus making the Beta-Cells working harder and harder to compensate the Carbs and Protein with Insulin, making them work overboard nonstop. You also build up an Insulin resistance, making them work even harder because the insulin isn't as effective as it used to be. There are obviously people who are assessed with Insulin Resistance, and when they get fat its even worse. Like I said, there is alot of factors going in with this Type aswell. Nikotin,No Sports all of those 'unnatural Activities/Products' can build up a resistance for Insulin in your body.

But I don't think the high carb syrup thing is the cause of this girls diabetes, thats just plain bullshit. I'd buy it if she Drank it for fun and Put tons of it on every meal everyday. If you do that with Nutella or something else it would be the same, its mostly peoples fault in Diabetes Type 2. Not everyone's, but most peopels.
But this Girl is probably fat anyway and all of the above factors play a role aswell.

Excuse my Non-Native English and Thank you, Gentlemen.

>> No.4580138

Ex fatty here...okay still technically fat...5'5 used to be 200... started getting off my ass and fasting 3 days a week...down to 150. Deaths in the family, stopped getting off my ass and ate nachos every night..oh im back to 180. cut that shit out, eating healthy again kinda fasting down to 160. It's a fucking choice. It's not an easy one though. but it's a choice.

>> No.4580152

It is a disease in the core of it.

I'm obese myself, but been going to the gym twice a week for 2 weeks now, and plan to keep going (and go more often) as time goes on. I consider what it causes a disease, and that losing weight is not as simple as people make it out to be.

I have problems mostly with portion control. I'm eating quite healthy recently, in fact. A lot of my meals are whole grain breads, steamed vegetables, chicken breast, brown rice, eggs. I usually mix the meat/veggies/rice or eggs altogether into some sort of concoction, and it's really pretty good. But where I flaw, again, is usually how much I eat.

>> No.4580160

Portion control is definitely a big deal. But it's a choice. It's a bad habit to break but the most important.

>> No.4580170
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And I agree. I could eat vegetables/chicken/brown rice with a bit of teriyaki sauce mixed in for the rest of my life and never go wanting. Shit is delicious and definitely more healthy than the shit I was eating a year or so ago. But I am just shit with portion control. I'll probably eat enough for 1.5-2 people, and still have another meal late at night (shit sleep schedule), which certainly doesn't help since I'll then nod off about 2 hours after.

Honestly, if I can start cutting down to two meals a day, one being my usual breakfast cereal (which honestly, I should change to something more healthy anyway), and a decent sized meal, I'd probably be a lot better off.

>> No.4580184

fuck off, DR, you insufferable cunt

>> No.4580186

no, eating 4-5 small portions is the better choice instead of pigging out twice a day

>> No.4580194


I only have a bowl of cereal for breakfast, ever. So I wouldn't really call that "pigging out". But all in all, I just need to find something that works, and I have heard that more of smaller meals works better than less of more.

>> No.4580275

what kind of cereal. what kind of milk?
try fasting, just like once a week.. 2 or 3 times only. You'll get to know your body. You'll learn that the hunger feeling you get isn't gonna kill you. After the fast...try eating only a little and you'll see how fast that hunger feeling goes away, you'll start learning how much your body needs to not feel hungry, which should be the goal of each meal, not trying to feel stuffed and full.

>> No.4580311

thats how ive always thought of it

>> No.4580395

well. obviously not op's pic. but careful now, we hunting wabbits certain fat is almost impossible to lose, male or female, past a certain age baring plastic surgery or liposuction. not speaking of very obese 400+ lb. persons. but even then you can regain your heath. but if you you think you are gonna look like a a person in a magazine or on tv, think again If 50+ then those underarm flaps or mannboobs or the small mid waist tire are probably not going to be gone despite your best efforts. It"s ok.. when you have to go for a surgical procedure or have to use crutches or a walker, (and you will, eventually) you will thank your self that you slimmed down now, while you could. for yourself. cause take it from me, you don't want to to the other way.

>> No.4580431

Durianrider pls go.

>> No.4580449

Japanese and Koreans eat more rice than all other people. They are the thinnest developed nations. Just the fact that they exist proves you wrong.

Are you me? I make this argument all the time.
I eat what I want, when I want.
>inb4 young guy fast metabolism
I'm soon to be 31. Nope.
>inb4 you work out a lot
I don't. In fact, other than when I was in highschool on track, swim and diving teams, I've never exercised. Ever.

I want to eat when my body tells me I have to eat. I stop eating when I feel full. I don't overeat.

>> No.4580466

Eh I guess I'm fat? 5'5 and 207 lbs. I used to be at 230lbs. though, but that still doesn't mean I'm outright healthy when it comes to serious running and whatnot, but hey, least I'm putting in the effort!

>> No.4580482

Cereal isn't really good for you, unless it's something like muesli, maybe. Most cereal has a ton of sugar, and has to have vitamins and minerals added to it, to make it have some nutrition.

I don't think you can lump all obese people together. Is the obese young child whose parents feed him or her fast food and nothing else diseased? Not really. Is the person who emotionally eats for comfort or punishment diseased? Yeah, they have some mental problems manifesting as obesity.

Limit your intake of fast food, soda, processed foods. Eat lean meats, and vegetables with every meal. Make your own bread and desserts, this way you know what's going in, and there will be less to eat because you won't want to make it every day. Eat fermented/sprouted grains when possible. Avoid soda, or consider it a dessert, and not an everyday beverage. Drink as much water as you can.

>> No.4580490

Obesity is a luxury disease.
No, I'm not fat.

>> No.4580544

The only way obesity could be considered a legitimate disease is if you're born with a thyroid problem

it's the only way obesity could be excused as a disease

>> No.4580638
File: 284 KB, 500x629, new-england-patriots-linebacker-tedy-bruschi-2008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am 6'2" and weigh 290 lbs. I hit the gym 5 days a week and can smoke your ass in cycling and swimming. I spar against college rugby players and win. And I'm fat.

The thing is if I treat my body like shit I weigh 300. If I am religious about food and exercise, after about 9 months I can level off at 280. Which by any index would be considered fat. That's less than a 10% swing in my total weight, so yeah obesity, or at least total body mass, can be completely hereditary.

But I think it was a poor decision to call "obesity" a disease. Obesity is a symptom and it can obviously be derived from a number of conditions. It IS a problem in America and now that disease is coming to mean "treatable problem" rather than "something you have no control over" then fine, call it a disease if it makes people address the issue. But fuck the BMI. That shit kills me.

>> No.4580677

I'm a fat lardass weighing around 350 pounds. Maybe more.

I don't blame any of you for it, nor do I blame the government. I just have a sedentary lifestyle and a love of food. I drink as much water as possible while cutting out fatty desserts and sugary drinks. I think my main problem is my lack of exercise. I often only get about 20 minutes of intense jogging a day, between my gardening and cooking.

It's tough when you don't use dietary supplements or drugs. The body is really resistant to change.

>> No.4580697

Obesity exists because America as it exists today exists. Our food is cheap as fuck. Our cities aren't proper cities. Just larger urban sprawls.

meanwhile everywhere else people can walk in their own neighborhood to get where they go. Food costs either the same as it does here, and they make half of what we make, or double to triple what it costs here and they make 1.5x to 2x
what we make

>> No.4580706

Cultures with a surplus of food will consume a suprlus of calories; 'obesity' is a sign of wealth, and always has been.

>> No.4580721


You have no clue what you're talking about.

>> No.4580722

yes I do. Explain how I am wrong.

>> No.4580733


No muscle tone but with a fatty layer on the body is called "skinnyfat." Basically it means you're in shape, but you're doughy and flabby like a fat person. People with no muscle often mistake themselves for not being fat

>> No.4580735


>Basically it means you're in shape

Oops, meant to say "it means you're thin in shape"

>> No.4580740

>only talks about eliminating bad drinks and deserts, not bad food in general

I'm not going to hassle you, but you know you could do better for yourself.

>> No.4580748

Broke my leg, just do upper body workouts, and don't eat as much. No weight gain.
My biggest weight problem/why I'm not ripped is because I love alcohol and getting fucked up. Takes a lot of calories in the end to get shitfaced, even when chasing shots with water

Even when I have muscle I can only get a 4 pack because that small layer of fat on the very bottom.

>> No.4580773


No offense, but being "on your feet" doesn't really mean anything in terms of burning calories. I'm also on my feet all day, but that doesn't count as exercise. And you can eat healthy balanced meals every day, but if you're taking in maintenance calories, you're still not going to lose weight.

>> No.4580795

You sound like a disgusting fat ass thats trying to justify your horrendous appearance by making ridiculous statements about skinny people having fat on their bodies. lmao.

Get a load of this shit again, people

>mistake themselves for not being fat

Fat isn't a state of mind you ultra faggot. Skinny people are skinny and fatass retards are fucking fatass retards. Like yourself.

>> No.4580816

not that guy but i totally get what he is talking about. you see a dude who is 140 wet and has man boobs and just go BLLGGHHH.

>> No.4580837


What? No, I'm pretty skinny, meaning little muscle tone but also little fat. If I started chunking out, I wouldn't gain muscle out of nowhere but I would start getting fat deposits around my stomach, chest, ass, etc. That's "skinnyfat."

You strike me as one of these skinnyfat fellows

>> No.4580876

Traditional rice-heavy diets found in Asia date back to when everyone was either a) dirt farmers, or b) pampered aristos. Aristos liked getting fat because it showed off how much they could eat, and dirt farmers couldn't get fat, because of back-breaking labour.

Now that urbanised Asia is moving away from physically intensive labour, the diet isn't particularly healthy any more - cue diabeetus, obesity, and so on.

>> No.4580880

>New Gilded Age

>> No.4580886

Im not fat, but I have a fetish. Theres some nasty bbw models that eat whole pizzas and shit, that disgusts me. You can be obese still do cardio and lift weights. I do a max of 40-60 pounds of fat, depends on proportioning.

>> No.4580907

>thinking this is a Gilded Age

OH GOD MY SIDES. The government has more power and control over the people than ever before. There are more regulations on business than ever before.

>> No.4580909

I am and I hate the term. Im changing diet and exercise thoigh. Fatties use that term for an excuse.

>> No.4580914

not the guy you are responding to, but you should probably look up what "gilded age" actually means before posting

>> No.4580917

Actually, also the guy you were responding to, >>4580880, should look up gilded age as well.

Neither of you actually know what it means. Yowza.

>> No.4580918

It's a disease, I'm fine with it being that way. It really should be so people understand what they're putting their bodies through.

Compare: smoking cigarettes greatly increases your odds of cancer. Eating a lot increases your odds of obesity. Simple contingency.

Being a disease does not make it an excuse. And I see plenty of you here confusing the two.

>> No.4580930

This fucking idiot right here. You have to adjust your diet to activity level, you didnt do that you got fat. Ohmuhfuckingdurp.

>> No.4580932
File: 40 KB, 375x500, Dave nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a disease. It's a result of a sedentary lifestyle combined with greasy food and HFCS drinks. And it's not that fast food is an inherent problem. In fact, just eating the main items on the menu (burgers, chicken sandwiches, etc.) isn't bad, it's the fries and soda.

>> No.4580948

Measure your food, use a calorie tracker like myfitnesspal.

>> No.4580952


>just eating the main items on the menu (burgers, chicken sandwiches, etc.) isn't bad, it's the fries and soda.

Everything is bad. Everything. Get your dumbass paleo shit out of here.

>> No.4580970

Are you retarded or trolling? I work in a fast paced, high volume kitchen where I am constantly moving, bending, lifting and running. That's exercise.

>> No.4580972

Let me guess, you're young and dumb. Go shove another dick in your mouth you ignorant piece of shit.

>> No.4581004

Used to obese.
Now I'm just fat.

It's not a disease. But it takes effort.

>> No.4581018

lift the weights mang

>> No.4581028

Angry clapburger detected

>> No.4581947

I'm obese because I fucking love to eat.

Although I do work out as well. Looking like one of those strongman dudes.

>> No.4581954

no you're just fat

>> No.4581962

I know I'm fat, I admitted it.

And you're stupid. Just pointing that out.