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4579128 No.4579128 [Reply] [Original]

What's some memorable airport food you've had?

I had this at the Newark Airport. Had never heard of "Gulden's" mustard before either. It was delicious!

>> No.4579131

stayed at the hotel at tampa international a few years back and ate at the revolving restaurant. great sushi.

>> No.4579139

I had gelato for the first time at an airport in north or south Carolina. It had such a distinctly smooth and light-fluffy texture, like it had been whipped a million times, and the flavor was perfect.

SInce then I have never had gelato with a texture even half as good as that one, which is thoroughly disappointing since that initial taste set a really high standard for me. I assumed all gelato was like that. I could not have been more wrong. I don't even remember which airport it was, I just stopped there to transfer planes.

>> No.4579672

Surdyk's at MSP is pretty legit

>> No.4579675

Had honey and milk gelato at IAH, it was glorious.

>> No.4579678

Changi airport (Singapore): Fucking starving after my flight from Australia....delicious delicious Ipoh Hakka Mee from some random food court stall. Realise Singapore is going to be amazing from a foodie perspective.

Put on 5kg

>> No.4579681

If you were getting off in a big city airport in NC, it was probably Pino Gelato at Charlotte Douglas. I feel you though, they set a pretty high standard.

>> No.4579687

Was it Pino Gelato? I used to fly through North Carolina about 3-4 times a year so I'm pretty familiar with the airport in Charlotte. Their gelatos are surprisingly good.

>> No.4579694
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I fucking love this candy store. Everything is so delicious, but what really got me were the pralines. It was the first time I had ever tasted a praline when I went inside. Oh my god they are so fucking good.

>> No.4579712

hahahaha guldens at newark, you're pretty deprived.
The stench of that place puts me off to eating anything there.

>> No.4579720

The Atlanta airport, I think it's Hartsfield(?) has a cool restraurant in one of the terminals, you have to go through some subway and then in and up some escalator, that's decent.

The best though, a private airport my bro took me to outside of Atlanta, they had some good cheeseburgers and a really good band, plus the windows were all open to watch the planes coming in and out. I don't know the remember the name of that airport, but that was good. Also on the way to the water closit you could check out all the planes in the hangers being fixed up, repaired, checked out.

My bro's a cool dude, if I tell him that, it'll go to his head. :-)

>> No.4579733

had a 3 hour layover in chicago once with my dad. we walked around for 20 minutes looking for a place to eat, finally found a place that looked decent and had the worst chicken sandwich i've ever experience. literally no taste, no flavor, it tasted like cardboard.

>> No.4579738

That's chicago, I had to go through that place for business once, to prove out to a New York company that this chicago company was trying to scam Philip Morris. That I did. In and out in a day, that's one
day more than I wanted to be in chicago.

>> No.4580049

How did it stand out against some mustards that you've had in the past?

>> No.4580059

I flew from JFK to LAX, had an hour layover in Juneau, AK and ate 6 dollar hotdog then flew nonstop to Narita.

I was sicker than a dog on the plane to Japan.

>> No.4580067

I once had a layover in detroit and had to take a shit, but I did not want to sit on the seat. I stood and hovered over it, but it landed on the front of the seat and then into my pants. I had to scrape it off and get my brother to get me new slacks out of my carry-on, and then just left my shit-filled pantaloons next to the toilet.

>> No.4580079
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>never heard of gulden's musterd

I don't get what you people eat. How isn't that a mainstay in everyone's home? maybe it's because i'm from new york, but holy fuck why isn't that a mainstay everywhere.

OP please if anythng make buying gulden's a regular thing, please. Eat it on your own terms. it changes the mustard world.

>> No.4580083

One time in an airport in Miami, FL I was like 10 we stopped at Cinnabon. It was the first ever time I'd gone to one and it blew my fucking mind. Otherwise we don't travel much and when we do fly we don't really eat at airports.

>> No.4580098

I broke the golden rule of traveling and ate lobster bisque from an airport once. I had the shits for 3 days straight, and then didn't shit again for a week. That was memorable...

>> No.4580144

> never heard of Gulden's mustard before
You poor bastard. Well. Now you know and that is half of something.. something delicious.

>> No.4580225

welll sure not like op's pic shit---stuff brings back to mind pre 9/11 but it never was so great. in a large metal tube wanting to get from point a to b, at the lowest possible price without compromising safety... non defending the stick it to ya add on restrictions... i don't know despite what people say and fly by wire, you need a competent cockpit crew and staff. despite what people say,, it is not like a buss where everyone can get out if you have a flat.( and not saying anything against bus drivers) you can get in deep shit quick despite the movies.

>> No.4580369

Sushi in Narita Airport in Japan.

So memorable because it was the worst fucking sushi I ever had.

>> No.4580422

This happened to me too, I was pretty disappointed.

>> No.4580680

I've never, ever, ever had good airport food in the United States.

I've eaten in Houston, Miami, O'Hare, St Louis, and Dallas

And I've never, ever, ever, ever, ever found a good restaurant in the airport.

>> No.4580689

I had a Mc Donalds salad at an airport in dallas i dont remember why i was eating a salad and not a burger i think becuase i didnt have enough money for a burger.

>> No.4580693

Welcome to Japan, enjoy your stay.

>> No.4580700
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Senor Jalapeno in San Jose's airport is fucking great.

Chick-fil-A is always delicious in any airport.

>> No.4580707
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Airport meals that weren't too terrible:

ORD - Tortas Frontera
MSP - Surdyk's
ATL - One Flew South
HKG - Pak Loh Chiu Chow
NRT - Food court soba noodles
OSL - The place probably doesn't exist anymore, but some kind of herring bar
CDG - Convenience store cheese and wine, eaten in my hotel room while chain smoking

>> No.4580742

>ORD - Tortas Frontera
Not to mention just about the highest price to food ratio I've ever experienced.

Had a pastrami on rye today from Heidi's at DEN; it was pretty good.

>> No.4580750


I'm from NYC, $10 for a sandwich seems normal to me.

>> No.4580755

I ate at Gladstone's at LAX and got a cup of clam chowder for $7 that was nothing but soup. No fucking clams. That's the "best" I've done. Fucking shit end to a stay in a shit city, Los Angeles is a D U M P.

Disneyland was the best though, I had some amazing food there.

>> No.4580759

Yeah, but go to a deli and the sandwiches are pretty big. The torta I got was _tiny_. Also I've been to Xoco downtown (same owner), but I guess there's an airport premium, etc.

>> No.4580777


Yeah and go to the old center of Puebla Mexico and you get them for the equivalent of $1.25. But when I'm transiting O'Hare, I'll gladly pay $10.

>> No.4581338

canned mushrooms? blech.